Shadow Moses
07-06-2007, 03:55 PM
Hello, I'm Shadow Moses and this is my first post on this site, ever. lol

[I'm looking for a "Project: Horned Owl" soundtrack/rip, and am hoping someone here may be able to find it and post it for me.]

I used to have the Japanese import version of it, but never played the North American release when it got here. I did like the ending credits music, and I'm very much into anything that nostalgic from my past. :)
I haven't posted/contributed much in game/anime music here yet, only because I still fear getting caught "distributing" music and other media online. Also, I have very little experience with stuff like MegaUpload, etc.
However, I DO have a very huge wealth of music in my collection. I collect music, not just from what we'd hear on a radio, from different eras and genres, but I have a lot of rare music from games and anime from the good ol' days. ^_^
I've been playing video games since the late 70's, and used to have a Commodore VIC-20 and a Commodore 64, so I think I know my old school gaming.
I'll be taking small requests to start, and at some point, will post a list of music in my collection. it may be a while, considering I work a full-time job and that it would take a few months to compile such a list, sorting/filtering out the non-game/anime/movie music.
Anyway, that's all for now.
Thanks to Sarah for a great website and resource. I found a lot of music here and on GH that I never thought I'd ever find anywhere, online.

[Oh, I am also looking for music from an old PS1 game called "Virtual Pool". There's one song in particular, "She's Gonna Break You". It's funny, but catchy. lol]

--Shadow Moses