Dugu Wudi
06-20-2007, 10:34 PM
Hi, I'm new to FFVIII, I'd like to ask experts of this game a question.

Which weapons of Squall's are worth farming for?

I heard that the finishing moves are chosen at random each time you perform a limit break. So if I've just got 2 skills in the bag e.g. Rough Divide & Lionheart, the chances of performing Lionheart is 1/2 isn't it? But if I were to learn 4 finishing moves, the probability of it being Lionheart is worked out as 1/4? That's pretty messed up as far as I'm concerned. Should I just go about and just get the Lionheart gunblade or should I learn Blasting Zone/Fated Circle as well? Would it make a difference if I had just 2 limit breaks when I'm up against say a superboss like Omega Weapon as opposed to 4?

I believe Square also employed this particular randomising facet into Rinoa's special skills, should I be careful with selecting which of them I should learn with her too? OMG...this is like the most annoying Final Fantasy game I've ever played...somebody please tell me it's just me making it hard for myself and be patient about it. :-\

Any help is greatly appreciated.

06-20-2007, 10:40 PM
Lionheart [the weapon] will let you do all 4 limits. I doubt it is 1/4 probability to get Lionheart [the limit] though. I almost always get Blasting Zones :sad: Getting Lionheart is like winning the lottery :p

06-20-2007, 10:47 PM
The limit breaks are only selected at random based on the type of weapon Squall has. For example, Squall's starting weapon (Revolver) could only perform the finishing move Rough Divide. However, once you upgrade the Revolver to the Sheer Trigger, there is a chance of either performing Rough Divide or Fated Circle.

Here's an easy way to put it:

Revolver - Rough Divide
Sheer Trigger - Rough Divide, Fated Circle
Cutting Trigger - Rough Divide, Fated Circle
Flame Saber - Rough Divide, Fated Circle
Twin Lance - Rough Divide, Fated Circle, Blasting Zone
Lion Heart - Rough Divide, Fated Circle, Blasting Zone, Lion Heart

I'm not so sure about Rinoa's limit breaks, so hopefully someone on here will be able to explain it to you.

Dugu Wudi
06-20-2007, 10:47 PM
Thanks for the replies.

But don't Limit Breaks come with certain weapons you buy? Do you automatically learn all 4 limit breaks once you've bought the Lion Heart provided that Lion Heart was the only upgrade you made?

06-20-2007, 10:48 PM
You don't really "learn" the limits, you just have the ability to perform them based on which weapon you currently have (You can actually downgrade, believe it or not).

06-20-2007, 10:51 PM
The way I played it, I just upgraded as I went along. Whenever I managed to acquire the materials, I went for it. That way I'm not completely left in the dark when it comes to the latter stages in the game.

Dugu Wudi
06-20-2007, 10:52 PM
You don't really "learn" the limits, you just have the ability to perform them based on which weapon you currently have (You can actually downgrade, believe it or not).
Not sure if this is true, but I heard that if you downgrade from the Lionheart upgrade you lose the Lionheart limit break. Is it necessary?

06-20-2007, 10:56 PM
Lionheart is the only weapon that allows you to perform the limit break, so yes, it is necessary. I wasn't recommending downgrading, just letting you know that you can do it.

Look at Lionheart's first post, he reproduced the chart that is in David Cassady's guide. Lionheart lets you do all of the limits.

Dugu Wudi
06-20-2007, 11:02 PM
So once I've got hold of the Lion Heart upgrade, all 4 Limit Breaks will be at my possession whether or not I've chose to upgrade the Revolver to Shear Trigger, Cutting Trigger, Flame Saber etc etc...?

That sounds fine, since I'm aiming to get it as soon as possible whilst neglecting the others.

07-25-2007, 07:44 AM
Rinoa's limit breaks become useless once she can do angel wing.

Even if you get invincible moon and wishing star only, she still starts off having canon learned, and yes, she does that move more than any other one.

Once she gets angel wing, junction your best spell to her magic stat and remove all of her offensive magic (including scan) except for 1 meteor spell. You can leave in your curative/support magic. When she goes into angel mode, cast haste on her and she'll spam the shit out of meteor for hella damage on par with Lionheart, only it's a guaranteed hit.

07-25-2007, 01:37 PM
I heard that theory that if the only upgrade you make to Squall's gunblade being Lionheart that you would only have 2 limit breaks; Rough Divide and Lionheart. That's UNTRUE. Whether or not you get other gunblades while saving the Lionheart for last, you will get all 4 of the limit breaks; Rough Divide, Fated Circle, Blasting Zone, and Lionheart. But if you decide for some reason that you would rather have the Revolver gunblade instead of Lionheart and downgrade, then none of the other limits except for Rough Divide will be available to you.

In the end, you get the limit break with the weapon. No certain weapon, no certain limit break unless the certain weapon is equipped.

And as posted earlier, you can see which weapon comes with what limit break(s).

07-26-2007, 02:02 AM
Lionheart [the weapon] will let you do all 4 limits. I doubt it is 1/4 probability to get Lionheart [the limit] though. I almost always get Blasting Zones :sad: Getting Lionheart is like winning the lottery :p
Oh man, I hate Blasting Zone. The animation takes forever for something that just isn't that good.

Oh, and tera's correct. I never really used the Angel Wing trick because I just didn't like using Rinoa in battle, but that's a very powerful trick.