06-20-2007, 04:31 AM
I was looking through a gallery that someone posted from the NY Licensing show that's going on today and I saw this:

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales is the name of it. And just in case anyone cares, it appears we're getting a 4th Shrek movie too. Shrek: Ever After.

Here's some more proof.

One of the guys that went to the licensing show was asked if Pirates 4 and Chronicles of Narnia 2 were there. He answered:

"Yep. 4th Pirates was titled Dead Man Tells No Tales and they had an illustrated poster of the new Narnia, looked like Final Fantasy Box Art."

06-20-2007, 04:40 AM
"Yep. 4th Pirates was titled Dead Man Tells No Tales and they had an illustrated poster of the new Narnia, looked like Final Fantasy Box Art."Haven't seen the 3rd installment, but from what my friends have said, the ending was left with yet another question!
Narnia 2 is pretty much guaranteed. Not really news.

06-20-2007, 01:34 PM
Anyone with half a brain can look at that picture and instantly call bullshit. That looks about as authentic as a picture of a cat riding a unicycle and juggling books.

06-20-2007, 01:58 PM
I tought that POTC was a trilogy. But for now, nothing of confidential is announced.
As for Shrek 4, I tought at the beginning that the movies' producers were going to make only one film. But after that the second film was released, I tought that it was the end. But after the release of "Shrek the third", I really tought "That's the end now, I'm sure" ... And I tought that Shrek was a trilogy.
Well, it's a good new anyway. If they make a fourth film, it's because a lot of people are interested by the series =).

06-20-2007, 02:56 PM
Ok, I got clarification from the guy that went to the licensing show. This is what he said:

"That's what I took it for, because sometimes that's exactly what it is. For instance we've been seeing Shrek III posters since I first started going in 2003.
I could be mistaken though, so apologies for any confusion.

Here is what I saw at the con, judge for yourselves."

The picture he is referring to is this one:


It has the Disney logo on it so it could be a new game or tv series or something. But I will stand by the fact that it, you know, exists.

06-20-2007, 09:19 PM
I think it might be a prelim ad made to get the buzz going. So no real effort to make it look smooth.

07-02-2007, 10:41 PM

Dear Disney:

Know when enough is enough. Stop trying to milk everything out of this series that you can before you alienate the fans.

No love,

07-03-2007, 12:46 AM
if they did make another pirates then i think they should slow it down and put a little more enjoyment into it, i did like 2 and 3 but the first is my fav

and a sherk 4 wouldn't be that bad of an idea if they would just stop and actually THINK about it, the last movie was really just crap to me (although the baby shreks were cute) the first one is just classic compared to the crappy 3rd. the 2nd was pretty ok (puss in boots was great) but in the 3rd they focused on quite a few unnecessary parts that really just made it boring :whatever:

neways the above statements are that of mine alone and does not reflect on to blah blah blah

07-03-2007, 01:04 PM
The POTC poster doesn't look too convincing. I heard that the creators were stopping at the third film but who know's.

07-05-2007, 10:10 AM
Well that sucks, I was kinda seriously hoping a 4th POTC wouldnt be made. 3 is pretty much enough

07-05-2007, 07:34 PM
No! This is not happening! POTC 4 AND Shrek 4? Someone, please make it stop!

07-05-2007, 08:34 PM
No! This is not happening! POTC 4 AND Shrek 4? Someone, please make it stop!

maybe there will be a spiderman 4 also :cool:

07-05-2007, 08:37 PM
You people aren't very good at keeping up with movie news, are you? All of the big franchises that were in theatres this year have more sequels planned.

07-05-2007, 08:41 PM
You people aren't very good at keeping up with movie news, are you? All of the big franchises that were in theatres this year have more sequels planned.

i like to stay in the dark about things..........then when i see the preview on tv i can go " :shock: :shock: :shock: WHAT????"


07-10-2007, 04:56 AM
Well with POTC, the creaters said they would think about making a fourth movie, but they needed a break first. I guess it could happen.

07-16-2007, 01:04 AM
.That picture of Jack holding the sword like that is the very same that you see every day in T-shirts,toys,game and pretty much every single Pirates pictures that you see around...have that same Jacks pose.Thats pretty much the only official art made for the 3rd movie.Dont you think?

Anywas........I seriously cant imagine another Shriek movie......that last one REALLY sucked.

07-16-2007, 09:48 PM
I didn't see the third Shrek and I honestly don't want to. I was happy with just the first one.

07-17-2007, 04:37 AM
The first one was funny,the second one was EPIC,and the third one was garbage.

Wait,did you see the second one?

07-17-2007, 07:18 AM
The first one was funny,the second one was EPIC,and the third one was garbage.

Wait,did you see the second one?

Are you talking about the Shrek trilogy or the PotC trilogy?

07-17-2007, 07:34 AM
Ummm...with POTC, I've seen all the ones they've made so far and with Shrek, I've only seen the first two.

07-17-2007, 04:01 PM
Alright,now that you have seen the first two of Shrek than that means you're alright.DONT go see the third one.