06-06-2007, 07:52 AM
That's right, Thundercats. Not sure how reliable this source is, but of says so, then I might have to make me a bologna sandwich.

Am I interested? I don't know. Transformers, X-men, Harry Potter, that's one thing. thundercats? I donno.

06-06-2007, 08:05 AM
Oh, god, no.

For what it's worth, I hated G.I. Joe, but I hated Thundercats roughly twice as much.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
06-06-2007, 06:34 PM
How can you hate GI Joe :o

Anyway, I think a Thundercats movie would be milking the whole nostalgia thing too much, but if they can pull it off without making them a teenage rock band from LA, then whatever

06-06-2007, 11:22 PM
How can you hate GI Joe :oWell, maybe if you take into account the moral of the day ending:

Random Kid1: "Hey (add random name), come play with us"
Random Kid2: *Millhouse voice* "Okay!"

(later that day)

Random Kid1: "let's go play in that old, abandon, ready to fall apart, house over there!"
Random Kid2: "Gee guys, I don't know, it looks kind of dangerous!"
Random Kid1: "Oh C'mon (add random name), What are you? Chicken?"
Random Kids: *Laughing* (taunting random kid2) Cluck! Cluck!

Random Kid1: "Look (add random name), it's safe..." *CRASH* (floor breaks under him, but manages to hold on with one hand) "... AHHH! I CAN'T HOLD ON... FINGERS... SLIPPING... HELP!!!"
Random Joe (who just happens to be in the area, 'cause we all know special forces soldiers are always in uniform walking through random neighborhoods): "Hey kid, hold on!"
Random Kids: "Hey, it's (Random Joe's name)"
Random Joe: (saves random kid1) "I got you!"
Random Kid1: "Thanks for saving my life (Random Joe's name), If you weren't here, I'd be a goner!"
Random Joe: "No problem, (looks into camera) just remember kids, playing in abandoned houses is never cool! there dangerous places where you could get hurt, or even worse!"
Random Kid2: "see! I told ya!"
Random Kid1: "and now I know!"
Random Joe: "and knowing is Half the Battle!"

I was 5 when I saw these and even then I thought they were fuckin' corny.
I was like those kids are all dumbasses!

Anyway, I think a Thundercats movie would be milking the whole nostalgia thing too much, but if they can pull it off without making them a teenage rock band from LA, then whateverI could just see it now! emo, Emo, EMOCATS HOOOO!

Really, not all 80's cartoons should be movies! what's next Cops, Mask, Capt. N, Silverhawks, Bravestar, Go-Bots!

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
06-07-2007, 12:42 AM
Those little "knowing is half the battle" things were still good for some kids to see, especially those growing up completely in front of the TV with no real lessons from their parents at all. Also, they had nothing to do with the actual episodes or anything so I don't see why those alone would ruin the whole thing for anyone.

There were Transformers ones as well

06-07-2007, 01:41 AM
How can you hate GI Joe
I was a ninie when it was on (like, say, 4 years old and scared of practically any TV show baddie that looks, sounds and acts mean enough to get my panic meter peaking). The Cobra baddies scared the shit out of me :/

So yeah, more like scared of and not hate.

Really, not all 80's cartoons should be movies! what's next Cops, Mask, Capt. N, Silverhawks, Bravestar, Go-Bots!
Capt. N was cool, but I don't think I want to see it as a movie. I was okay with MASK (really now, a talking car that could fly! When you're 6, flying, talking cars that looks like Ferarris are a big thing) but a while a movie might be possible, CGI or live actors just can't cut it. Never seen Go-Bots or Cops before, but Silverhawks and Bravestar, perish the thoughts! I hated them as much as I hate Thundercats.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
06-07-2007, 02:25 AM
I was a ninie when it was on (like, say, 4 years old and scared of practically any TV show baddie that looks, sounds and acts mean enough to get my panic meter peaking). The Cobra baddies scared the shit out of me :/

So yeah, more like scared of and not hate.

Capt. N was cool, but I don't think I want to see it as a movie. I was okay with MASK (really now, a talking car that could fly! When you're 6, flying, talking cars that looks like Ferarris are a big thing) but a while a movie might be possible, CGI or live actors just can't cut it. Never seen Go-Bots or Cops before, but Silverhawks and Bravestar, perish the thoughts! I hated them as much as I hate Thundercats.

I think you're confusing MASK with something else.

MASK was kind of like a mix between GI Joe and Transformers. The show you're thinking about actually involved a guy that transformed into a talking/flying car whenever hot water splashed on him.

06-07-2007, 02:39 AM
Anyway, I think a Thundercats movie would be milking the whole nostalgia thing too much, but if they can pull it off without making them a teenage rock band from LA, then whatever

Josie and the Thundercats, FTW.

06-07-2007, 08:50 PM
Those little "knowing is half the battle" things were still good for some kids to see, especially those growing up completely in front of the TV with no real lessons from their parents at all.That reminds me of this comedian who came out on Jay Leno. Forgot his name though but he goes: Man, I never knew how bad you guys have it out here (L.A), 'till I moved from (I don't remember, but in Mid. America). Do you know you have a Drugs!? I mean I've heard about it in the news, but I never knew how bad it was. I always thought the drug problem had to do with taking too many asprins or something. anyways, I was invited to a party once and I was having a good time, when all of a sudden, someone came up to me, and asked if I wanted to smoke a joint! See, you gotta remember that 'till that night, I have never been confronted with drugs before, so I thought back to what I learned from all those "After School Specials" I watched back in the 80's, and I said: "No way man, Drugs are for Nerds" (gives two thumbs down) and proceeded to do the runningman. No one ever bothered me again!
There were Transformers ones as wellI can't quite remember the Transformer ones, but then again, it was mandatory for cartoons in the 80's and early 90's to have that morality scene in the end. Hence the Animaniacs "Wheel of Morality" parody:
Yakko: It's that time again!
Dot: To hold our breath till the next episode!
Yakko: No!
Wakko: To make sure we put spaghetti in our pants!
Yakko: No! It's time for the Wheel of Morality!
Wakko and Dot: NOOOOO!
Wakko: We hate the Wheel of Morality!
Yakko: Why?
Dot: 'cause the morals never make any sense! Why do we need it anyways?
Yakko: 'cause we need to put some useless information in an otherwise entertaining show!
Wakko: and if we don't?
Yakko: The Fox censors will take us off the air!
Wakko and Dot: OHHHH! heh, heh, heh :laugh:
Dot: Yay! heh, heh, heh, The Wheel of Morality *smooch*
Wakko: Yeah, we like the Wheel of Morality! heh, heh, heh
Yakko: So with out further ado: *spins wheel*
wheel of morality turn, turn, turn.
tell us the lesson that we should learn!
Yakko: and the moral of today's story is... *bing* moral #3
*ahem* when life gives you lemons, make sure to keep the receipt!
Dot: wow, how deep!
Yakko: I'd like to think so!

06-08-2007, 02:34 AM
I think you're confusing MASK with something else.
'k, thanks for clearing things up.

06-08-2007, 03:13 AM
Josie and the Thundercats, FTW.

AHAHAHAHA... Somebody needs to photo shop this.

06-23-2007, 09:36 AM
Howdo. My first post! Didn't Pole Position feature talking/flying cars? Also, I think if you took the basic subject matter of some of those old shows and tossed aside the bright colours and goofy voices, they could make pretty astounding summer blockbuster spectacles. Including Thundercats. It could be like a cross between Return Of The Jedi and Return Of The King...

Ooh! How about Inhumanoids?

Sharon Agathon
06-24-2007, 04:57 AM

07-05-2007, 02:52 PM
If Thundercats is to be made into a Live action movie, I want it to be directed by Tim Burton. He would do a better job with Thundercats than Micheal Bay would

07-06-2007, 03:36 AM
Howdo. My first post! Didn't Pole Position feature talking/flying cars?
I can't really remember the cars flying.

Pole Position would be good provided they updated the technology on the show tho. I recall the low res cheesy computer faces on the cars' dashboard which I sorta liked. And yes, I was still around 6 then.

07-06-2007, 06:48 AM
I can't really remember the cars flying.

The car's wheels definitely flipped under them and they at least hovered. Maybe it was soley for travelling over water.

07-08-2007, 02:44 PM
The car's wheels definitely flipped under them and they at least hovered. Maybe it was soley for travelling over water.
Hmmm... That, I guess I forgot about.