07-05-2007, 08:56 AM
Here's my blonde moment for today.

Question, guys; I bought Unlimited SaGa off eBay as well as two other games, which was really stupid of me because I bought them from America and they have a different area code than I do. Anyway, this led me to remembering that I had read somewhere that the PS3 has no region code. Is this true? I've done a little research, and some sites say that it does have one, others say it doesn't, and yet others say it does have a code in some regions but not in others. Which of these comments are correct? I'll probably be getting a PS3 anyway because of FFXIII, but I wanted to get the one that didn't have a code if I did get one.

Also, if this is the case, does it apply for DVD's as well? I don't really buy DVD's over the internet anyway, but if I could I would.


07-05-2007, 09:22 AM
Well, sorry to break it to you, but, you're sorta screwed. The PS3 does adhere to region codes for PS2 and PS1 games as well as Blu-Ray and DVD movies, and region codes can be put into PS3 games if the developer so inclines (I suggest you wait until FFXIII comes out and wait until some brave soul imports it and finds out if it's region-locked or not before buying your PS3).

You could modchip your existing PS2 to play the games you just bought however, or go for some of the alternative methods for the PS2 like swap discs or HDD-Loaders. And those are way cheaper than getting a PS3 anyway.

07-05-2007, 09:47 AM
You could also import a cheap PS2, eBay would be good for that ;)

07-06-2007, 12:23 AM
Yeah, PS3 does use region codes. I have the the Japanese version of FF4 through 10 and none of them play on my PS3.

07-06-2007, 08:47 AM
You could also import a cheap PS2, eBay would be good for that
Agreed also. You could probably get a used one from someone who's willing to ship out of the US for below US$30. New ones, however, can cost US$100 or more before shipping if they come from sellers who's willing to ship overseas.

You might also need to spend extra on an NTSC-to-PAL converter and a 220v-to-110v step-down transformer. Both objects should be very cheap and attainable at your local electronics store or over eBay as well. You need the NTSC-to-PAL converter if you live in an area that uses PAL (say, most of Europe and Asia) and you don't have a NTSC-ready TV. Also, you will only need to get a step-down transformer if you live in an area that doesn't use 110v power (again, most of Europe and Asia).

Yeah, PS3 does use region codes. I have the the Japanese version of FF4 through 10 and none of them play on my PS3.
Sony lies. It happens. OK, actually, Sony didn't really lie, but they twisted words around such that it implies that they're gonna give in to the public, and only if you read carefully you'll realize that it's all a bunch of bollocks.

07-07-2007, 09:09 PM
I don't see why you would want to play Unlimited SaGa anyway *shudder*