Sakura Hylian
06-18-2007, 11:18 PM
Anyone else gonna get this? It's gonna be out in about a week (in America, at least). I never got around to finishing the second one, though. >_>

06-19-2007, 03:05 AM
Never heard of it. so.... What is it exactly.

06-19-2007, 10:24 AM
Persona 3 (

I've been waiting for this game for a while, but it comes out July 24th. The release date keeps getting pushed back everytime. =[

It's definitely interesting and it seems like Atlus finally fixed my beef with the constant random encounters. Yay. I can't wait to blow my brains out (in the game you get to transform into something called a Persona, to do this the character takes a gun to their head and pulls the trigger) and look at the graphics...they all anime-ish and pretty. And the story should be good since the Shin Megami Series is known for it's great storyline. I just hope the release date doesn't get pushed back again.

06-26-2007, 04:45 AM
I'm very impatiently waiting for Persona 3. The other MegaTen games are good, but I think P3 is going to be the best (though, DDS and Nocturne are both good too). It doesn't look like they've changed much from the original version from what I've seen and heard, though it'll be interesting to see if any controversy develops because of the whole shooting yourself in the head thing. It does have a mature rating, but still.

For the most part, gameplay seems to be similar to the other MegaTen games, but different enough to keep my interest. Only a month to go! ^^

J. Peterman
06-26-2007, 05:21 AM



06-26-2007, 09:27 AM
Ash, when pokemon go extinct...what will you do?

06-26-2007, 07:40 PM
Ash, when pokemon go extinct...what will you do?

Probably get killed by Jack Frost while attempting to catch it. Better yet, Pyro Jack.

I'm awaiting P3 as well. Been awhile since I played Nocturne so I could use another game as good to play.

07-20-2007, 05:00 AM
The game is less than a week away and I'm hoping I don't get disappointed by it. Atleast I'll get my Official Art Book and Game Soundtrack for Free. Awesome.

EDIT: Game is more than a week away! 8/14/07 to be exact. -__- Seem like someone used bad glue for the art book. GOOD JOB ATLUS.

07-27-2007, 02:23 AM
i read about it and now im so getting it.

07-28-2007, 12:47 AM
I'm eagerly waiting for this game to come out as well, I'm surprised that this game got such good reviews so far.

Sites of Interest:

How Persona 3 will save us all (

07-30-2007, 12:26 AM
Oh Atlus, why must you torture us so?

Of course, the day it's going to be released is just before I go out of state for a week, and then school starts soon after. Go figure. -_-

08-11-2007, 09:17 PM
Just 3 more days until it ships!!!

08-15-2007, 08:48 AM
Wondering if anybody got it yet.

I never really got the whole ship date thing. It's some crazy date thing...wish they would just say BUY IT "such and such date". Hopefully will pick it up tomorrow. xxcrosses fingersxx

08-17-2007, 12:05 AM
I've never had this many comments about a game before.

Good thing I pre-ordered this just the day before it came out; my local Gamestop only got one copy in.

Here's my first impressions, 1-2 hours into the game; you don't know how much time you've spent until you save, because the menu doesn't show a log timer.



The game takes awhile to get started during the first 1-2 hours (and that's going exactly where you need to without taking any time to explore). During that time, you can't even open up your menu! For those first two hours, the game pretty much plays itself, as you're lead around by the hand to go where you need to.



Other than the mysterious boy in the jail uniform/Chesire Cat skin (his voice-actor had too much trouble sounding ethereal), and Shuji Ikutsuki (his voice-actor announciates and emphasizes all the wrong words), the English voice-acting's pretty decent. But, what's the deal with the hero being silent?! For that matter, why doesn't he have a set name?


This is one psychedelic game!

First is that the game actually has some decent anime scenes, and plenty of them, which are pretty poetic if not crack-induced, given some of the different graphics that flash, and how the sound and music play and change.

Much of the graphics are pretty cool; the warbly effects of the Dark Hour and the moving towers in Tartarus's lobby are trippy. And, of course, the checker board motif is there, too. Oh yes, and the Velvet Room is also awesome, because it's like you're in one huge, fancy elevator.


Suicide, Shmuicide...

Then there's the fact, as someone said, that you blow Personas out your head with a gun. I would've been more surprised if I'd seen it myself instead of hearing about it before hand, but your characters don't exactly fall over headless from summonings...



When you walk around dungeons, with your team members following you, brandishing your weapons, you almost get the impression battles are going to be real-time, hack n' slash, but this's still Shin Megami Tensei we're talking about, here, e.g., turn-based battles.



The stuff I've heard in-game has been pretty catchy, and different from what I usually listen to. You have pop, rap, hip-hop, rock, and techno styles. The use of vocals in some of the gameplay themes is a new touch to me, too.

It's a good thing Atlus packaged some of the soundtrack with the game, to tide me over until I can get the full thing.


The best thing about this game?! You can go to the BATHROOM!!

It's also funny how practically every teacher hates the curriculum they're supposed to teach.

The classroom interactions are rather pointless; the choice you're supposed to choose is always so obvious. It's like, "Here's a chance to improve your academics/charm/etc. thrust upon you!" You stayed awake! Your academics improved!" A classroom SIMULATOR?! Like you don't/didn't spend enough time in school as it is/was...

Oh, here's a funny comment Re: Yukari Takeba, from the artbook: "Since she was written to sound very contemporary, she tended to complain a lot. In the end, she turned out to be the most realistic of the female characters, so I suspect that players will relate to her the most." - Shigenori Soejima

Hah, he's saying we're whiny, especially females!

08-17-2007, 01:34 AM
Well, I'm not gonna read that post because I don't want anything spoiled. It's probably gonna take another 2 weeks for me to get it. I ordered it off of Play-Asia because I don't live in the US. They've stated the 20th as the release date, and after that it still needs to get here. Oh the horror... I really want to play this game.