06-13-2007, 07:39 PM
What do you think of "Tomb Raider: Anniversary" ?

I love it, the Croft Manor is really great and different than in the first one. We can go out, in the labyrinth, there are a lot of enigmas, etc ...
As for the game, I'm only in the Peru with the T-Rex for now, but the 3 levels I already visited are already good to rate the game. I am sure than the rest is better !

This remake is awesome: 20/20 !!! =)

And ... I have just one question, what are the passwords, and where to enter them ? I would like to have an eternal life or to pass only one level , because I get some difficults to kill the T-Rex.
Thanks ! =)

06-13-2007, 08:52 PM
The game looks even better than the original, the big monsters, like the T-Rex and Torso are much eaisier, simply fill their rage meter and they kill themselves.

Sakura Hylian
06-14-2007, 08:38 PM
I so can't wait to get this. x3 I'll actually be able to see what I'm doing! :D The original takes me forever to do anything, mostly because of the graphics and such, but now I'm gonna be so kick-ass at it.

06-14-2007, 09:02 PM
The game looks impressive from what I've seen and will venture into getting it eventually but I don't have the cash at present.

Sharon Agathon
06-14-2007, 09:23 PM
Gameplay is amazing with some wicked puzzles. The new moves also add a new dimension to the gameplay. :p Also graphics and sound is the best we've seen/heard from any Tomb Raider games. :D

My few complaints about the remake is that it lacks the grand atmosphere(in the original version, the camera pans to show the surroundings everytime you enter a new area giving the wow factor) and human bosses of the original are MIA. :(

06-15-2007, 09:01 AM
I downloaded this game and I too give it a 20/20. I was a huge fan back when the games first came out but stopped playing Tomb Raider after it went to the PS2. They just didn't appeal to me anymore but this definitely rekindled the old flame and I remember why I loved it in the first place. And because I get amazed at the most smallest things, I thought it was cool that Lara's clothes got darker and her skin was actually wet after she jumps into some water and you can actually see the clothes dry off. And for some reason, I also feel like I can explore alot more that the original and I liked that alot. Maybe it's just me?

06-15-2007, 10:59 AM
5 people have voted for now. "Yes, a good remake." is the most voted for now.

I am in the last level of the Peru, I finally managed to kill this T-Rex ! =)

& I bought a "Playstation 2 magazine" (French version), and they have rated the game : 08/10.
I don't know the mark of the English magazine for TRA.
That would be great if a remake of TR2 can be released for the 15th anniversary, lol.

06-16-2007, 11:43 AM
I Love it <3 Got it when it came out.