07-12-2007, 02:28 AM
That's right. I said it. Who's ever thought of developing a game? I've always wanted to. I'm sure there are enough people on ffshrine who've got programming/artistic talent to have pondered such. If you could make the most awesomest game, what would make it so focking kickass?

07-12-2007, 02:30 AM
I personally am into MMORPG's; I'd like to create a free online game (pay for extra features) that was like Star Trek TNG w/ an FFIX twist (at least when you leave the ship); you're automatically placed into a balanced crew; depending on your results on a lengthy personality survey at the start of the installation your crew position, talents, and extensive choice of dialogue are created. And you get a free personal droid. My game would be rather focking kickass. I'm interested in what you guys think would be the most awesomest free to play online game.

07-12-2007, 11:12 AM
Hey, I'm new here, just signed up today ^_^.

I've never really gotten into MMORPG's but they have always been a point of interest. I personally would like to see more of a "sandbox" MMORPG and whatever you decide to do in the game is optionable, of course putting the limits of the game into consideration. Even if it wasn't a MMORPG but an RPG in general, it would be awesome to have a highly interactive environment, more specific skill/level up system such as different kinds of strengths etc. Maybe making the simple quests in the game more interesting, I'm not really sure about that one. Maybe even being able to do things like pick up sand/dirt from the ground and throw it at your opponent to tempoarily reduce their accuracy of hitting you, but taking a few seconds to collect the dirt.

Really, most things are possible if the game developers were willing to put time into it, I quite like your idea chillnova, are such systems currently being used?

As for developing games, there are several game making tools and programs, I've used some of the RpgMaker programs, Game Maker by Mark Overmars and a little bit of Clickteams Multimedia Fusion, these programs can draw out potentual however they are somewhat limited, personally I found game maker much more flexible. The other option would be writing a game in a programing language such as C/C++ or Pascal etc, but of course they are much more time consuming and are more difficult, especially if you don't know what you are doing, as for me...I'm definately not good with that, I've had little experience with using game making programs, but I'm sure out there there will be people who would be willing to make an awesome free MMORPG, hopefully there will be more in the future.

07-12-2007, 11:32 PM
I'm currently writing up the script for the game I'm making. I have some C++ experience (self-taught and experimenting alot to see what does what). It will have references to FF characters and some of their weapons (for example, there will be two Lionheart gunblades).

Find yourself a few books regarding on how to design and create your own video game and learn how to use C++.

jewess crabcake
07-12-2007, 11:37 PM
You should try a game making forum, I mean only a handful of people here could help and making a game other than an tbrpg, with a handful of people won't work.

07-13-2007, 02:56 AM
As I said before, I already have a genre - tbRPG, a story, and the necessary systems thought up. I've even drew mock-up screens of the game on paper.

I've tried Klik 'n' Play and Hamster Republic RPG Engine, but none of them cut it. The Hamster Republic Engine is DOS-only and feeble under 9X, plus is extremely limited, and Klik 'n' Play is too limited in terms of features.

Write my own engine? Can be done. I know C# and Java. Only thing is, I don't feel like starting one now.

07-13-2007, 03:45 AM
I would probably be too lazy to make my own engine. Unless there was someone there that made me feel like I had to do this. That's how I am; I won't be able to do something on my own unless I know that it has to be done.

07-13-2007, 03:49 AM
It seems like several people are interested in game developing but at the moment no one seems to really be bothered with it, I guess all I can say would be to experiment, even if a game does not get completed surely some experience would be gained for making better games in the future. Right now I'm thinking about starting simple and creating a NES styled rpg/platformer, just a little small project, but even before I do that planning should be vital into making games such as these, it'll make everything easier down the track.

07-13-2007, 06:17 AM
It seems like several people are interested in game developing but at the moment no one seems to really be bothered with it, I guess all I can say would be to experiment, even if a game does not get completed surely some experience would be gained for making better games in the future. Right now I'm thinking about starting simple and creating a NES styled rpg/platformer, just a little small project, but even before I do that planning should be vital into making games such as these, it'll make everything easier down the track.
That's what I was thinking, making it look like an NES rpg. Unless a kind friend made an engine so my game would be in 3D. That's how I always pictured it would be, but sometimes, you have to take baby steps. After the script and everything is done, then just converting from 2D to 3D shouldn't be too difficult.

Oh yeah, I don't plan on this being online.

07-13-2007, 08:07 AM
That's what I was thinking, making it look like an NES rpg. Unless a kind friend made an engine so my game would be in 3D. That's how I always pictured it would be, but sometimes, you have to take baby steps. After the script and everything is done, then just converting from 2D to 3D shouldn't be too difficult.

Oh yeah, I don't plan on this being online.

Thats a good way to go about it, it is necessary to take baby steps if you're just starting out or if its something new to you. I was thinking about in the near future making my own original rpg series. Of course each game would improve from the last, frist just basic 2d, NES styled game, then the 2nd of the series would either improve on graphics (16-bit) or better gameplay, even both etc. Of course it'd be taking steps more slowly, but FF did start off as one of those games, and the graphics and gameplay changed as development further progressed.

If I made a series of rpg games I wouldn't start an online rpg of any sort untill I had a few solid decent rpgs already made.

07-14-2007, 01:26 AM
If I made a series of rpg games I wouldn't start an online rpg of any sort untill I had a few solid decent rpgs already made.
I actually plan on making mine into a series. I don't plan on making money out of this because it's more of a personal project to me. But the first game will focus on one of the characters (making him the main), then the next game will be a sequel to that but focus one of the other characters. And because not a lot of people like turn-based games, I'll give them an option of it being in real-time as well. Although, whenever I picture that, it's in 3-D. You can assign one of your party members to be your battle partner along with the rest. And if you're low on health, you can find a safe spot, wait for your health to recover and jump back in or you can tell your partner to heal you instead. If your partner gets low on health, they'll automatically run away and heal themselves until their health is 3/4 full.

But because I want the game to be in 3-D for that, it will just be turn-based for now until the upgrade.

07-24-2007, 07:51 PM
Sorry it took me a while to answer this thread; I thought nobody had any interest it game making!

I agree with HyperKnight32 that the best thing would be to start off with a sandbox RPG, that would be sick, or perhaps an engine. Baby steps. But check out Habbo Hotel ( if you haven't. truly inspiring. It looks good and it runs in a browser. Very clean, designed for dial-up. The Developers are quite lucrative but if a game was made in such style it wouldn't be too hard to achieve nice results with some basic C++ knowledge. The program I believe they use is Macromedia Shockwave or something, which I think is like Flash, but makes shockwave files instead... Like you see on Yeah, if the developers were willing to invest time in the interactivity it would be the FOCKING SHIT!

I think a NES styled rpg/platformer would be premiere, extremely simple. I'm thinking something nonconventional. A sort of KOTOR-esque Ship and Crew backdrop with a SNES Final Fantasy look. But yes, of course, there's that dilima with the engine... Shouldn't be to tough though, with the internet these days, a 3D upgrade would be sweeeet.

Everyone who's interested should exchange emails so we can discuss this more, maybe experiment a little. If its like IDX Rider said we could all help enhance one another's skills a bit. I've found lots of other people who, like me, basicly know shit about making online games who are teaching each other and themselves. I've got adequate knowledge in making games and cartoons in Flash with ActionScript, in using Flash as an Isometric engine. I also know a teensy bit about 3D character developement. I've played around with some exclusively rpgmaker engines. Anyone who's slightly interested or know someone who is can email me at [email protected].