07-02-2007, 06:28 AM
I made this thread with the intention of finding songs/soundtracks that are similar to what we already listen to. Here's how it works, I'll upload a song that I like and someone can tell me what song from another Game/Anime soundtrack sounds similar. Everyone got how this works? Try it out and let's see how this goes. OK I'll start.

What sounds similar to:

Tomb Raider Legend Soundtrack

Main Theme (

Himalaya (

Tokyo (

Basically the entire soundtrack. :laugh:

Phantasy Star Online

Can still see the light (


This is pretty much the gist of it. so can anyone tell me?

07-02-2007, 06:33 AM
Hmm, I was just thinking that maybe this thread would better fit in Anime & Video Game Music topic; can it be moved there? What do you think, is it fine here?