Setsuna Yuna
03-30-2002, 08:47 AM
Everyone else has their own poetry thread so I might as well start my own. My first poem isn't so good so bear with me.

A silver moon's glow
Casting shadows all around
In a warm embrace

It's a small haiku poem. Please tell me what you think about this one and be honest. :)

03-30-2002, 08:51 AM
lovely haiku

i never was that great at em personally

nice to see someone with skill with em

Setsuna Yuna
03-30-2002, 09:19 AM
Thanks Deus. :D I'm glad that I'm doing it right. I always liked haiku, but I wasn't sure if I could do it myself. :)

03-30-2002, 11:10 AM
I like your short poem
Keep it up

Allen Schezar
03-30-2002, 07:56 PM
Setsuna nice haiku poetry I love haiku because long poetry is ok but haiku poetry is so much cooler to me.:cool:

03-31-2002, 01:26 PM
Nice poem i like it^^

Setsuna Yuna
04-03-2002, 07:31 AM
Yeah haiku is very pretty, but I usually do poems with around 20 stanzas (not all of them are very good though). Well anyway, here's another poem (not haiku):

I think of you often
Especially when I'm sad
I just feel uplifted for some reason
And it's nice

Sometimes I wish you were here now
When I feel like I'm going to cry
Because you have an unseen strength
And it helps me endure

Just your voice could comfort me
I hear the love behind the words
And I know then
That I'll always love you

It's bad, I know, but I can't find the poem I wrote yesterday. :o Oh well...tell me what you think, okay? ;)

EDIT: Okay, well, I guess that really was a bad poem. I found the one I wrote two days ago though so I'm gonna post it here.

I feel such a weird feeling
When I think of you
I know it's love
But is it right?

You seem really nice
Someone I shouldn't pass up
The guy of my dreams
But are you really?

I've faced lies before
And they have broken me down
It has made me afraid to trust
Made me afraid to love

Maybe I'm just being silly
But I can't shake these feelings
I know you love me
But your love makes me want to run away

You still mean so much to me
I wish so much that I could trust you
Someday, maybe, when I feel I can
When I know I'm ready

I don't know what to do
I want to ask you to wait for me
But I know you can't do that
No one I know would, at least

If you do wait for me
I will know that you are true
Then I will be with you
And hope for the future

04-12-2002, 06:27 PM
Hmmm... don't bash your poetry Yuna. :D It is good... don't say it as bad because others might think they're good. And besides, you make me wanna post my haiku's now. ^^.

Well anyway, I like your works. They are very well written. Keep it up girl.

Allen Schezar
04-12-2002, 06:40 PM
Nice poems I hope you keep your writing spirt Keep it up Setsuna please.

Setsuna Yuna
04-23-2002, 04:52 AM
Thanks so much for your encouragement. Well okay, now I have another poem (and it actually has a title! :D ).

A Far Distance

As the cherry blossoms fall
I wonder what you're doing
So far away
While I am here in a foreign land

At night I feel lonely
Homesick for my country
But when I look at the moon
I know you are looking at it too

Even though we are miles apart
I think you are somewhere
Under the same sky
Looking up at the same moon

As I looked at that moon
The wind suddenly picked up
Caught me in it's gentleness
And ended as soon as it began

I thought nothing of it
Until it suddenly hit me
And I smiled happily
Knowing that you were there with me

Allen Schezar
04-23-2002, 05:14 AM
Setsuna good poem nice how you set up the words in this poem.

Setsuna Yuna
05-05-2002, 09:02 PM
A true heart's promise
A young girl awaits her love
Meadow of flowers

Allen Schezar
05-05-2002, 11:36 PM
Nice Hope to read more from you.

05-05-2002, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by Setsuna Yuna
Thanks so much for your encouragement. Well okay, now I have another poem (and it actually has a title! :D ).

A Far Distance

As the cherry blossoms fall
I wonder what you're doing
So far away
While I am here in a foreign land

At night I feel lonely
Homesick for my country
But when I look at the moon
I know you are looking at it too

Even though we are miles apart
I think you are somewhere
Under the same sky
Looking up at the same moon

As I looked at that moon
The wind suddenly picked up
Caught me in it's gentleness
And ended as soon as it began

I thought nothing of it
Until it suddenly hit me
And I smiled happily
Knowing that you were there with me

That is so beautiful. I really felt something from it. I'd love to read more of your stuff.