01-04-2002, 09:38 PM
This all started when I was trying to think of a good story idea for an original RPG to be made with RPG Maker 2k. I was interested in the program and I wanted to try my hand at making something. I thought, 'well maybe I could convert the Evangelion series into a game!'. And it might've worked but almost the entire thing would be like all dialogue and no game. Kinda boring. But the idea of Evangelion as a game stuck with me. Then I thought.... what about a prequel? So this got my motor working. So I've got an entire story all worked out. It's pretty deep too. I've still got a bunch of technicality/continuity issues to work out, but it's all pretty much together.

Okay, so here it is, about 4-5 months after I've had this idea. I don't really care about RM2k anymore, but the idea of the Eva prequel (which I have named Evangelion: Birth, at least for the time being) has still lingered. So here's my idea. And it's gonna take a loooooong time so don't be expecting any previews any time soon. I'm gonna get me a copy of Lightwave 7 (a high-end 3D modelling/animation/rendering program), plus some cool cel-shader plug-ins like BESM (Big Eyes Small Mouth), and I'm gonna create a 26-episode series of Eva: Birth to be premiered on the web. Obviously I can't sell the series because I don't own the right to the Eva name. Some of you might be thinking that 3D animation is no substitute for pure anime, that it could never look like the real thing. Well, take the hit cartoon on Nickelodeon, Invader Zim (Fridays at 9:30. watch it. it's HILARIOUS). The entire show is done in a 3D program and then rendered out using cel-shading techniques to make it look hand-drawn. My plan is to design each character to give it a sort of anime look and feel. But I don't know if it'll look exactly like it came out of Japan. Actually I won't even really call it an anime, because my classic definition of anime has always been, animation thats made in Japan, and since I'm obviously not from Japan, that doesn't really work. So I'm just gonna call it an 'original animation'.

I plan on doing all the animation, character design, background design, storyboarding, all the production. I'm PROBABLY in over my head. It'll probably take me about 6 months or more to complete 1 episode. But I at least want to do ONE episode completely solo. Just to see if I can do it. If it's well received and I want to continue the series, I might see if I can get a team to help out. When it comes to voices and music and stuff like that, I'll definitely have to get some help there (even though I might do a few of the voices myself). the whole thing is gonna be a pretty huge undertaking. But I really want to do this. Unfortunately, theres a LOT of things a really want to do and I never end up doing. In all actuality I PROBABLY won't ever get this too far off the ground. Hopefully my ambition/inspiration stay focused.

In terms of the actual story, eventually I'm gonna write out a sort-of synopsis of it for the fiction forum. So keep an eye out. For you Eva fanatics, I could probably use a lil help with the continuity between my story and the real Eva story. So anyways, keep your eyes open.

01-04-2002, 10:16 PM
Wow, sounds incredibly (ehm...) incredible. I hope you will be able to realize your first episode. If you want to, I can motivate you by annoying you all the time... *ahem*
I am curious how it will look like in the end.

01-04-2002, 11:11 PM
Yeah, sounds really cool...
If there's anything I can do, ill galdly help. Though, all i have is my voice, really... and i dont think that's so great.
But I will wait with anticipation until the project reaches fruition. Sounds very promising indeed. :)

Majin Sephiroth
01-06-2002, 07:05 AM

01-06-2002, 09:07 PM
<br />
Sounds realy great atom,
maybe if you post each month some picture's
It would be nice to see how far you are, anyway I wish you all the luck and courage for making it because it doesent seem very easy ^_^;
<br />

01-07-2002, 05:56 AM
hehe well it'll take me about a year or more just to learn lightwave well enough to make anything cool. but anything i do, ill keep ya updated. like i'll probably do a bunch of concept sketches, storyboards, things like that. maybe work on the music. im gonna work on the story and the script and stuff.

01-21-2002, 06:23 AM
Hella cool is all I can say.

01-27-2002, 11:39 AM
Well, say it........NICE ;)