06-24-2007, 10:10 PM
Hello! I am new here. I just found this site and was very excited about being a part of the group. I was looking for an introduction section to properly introduce myself, but so far I haven't found one yet. In anycase I will state my requests here sense this is the place to do it. Here they are, these are game tracks I've been searching for since I dunno how long.

The three games I am requesting either a soundtrack or gamerip for are:

1. X-Men (6-Player beat-'em-up)

2. The Simpsons (4-Player beat-'em-up)

3. Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Sega Saturn Remixed Rip)

NOTE: SF Alpha 2- someone has posted a thread for the Sarurn's Alpha 2 Gold already.

Thread 37445

The problem is, they didn't post all of the tracks, just some. There are alot missing... (Vs. Screen music, Guy Stage, etc.) So I figure since not all of the tracks are there I would request them. Although I appreciate atleast those tracks are present, I would like a complete track list for SF Alpha 2 the remixed Saturn version. Not the original album with the arcades music since I already have that one.

Same goes for Simpsons and X-Men. If someone could grab the full MP3/WMA track lists to those two popular beat-'em-up titles I would be one happy camper. (This includes the "input intials" screen, Bonus Stage, blah, blah, blah.) I looked all over the DL/request section and nothing was to be found on the two Mame games. If anyone could upload the three games complete MP3/WMA tracks or even one of the games then I would greatly appreciate it. I'm willing to contribute my share of Gaming & Anime soundtracks too. I have some this site could use.

The rules said 5 requests per thread right? I'm good with 3 then. Hopefully I did everything according to protocol. I'll check back often to see if the MP3s get posted. Thanks!


06-24-2007, 10:48 PM
1. X-Men Arcade Gamerip

2. The Simpsons Arcade Gamerip

3. Hmm... Guy's Stage and VS. are not missing, look again:
Thread 37445
What other tracks do you think are missing? :erm:

06-25-2007, 10:48 PM
Yo Shredder, thank yas! I double checked the Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold.rar and you're right! I guess I got my wires crossed the first time because when I looked at the second CD the first track names I saw were Player Select, VS, and Dhalsim, so I figured since Alpha 2 Gold came from "The Street Fighter Collection" that it was SUPER SF2: The New Warriors. LOL boy was I wrong. *^_^

You helped me out a lot. How can I ever repay you? Just name it! I have anime, game isos, the works! You name it I'll get it for you.

EDIT: I written this yesterday but ffshrine forums were down. I kept getting an error message everytime I posted this reply. Glad I got it up.

P.S. Love the Shredder icon; TMNT: TF for sure.