06-28-2007, 02:02 AM
Hello guys. I would really like to thank each and everyone of those who contribute their music here I absolutely love it. I unfortunately have nothing to offer you guys because most of the stuff found here is already available. However I do have the Afro Samurai OST if anyone is interested...

Anyway onto my request... to anyone who is familiar with MGS TTS (the twin snakes) should know that kickass scene with the ninja battling against Metal Gear REX. Would anyone happen to have that track or know where i could get it? I have the ost and it's not in any of the tracks available. Any help will be absolutely appreciated. Thanks in advance guys, keep up the good work!

06-28-2007, 01:34 PM
Sorry to have to say this, but you can't get any of the Music that's used in the cutscenes. Y'see Konami didn't think any-one would want an OST for Twin Snakes so didn't even bother releasing one.

The Soundtrack that's floating round the internet is simply a well produced fan-rip, which (unfortunatly) means that none of the music used in the cutscenes has been properly ripped. It's a damn shame, 'cause that game has some amazing music used in it. Sorry mate.

04-06-2008, 07:47 PM
You have afro samurai ost? Could u possible share it? Thanks!