06-12-2007, 04:29 PM
I've noticed that certain Final Fantasy games tend to share a lot of the same characteristics as far as story, plot, and emphasis on certain aspects of the game go. I suppose part of this has to do with the development team that created each one, since I know that they occassionally vary them.

Some might say for instance that FF8 and FF10 are very similar and that a person who really likes one of the two would probably really like the other.

Also, one might consider FF10 to be more of what you would call a 'role playing game' with more emphasis on character development, plot, and story, while FF12 could be called more of an action/adventure game packed full of side quests and hack and slash and a lot less in the story and character interaction departments. Personally, the type of FF games that I love the most are those of the FF10/FF8 variety (and probably FF7).

From what we know about FF13, which type of Final Fantasy game do you think it will be like? Will it be similar to FF10 or FF12 or a completely different type of the game series?

Which would you hope it will be? One that puts an enormous amount of time and effort into story, plot, characterization, or one that puts more effort into game play, battle, and side quests?

the guy watching you
06-12-2007, 10:00 PM
wrong thread sorry.

06-13-2007, 01:51 AM
Why can't they just try to do a good job on, y'know... all of those areas?

Plot, gameplay, character, sidequests, all that stuff... it ain't mutually exclusive.

06-14-2007, 10:41 PM
Take FFVI for exemple. For it's time, this game had the total package.

06-18-2007, 05:17 PM
I think some aspects of the games are mutually exclusive. A good example in would be in FFX vs FFXII in regards to FMVs and cutscenes.

FFX had so many FMVs and cutscenes that there was about enough to make a full movie. Some people, like me, loved that. Helps draw you into the story. Others, probably the more action/adventure oriented sort, hated having to watch the movies instead of being able to push controller buttons non-stop. These types of people might like the almost total lack of FMVs and cutscenes (in comparison) that exists in FFXII. For me, FFXII was close to a nightmare of boring repetitiveness I think in no small part because of this.

06-19-2007, 05:57 PM
I hope it has a world map

06-19-2007, 06:19 PM
I hope it will have an airship you can control like during the pre-PS2 era...

And please, SQUEENIX, make it so we don't feel like we're running into corridors after corridors even when we are not supposed to be in dungeons (FF X and X-2 *** FF XII was a step in the right direction, but Dragon Quest VIII handled that way better)!!!

06-22-2007, 04:57 AM
I like the games where it's not as easy to get lost. That's why I hated FF XII, no character development and it was far too easy to get lost even in a town. I liked FF IV, VI, VII, VIII and X. They were all fun, had good bosses and had a good storyline.

J. Peterman
07-10-2007, 08:17 AM

07-10-2007, 04:05 PM
I think a airship would do just fine, as for combat, from what I have seen ir looks very different than othe FFs up to this point.

And whats wrong with blue?

07-15-2007, 07:32 PM
I agree with Hynad on this one.

I am more of a fan of FFVIII and FFX, so I would like to see more character developement/interaction/storyline to be amazing. That's why I am not such a huge fan of FFXII. After playing FFXII, I really wanted more cut-scenes. There was just nothing in FFXII that did it for me, in terms of cut-scenes and character developement. Basically we were introduced to a new place, the party talked a little and then we were sent on our way to try and find where this dungeon leads to. First place that ocmes to mind, is Salikawood.

From the first impressions of this game, it looks a lot like FF7 to me. And that's all I can think of for now.

07-16-2007, 05:29 PM
My first impression of FFXIII is that it looks a lot like FFVII, and that would be a good thing. I hope it leans more on storyline and character development than FFXII did, but surely it wouldn't be impossible to implement a decent fighting system and lots of sidequests and exploration opportunities at the same time.

07-21-2007, 01:38 AM
My first impression of FFXIII is that it looks a lot like FFVII, and that would be a good thing. I hope it leans more on storyline and character development than FFXII did, but surely it wouldn't be impossible to implement a decent fighting system and lots of sidequests and exploration opportunities at the same time.

Combat-wise, I could definitely live with the FFX style of fighting.

One thing that would make me get super-excited about this game was if there Airship battles were intorduced in this game. Although the downside to this is that it might feel a little bit like star wars......But in the end I enjoyed some of those games. So it wouldn't matter too much for me.

07-21-2007, 11:53 AM

Shut up , Pokemon Is Crap

07-21-2007, 05:49 PM
Shut up , Pokemon Is Crap

Shut up, Your moms crap.

09-23-2007, 12:35 AM
hmmm.... I never wanted to play any other Final Fantasy since Hironobu Sakaguchi don't handle the game anymore .... FF today has become too character oriented rather than having balance in the story and character ... and they lose the Classic and Epic feel that still held in FF 8 and 9 .... maybe they had great design and gameplay, but there's something missing in them, that after playing the game, I'm not impressed and forget them in an instant

for me FF VI is still the best, and FF VII the second ...

09-23-2007, 01:49 AM
You guys should play Front Mission(Snes tactical rpg by Square from mid 90's), it's coming out for DS in Usa next on Oct 23rd! I hope that FF XIII is somehow similar to this.

09-23-2007, 02:14 AM
Take FFVI for exemple. For it's time, this game had the total package.

- Best FF EVER!

09-23-2007, 08:12 AM
hmmm.... I never wanted to play any other Final Fantasy since Hironobu Sakaguchi don't handle the game anymore .... FF today has become too character oriented rather than having balance in the story and character ... and they lose the Classic and Epic feel that still held in FF 8 and 9 .... maybe they had great design and gameplay, but there's something missing in them, that after playing the game, I'm not impressed and forget them in an instant

for me FF VI is still the best, and FF VII the second ...

That's strange that you would say that... FFXII was gameplay oriented more than most of the others before, and Sakaguchi didn't take any part in its development.

The last FF Sakaguchi took a role in its production was FFX, and it's the most character oriented FF in the whole series. So I call bullshit on your blind and misinformed fanboyism.

09-24-2007, 01:11 PM
I think that FFVXIII will be a lot-like FFVII and FFXIII will be FFVIII like.... I just think so... To me there is no good or bad FF... All they are the-best to me! This thread made me think about the fact that FF "died" 8 years ago... But I still can see the things that makes FF to be FF.... Anyway FFXII really sucked as a part of FF series... But still, it was enjoyable to play it...

09-25-2007, 12:50 AM
FFXIII=FFVIII because its high tech and gives you a little care free flying feeling, which makes no sense...

FFXIII Versus= FFVII because its darker and more gloomy

09-27-2007, 12:29 AM
FFXIII=FFVIII because its high tech and gives you a little care free flying feeling, which makes no sense...

FFXIII Versus= FFVII because its darker and more gloomy

Bunch of bull actually. Unless you played the game, I don't see how you can talk about FFXIII in the way you did there.

09-27-2007, 12:33 AM
Yeah FFVI and FFVII were as close as square ever got to Meshing all those things together. Story and Gameplay. I didn't like FFXII, the Story was too Simple and the characters.. felt like they were half made. Although the Battle system was pretty good but times too easy.. the Graphics and watching your guys fight made it so it wasn't boring. And of course.(we're talking about Square here) the cut scenes were awesome. I hope FFXIIIV and FFXIII's battle system is more interactive and fun. And has characters as believable and kick ass as Cloud and sephiroth were.

09-27-2007, 01:47 AM
Bunch of bull actually. Unless you played the game, I don't see how you can talk about FFXIII in the way you did there.

I said it made no sense, meaning I didnt expect hardly anyone to understand it.

09-28-2007, 03:42 AM
Can't say for sure.
It could possibly be a lot like 7, because I read that the character designer was to portray a female version of Cloud when designing Lightning.

But who knows, maybe they'll take a different approach, completely.

All I know, is I want that game al-fucking-ready. >:/

09-30-2007, 01:50 PM
Here is what it will be like according to the developers.

They are not giving that much info yet, but it gives a good idea of what to expect.

From Famitsu (some months ago)

[A Crystal that Invents -- FF XIII]

Katou:What kind of place is "Cocoon"? Are the streets in the trailer part of Cocoon?
Toriyama: Yes. That is a part of the world protected by the Crystal. Cocoon is a space for the Crystal to invent many things that make life easier for its inhabitants.

Katou: What exactly does the Crystal invent?
Toriyama: The Crystal invents things like machines for the people to use, produces living beings and raises them, amongst many other things. The Crystal closely looks after its people's livelihood.

Katou: I understand the "closed" part, but am I right to say that Cocoon created itself and is progressively growing, while self-containing a closed-off society on its own?
Toriyama: It's an isolated space, but not completely. Outside of Cocoon is the underworld called Pulse. Pulse is a world filled with the monster's menace. First there was Pulse, then the Crystal thought "If humans were to live in this world, what kind of environment would be suitable for humans to live in?" The Crystal created Cocoon as the answer to that question.

Katou: So you're saying, that anything outside of Cocoon is considered Pulse? Is it dangerous to go outside?
Toriyama: That is correct. That is how the inhabitants of Cocoon percieve the outside world.

Aizawa: Earlier when the words "protected by the Crystal," "invents things", etc. arose, meant that the Crystal itself is personified by having conscious thought. Is that how the Crystals are like in FFXIII?
Toriyama: Yes, it's different from the Crystals we've had so far that only possessed magical powers. Changing the forumula a bit with Fabula Nova Crystallis, the crystals in FFXIII have the ability to invent things.

Aizawa: In the latest trailer there was an enormous thing being hanged and got blown up. Is that also something invented by the Crystal?
Toriyama: Correct. That is also something invented by the Crystal. It's one of the "outsiders", which has a name, but we can't reveal that yet.

Katou: The outsiders are...?
Toriyama: "Outside" refers to the underworld Pulse. Basically, things that came from Pulse or invented by Pulse's Crystal, or anything that does not belong within Cocoon, are referred to as "outsiders". A Crystal exists in Pulse as well, complementing the things within Cocoon.

Katou: There are different types of Crystals as well?
Toriyama: Yes, there are. Those who've been influenced by the "outsiders" are quarantined by the "Holy Government". The ones in shackles and wearing prison uniformers seen in the trailer are the ones currently being deported.

Katou: I get it! So the trailer shown this time completes the E3 trailer by filling in the front and back of it. Now we're able to see bits and pieces of the prologue.
Toriyama: With the E3 trailer, we focused on wowing the audience, but this time we decided to introduce the story a little. We inserted a long narration so that people can have an idea of what kind of a person our heroine is, and in what way does she live and breathe in this world.

Aizawa: Let's settle this once and for all. Is "Lightning" her name?
Toriyama: It is not her name. She refers to herself as "Lightning", and is called by that by others. We don't want to reveal her real name because you will find that out in the game. So please look forward to that.

Aizawa: We really want to know though, but all we can do is wait (laughs).
Toriyama: That's because we finally started to introduce the story (laughs). Please use future trailers and the trailer shown this time to your imagination in how we will incorporate them into the game. Look forward to it.

[The Only Crystal -- Versus XIII]

Katou: The battle scene was expanded, showing an overwhelmingly powerful protagonist.
Nomura: Being able to control him like that would be ideal. But that doesn't mean you'll be using that many weapons at the start of the game.

Katou: So, he'll start off weak?
Nomura: This is an RPG after all, so we have to make the player level up the character themselves (laughs).

Katou: (Laughs). In the end will we be able to flaunt our weapons like our hero does in the trailer after progressing through the story and obtaining all the weapons?
Nomura: That's what we have planned. If you're motivated to obtain the weapons, you will obtain them. The trailer gives you a feel of what it'll be like. Of the things we're considering, this trailer portrays the hero in a fairly strong state. We want to make it so that players can control him the same way, just like in the trailer.

Aizawa: Regarding the story's setting, what is the Crystal's role in this?
Nomura: Many things do not exist in this world. Being the only one in the world, the Crystal in the protagonist's country was the center of a cold war that has continued on for so long, but finally welcomes the thawing of the cold war.

Katou: The soldiers who came to attack are after the Crystal and plan to disturb the peace, correct?
Nomura: That is correct.

Katou: So that means the Crystal holds certain powers that are beneficial to the military?
Nomura: Yes. It was only briefly shown, but enshrined in a pillar-like object behind the protagnist seats the Crystal. You can't see it, so no one knows what the Crystal inside looks like.

Katou: The room with the throne has a shallow bed of water that's kind of suspicous (laughs). The words "in slumber" shown by the Crystal is explained, but is that the heart of the story?
Noruma: Yes. That is a very important point. There's a part in the Fabula Nova Crystallis myth that talks about "slumber", which is where Versus 13 comes from. We're planning to show real-time footage of the game in 2007, so please look forward to that then we can delve deeper into the game.

From LEVEL magazine:


Q: "How does it effect you, and Square Enix, that FFXIII is such a big project that it's been divided in a lot of separate projects?"

Toriyama:"We've definitely been forced to change our habits and work in new ways. In the center you have the crystals that define Final Fantasy and unite the three XIII projects. But every single game is evolving in its own direction and take place in their own worlds with their own characters. Nomura has designed Lightning, but she's our character."

Q: "So who is she then?"

A: "I can't say much more than that she likes to call herself that. And that she's a female character who's vastly different compared to Yuna."

Q: "Ten years ago, Final Fantasy VII became a symbol to the entire PlayStation format. Could FFXIII come to mean as much for the PS3?"

A:"FFVII was a milestone in PS history. The game changed the entire RPG genre and set a lot of new trends. Strictly content-wise, the theme alternated between fantasy and futurism and we're doing something similar with FFXIII. The game mixes a new kind of fantasy with futuristic elements that have never been seen in a game before. It's very interesting to explore the new hardware. When you've managed to harness the power in it the results become unbelievable. We're accomplishing things you hardly can manage without the PS3."

Q:"So there will be a mix between fantasy and sci-fi again?"

A: "Last time, our time worked with the Asian-influenced world in FFX and wanted to do something completely different this time around. So we took the futuristic theme to its limit. FFXIII will truly define the term futurism. You've never seen anything like it."

Q:"You've worked at Square Enix for a long time, but this is the first time you're in charge of such a big FF project. How do you cope with the pressure?"

A: "The difference between the side projects and the big games, the one with numbers, isn't really that big. I know I have to deliver, but I knew that when I worked on Revenant Wings as well. The pressure from outside is almost worse. A lot of people view FFXIII as a title that can decide the success for the PS3. But I can't think about that. We've had a lot of time on our hands to prepare our game, and now we're working full-speed."

Q: "If you look past the visuals, how will FFXIII be a game for the next generation?"

A: "It's never solely about graphics, but at the same time you can't deny the meaning of the looks for the experience as a whole. The technique allows us to create characters so realistic that the player perceives them as being alive. It adds something emotional to the entire game experience. Which in its turn makes the combat system feel different since you care about the characters and you feel for them in a way that you've never done before. When you play FFXIII, it feels like you're controlling something that's not a 3D model, but a real creature."

About Versus:

Nomura: "There's been times when I've wanted to take FF in a completely different direction than the game's producer has wanted. I'm not saying that his or mine opinions have been right or wrong, just different. One thing I've always wanted to explore deeper is human emotions. By going in that direction, you risk to make the target group for the game narrower, and FF is appreciated by a very large audience. But with Versus XIII, it feels like the right time to take that risk. Since the script isn't done yet, I still don't know exactly how far I dare to go, but I know I want to squeeze humanity out of these characters. I want Versus to feel in the entire body."

Q: "You've also said that this is going to be the darkest FF game ever."

A: "When I produced Kingdom Hearts, I was in a world so bright that I almost got blinded. So now I want to do something completely different. Maybe it has something to do with my love for extremes. FFvXIII is about man in the real world. In that sense, the game will contain less fantasy than usual We've created some dark environments and shown them in our trailers. But the entire game won't look like that; we've only just begun."

Q: "When you talk about the real world, do you mean modern life on Earth?"

A: "I don't want the characters in the game to feel fabricated, so my focus lies on designing them through their humanity. They have to be perceived as humans, as someone you and I could meet in reality. The world in Versus is reminiscent with the one we live in today. That doesn't mean I'm inspired by locations or persons that actually exist, it's more of a feeling that the characters and locations are believeable, like something you'd be able to find in your daily life. I want to take this concept and make it into an FF experience. That's the challenge I've given myself, anyway."

Q: "So that's how you will use the power of the PS3?"

A: "The PS3 is such a powerful machine that the technical possibilities have a great influence over the game design and in the end, the entire game experience. I can't go into details about my ideas, but many of them would never have been possible during the last console generation."

09-30-2007, 05:37 PM
I`m just too impressed, I love Tetsuya-san too much already!

*A HUGE KISS FOR Mr. Tetsuya!!!*

09-30-2007, 05:50 PM
I'm not really confident about Nomura's work. And I'm sure he's the one who found the boastful Versus XIII title. Seeing he's always been showing himself pretending to be able to do everything better than anyone (See Advent Children's bonus features, the interview there shows a lot about his personality and mentality, and I also hate how he altered Sakaguchi's work to the point where it make even less sense than it did originaly).

In any case, something good might come out of this project of his and I'm willing to give him the benefit of doubt. I didn't like much of what he did with his Kingdom Heart series other than the visuals. And it seems to me that the look of things is about the only thing that he cares. So as I say, I'll watch his game evolve as time goes by, but so far, I'm not impressed with what he's trying to achieve.

The main FFXIII title got me a lot more intrigued. This new battle system sounds interesting on paper. Now I awaits the first gameplay demo.

10-01-2007, 12:47 PM
I never stopped believing in Tetsuya-san... I always respected him, and every single member that layed it`s finger on any FF project... I`m sure FNC wont disappoint us ^_^

02-04-2008, 05:04 PM
I think FFXIII would be like FFVII,especially FFversusXIII,because the character designer is Nomura.

02-04-2008, 05:07 PM
I don't see how the way it looks might have anything to do with the game ending up being like FF VII.

02-04-2008, 10:31 PM
I hope it`ll be nothing like FFVII. What`s the point to sit on one game and wish that developers are going to create only similar games to that one. I hope this common storyline of bad vs good will be more than just bad vs good. I`m very excited about FFXIII because of those Rushi, Farushi and especially about that the game`s storyline is not just some reasonless conflict between two planets, and as of what I`ve red the good maybe the bad and the bad maybe the good. And I liked what had been said about FFXIII... You will decide whether Lightning is good or bad on a certain point of the game....
As for FFvXIII I still know nothing about it... But I`m sure that it`s not going to be some sort of a copy from previous FFs. Although I love those guys, they`re so damn cute!

02-04-2008, 10:39 PM
I'm intrigued by the setting of FFXIII myself. There seem to be an other story about grays rather than actual pure good against pure evil in there. And I liked this aspect a lot in FFXII.

Now if only they can flesh it out deeper than FFXII was, I think we're on to something good there, as far as story goes.