06-11-2007, 01:42 AM
so, I think the rumours were confirmed back in March that there would be a PSP2. The main thing keeping me back from looking too deep into it was the snatch that the PSP needed a memory card (or key, or whatever that stickie is called). Apparently, this newer version has an 8GB hD. i think that's enough of an improvement by itself to receive another big wave of buyers. What do you guys think?

source: http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/psp2/

06-11-2007, 01:53 AM
Because the PSP doesn't have hardly any good games out for it (unless you include some import games), it's a complete waste of money. I have only one game for my PSP and I'm perfectly fine with it and it's shitloads of fun on multiplayer.

06-11-2007, 02:07 AM
Lol, PSP has a decent group of games, Dynasty warriors, burnout, GTA, ridge race, NFS,Loco Roco, lummines, Daxter, Tekken, Exit, puoy pop, ultimate block party, so that statement is wrong.

06-11-2007, 03:31 AM
Lol, PSP has a decent group of games, Dynasty warriors, burnout, GTA, ridge race, NFS,Loco Roco, lummines, Daxter, Tekken, Exit, puoy pop, ultimate block party, so that statement is wrong.
I forgot about that Tekken game, but I never liked Dynasty Warriors. I also hate all the Burnout games, didn't really care for GTA, Ridge Racer got repetitive after a while, didn't like neither NFS games for the PSP, never into Jack and Daxter but played my friends game of Daxter and didn't change my opinion on it, Puoy Pop was okay, but not worth getting a PSP over. As for the other games, they didn't look very interesting or I haven't heard of them.

jewess crabcake
06-11-2007, 03:37 AM
Killzone, and Socom is pretty good, there's other stuff too, not to mention emulators give it a big head start against other hand-held consoles.

06-11-2007, 03:58 AM
I'm actually looking forward to the games coming out near the end of the year too. And I think everyone would like to check out the new tactics. Did anyone mention Ratchet and Clank yet? that game looks nifty; I tried it at future shop.

06-11-2007, 04:17 AM
I forgot about that Tekken game, but I never liked Dynasty Warriors. I also hate all the Burnout games, didn't really care for GTA, Ridge Racer got repetitive after a while, didn't like neither NFS games for the PSP, never into Jack and Daxter but played my friends game of Daxter and didn't change my opinion on it, Puoy Pop was okay, but not worth getting a PSP over. As for the other games, they didn't look very interesting or I haven't heard of them.

Wow, you hate Burnout, how can you hate it?, anyway, you obviously hate PSP, but saying it would be a waste of money horrfically wrong, besides if they made PSP2 then I'm sure there would be more games for it.

jewess crabcake
06-11-2007, 04:19 AM
I'm surprised Sony's releasing PSP2 so fast, I guess they are trying to flip a profit with the PS3 out. I think it's a tad soon, I mean I was trying to get a PSP this summer but if PSP2 is coming out, I might as well just buy the internal DVD+/_RW.

06-11-2007, 04:29 AM
What is the current release date?

06-11-2007, 05:22 PM
i'm not sure. Though there was something about it being released before the end of the year.

06-11-2007, 06:26 PM
1. It wouldn't be a new PSP. Just a redesign of the old one, possibly along the lines of the DS Lite.

2. Still just rumors.

06-11-2007, 06:32 PM
PSP lite?

The Box
06-12-2007, 05:52 AM
Considering all the playstation consoles have been redesigned, a redesign of the PSP is bound to happen. I hope they make the thing more comfortabe to hold + make the buttons not so close together and over sensitive. Playing any kind of non-RPG on the PSP is impossible with the current designs.

Also if it werent for Tales of Eternia and Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, I probably would have ditched my PSP. That, and the upcoming Star Ocean 1 and 2 remakes for it

06-13-2007, 12:33 AM
Wow, you hate Burnout, how can you hate it?, anyway, you obviously hate PSP, but saying it would be a waste of money horrfically wrong, besides if they made PSP2 then I'm sure there would be more games for it.
I'm sorry, I forgot to mention that I have a PSP. I know that Sony is planning on releasing a new PSP and have known for a while now actually (I think it was going to be white and have a built in camera, can't remember). I was just saying that it's a waste of money if you already have one just to buy another PSP with a few extra things that aren't really relevant. The only game I have for it and am completely satisfied with it too is Initial D: Street Stage. It's an imported game and a port for the arcade game Initial D: Arcade Stage Ver. 3.