03-31-2002, 03:03 PM
I was bored so here it is

One winged angel

Burning inside
With violent anger
Sephiroth! Sephiroth!

Fate - monstrous
And empty
Burning inside
With violent anger
Sephiroth! Sephiroth!

Come, come, O come
Do not let me die
The winged one
Of the lower reaches
Come, come, O come
Do not let me die
Sephiroth! Sephiroth!

And heres the real version

One Winged Angel
Language: Latin

Estuans interius
ira vehementi
Estuans interius
ira vehementi

Estuans interius
ira vehementi
Estuans interius
ira vehementi

Sors immanis
Et inanis
Sors immanis
Et inanis

Estuans interius
ira vehementi
Estuans interius
ira vehementi

Veni, veni, venias,
Ne me mori facias
Veni, veni, venias,
Ne me mori facias

Veni, veni, venias,
Ne me mori facias
Veni, veni, venias,
Ne me mori facias

Veni, veni, venias, Gloriosa
Ne me mori facias Generosa
Veni, veni, venias, Gloriosa
Ne me mori facias Generosa

Veni, veni, venias, Gloriosa
Ne me mori facias Generosa
Veni, veni, venias, Gloriosa
Ne me mori facias Generosa


03-31-2002, 04:37 PM
<font color="4422BB"> hehe. you see that everywhere. </font>

03-31-2002, 07:38 PM
I always wanted to know.

03-31-2002, 10:30 PM
like i said i was bored

Hell Fire
04-01-2002, 05:56 PM
sick thnx!
I always wanted this but I was to lazy to look it up myself
thnx :D

04-01-2002, 09:16 PM
That really takes a load off of my mind, I never new what they were saying and it made me really angry!!

04-02-2002, 12:31 AM
Hey, i wanted to know what they were saying. Thx.

04-02-2002, 02:36 AM
Thanks I always wanted to know...

04-02-2002, 06:27 PM
now we take it and remix it to the tune of the A Team

04-03-2002, 03:42 AM
Thats cool. Theres no voices in the PC version though. I just beat the PSone version a couple days ago. I was very surprised. Most of the music is better on the PC except "Birth of a God" and One Winged Angel" (If you use the Microsoft synthisizer)

Neo Xzhan
04-20-2002, 07:38 PM
To bad there r no voices who r actually singing it but thx anyway.

04-20-2002, 09:40 PM
THere is voices in the pc version you just need a good sound card.

Neo Xzhan
04-20-2002, 11:09 PM
I have a Sounblaster 5.1 and I think that is a pretty good sound card but in the PC version of the game I don't here any voices.

04-20-2002, 11:35 PM
That's because there aren't any voices in the PC version. It uses midi synth. (.mid or .midi) to produce sound, and as such is not capable of mimicing human speech patterns.

The PS version utilizes wavetable sync. to produce noises. You may know this as .wav extension files, which are compressed into the ever useful .mp3 form. Basically, it is "true" audio, where as midi format is just telling your computer to beep a certain tone at a certain time (although it seems more complex than that, it really isn't). Listen closely to the audio in your PC version - you'll notice no descernable instruments amongst the chaotic "orchestra." Drums may seem present, but that's because they are the easiest to replicate. Now go and listen to a wavetable version of the same song. Notice the difference? You should.

Oh and the soundblaster 5.1 Live! Dolby sound card is a very good sound card. Audigy is more pricey and offers a little better quality, but seriously a 5.1 is capable of producing better audio than your TV can - it's not the sound card people.


Exiled Archangel
04-21-2002, 12:01 PM
Gotta admit it,i was preety curius about this song.(it was about time to find out what it was saying):D

04-22-2002, 03:48 PM
I had been searching for that!!
Thank you;)

BTW, how did you get it?:confused:

Bahamut ZERO
04-22-2002, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by The_Flaming_Amarant
now we take it and remix it to the tune of the A Team


Being bored kinda sucks, but it's good to see that someone has the energy to find something out that other people wanted to know. When I next listen to that piece of music, I'll be able to know what they're saying now.

Back to Java, I suppose (grumbles about work.)