07-09-2007, 03:42 PM
I have a bunch of TV Show requests but I'm not sure if this is the place to ask...

First off, if anyone has the music for the Wii Commercials, I'd like that.

Aside from that, the TV Shows I am requesting (they're a bit... well, not "normal", if you wil but here I go anyway):
- Totally Spies : I need the ending theme that plays during the 3rd and 4th Seasons, done WITHOUT the interviews at the end. There are a couple episodes where there aren't any interviews like the credit roll/end of Evil Promotion Much, Parts 1-3 and Totally Busted, Parts 1-3.
- What's With Andy : I'm looking for the new season's ending theme, not Season 2, the latest one
- Kid Paddle : I'm looking for the beginning/ending theme (they're basically the same)
- CyberSix : beginning theme
- Amazing Adrenalini Brothers : ending theme
- Flight 29 Down : beginning and ending theme (I'm really looking/hoping for this one)
- Falcon Beach : ending theme

Can anyone fill these requests? I doubt it but it's worth pitching it out there anyway.