07-02-2007, 12:25 AM
Does anyone have the drama cds from persona 3 and are willing to upload them

08-11-2007, 09:19 PM
It's not an mp3, but this is an animation of 1 of the dramas, with translation from another site.


Commu break animation from the Persona 3 CD Drama, it's hilarious. Doesn't really spoil anything about the game.

Found it on the gamefaqs forums:

Rough Translation by opfer_gv of Gfaqs:

(phone rings)
Hero: hello?
Yukari: Hey what is this mean?
Hero: heh?
Yukari: I was talking to Fuuka in lounge and asked about sunday schedule. She told me with delight that she was going to make lunch box with you.
Hero: R.. really?
Yukari: You told me that you and me going to choose cloth this Sunday, you know, when you choose cloth you just don't ask any body else right?
Hero: heh.. well..
Yukari: Who is fooled by you then? me or Fuuka? What should I do when I see Fuuka again?
Hero: err..
Yukari: I can't understand how do you meet two girls in same dorm. What kind of person are you? I won't going to liesnt to your excuse, also not going to talk to you for a while. (call ends)
Hero: urph...

(phone rings)
Hero: hello?
Fuuka: Erm.. it's me.. Yamakishi.
Hero: Ah.. yeah..
Fuuka: Sorry about call... About lunch box make with you in Sunday.. I want to change to other day... you know.. I heard from Kirijyo senpai, she told me she was going to movie with you in this Sunday with such joy in her voice.
Hero: er..umm..
Fuuka: Don't worry... I won't tell senpai.. please enjoy it with her...
Hero: urr...
Fuuka: Please, if you can.. don't disappoint senpai like me.. bye... (call end)
Hero: er..! ...

(phone rings)
Hero:.. hello?..
Mituru: It's me, you will be EXECUTED! thats all.
Hero: w.. wait!?
Mituru: You want me to tell you? Do I have to tell you how embarrassed I am?
Hero: er.. no..
Mituru: I opened that day just for you but you made double booking, do you think this is simple as reserve train tickets?
Hero: er.. no..
Mituru: Don't get me wrong, I won't make call just to hear your excuse. This is final notice, make up some last words before it ends. Thats it, Bye! (call ends)
Hero: .....

(door knocking)
Hero: heh?!
Aigis: It's me Aigis.
(Aigis comes in)
Aigis: Right now, within dorm, there are high level of mental complications, simply put "scene of carnage (pandemonium)". Because of upcoming battle this kind of human relationship is very bad. Therefore..
(sound of loading up gun)
Hero: heh?!?
Aigis: I have to terminate the source.
(machine gun fire)
Hero: Waaagghh!!

(hero wake up in bed)
Hero: (deep breath)... dream?..
Aigis: What happen?
Hero: WHAT?? Aigis? how did you in here?
Aigis: It took me 2 minutes to open the door. Looks like you sweat a lot.
Hero: Well.. this is..
(phone rings)
Hero: Eeck?!... heheh....
(Hero become unconscious)
Aigis: Huh? he's went back to sleep.. I should watch him till morning for a while.

07-24-2008, 08:01 PM
Um can some one upload the daylight ver and drama vol 5 akihiko and shinjiro ? If you give me , i'll trade you with the 6 other drama cd 's download link.

07-24-2008, 11:53 PM
Um can some one upload the daylight ver and drama vol 5 akihiko and shinjiro ? If you give me , i'll trade you with the 6 other drama cd 's download link.

I don't have the one you want, i have only the vol. 1..
But could you share with us the links please ?

08-07-2008, 05:12 PM



Drama vol 1 http://www.shareonall.com/ainex-CDs_PERSONA3_CHARACTER_DRAMA_CD_VOL.1_w_scans320kb ps_ksce_rar.htm

Drama vol 2 http://www.shareonall.com/ainex-CDs_PERSONA3_CHARACTER_DRAMA_CD_VOL.2_w_scans320kb ps_ithk_rar.htm

Drama vol 3 http://www.shareonall.com/ainex-CDs_PERSONA3_CHARACTER_DRAMA_CD_VOL.3_w_scans320kb ps_sqkn_rar.htm

Drama vol 4 http://www.shareonall.com/ainex-CDs_PERSONA3_CHARACTER_DRAMA_CD_VOL.4_w_scans320kb ps_xpaw_rar.htm

I don't have the vol 1 cause I don't have enough money to buy it ( Still a freshman university student ). Can some one upload for me with scan ? I'll appreciate it .

Note : I like to find some friend to share all aout SMT series 'bout me . Join my forum and club at Friendster . If you have interest , mail me . I'll give ya the link.