06-05-2007, 09:37 PM
Ok I love Crash games, and a new game on the way has caught my attention! lets check it out:

quotes from wikipedia:

The Plot
In a nefarious plot to unleash destruction, Crash Bandicoot 's arch-nemeses, Dr. Neo and Nina Cortex, have mutated the creatures of Crash's island into monstrous abominations! Never one to shirk from danger, our orange furry friend finds that with his potent mix of wacky bravado and daredevil action he is able to hijack the titanic monsters and wield their immense powers against each other! Bring on the titans, because with Crash in charge, the bigger the baddie, the better!

Ok, so you can now control enemys, a new aspect to attempt to bring a new gameplay feel, it depends on how it's executed, but hey it could work!

Nine returning characters from previous Crash titles have been confirmed so far: Crash, Doctor Cortex, Coco Bandicoot, Nina Cortex, Crunch Bandicoot, Doctor N. Gin, Tiny Tiger, Aku Aku, and Uka Uka. The characters have been redesigned as to give them a modern look that is distinct from other cartoon characters. A "Carbon Crash" is also playable in the two-player co-op mode.

This is my major concern, firstly what is carbon crash? why not use fake crash? he's awesome, and look at the charecters, they look like shit:
When I first saw this picture, I thought it was some kind of joke, are they serious? I mean if your a fan of crash bandicoot, then you know what I mean, look a Uka Uka he looks nothing like he did in every single other crash game, Aku Aku has let himself go, he is fat, why have they done this? did they think it's cool? give the charecters a new look? NO it's not, and while were talking about charecters, look a tiny tiger, Tiny is the hybrid of a Tasmania tiger, not an actual fucking tiger, and worst of all look at crunch, he looks as if he is actually reatarded, I know he wanted to lose weight but come on, and what's happened to his metal arm? it looks like it's only good for turbo mastubation, why would they want to give them a modern look? The other charecters however are ok, also they must have dingodile and N trophy, maybe even have a few oldies return such as Kong or Ripper Roo.

Crash has donned new markings on his wrists and hands. When he is shown commanding a titan in screenshots, these marks appear to glow. This means the marks are a plot point, not a random redesign. Aku Aku will also play a significant role in this mechanism; when Crash takes control of a titan, Aku Aku transforms himself to fit onto the titan's face. He can also be used as a skateboard-type object in certain sections of the game.

Fair enough, the thouht of using Aku Aku as a skateborad intirgues me.

Boy has this series gone down, ever since CTR the Crash games have got worse and worse, a shame the first were excellent and CTR was great, CB sucked, WOC was mediocre at best, NK sucked, TS was funny, TTR is ok, BBB is a shamefull turd comming out of a bandicoots ass.

06-07-2007, 07:38 PM
I am a very big fan of the series too.
And I can't wait to buy the next episod "Titans".
The characters have changed i think :
* The new look of Uka Uka is impressive, he's completly different in other games !
* Aku Alu is bigger and different from the past games.
* Crash has tatoos on his hands now.
* Coco has a new look too. She look likes a marsupial, while in past games, she looks like an human, to me. And her ears are on her head, while in all the Crash games, her ears were like human ears.
* I think Crunch, Cortex, Nina and N.gin are still the sames characters. Their look aren't better or worse than in other games.
* Finally, for Tiny Tiger, he looks like a tiger better than in other games. He looks like a dog or a wolf in CB2, Warped and others ... lol =).

Well, I think the environnment of the game looks like the Spyro's levels. It's not bad, but I prefered a Crash style opposite to a Spyro style. A mix isn't a good thing, I prefer Crash Bandicoot's creatures; ennemies and levels, than the Spyro's things. I tell that because of the pictures I seen. Maybe it's only to misleading us.

I don't if we'll access to the levels with a warp room, or if this is like in TwinSanity. Do you know, you ?

In the series, the best game is Warped I think, TwinSanity and CTTR were great too. And even, all the others were also excellents, but Warped stays the better !!! =)

06-07-2007, 07:52 PM
The new look of Uka Uka is impressive, he's completly different in other games !

Changing a charecter's apperance completely is stupid, and the fact he is different is what makes this new version suck.

Aku Alu is bigger and different from the past games.

Atleast with Aku Aku, he looks familiar, I had no idea who the other mask was until I read the description.

Crash has tatoos on his hands now.

And from what I've heard, they play a part in Crash being able to control his enemies.

Finally, for Tiny Tiger, he looks like a tiger better than in other games. He looks like a dog or a wolf in CB2, Warped and others ... lol

Thats exacty why his new look sucks, he is not supposed to be a tiger, he is a tasmanian tiger, there is a big difference

I think Crunch, Cortex, Nina and N.gin are still the sames characters. Their look aren't better or worse than in other games.

Are you fucking serious? CRUNCH LOOKS LIKE SHIT!!!!!

06-15-2007, 02:12 AM
Carbon Crash is a copy-like Crash for the Co-op player in the game.

The reason why Radical changed is because they're giving those guys a fresh start. Aku Aku and Uka Uka sure are different it's because in the game they are about going to say about their incarnations or their past. I'm getting used to those models because Radical made them a little different. They are all right and okay to me. I mean I don't want Tiny to wear the same clothes every day in every game and that's dull and boring. People and Bandicoots change, get over it. Sure Radical Entertainment did a mistake for changing Tiny's species, but they'll probally get it right in the future.

Plus have you checked the interview? If not go right here -

06-15-2007, 11:23 AM
I haven't checked the interview yet. Thank you !

06-15-2007, 04:12 PM
Carbon Crash is a copy-like Crash for the Co-op player in the game.

The reason why Radical changed is because they're giving those guys a fresh start. Aku Aku and Uka Uka sure are different it's because in the game they are about going to say about their incarnations or their past. I'm getting used to those models because Radical made them a little different. They are all right and okay to me. I mean I don't want Tiny to wear the same clothes every day in every game and that's dull and boring. People and Bandicoots change, get over it. Sure Radical Entertainment did a mistake for changing Tiny's species, but they'll probally get it right in the future.

Plus have you checked the interview? If not go right here -

Well they should not give them a fresh start, I'm sorry but certain gamers want the charecters to stay the same, I thought they wre fine and hardly boring, it's a real shame that naughty dog stoped making Crash games as all the ones made by other companies are awfull.

06-15-2007, 08:18 PM
Well most of the games are not awful.

Why would say that if Radical don't give them a fresh start? If they didn't, the characters would stay the same and that doesn't add much excitement if they changed one bit. I mean if Crash fans wants the old ones and other fans liked the new ones. Instead why we just combine those looks together and that's it?

06-15-2007, 08:23 PM
Like i said most were mediocre at best, the first 4 crash games were amazing.

07-07-2007, 11:17 PM
I am one of the very few gamers that grew up playing the first 4 crash games for ps1, but STILL love the new incarnations of Crash. Honestly the first 3 games were great, CTR was also great but the characters looked stupid. Crash Bash was pretty fun but the characters looked stupid again, especially Crash.

And so came Wrath of Cortex, which I had looked forward to as only a true Crash Bandicoot fan can do. Man was I disappointed! Cortex, my fav character, looked complete and utterly STUPID as never before. It was embarrassing to look at the Crash universe in that game! And the loading times.... WoC is just a cheap bad ripoff of Warped. I decided not to buy any more Crash games, they were just getting worse.

Years passed. Games were played. Then one day I found Twinsanity for a bargain price. It was like coming home! The worlds! The gameplay! Cortex! Nina! The music! The cinematics! The humour (not counting the stuck-in-a-pipe joke)!

I started to look for Crash games again. CNK was not bad, but not incredibly good, although I enjoyed the cinematics. CTTR was really great, the music is wonderful, and the characters have rather nice looks.

I think the characters' new looks in Crash of the Titans seems interesting. Ok Crunch does look like a retard, but he's always been my hate object, he's always just been a big stupid extra character taking up valuable space in the games if you ask me. As for Tiny it's about the same, he was badly designed in the first place (basicly just a heap of orange muscles on top of two incredibly small legs).

Crash and Coco looks great. N Gin looks like a freak but he always have, so it's no big deal. Nina looks better than in Twinsanity, although she is a bit too similar to Coco. And my all-time since-Crash-2 favorite dr Cortex looks neither better nor worse. Just different. The shape of his head could be debated though, it DOES look like a carrot... And I am still not comfortable with that they changed his skin colour from normal white to Simpson yellow.

Aku and Uka look better. Ok Aku looks like a gorilla but that emphasises that he's on the good side (good guys are always ugly).

EDIT: I know I know, that was a bit lengthy, but that's how I write.

07-08-2007, 08:35 AM
Aku and Uka look better. Ok Aku looks like a gorilla but that emphasises that he's on the good side (good guys are always ugly).

Lol, I prefered the old look of Uka Uka, he's rather strange in Titans. As for Aku Aku, his face is bigger than in past games, to me.
But video games characters always changes.

06-10-2014, 06:20 PM
Thread: Thread 174917

Darth Revan
06-11-2014, 12:52 AM
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