03-29-2002, 04:57 PM
Alright the thread for people you have beaten Final Fantasies 7-10. Well am i right in the ending FMV's for the games when the last screen roles you see a face or an action. I mean like in FF7 you see aries face before it goes blank. In FF8 Squall and Rinoa walk off and talk. In FF9 Dagger and Zidane meet up and then u don't see them again, and in FF10 you see Tidus in the fetal position and then he hears Yuna's wistle and then he swims up and it goes blank. Does anyone else notice this.

03-29-2002, 08:24 PM
In the end of FF8 don't they kiss and it ends? Thats not to much of a hanger. Square usually leaves a little something at the end to keep you thinking anyway. FF10 I though was kinda left unfinished but it was good that way.

03-30-2002, 06:02 AM
Hmmm...well, not for me. Usually I'm apalled, but I'm not like anxious for what really happened afterward.

03-30-2002, 09:08 AM
Grrr...I have always thought that Square has left open-ended questions to the endings. GRRRR!!!! My imagination doesn't work this way!

03-30-2002, 11:19 AM
Yeah, like with FF7, they just flew off. That sucked, where did they go from there?

03-30-2002, 05:38 PM
In ff8, i never knew what was gonna happen to Rinoa(i thought she was gonna die), but now i know the truth

03-30-2002, 06:28 PM
<font color="4422BB"> i though all those endings were pretty good. </font>

04-08-2002, 06:14 AM
Square just wants you to ponder in your own will, in other words, use your imagination! What do YOU think happened? There really is no wrong or right answer, it's just what you think! I mean, look:

*Spoilers on the endings for 7, 8, and 9..turn back now if you havn't beaten these yet*

FF7- It's 500 years later in the world. RedXIII still lives on with his offspring. What do you think happened in those 500 years? What do you think happens now?

FF8- Squall and Rinoa hold each other, arm in arm while flying away in the Garden. Did they get married? Just a minor relationship? What're the lives of the other characters like?

FF9- Zidane and Garnet are finally reunited, permanantly. What do you expect to become of everything? Will all wars now stop, now that the evil is gone?

Just goes to show you, it may be cliffhanger, IF you don't use your imagination. ^-^;;

But, don't believe me if you want, i'm just pointing out what I think. :)

04-08-2002, 12:52 PM
Oh well, Square should be famous for something, and their cliffhangers have been an extra which is good. I like them.... gives those nice overanalyzed speculation threads with all kinds of view on the ending, which is exactly what Square wants, that you not only play the game but also talk about it. and this thread is the posting proof of that =D

04-08-2002, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by Garnets Lover
Square just wants you to ponder in your own will, in other words, use your imagination! What do YOU think happened? There really is no wrong or right answer, it's just what you think! I mean, look:

*Spoilers on the endings for 7, 8, and 9..turn back now if you havn't beaten these yet*

FF7- It's 500 years later in the world. RedXIII still lives on with his offspring. What do you think happened in those 500 years? What do you think happens now?

FF8- Squall and Rinoa hold each other, arm in arm while flying away in the Garden. Did they get married? Just a minor relationship? What're the lives of the other characters like?

FF9- Zidane and Garnet are finally reunited, permanantly. What do you expect to become of everything? Will all wars now stop, now that the evil is gone?

Just goes to show you, it may be cliffhanger, IF you don't use your imagination. ^-^;;

But, don't believe me if you want, i'm just pointing out what I think. :) I know for ff7 a big meteor can smack into the planet and go BOOM
for FF8 over an ocean the garden runs out of gas and drops into the ocean:D
and for ff9 this is good you wanna know what happend to these guyz I happend to these guyz:D a highly advanced millitary(W*W*) attacks and destroys everything ahahahahaha I just got a mind for destruction and no happy endings:D but then I go and think up a happy ending