Sharon Agathon
06-23-2007, 02:07 AM

Starring: Fann Wong, Gurmit Singh, Moses Lim, Samuel Chong

Directed by Jack Neo

"Pointing fingers"

Clip #1: (Must-See Clip!:p)
Clip #2:
Clip #3:
Clip #4:
Exclusive Youtube blooper:

The story revolves around two individuals: blue-collar worker Lim Teng Zui(Gurmit Singh of Phua Chu kang fame) and the director of the Events/ Promotion, Tanya Chew(Fann Wong; Shanghai Knights). Lim is a single father and is quite poor to the point he needs to loan money from his friends to support his daughter's education while Tanya has a mother but does not really care for her.


During a VIP visit, the combination of Lim's poor work ethics and his incompetence causes the minister to get hurt in a freak accident involving "masking tapes". An investigation is carried out, and 'finger-pointing' is done to find the scapegoat, in which Lim is blamed. As a result, his bonus is cut. Infuriated, Lim confronts Tanya, and chases her in his vehicle until they hurtle off the bridge.


The duo are then sent to the hospital. When Tanya and Lim awakens, they find out that they have switched souls. Hilarity ensues as they try to cope with their new found bodies, their daily life and not to mention their job description!

"Bootlickers Inc."

Form the plot synopsis, anyone would think Just Follow Law is just another body switching comedy. In actual fact, the film takes a satirical look at the inflexibility of outdated governmental rules and regulations and the rigid mindsets of civil servants who follow rules to a fault, charming and delighting audiences with its humorous and perceptive insights.

I sleep like this most of the time. =\

It's also an oddball of a movie because the first half of the movie is pretty much Office Space while the second half is more slapstick comedy similiar to Switch but with a little asian flavour. :p

"Fann Wong, cute as ever?"

Fann Wong gave a strong performance as a super bitch and as a man trapped in a woman's body while Gurmit Singh is pretty much Gurmit Singh. Moses Lim is really convincing as the company's evil "bootlicker".

" I am Lim Teng Zui!" " I'm Tanya Chew"

This is a very fast-paced comedy and western audiences may have trouble trying to keep up with the singlish(Singapore's broken english), malay language, mandarin language and even the indian language as the characters switch inbetween languages and dialects. Thankfully there's a proper english subtitles. Bad point? The CG could use a little improvement especially during the big dramatic finale but then again this is not a show about special fx. This is director Jack Neo's( "I Not Stupid" fame) best film yet imo.
Rating: ****1/2 Not an average

" Don't worry, papa is here"


or download the torrents at: sexpot