06-28-2007, 05:58 PM
After PS3 lost exclusivity with both the GTA series and Final Fantasy XIII, I've been wondering if there are any reasons left to buy a PS3, rather than an Xbox 360? Personally I hardly ever buy console games, and if I do they are games like Final Fantasy, GTA or random game that has a shiny cover. The only reason I had to buy a PS3 rather than the Xbox was that Final Fantasy was PlayStation exclusive. So basically what I'm wondering is, will PS3 flop? Will games like Kingdom Hearts or other major roleplaying brands go to the Xbox instead? If they do, will it be the end of Sony (not that I care, I just want to get my Square on >.>)?

Pimp Daddy McSnake
06-28-2007, 06:26 PM

06-28-2007, 06:38 PM
Basically look for threads that were made last November and decide for yourself.

jewess crabcake
06-28-2007, 07:15 PM
These games, do not make consoles. GTA and FF are not the sole reason to buy a console. Anyone who buys a console for one or 2 series, is retarded.

06-28-2007, 09:24 PM
These games, do not make consoles. GTA and FF are not the sole reason to buy a console. Anyone who buys a console for one or 2 series, is retarded.

I apologize for my retarded self. Still though, these are basically the games I play on consoles. The other games I buy are random good-looking games for the console I own.

J. Peterman
06-28-2007, 09:25 PM
I'm buying whatever console get Suikoden so like...



1 series.


Hopefully it's on the Wii so like no buy anything I have to you know man whatever Pokemon getto da ze

06-28-2007, 09:46 PM
Final Fantay XIII is still exclusive to the PS3.

How many times do we have to repeat that?

jewess crabcake
06-28-2007, 09:54 PM
I apologize for my retarded self. Still though, these are basically the games I play on consoles. The other games I buy are random good-looking games for the console I own.

That wasn't a personal attack I'm just saying before you go and spend 400-600 hard earned dollars, you may wanna put your gaming in persective, an make sure you get the maximum gameplay experience just one or 2 games that you know you'll enjoy isn't enough.

06-28-2007, 09:59 PM
i do think that eventually it will be well worth getting a PS3. As of right now. id for price to go down and range of titles and things to go up.

06-28-2007, 10:02 PM
I bought the PSone back then only for Final Fantasy VII. I had considered buying a Nintendo64, but at the time, there were no games interesting for me on either platform so I didn't get any. But then FF7 was about to come out so I bought a PSone with Resident Evil to be able to wait until september 1997. And I never regretted doing so. At first, only one game made me choose the system over the other. But with time, more and more games came out that made me think I did a good choice (even though I'm somewhat a of a fan of Nintendo's games).

Almost the same happened with the PS2. Most of the time, I buy a console because there is ONE game that I want to play so bad. Then, because I own the system, I get interested in what is coming out for it and I almost never get disapointed with my choice.

06-28-2007, 10:03 PM
If you are going to take advantage of everything the ps3 has to offer (online services, linux operating system, videogames, blue ray player and dvd player etc) then it defenetly worths the money.

jewess crabcake
06-28-2007, 10:09 PM
Too bad you cant play PC games on Linux. If microsoft put XP/Vista on the 360, my god would the PS3 bomb.

06-28-2007, 10:22 PM
I am only buying it to get the FFVII remake, and maybe burnout.

jewess crabcake
06-28-2007, 10:30 PM
there is no remake S-E is too busy with Star ocean 4, The Last Remnant for PS3 and Xbox360, and Chocobo Tales for DS, Heroes of Mana.... etc. Nobody cares about FFVII remakes, not even the creators.

06-28-2007, 10:40 PM
I KNEW THAT!? :p, anyway, I look foward to most of the games comming out like MGS4. burnout paradise, DW6.

06-28-2007, 11:19 PM
short answer, no.

long answer, no.

06-28-2007, 11:46 PM
Currently, the PS3 isn't worth 600 dollars. When there's a more interesting game line-up and a cheaper price, I would then consider a purchase.

06-29-2007, 12:08 AM
It's not worth it right now, but wait for the price to go down and a shitload more games are released before making your final decision.

06-29-2007, 02:05 AM
You may want to wait until after July 1st. Blu-ray association announced that through the end of September, buy any Blu-ray player and you'll get 5 free Blu-ray movies. This also includes purchasing a PS3. Since a BD will cost you up to $30 each, you're saving about $150.

There are a few more highly anticipated exclusive games coming out in the next couple of months - Lair, Warhawk and Heavenly Sword. Personally, I'm looking forward to Heavenly Sward and Super Stardust HD just came out today as a down loadable content game. But there's also Metal Gear Solid 4, Home and a few others by the end of the year. I will personally say the PS3 is a great system but that's just my opinion. I'm currently playing Motor Storm, Resistance: Fall of Man, Gran Turismo HD, flOw, Calling All Cars! and right now I'm downloading Super Stardust HD which is currently getting some pretty good reviews, but I do love my games very much. But here is a list of exclusive games that are currently out and will be out within the next couple of months to a year.

Resistance: Fall of Man, Motor Storm, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4, Home, Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, Heavenly Sword, God of War 3, LittleBigPlanet, Wipeout, Killzone, Gran Turismo HD concept, Gran Turismo 5, Lair, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, Time Crisis 4, Warhawk, the Agency, Hot Shots Golf 5, Super Stardust HD, flOw, Blast Factor, Calling All Cars!, etc...

I'd suggest look into it a little more before you buy. $600 is a lot of money but if you got the funds then more power to ya.

Too bad you cant play PC games on Linux. If microsoft put XP/Vista on the 360, my god would the PS3 bomb.

But since Linux can emulate Windows XP, then would you be able to play PC games?

06-29-2007, 02:10 AM
it can't emulate windows xp. not really/properly. if you want linux, honestly, use a pc?_? i mean if you want a ps3 anyways, yeah, installing linux on stuff is fun. but i dont see it as an incentive. D:

06-29-2007, 09:30 AM
But since Linux can emulate Windows XP, then would you be able to play PC games?
Depends on the system architecture. In most cases of Linux (i.e. Linux kernels compiled for most PCs that can run Windows), the programs are built for the x86 architecture, which is the same architecture that Windows programs are built for. Thus, middleware libraries (i.e. Cadega, Wine and Crossover) are all it takes to get Windows programs running under Linux.

In the case of the PS3 and 360, both machines are PowerPC-based systems as opposed to the x86 architecture that the original XBox and PCs use and thus requires Linux kernels compiled for PowerPC systems. x86 CPUs cannot understand PowerPC instructions directly and vice-versa. To get Windows XP programs running on these systems, a complete x86 PC emulator like Bochs is needed, along with a copy of Windows XP (the 360 already has a similar virtual machine built in to run older games made for the original XBox, and the new PS3s has both a MIPS R4000 and Emotion Engine emulator to run legacy games). And the performance might not be as good as running the game on a real PC.

06-29-2007, 04:00 PM
I'd suggest look into it a little more before you buy. $600 is a lot of money but if you got the funds then more power to ya.

Yer... Here in Norway, the PS3 goes for somewhere around 6000 NOK (1 USD = approximately 6 NOK, leaving the pricetag at ca 1000$ if I've done the math right). At any rate, I won't be buying a PS3 until fall, if I do at all. I'm hoping the price will have decreased slightly by then.

06-29-2007, 09:06 PM
I will probably end up getting a PS3. There aren't any good games but I think I see some future titles that interest me. Mainly FFXIII, Suikoden series (hopefully), Gundam Musou,Heavenly Sword, God of War, Metal Gear Solid 4.

Everytime a new system comes out most of the time the game lineup isn't all that great. I believe this to be true with XBOX360. Also I don't really remember any PS1 games that were awesome right off the bat. PS3 seems to have adopted the same trend. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

06-29-2007, 11:10 PM
That wasn't a personal attack I'm just saying before you go and spend 400-600 hard earned dollars, you may wanna put your gaming in persective, an make sure you get the maximum gameplay experience just one or 2 games that you know you'll enjoy isn't enough.


I spent $250 on my next gen console TYVM.

Also, at the moment, PS3 aint worth it. It won't be worth it very much in the future, either.
Bioshock blows everything PS3 has out of the water. :(

jewess crabcake
06-29-2007, 11:33 PM
oh gosh the Wii.:rolleyes: and what's so great about bioshock?

06-29-2007, 11:39 PM
Highly recommend checking out these previews on what's to come.

Japan and Euope will both be getting there PS3 bundled with a game soon. Jp will be able to buy a PS3 will Hot Shots Golf 5 while Europe is getting Motor Storm. No word on the US. :(

06-30-2007, 12:03 AM
Smarties, if you choose to be condescending toward the Wii, you're being condescending toward MY Wii. I advise you to rethink that position before I have to take it personally.

jewess crabcake
06-30-2007, 12:15 AM
Hmm I'm not sure if I wouldn't consider my position on the Wii "condescending", hey it's the only console that's actually worth, if not worth more than it's asking price. It's just that it just not what I would consider buying, I mean that whole wireless control handling, is just too much for me. I mean maybe if I was in an arcade. I just don't see me playing a 40+ hour game flailing my arms about.

Valerie Valens
06-30-2007, 02:00 AM
I have to side with pande bear in this, the PS3 will not be worth it for a long time, at least not when compared with the Wii or X360(Which is superior to the PS3 both in hardware capabilities and software libbrary as well as accessory functionalities like xBox live play.)

Sony is going to have to pull some amazing shit with the PS3 like raising the dead to impress me, until then, Sony can go shove their glorified blu-ray player up their collective arses.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
06-30-2007, 02:15 AM
In my opinion it ultimately will be. Consider that when you buy all the bells and whistles to make the 360 really "complete" it ends up even more expensive. It has better exclusives now though, and you don't NEED all the extra shit per se, but I'm sure you understand my point all the same.

jewess crabcake
06-30-2007, 02:16 AM
Another one to say the PS3 is just a glorified blu-ray player... Because the Xbox360 isn't just a Xbox painted white.

06-30-2007, 04:02 AM
I would just like to reiterate that taking a side in the console war between Sony and Microsoft is dumb. The consoles have roughly equal capabilities, regardless of what the respective companies may want you to think. They cost roughly the same to deck them out completely, and both have their own problems and advantages.

06-30-2007, 05:46 AM
Hmm I'm not sure if I wouldn't consider my position on the Wii "condescending", hey it's the only console that's actually worth, if not worth more than it's asking price. It's just that it just not what I would consider buying, I mean that whole wireless control handling, is just too much for me. I mean maybe if I was in an arcade. I just don't see me playing a 40+ hour game flailing my arms about.

I hate to say it, but you're a moron.
Flailing your arms about?
Have you even played a Wii before?
For more than a few minutes?

Sure, the first time I played Marvel Ultimate Alliance on the Wii, sure, I was flailing my arms around a bit since I didn' tknow the controls very well. Now, 20 hours into the game, I can swiftly and cleanly execute the exact motions I need. Say what you will, but I honestly find it more fun that way.

Same with Twilight Princess. While the motion control is limited in the game, it still is very smooth and improves the experience.


and then, "what's so great about Bioshock?" is like asking "what's so great about Half-Life" or "What's so great about Zelda: Ocarina of Time" .... It's the successor to the amazing System Shock 2. It's just... wow.
I currently don't own a system capable of playing it but I'm probably going to upgrade my computer to a level where it's playable.

jewess crabcake
06-30-2007, 06:44 AM
You could take it from my post, I don't own a Wii, I probably wont buy it as I'm not exactly keen on motion sensor gaming, I mean sure if I'm messing around with Wii sports but aside from that I don't see me owning a Wii. I'm not putting it down or anything it's just not my cup of tea. It's perfectly adequte and more so, just not for me.

06-30-2007, 07:06 AM
Ah, I see.

Well just don't describe it as "flailing your arms around" because it is anything but that. I guess it's like calling playing a PS3 "nonstop button mashing" or something like that.

06-30-2007, 08:27 AM
My mom is nonstop button mashing...oh crap.

06-30-2007, 08:48 AM
it is worth it

06-30-2007, 11:51 AM
Of course it's worth it, any console is, each console is great and there should be no need for "X BOX IZ THA BEST, FUK PS3" or "I LOVE PS3, THE WII IS SHIT" it's completely pointless, why pick sides?

06-30-2007, 02:41 PM
I remember when I played Red Steel and I roffled.

Valerie Valens
06-30-2007, 03:44 PM
Of course it's worth it, any console is, each console is great and there should be no need for "X BOX IZ THA BEST, FUK PS3" or "I LOVE PS3, THE WII IS SHIT" it's completely pointless, why pick sides?

Words can influence the buyer's choices in consoles. So if a person dislikes a console, they would voice it out, influence their friends, and ultimately, the sales.

06-30-2007, 04:10 PM
Thats not exactly what I meant, I was refering to unessicary flamming that gamers give each other, because they love one console and detest the rest, but you are right.

07-02-2007, 07:12 AM
Hmm I'm not sure if I wouldn't consider my position on the Wii "condescending", hey it's the only console that's actually worth, if not worth more than it's asking price. It's just that it just not what I would consider buying, I mean that whole wireless control handling, is just too much for me. I mean maybe if I was in an arcade. I just don't see me playing a 40+ hour game flailing my arms about.

It's the tone you took in your post about the Wii that came across as condescending. Or, if anything, just your word choice. On message boards, you gotta think about that.

Now, I like the Wii for the same reasons as the DS, and that's because the controller adds some really interesting dimension to gameplay. The interaction is a little more direct, I think. Mind you, I've only played the Wii, I don't own a Wii and I'm hooked.

Valerie Valens
07-03-2007, 12:36 AM
Thats not exactly what I meant, I was refering to unessicary flamming that gamers give each other, because they love one console and detest the rest, but you are right.

Because fanboy of console x would try to pwn fanboy of console y, so it makes the fanboys of y and y itself look stupid.

J. Peterman
07-03-2007, 03:57 AM
go go go monkey in the car
go go go dancing with a jar
i want to sing and learn how to dance
but will i be able to with my monkey in france?

07-04-2007, 07:33 PM
i think right now it isn't but if ur choosing to buy one any ways u might as well buy it not so u already spent the money cause when the better games come out ps3 is goin to sell faster and might have trouble getting a ps3 so i would jus get one and won't have to deal with getting one later on since u have one

07-06-2007, 10:44 AM
Definitely the PS3 is worth the buy! I mean, it took the boys over at Sony a while to get their kinks outta their system, but it's now being produced at full force and Europe, N. America, as well as Asia should be obtaining surpluses here within a few months. With all this ruckus about the 360 failures, I mean, what's next? The PS3 not only has a better HD system than the Xbox, it comes with everything ready to go. It plays DVD's, Blu-Ray, CD's, and is totally backward compatible (mind the region business). It'll let you view pictures and the online play is free! The blasted thing will replace a good amount of your electronics at a reasonable price when all is said and done. I've also heard a few things about the PS3 being able to access the internet as long as you pay for your internet and I've heard about the game transfers kinda like the DS does. Unfortuneatly, I do not have the system, for I lack the necessary funding, and I'll admit I am a sony fanboy, but all biases aside, the PS3 should be a buy, assuming you are looking for a multi-purpose machine of course. =^^=;;;

As for the fanboy stuff, I'm not pulling out the Xbox cause it's better/worse than the PS3, I just had to use it's current problem for an example cause the only bad thing the Wii has is the ability to assassinate your opponent with the Wiimote, which has been delt with already. Much love I have for the boys at Microsoft and Nintendo =^^=;;;

07-07-2007, 01:26 AM
Hey, looked what leaked out for next week! (

07-09-2007, 05:38 AM
i think right now it isn't but if ur choosing to buy one any ways u might as well buy it not so u already spent the money cause when the better games come out ps3 is goin to sell faster and might have trouble getting a ps3 so i would jus get one and won't have to deal with getting one later on since u have one

Um, what?

Anyway, Sony has confirmed that the PS3's price will be dropped to $499.99 ( Still too pricey for me.

07-09-2007, 06:39 AM
i think right now it isn't but if ur choosing to buy one any ways u might as well buy it not so u already spent the money cause when the better games come out ps3 is goin to sell faster and might have trouble getting a ps3 so i would jus get one and won't have to deal with getting one later on since u have one

Grammar, mother____ do you use it?!

On topic: It'll be worth it once the price drops, bugs get cleaned out and more releases are made. It's just like any other console, really.

About the price drop: This was expected. Mind you, $500 is still a kick in the pants. I can also tell you 100% of the gamers in the world saw this coming back when the PS3 debuted.

About buying one now: I wouldn't do it unless I really, really wanted to and I had $600 to throw. Your point about PS3s being out of stock is kinda moot since in most cases, a console is usually in short stock only in it's first 12 months. After that, production adjusts to demand, or the demand falls just enough so that a consumer only needs to drive to 1-3 places to find what he or she wants to buy.

07-23-2007, 06:02 AM

07-23-2007, 08:38 AM
I would just like to reiterate that taking a side in the console war between Sony and Microsoft is dumb. The consoles have roughly equal capabilities, regardless of what the respective companies may want you to think. They cost roughly the same to deck them out completely, and both have their own problems and advantages.

It sounds like you believe both are roughly the same, when as you say having them completely decked out. However there is one reason to take sides and that would be the games. Unlike many others, personally I'm not into sports games or FPS with a reused Unreal Engine. Metroid Prime was the first FPS game I was able to play without getting a headache. Resistance: Fall of Man is also fun, but I can't play for more then an hour. But many of the 1st/3rd party and Sony exclusive franchise games I can dig and that's how I chose a side. If I'm going to spend a few hundred dollars on a new games system I'm going to pick the one with games types I enjoy. Microsoft has an excellent online gaming service, but I don't play enough online to warrant a 360 purchase. The most online gaming I do is Motor Storm and every so often I'll get into a death match for about 20 - 30 minutes with Resistance. I'm looking forward to the next Ratchet and Clank and Metal Gear Solid and WipeOut and Final Fantasy games among others plus some newly anticipated games like Lair and Heavenly Sword. I have the same feeling for Nintendo. I can't wait until I have it in my budget to get a Wii so I can enjoy SSBB and Metroid Prime 3. I own all the other Nintendo systems because of franchise games I grew up with. But for now I enjoy all the features and games the PS3 gives me and I haven't had a reason to complain other then the web browser that sucks ass. I wish Sony would give us an update that would allow us to install Firefox or Opera just the same way we can install Linux. It's nothing I need since I can just use my computer, but it's something that's nice to have if a 2nd person needs to use the internet or if my computer craps out on me. So yes, you may call me overly Pro-Sony PlayStation or even a PlayStation fanboy if you like, but I've never been anti X-Box. I've just never had a reason to buy one. And my support for Nintendo is just as equal as Sony. I just don't think it's fair to compare Nintendo with Microsoft and Sony because there in there own realm of gaming. So I'm going to be either Nintendo/Sony or Nintendo/Microsoft.

07-23-2007, 04:59 PM
Sure the PS3 is worth $600, if you are looking for a BluRay player that can run folding@home and the occasional game.

I'm just not looking for this.

07-24-2007, 10:11 AM
I will wait until the PS3's price drops some more and someone creates a modchip for it. I don't want to end up with a machine that can't play my NTSC/UC PS2 discs, self-burnt PSOne discs, and can't play any DVDs and future blu-ray discs I might import from France (as I stated before for some stupid reasons Sony only sells NTSC/J consoles here).

Maybe if Sony had the sense of keeping the price way lower, releasing it worldwide simultaneously, and really go region free instead of just using BS to make it sounds like the PS3 is region-free but really isn't.

jewess crabcake
07-24-2007, 05:03 PM
I'm waiting for a mod-chip as well.

07-24-2007, 09:09 PM
I will wait until the PS3's price drops some more

You'll be waiting a while since it's going back up soon.

07-25-2007, 08:48 PM
Prak - bringing you happy news since June, 2004.

07-25-2007, 10:02 PM
Prak - bringing you happy news since June, 2004.

"With Prak around the glass is always half full"
-Washington Post

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-USA Today

"I love me some Prak!"
-Vibe Magazine

The critics have spoken.

02-04-2009, 05:57 AM
Stick with either the WII or the XBOX 360, the PS3 isn't worth it....I'd be better off with the PSP.

execrable gumwrapper
02-04-2009, 06:16 AM
I sold my PS3 because I needed money... :(

Also, necrofag.

02-04-2009, 05:38 PM
Swami's a mod?