07-10-2007, 08:42 PM
The rpg season starts on Aug 28th with Blue Dragon on Xbox 360. Bioshock for Xbox 360 comes out on Aug 21st and is just as huge in general but is more of a 1st person shooter and action/adventure game than it is an action rpg. Anyways, these are both huge releases which start the fall gaming season. I'm getting Blue Dragon although I'm interested in Bioshock. If Bioshock doesn't have too many hours of gameplay I could get it, otherwise I don't have time to play it. What game are you getting? :)

07-29-2007, 06:27 PM
Bioshock for sure. The game looks awesome, and I need another game for my 360. I just got mine a few weeks ago.

07-29-2007, 07:49 PM
Might purchase bioshock but considering my budget, maybe not. Probably gonna wait for the "good" stuff - Ace Combat 6 and Mass effect.

Blue Dragon is overrated. Period.

07-29-2007, 08:39 PM
Mass Effect <3

07-31-2007, 04:34 AM
I believe the rpg season and the overall fall gaming season comes out on August 14th. Two Worlds(1st person rpg) for PC and Xbox 360 is released, but you got Heroes of Mana(Real time strategy rpg for DS) and Shin Megamei Tensei: Persona 3(PS 2 rpg) and a less important rpg also Luminous Arc(tactical rpg for DS). The overall gaming season starts also because Madden NFL 08 for multiple platforms comes out that day and Lair for PS 3 comes out that day.

I've been browsing the release schedules for the consoles, August 21st is dominated by Bioshock.

I feel more likely to play Blue Dragon because it's Mistwalkers first game and it could be the start a series of popular Blue Dragon games and it's kinda good. As far as the actual game itself, it's good but not super great. As for the game itself, Lost Odyssey looks pretty insane.

I should have changed this thread to be a battle between Two Worlds, Bioshock, Blue Dragon, and The Elder Scrolls IV: Game of the Year Edition. Those are the big early fall rpg season releases, although The Elder Scrolls IV: Gotye is just a package of Oblivion, Knights of the Nine, and The Shivering Isles. The Elder Scrolls IV: Gotye is still gonna be important and sell enough to be included in the poll. So my answer to the new poll is Blue Dragon by the way, and to the older poll also.

Quick question:
Which game will sell more, Bioshock or Mass Effect? :)

08-19-2007, 06:03 AM
Bumping this up since we're close to the release date. I'll rent both but probably won't buy or beat either. I'm playing FF XII right now and will also beat Alundra 1, Lost Odyssey, and Mass Effect this fall. What is your vote? :)

Valerie Valens
08-21-2007, 06:24 PM
If I had the choice, then Bioshock fo 'sho!

08-22-2007, 04:23 AM
If I like the demo I will probably get the PC version of Bioshock.

Can't stand shooters, or most first person games, on consoles.

08-22-2007, 04:29 AM
Since I have a lot of trouble getting into Computer RPGs and don't have a computer powerful enough to handle Bio-Shock I seriously doubt I'll be playing it in the foreseeable future. That being said, I don't own a 360 either (although that would probably cost less then upgrading my PC) and haven't been particularly impressed with what I've seen of Blue Dragon.

I'll probably go with Blue Dragon, simply because if I do decide to buy a 360 later this year I will inevitably pick that game up with it.

08-22-2007, 06:10 AM
Just finished the demo; it was very short. Performance was quite good on my Opteron and 8800GTS 320.

From what I played the game is pretty good. However, I do have some complaints:

FOV is rather narrow even for 4:3, or maybe just seemed that way.
Not much granularity with mouse sensitivity control; 3 was a bit more sensitive than I liked, but 2 was no where near sensitive enough.
No AA support. This is pretty much a deal breaker as I really don't like jaggies.
FRAPS video recording is stopped after each load screen and must be manually restarted.

silver rose
08-25-2007, 12:23 PM
I'll definately buy Bioshock.

08-26-2007, 02:05 AM
I'm upset! I want to play this game! I already mailed back Persona 3 and they should have gotten it by now. The website says that I still have it. I'm waiting for them to send me Bioshock! I'm talking about my gamerang.com online rental by mail service.

I shock you! Biologically that is. :)

Trance Moogle
09-13-2007, 05:13 PM
I'm not going to get either of those games but my brother looked interested in Blue Dragon. He probably wants to get it.

09-13-2007, 06:24 PM
I'm getting my Xbox 360 Elite today and I was planning on buying two games with it. My first choices were Dead of Alive 4 and Gears of War. But then I saw the preview of Bioshock on TV yesterday and can't decide if I should drop one of the games to get Bioshock. It looks interesting and stuff, but I would like to know from experience if the game is cool/fun. And I haven't heard of Blue Dragon so you can enlighten me on that game as well because I too like RPGs :).

09-13-2007, 08:47 PM
Gears of War is very popular, if you like that genre you should get it, and Bioshock. I don't know how good Dead or Alive 4 is. Go to metacritic.com/games and gamerankings.com and type in the names of the games for critical/user reviews.

Blue Dragon is a traditional japanese console rpg, kinda like Dragon quest or Final fantasy. The leader for years of FF, Hironobu Sakaguchi, left Square Enix a few years back to form a new company, Mistwalker. He took Nobuo Uematsu, the FF composer, with him. Mistwalker makes rpg's on Xbox 360(although one is coming to DS) and is published by Microsoft.

Blue Dragon is their first game, and the third main guy working on it is Akira Toriyama, who did character design for Dragon ball z, Chrono trigger, and Dragon Quest. This game is very popular in Japan.

The reviews are good for this game but there are a few signifigant flaws. One is that people don't like the character design as much and also that they think the game is poorly paced sometimes, plus there was a third main flaw I can't remember.

Check out my thread "My thoughts on Blue Dragon" which explains my short review. I don't really like any aspect of the game too much: story, characters, battle system, graphics, sound, controls. Also, the game is for a younger audience than my preference. Mistwalker's next game Lost Odyssey, should appeal to a closer audience to Final Fantasy.