07-01-2007, 04:34 AM
I RARELY do. If ever. In fact I carve them up pretty good:) I have Mega Man 4, 5, and 6 remasters from Atomic down to 12 songs TOTAL. (Now I have it simply titled "Mega Man Remasters"). But they are my 12 FAVORITES. So many of them in that lot are otherwise so utterly generic I just can't see wasting space on my ipod OR wasting time skipping them/listening to them... but who can deny Toad Man, Bright Man, and the few others that rock?


07-01-2007, 01:36 PM
Well, I do keep the soundtracks intact in the sense that I keep the ones I don't listen to, but I modify the ones I like. What I mean is (I've said this in another thread), I like a triple loop in my music, and I'd say the majority of songs are double loops, so I end up modifying them. I've done this with almost all Megaman music (I think 4 and 6 got the most attention) and other Capcom stuff. So I don't "carve" albums, just operate on the songs inside. :)

07-01-2007, 03:21 PM
I very rarely do, but if a track is so unbearable that I can't listen to it, I chop it out. I did this with many of the instruments at the end of one of the Star Ocean albums - so very annoying...

I've thought about doing this with battle music, because it gets on my nerves, even if I haven't played the game. :)