06-29-2007, 01:55 AM
Have you ever noticed how many times a band/singer is played on the radio playlist? Not by request, just the regular rotation.

I've been listening to a local radio station (106.7 Kroq), and I've heard a Red Hot Chili Peppers song on every other playlist, not the same songs though. Don't get me wrong, I like the Chili Peppers, I'm just being observant.

Anyways, I was just wondering what band/singer do you tend to hear frequently on your favorite station?

I'm asking to see if the playlists are any different than over here.

06-29-2007, 06:12 AM
I don't really listen to the radio at all. my mom has it on everywhere in the house though.

they play the killers way too much.

Top Cat
06-29-2007, 04:33 PM
i don't listen to the radio. at all. because i'm one of those indie elitist types, obviously (actually i just never bother with it really).

06-29-2007, 04:51 PM
Based on my tastes you probably won't believe me, but I "never" listen to the radio. The rare times I turn it on (in my mom's car since she doesn't have a cd player, WTF?!?) I always find out that MCR are coming, Pollstar has let me down again, and I have to scramble to eBay for tickets.


06-29-2007, 10:15 PM
I was also like you once were. But after listening to my 1000+ Ipod playlist like a billion times, I began to miss listening to the radio and hearing the variety of songs I like and hate.

Oh well.

07-02-2007, 08:44 PM
We have a radio station around where I live that was pretty excellent but has been kind of getting on my nerves lately. They have been playing a couple bands to death like the Arcade Fire and Fountains of Wayne and it has annoyed me to no end. So I end up just listening to the news instead.

07-02-2007, 11:10 PM
ACDC is played to DEATH here on the radio. Almost every 3rd song is one of there songs, and they only use like 9 of there songs. And im not joking at all here.

07-03-2007, 12:26 AM
I'm in the car enough where I listen to a decent bit of radio. So I do, admittedly, listen to a lot of mainstream stuff. But it varies, I've got oldies, 80's, rock, alternative, and chart stuff on my presets. Any one of those is pretty notorious for overplaying songs, but I can't really blame the stations. They have to go with what works. But yeah, the overplaying of some mainstream songs I actually enjoy irritates me, because it totally ruins the song for me, and I never want to listen to it again.

07-03-2007, 03:08 AM
ACDC is played to DEATH here on the radio. Almost every 3rd song is one of there songs, and they only use like 9 of there songs. And im not joking at all here.One of the rock stations over here plays Motley Crue all the time freakin "Shout to the Devil" and "Girls, Girls, Girls" and the rest of their hits.
One time I heard "Shout to the Devil" when I went to school, drove to work, and then went back home on the same day.

I'm in the car enough where I listen to a decent bit of radio. So I do, admittedly, listen to a lot of mainstream stuff. But it varies, I've got oldies, 80's, rock, alternative, and chart stuff on my presets. Any one of those is pretty notorious for overplaying songs, but I can't really blame the stations. They have to go with what works. But yeah, the overplaying of some mainstream songs I actually enjoy irritates me, because it totally ruins the song for me, and I never want to listen to it again.Yeah, I hate when they kill a song I actually like, that's what they're doing to Black by Pearl jam.

07-07-2007, 06:37 AM
In the DFW area, it's all about hearing the same song 100 times a day. See, around here, just one company owns about 90% of the stations and there are some days I swear that the two pop/rock stations are running the same playlist, but with a 20 minute gap.

Independent radio with good, independent artists is so hard to find. Mainstream radio will kill the few good songs they play by running them into you until you get sick.

Taylor Lee
07-10-2007, 04:45 PM
I've heard "Louder (Robert Nickson Mix)" by Jose Amnesia feat. Jennifer Rene more times than I can count!

07-11-2007, 10:43 AM
The day we graduated my friend and I were driving around and "Changes" by David Bowie played like twice that day (and it had earlier in the week too). we sang really obnoxiously to it.

Anyways I don't notice a huge amount of repetition on the station I usually listen to ( though for a while I couldn't go a week without hearing some song that was like "I want a Big Fat Daddy"...
and there are other songs they play occasionally that I recognize but eh. Good variety definitley.

fastidious percolator
07-11-2007, 05:46 PM
For a good amount of years, I was so anti-radio, probably due to overplayed songs, but since last year, I've started listening again to the usual, sometimes if I'd just want to catch up with some of the newest songs of some bands. x) 8) And Studio Brussels is rather good in the eve, lo-fi and alternative jazz. ^^

07-12-2007, 03:32 AM
When I listen to the radio I hear it on my way to work. We listen to all kinds of radio stations in the bus. I always hear that stupid song "Party like a rock, party like a rock star..." and "Take a look at my girlfriend, she's the only one I got..." and "Hey Veby" it's mostly rap I hear. XD

07-13-2007, 02:14 PM
When im in the car; i usually chuck it on the oldies stations. I grew up with my parents playing it all the time (so i know all the words and so forth) but they're usually songs that dont feature on my iPod, so its good to hear them...even if alot of the songs have been massivly overplayed for upwards of 20 years :D i dont use the radio to hear new stuff really.

07-26-2007, 03:13 PM
I used to work at my aunt's store. She had a radio and I always forgot to bring my own cds. I'd end up listening to this radio station and noticed they played the same songs once an hour. It drove me crazy and I ended up quitting. The store wasn't too successful...but she has a lot of money anyway so it doesn't matter XP

I don't really listen to the radio that much... only when I have to drive short distances like to wal mart, the mall or something.