06-27-2007, 11:23 PM
Personally I can't decide between Sephiroth or Gannondorf. Both are pretty evil and famous (although Sephiroth does have a killer theme song).

06-27-2007, 11:25 PM
sephiroth was nothing more than a wimp who hid behind his mother.

But I like Dr Neo Cortex from Crash Bandicoot.

06-27-2007, 11:30 PM
sephiroth was nothing more than a wimp who hid behind his mother.

But I like Dr Neo Cortex from Crash Bandicoot.

Dr Neo Cortex is one crazy man. He was kinda funny though.

06-27-2007, 11:31 PM
sephiroth was nothing more than a wimp who hid behind his mother.

But I like Dr Neo Cortex from Crash Bandicoot.

Oh also, by the way I think Sephiroth deserves more credit than "a wimp".

06-27-2007, 11:32 PM
Use the edit button please, also yes I think "wimp" pretty much sums up sephiroth.

Valerie Valens
06-27-2007, 11:45 PM
Kefka and Shizel

06-27-2007, 11:58 PM
I would say Kefka, and maybe and mitochondira eve in parasite eve cause that whole game was disturbing.

06-28-2007, 12:06 AM
Okay, this thread is off to a bad start. If you mention Final Fantasy characters, I will laugh at you, for very few of them are particularly villainous, Sephiroth least of all.

Some truly top-notch villains are Jon Irenicus (Baldur's Gate 2), Moebius (Legacy of Kain series), Kerrigan (Starcraft), and Kane (Command & Conquer).

06-28-2007, 12:19 AM
But the question is "who is the greatest," not "who is the most villainous." In terms of pure evil Kefka obviously beats Sephiroth hands down, but Sephiroth would win that competition in terms of pure badassery imo.

But hey, I'm one of those craaaaaaaaaazy stupid people who doesn't think FF7 "sucks." O_O

Anyway, I think the greatest video game villain ever is Bowser.

06-28-2007, 12:36 AM
Sephiroth gets votes because he's probably the first FF villain half of these people have come across, or because he has a good song. IMO, that really doesn't count for much because he didn't actually accomplish any real killing until the last half of the game. Kefka beats him simply because Kefka actually really screwed up the planet. The heroes come to beat him after he already takes over.

My vote is for->

Big Boss, The Metal Gear series: In the original Metal Gear, he's pulling your strings the ENTIRE time you play. You don't even question the orders you carry out and don't even realize anything's wrong until it's really late in the game. Big Boss also escapes the explosion of Outer Heaven to return in another game. Finally, Big Boss was so much of a bad-ass that he was cloned and his DNA used to create the perfect soldier. There are very few things more awesome than this short of being superhuman or magical.

06-28-2007, 01:29 AM
Off the top of my head, Albedo and Luca Blight would probably top the list.

06-28-2007, 01:35 AM
I was about to say Albedo! The end of Episode II is so great.

"We're not foolish because we're tools. It's because we're men"

Pimp Daddy McSnake
06-28-2007, 01:37 AM
Pong: The end of your television screen.

Thread over.

Argus Zephyrus
06-28-2007, 01:55 AM
Kerrigan... yummm.... (lolz, wtf)

My vote goes to Kefka and Tron Bonne... LOLz, forget Tron, I vote for that drugged-up bastard, Jack Lupino, in Max Payne.

I haven't really played any video games with villains as evil or badass as Kefka, the aforementioned Kane, Bowser, and Kerrigan.

06-28-2007, 01:57 AM
I'd have to say Dr. Robotnik fits the bill quite nicely.

That motherfucker has been: caught in explosions, on fire, blown-up, in crashes, hit on his head an innumerable amount of times (very hard), and other stuff I can't seem to recall, yet if you name it, he's probably been through it.

- His inventions, while thoroughly thwarted due to the plot, are ingenious.
- For a fat, middle-aged guy, he sure can run. While him and Sonic were both on foot, the hedgehog couldn't catch up to him on a few occasions.
- Transforms defenseless animals into robots. Evil...
- Apparently, he never gives up.

Magic Missile
06-28-2007, 07:33 PM
For me, it's got to be any of these 5:

Dr. Ivo"Eggman"Robotnik-Sonic the Hedgehog series
Kane-Command & Conquer series
The Dark Genie-Dark Cloud
Dr. Neo Periwinkle Cortex-Crash Bandicoot series
Errol-Jak 2 & 3(In 2, he was a minor bad guy.In 3, he was the main villiain)

06-28-2007, 07:41 PM
I really like Edea from FFVIII although she doesn't completely count as a villain I supoose.

Also, I like LeBlanc, and Fortune from MGS2.

06-28-2007, 07:52 PM
Greatest? Not sure about that, out of the games I've played it would have to be....hell I don't know. Apples and oranges I suppose.

My favourite would have to be Vaati from the Legend of Zelda series or Exdeath from FFV. I've always loved Vaati, he was pretty interesting to fight (especially in rhe Minish Cap in his second form) and I thought he was a nice break from Ganondorf. I've always liked Exdeath above the other FF villains (I say above, I suppose he ties with Kuja for me).

Lord Brimstone
06-28-2007, 08:41 PM

Dr. Wily is hands down my favorite villain.
I mean he was THE iconic megalomaniac mad scientist who was sending out legions of robot soldiers and death machines long before Robotnik/Dr. Eggman was introduced. He always had a plan though I think having said plan founded upon the use of 6,8, or any single digit set of Robot Masters every time was rather flawed, but hey, it's a video game, and every villain needs a calling card. The guy always has a trick up his sleeve no matter what, and could manipulate himself out or into anything. And you want to talk about not giving up? The man has been the mastermind in over a dozen games. Now that's got to say something about his perseverance.

06-28-2007, 09:41 PM
Most "Dr" villians are pretty good, Dr eggman, Dr wily, Dr Cortex etc.

06-28-2007, 09:55 PM
Liquid Snake (MGS), Golbez (FFIV), Lan Di (Shenmue series)

To name a few.

06-28-2007, 09:57 PM

06-28-2007, 10:13 PM
Most "Dr" villians are pretty good, Dr eggman, Dr wily, Dr Cortex etc.

What is with you and "Dr." villians?

06-28-2007, 10:21 PM
I like devious, maniacal and smart villians, "Dr" villians fall into that category, what is it with you and sephiroth?

jewess crabcake
06-28-2007, 10:24 PM
Sigma, megaman X series especially 4,

Lord Brimstone
06-29-2007, 12:58 AM
Oh yes, Sigma. I do agree he was especially nasty in X4 . He is one bot that is just tough as nails and you could never completely kill him off. It's strange though that in X6 and in X8 he is not the top banana. In fact I think they might actually got rid of him for good. I don't like the new storylines though. It's becoming more and more like the MM zero series spin-off and I don't like that. I like the good old days of a full blown maverick war and tons of robots to fight and the main villain was just evil, plain and simple. X1-X4 possibly X5.
I also like Galacian from Skies of Arcadia. He had some style.

J. Peterman
06-29-2007, 01:34 AM



jewess crabcake
06-29-2007, 03:53 AM
lol cant you stop thinking of pokemon

Rabid Monkey
06-29-2007, 04:33 AM
Dr. Wily was a good choice, imho. Sure, he died before he could take out Megaman, but he created the Maverick virus INSIDE of Zero, who subsequently infected the original Megaman, leading to his death. If that's not planning for the future I don't know WHAT is.

jewess crabcake
06-29-2007, 06:01 PM
Oh man how could I forget about wily?

06-29-2007, 08:52 PM
Off the top of my head, Albedo and Luca Blight would probably top the list.

Two lunatics that made me smile.

Also I can't help but love Ultros.

<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank">
That asshole.

06-30-2007, 08:54 AM
I think that Neo Cortex is the greatest vilain of video games' world.
He's the best ennemy of Crash, Coco, & Crunch.
I like him.

& I also like Nemesis from Resident Evil 3.