06-19-2007, 07:28 AM
I really really really like this album, wonderful music. :love: Does anyone have this CD? If so, would you be willing to, as the thread suggests, rip it to FLAC and upload it? Please? :puppydog:

08-12-2007, 10:16 PM
I do happen to have a lossless rip of this CD. I rented it while living in Japan.

The catch is my preferred format is Apple Lossless. Sooooo, if you're willing to take that, it is lossless and perfectly tagged. Oh, the other catch is that the perfect tags are in Japanese (except for tracks that actually have only English titles).

Let me know.

08-12-2007, 10:23 PM
Yes, Definitely! Oh by the way would you happen to have the first one?: Final Fantasy vocal collection 1 - Prey

I actually like that one even better then the second. I'd appreciate this. Thanks.

08-12-2007, 11:19 PM
I do have the first vocal collection and will gladly upload that one too.

I noticed that you used mediafire for the links on some of your posts. Is that the site to go with for uploading like this? I've leached like this before, but never uploaded.

Well, let the long upload begin...

08-12-2007, 11:50 PM
The main reason that I like MediaFire is because it's not MegaUpload. :D MegaUpload and SendSpace both have these annoying download limits, which for me is 1 download (url) for every 3 hours. :notgood: You could imagine trying to download an 9-disc set with 1 download per 3 hours as being a huge headache.


I hope that didn't look like spam, because it's not. :rolleyes: Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the upload. Thanks again.

Oh yeah, if you need any help in understanding MediaFire then just post back, I should be able to help.

08-12-2007, 11:55 PM
Thank you for the tip. I have also pulled hair out while trying to download some huge split up megaupload thing.

But anyways, it's uploading...gonna take a while. I'll post once the cds are up.

08-13-2007, 07:00 AM
The catch is my preferred format is Apple Lossless. Sooooo, if you're willing to take that, it is lossless and perfectly tagged. Oh, the other catch is that the perfect tags are in Japanese (except for tracks that actually have only English titles).

Let me know.

This should Not be a problem. I have an ALAC decoder that I can use to put the files back into their original PCM format then I'll just drop em in Exact Audio Copy ( and re-encode them into FLAC format. Hopefully it should work.

As for the tags, I have a program called Mp3Tag ( that'll strip away all those current tags then I'll just add the new ones (in English).

I meant to ask you earlier: what type of video game music CDs do you have? Would you happen to have some other Final Fantasy Music CDs? I requested another one long time ago and a person responded saying that they were going to upload it for me in FLAC but then just disappeared.

Anyway I was just curious to know.

08-15-2007, 07:47 AM
I'm running into some sort of problem uploading, no matter which site I use. My upload speed keeps on dwindling and timing out. I hope I'm not the victim of some sort of isp bit shaping.

I'm, um, going camping for a few days. I'll try to figure something out this weekend.
Sorry to leave you in suspense. :D

08-15-2007, 10:05 AM
That's alright, thanks for the effort. I hope for both our sakes this problem will disappear soon. :cool:

08-22-2007, 11:04 PM
Next week I'm going to be heading to a new campus. Campus networks tend to be either super fast or painfully locked down. Hopefully it will be an effective way to toss a few things online.

I've been a very casual member of the gamingforce forums for what seems like a decade. I'm guessing that your alter ego over there is KeyLogic. I've wanted to set up a my stuff ftp site there for quite a while. Unfortunately, I don't really have the bandwidth for it. My roommate and I do some pretty serious torrenting.

Anyways, I'm pretty proud of my music collection. I studied abroad in Japan for a year. While there I was a frequent customer of Tsutaya. Tsutaya is the fantastic media store where you can rent not only movies, but music cds. I miss that store so much. That's how the majority of my music collection is personally ripped.

I went through painstaking efforts to make sure that the music I ripped was lossless not just in bitrate, but also in tagging. For me that means not just accurate tagging, but tagging in the content's original language. Most video game soundtracks come from Japan, and thus are in Japanese. There are of course cases where the cd's titles and other information is in English, but Japanese is the norm. Most English track titles you see on the net are just translations made up by some unknown uploader.
My tagging is mostly in Japanese. If the official album information is in English only, I'll use that. When both are provided I lean towards the Japanese. Every single song I have is fully tagged, and has embedded cover artwork. Every single song.

Every person who collects lossless music has their own bullheaded preferences regarding format type. Most people like FLAC, some people only deal with APE with CUE files. I, however, am an iTunes user...and lover. Therefore, all my files are in Apple Lossless (ripped with error correction, of course).

As I said before, for a long time I've wanted to share my music. I have two main reasons for this. First is that I love my music, and want to share it with anybody else who feels the same way. The other reason is to increase my chances of tracking down lossless rips of albums that have eluded my searches up until now.
There have been a few things holding me back from doing this though. Bandwidth is one issue, but it's a manageable one. What I'm most worried about is accessibility and others' reactions. I'm well aware that Apple Lossless is not the preferred lossless audio format of the internet. And while Japanese tagging makes perfect sense for me, most people (believe it or not) can't read Japanese. Their computer won't even display it! I'm not sure what the average user's reaction will be.

But anyways, this turned out to be quite a rant. Without further ado, here is my music collection. I was just gonna put up a plain text list, but I wasn't sure of your ability to read katakana. iTunes print feature to the rescue! Here's a pdf that shows the artwork as well as the album information:

A little break down by genre:
92 video game albums
38 Studio Ghibli albums
12 non-Studio Ghibli anime albums
8 classical albums (Almost entirely by Joe Hisaishi)
And um, 1, J-Pop album

08-22-2007, 11:53 PM
I've been a very casual member of the gamingforce forums for what seems like a decade. I'm guessing that your alter ego over there is KeyLogic.

I guess the avatar, signature, description and constant requests for FLAC gave it off huh. :laugh:

This may be a rant but it's a good rant. I would totally love to hear what some of those albums that you have are, maybe sometime in the future. Hey if you're still looking for some lossless video game music, bishop743 was kind enough to rip me the 4-disc set to Trusty Bell ~Chopin's Dream~ Original Score in FLAC [lossless], if you're interested I'll send you the direct links.

Well since we're on both forums maybe what ever music is uploaded in either one can be shared with the other, as long as it doesn't already exist. This would include FLAC or other lossless formats too.

Hey, I really hope that one day soon you'll be able to share what sounds like a wonderful music collection with us, your friend too. I've never been very big on torrents so I appreciate forums such as this one.

I really don't want to bother you but do you know when you might be able to upload those Final Fantasy Vocal Collection CDs for me? There's no hurry, I was just wondering if you are still able to do it since you said your connection keeps dropping out and stuff.

Anyway thanks for the rant, it sounds pretty cool. :cool:

08-23-2007, 01:22 AM
Next week I'll try uploading from campus. If that doesn't work, I'll just friggin unplug my router for an evening and upload that way.

Thank you for the Trusty Bell offer. I'll pass on it though.

If you want to see what I have in my music collection have a look at that pdf I linked to in my rant. I exported as a pdf so the album art would show up. It'll give you at least a pretty good idea of what most everything is.

08-23-2007, 05:26 AM
Next week I'll try uploading from campus. If that doesn't work, I'll just friggin unplug my router for an evening and upload that way.


You know I found the suggestions on this guide to be quite useful for increasing your computer's speed as well as security from internet attacks: Black Viper's List ( I've been using this and found that it actually works. I've installed ZoneAlarm and for months it has NOT had the need to block any intrusions attempts, it always reports 0.

I've done various virus scans and they all come up empty. I suggest this since you're talking about unplugging your router and that's usually your first firewall.

I'd really like this music in FLAC format and all but I'm not that desperate for it that you go putting your computer at risk, but if you decide to do this anyway then you might want to check out that guide.

If you want to see what I have in my music collection have a look at that pdf I linked to in my rant. I exported as a pdf so the album art would show up. It'll give you at least a pretty good idea of what most everything is.

Well I don't have itunes installed so I'm not quite sure what to do with the file.

What I'm most worried about is accessibility and others' reactions. I'm well aware that Apple Lossless is not the preferred lossless audio format of the internet. And while Japanese tagging makes perfect sense for me, most people (believe it or not) can't read Japanese. Their computer won't even display it! I'm not sure what the average user's reaction will be.

I wouldn't worry too much about that. As I've said a few posts back I now have an ALAC decoder, Apple Lossless Audio Codec for those of you that don't know. And I can just use Mp3Tag to delete all the Japanese tags and add the English ones in their place, although I do appreciate your providing quality audio as well as quality tagging, I try to do the same in my uploads.

Anyway I'll just wait patiently. You don't have to go out of your way or anything, in your leisure time you can upload em. OK thanks.

08-23-2007, 05:31 AM
Oh that file is just a print out saved to a pdf. Not an iTunes special file at all, just a document. Surely you've encountered pdf files before...if you're a Windows user you'll want Adobe Reader to open it.

08-23-2007, 05:59 AM
Oh I'm so slow! Well I don't have Adobe Reader installed, I'll install it now. I tried it first using Microsoft Word and it didn't work, that's why I thought it might be some sort of special itunes file or something. Yeah...just a little slow. :notgood:

08-23-2007, 06:12 AM
:erm: The file won't open even with the latest Adobe Reader, it says that there's an error.

08-23-2007, 06:14 AM
Oops, probably a mistake on my end.

08-23-2007, 07:21 AM

That linked file should work.

08-23-2007, 09:13 AM
Wow just wow. That looks like an incredible collection there. I've been searching for a lot of those Final Fantasy albums in FLAC and couldn't find them anywhere. I also am interested in those Kingdom Hearts Albums.

There's a lot of music there that I don't know of, do you have any recommendations from your list? Maybe I can find the mp3 versions somewhere else just so I can hear what these other albums sound like. Another question: do you still collect lossless rips of video game music or did that stop when you left Japan?

Non the less that's totally awesome what you have there.

08-23-2007, 09:39 AM
Thanks for the compliments!

Most of music you probably don't recognize is the Studio Ghibli stuff. Studio Ghibli is the animation studio famous for Hayao Miyazaki's movies like Spirted Away and Howls Moving Castle. The composer for most of those soundtracks is Joe Hisaishi. Forgive me if I'm lecturing on something you already know. I've probably got one of the most complete collection of Miyazaki soundtracks out there, regardless of bitrate.

Most of my collection was ripped while I was in Japan. When I came back from Japan I eventually got around to reripping the cds that I had already owned.
I still do collect lossless rips that float on the internet. If I see a torrent or some other posting of something I want in FLAC or APE or whatever, grab it, convert it to wave, and import into iTunes. Then the tagging fun begins. Probably about 10% of my collection was obtained that way. If you're ever wondering, I do remember which albums I personally ripped, and which were obtained through other venues.

I should mention that if I know something is coming from a bootleg source I'll avoid it. You might have heard of the many bootlegs of Squaresoft/Square-Enix cds from the likes of SonMay, EverAnime etc. Some of the cds I bought waaaaay back when are sadly bootlegs. I wont rip those, cause there's no way to ensure the quality of the bootlegging process.
When finding rips on the internet you can't be absolutely certain of the source quality. Most of the time it's probably nothing to worry about, but you just cant know for sure. There have been a few times when I've deliberately avoided a torrent cause based on things like image scans I could tell it was coming from a bootleg.

It's funny how quality internet rips work. Once something's ripped, it's out there forever. It's practically impossible for something to disappear for good. The same rips float around from server to server. But there are those few cds that just seem to have never been ripped. Search as hard as you might, there's just a glaring hole no matter where you go on the internet.
That's what was so nice about being able to walk into a store, pick up a cd from the shelf, pay 2 bucks to rent it, and take it home and rip it. The Tsutaya library was limited in some areas, but it was a brand new pool to work with.

08-23-2007, 07:16 PM
Good news! Apparently my router decided to start working after I had given up on messing with it. When I was uploading that pdf for the second time, I noticed that I was getting good steady speeds.

Final Fantasy Vocal Collections 1: Pray

Who knows, maybe the planets were just in proper alignment or something. Hopefully I'll be able to get Love Will Grow up shortly!

08-23-2007, 07:22 PM
Awesome! Thanks a lot man, I'll be downloading this immediately.

08-24-2007, 05:51 AM
The good times just keep on rolling. Here are the the links for Final Fantasy Vocal Collections 2 Love Will Grow.

I really love both of these albums. They just have so many great songs.
And don't get me started on the lyrics for the prelude... XD

08-24-2007, 06:07 AM
Really cool! Thanks. I'm trying to collect all the lossless video game music that I can. I might be able to find you some things that you may not have.

Thanks to my VLC media player I don't even have to install itunes or anything to play these files back; no need to decode the files and re-encode them into FLAC.

All is awesome. :angel:

08-24-2007, 06:13 AM
That's great! VLC is a great media player, on any platform. Best GUI video player by far.

Each of those files have album art embedded in them. Should you ever install iTunes and drag em in, the cover art would go in with them. I'm not sure of any other way you could get the art out of the file. I've never really tried. It's part of the file, but who knows if anything else knows where to look for it. All that I've bothered embedding is just the front cover. It might be easier for you to just get art the old fashioned way: Google Image Search.

Anyways, I'll be keeping my eyes open. Enjoy!

08-24-2007, 06:18 AM
That list that was put up, how much of it do you have on the internet, for people (say me and others on this site), to download? Very Nice collection of Music BTW. :)

08-24-2007, 06:35 AM
That's great! VLC is a great media player, on any platform. Best GUI video player by far.

Yup and it's only going to get even better.

Each of those files have album art embedded in them. Should you ever install iTunes and drag em in, the cover art would go in with them. I'm not sure of any other way you could get the art out of the file. I've never really tried. It's part of the file, but who knows if anything else knows where to look for it. All that I've bothered embedding is just the front cover. It might be easier for you to just get art the old fashioned way: Google Image Search.

Mp3Tag can remove all tags including album art, I can then add whatever album art that I want. Since this is all Final Fantasy music I just get all the tracklistings and album art from SquareSound (

08-24-2007, 06:46 AM
CyberShark, I'm glad you've got a software solution. But I still recommend learning Japanese. ;P

Goateeguy, as of right now only those two vocal collection CDs are up. I've been thinking about sharing a bunch more. Stay tuned.

08-26-2007, 09:31 PM
CyberShark, I'm glad you've got a software solution. But I still recommend learning Japanese. ;P

Goateeguy, as of right now only those two vocal collection CDs are up. I've been thinking about sharing a bunch more. Stay tuned.

ooo, i cant wait, i wish i could get a hold of some of those files that you posted in your list.

09-16-2007, 07:52 PM
Hey, I was wondering if you could upload the KH OSTs in lossless format? I was thinking of buying them myself and then spread them on the internet, but if you have them I can buy something else (I was thinking the .hack//G.U. OSTs) and spread that on the internet. I did find a torrent with the KH2 OST in ape format with a cuesheet, but it's dead most of the time.

09-16-2007, 08:34 PM
I'm very interested in the KH OSTs as well. I've tried asking bishop743, the one who ripped the music from the Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack 9-Disc Set (Thread 38432), if he'd be willing to upload it over time, like one disc at a time, but I never got a response. :(

Well whichever way I can get it would be fine. I second this request.

04-23-2008, 06:46 PM

The links for FF Love Will Grow and FF Pray Vocal Collections have expired. Would you be so kind as to reupload them and post the new links? I've gotten lots of great stuff here and will share what I have with everyone soon. Thanks so much.

04-23-2008, 06:49 PM
aotearoa, did you check out the torrent that I told you about in your thread? It has both of those albums in FLAC lossless.