07-06-2007, 01:28 AM
Ok, i know this is going to seem like a really odd question, but, I was wondering if Aerith's theme song was ever done in a previous FF to #7, somewhere around 1-6. The reason that I ask this is because I recently picked up a game for the DS that lets you input your own music into the game as long as you have the music sheet. I found this website while looking for the chocobo song to put in, and Aerith's theme, however, Aerith's is way to complicated for the game. An 8 bit version of it would be absolutely awesome for me to try and get into this game, otherwise I'm gunna have a helluva time with some of those notes.

So far, I've been able to get a moderately simplistic version of the theme song to Sailor Moon into the game, at least, the main melody, still need counter melody, background melody, and the drums section, but, I'm getting there.

So far I've gone through as much of my FF soundtrack collections to try and find the older version of Aerith's theme, i know i heard it last night as I was dozing off to sleep, but, i don't know where it is on my playlist.

If anyone knows of an older version that would be great, i'll check back in an hour or two.

Sidenote: The game for the DS is called Daigasso! Band-Brothers. Import game from Japan. If you know of the game, and have played with the edit mode, you know why this song is giving me so much problems.

Sorry for the long read.

07-06-2007, 07:03 AM
I don't think there was an older version of Aerith's Theme but there are elements of her theme in some of Uematsu's older themes (The opening of Aria de Mezzo Caratterre comes to mind)

07-06-2007, 07:41 PM
Hrm, i'll see if i can find that song, thanks much, that should help at least a bit.