06-04-2007, 05:33 PM
Agree or disagree?

You could add an explanation as well.

06-04-2007, 06:56 PM
disagree. i like it; i have one; but, the Wii is way less mula and pretty freaking awsome. The Ps3 though (extreamly) expensive comes with more oomph. i say oomph because i forget all the things its got. its really about the game play experiance your looking for.

J. Peterman
06-04-2007, 07:52 PM
They all pretty much suck right now, IN MY OPINION.

Wii will probably start to be AWESOME FOR ME once Nights/Brawl/Galaxy come out so I am like whatever.

360 and PS3 look like the same thing to me so whatever gets Suikoden VI is probably the second console I'll get unless they make it on the Wii then I'll probably get nothing else.


I am a Sega fanboy.

Metal Maniac
06-04-2007, 07:55 PM
No it is not.... The graphics rock but the games lack depth and stuff

06-04-2007, 08:07 PM
I personally do not care for much of this "console war" all 3 systems are great in their own ways, they all have drawbacks, everything does.

Argus Zephyrus
06-04-2007, 08:51 PM
I've been told Gears of War is the best thing on XBOX360, along with TESIV: Oblivion (ignoring the PC version); otherwise, I should go for a Wii. However, I'm a little short on cash to go for another console right now.

06-04-2007, 11:34 PM
I agree because I really like online, and XBox Live is fun as hell.

06-05-2007, 12:58 AM
360 is a great system with a large varity of games to choose from. Although many people i know personally have had core system malfunctions causing the 360 to brick, the infamous 3 red lights of death which surround your power button. Everyone ive known to have a 360 has had theirs break down rendering it useless with the exception of myself(soon to change =\) and a friend. But other then that, its great. =D

06-05-2007, 03:24 AM
The thing with the Wii and PS3, is that I do not want to sit around all year watching the games I want get pushed back.
I like to see some great gameplay and graphics with games that range from sports to first-person shooters, all the way to RPGs. (Which can all be played online) Plus having seperate profiles and achievements really wraps together the whole experience.

06-05-2007, 10:44 AM
I personally have a 360. I'm not really getting a PS3 just yet because all the games that were gonna be exclusives on the PS3 that I wanted are coming to the 360 as well and I'm not holding my breath for Konami doing a port to the 360 like they did with Substance. For now, the 360 has some excellent games that make it worth the purchase. Then there's going to be Half-Life 2: The Orange Box (or something like that), Bioshock, and Halo 3. Though Half-Life 2 is gonna be multiplatform, Bioshock is only going to be with the 360 and PC, and Halo 3 as a 360 exclusive (it'll be a cold day in hell before it goes to any other platforms other than the 360), the 360 looks to have a pretty solid line up leading into the fall. The Wii has a excellent line up for this summer and into the fall as well. For me, the choice of what platform to get depends on what games it will have.

06-06-2007, 05:17 AM
The best? Nah.

Not if it couldn't do Folding@Home for whatever reason it couldn't.
(For those who don't know, its a thing that tries to cure cancer that the PS3 has.)
*PSM says that the 360 was too weak, I say, don't know why, but they didn't.*

And not if it doesn't carry a good line of RPGs.
*And please for the last time don't insult me with the 7 at max that the 360 does have.*

06-06-2007, 07:32 AM
I like the Wii because it's the most revolutionary, but I like the 360 because it has some pretty good looking games coming out for it.

The PS3 I'm not bothered about in the slightest.

06-06-2007, 11:10 AM
Well, between Xbox360 and PS3,

You have to pay for Xbox Live.
You don't have to pay for the Playstation Network.

In my mind this makes the decision for me. The PS3 is soon going to come down in price and it's going to get some really good games, and the fact that I won't have to keep paying for it month after month makes up for the higher price.

Also my hands have molded to the shape of the playstation controller and the other controllers feel wierd to me.

06-06-2007, 02:41 PM
You can buy 12 months of Xbox Live for $50. That money once a year just supports the fact that Xbox Live has millions of more players than PS3, and just about every 360 game is online.

06-06-2007, 05:06 PM
I think if the PS3 came with a version w/out the blu-ray, I'd pick PS3. I mean they had the right idea with the various HD cap - I don't see why they couldn't do it for this. It would also give buyers a smaller system. I think the prices have the biggest role in which systems ppl are buying today.

06-06-2007, 05:30 PM
You can buy 12 months of Xbox Live for $50. That money once a year just supports the fact that Xbox Live has millions of more players than PS3, and just about every 360 game is online.

Only because Xbox Live has been out for god knows. Once the ps3 comes down in price, it will become more accessible to people, espescially people my age and younger and it's multiplayer will boom. There are a lot of really good ps3 games coming up that will be online, and they're to the same quality if not better than xbox games. We've still got a fair amount of exclusives just as the xbox has, and even $50 once a year is worse than paying nothing. I'd have my ps3 for years and years, same with xbox, so I'd end up saving money with the ps3.

Plus there's all the extra stuff the ps3 can do. I'd use it as my primary web browser because my laptop is starting to fuck up. And it looks better too, even if it is bigger.

06-06-2007, 07:13 PM
Only because Xbox Live has been out for god knows. Once the ps3 comes down in price, it will become more accessible to people, espescially people my age and younger and it's multiplayer will boom. There are a lot of really good ps3 games coming up that will be online, and they're to the same quality if not better than xbox games. We've still got a fair amount of exclusives just as the xbox has, and even $50 once a year is worse than paying nothing. I'd have my ps3 for years and years, same with xbox, so I'd end up saving money with the ps3.

Plus there's all the extra stuff the ps3 can do. I'd use it as my primary web browser because my laptop is starting to fuck up. And it looks better too, even if it is bigger.

I have one, and just like most other PS3 owners, we have no regrets.:)
The negative talk comes from the price, and the people who hate Sony.
I was planning on playing online this gen, and since I think ahead, FREE online (Yes its lag free, even for my basic broadband, while downloading Death Note), I just thought about how much I would save in the future.:)

06-06-2007, 07:19 PM
Dumb Sony fankid. Some of us actually have legitimate complaints about the machine. If you'd pull your head of of your ass and pay attention, you might just manage to be exposed to them.

06-06-2007, 07:33 PM
Dumb Sony fankid. Some of us actually have legitimate complaints about the machine. If you'd pull your head of of your ass and pay attention, you might just manage to be exposed to them.

Like I said, most of us.:P *Unless you can prove that more than 1,500,000 people wish they never bought their PS3s.*

And this proves yet another theory of mine:

360 fanboys make gamers as a whole look bad. (A chunk of them, not all of them.)

Why so? Why just look at my post man and you'll see: I said "Regrets" not "complaints" If you had a Sony mentality *Joking* instead of a 360 one, you would've never got those two words mixed up.

You should try to stay in a calm manner by the way, it makes your case look a bit better.

06-06-2007, 07:35 PM
Who said anything about the 360? I don't own one of those either. Also, don't assume anyone who calls you on being dumb is angry. You just look even more dumb for it.

06-06-2007, 07:36 PM
My apologies then.

You just sound like the lot of them.:P


06-06-2007, 07:38 PM
Not offended. I'm just the watchdog of sense.

Also, Xbox fans are no more obnoxious than PS3 fans. If you think they are, it's only due to a personal bias as a PS3 fan.

06-06-2007, 07:42 PM
Lol. Well then...

I bash my own side when someone says something obnoxiously dumb pro-PS3...

But this gen, I've heard my fill of the 360 fans telling me that Folding@Home is worthless, we support terrorism when we buy a PS3, and other such stupidity.

I haven't heard too much on our side...

God Doesnt Exist
06-06-2007, 07:54 PM
Until the 360 gets some good RPGs I can't call it the best.
I know there are some coming but whatever.
and it's a good price.

I think all the consoles will take a fair share of the market.
No console under 30% but no console above 42%

06-06-2007, 08:27 PM
see the thing with the Ps3 is this: right now it is too expensive. there just is not enough games out to justify it's price. most game ports for Ps3 are also on 360, with better results (see f.e.a.r).

SONY said that their system is "future proof". i say wait for that future to happen where there will be a price drop, rumble in the SIXAXIS, and at least 5 exclusives to play.

360 has all the games with more on the way. but the system has this reputation of breaking down. i say wait for the new .65 nm chips to come with the new systems this fall.

06-07-2007, 02:16 AM
I would not feel right paying more for a Playstation 3 than what I did for my Xbox360. I do not consider myself a real fanboy of anything, but I do believe the 360 is the best console on the market. (See reasons above.)

Also, one thing that really ticks me off about the PS3 is that you have to buy the HDI cables seperately. Haha, and if you aren't playing on 1080i, it really looks no better than the 360.

06-07-2007, 02:25 AM
It would probably put the price up even more if they gave you a HMDI cable. Besides there are an awful lot of people that don't have HDTVs yet.

06-07-2007, 02:41 AM
yeah there's an awful lot who are happy with a dvd player too.

06-07-2007, 06:09 AM
It would probably put the price up even more if they gave you a HMDI cable. Besides there are an awful lot of people that don't have HDTVs yet.

Right, but the cables come with the 360. Heh. =]

Also, what is the point of buying such a powerful system that tops all the rest when they will all look the same on a non-HDTV. Since, many still have not bought such televisions I feel sorry for the people who bought the PS3 without knowing.

06-07-2007, 05:04 PM
It's not just about that. The fact that it plays blu rays and xbox doesnt (yea I know xbox plays hd-dvd's and not blu ray), there is higher capacity on blu ray and therefore more potential for games on blu ray.

Then there's the web browsing, I'm not sure if you can do that on xbox, I havent heard that you can but I know you can on the ps3.

There's also the overheating and noise problems that the xbox had at launch and might still have. As far as I've heard, the ps3 hasnt experienced those yet.

And exclusives are on their way, warhawk and heavenly sword are exclusives if I'm correct. Not to mention motorstorm and resistance which are already out and look like brilliant games.

I'm not a sony fanboy by any means, the xbox is a great machine with some great games (cough halo, god I wish it was on playstation) but I just prefer the ps3, and it's enough to make me wait for it to fall in price. Apparently, there's hints it will fall in price in the summer, against all of my predictions but its good news! Should have one by christmas, if I dont end up getting a car.

06-07-2007, 05:17 PM
amen brother, you said the magic words "it's enough to make me wait for it to fall in price."

when the 360 get's it's .65 nm chip it will hopefully make for a quieter, cooler system. i'll buy one at that time (you can tell by the serial code on the box).

ps3 has tons of potential.
but joe consumer wants his games now, 360 has them. next year will be a good year for the ps3, what with all the games promised finally coming out. you can count on it.

06-07-2007, 05:40 PM
One question, I heard that xbox and ps3 players cant play against each other even if they have the same game, is it true? I cant wait to get online with my ps3 when I get it and burnout 5 will be one of the games I get, it'd be nice to race against and beat xbox players :D

06-07-2007, 08:17 PM
pc and 360 users compete in halo 2 and now shadowrun. for unreal 2007 pc can compete against 360 and ps3 servers but not together at once. 360 and ps3 have not been able to just yet.

i don't see why not tho. it sounds like a potential mess, programing wise, but i don't see why users from Ps3 and 360 can't compete against one another.

Black Hawk
06-08-2007, 05:26 AM
I just wanted to address a few comments made in this thread.

For starters, i'm not a fanboy of any description - I'm a gamer, and if I want to play a game, i'll buy the console.

Which is why, considering that I have a 360, Wii, PS2, DS and PSP, it's fairly telling that I don't have a PS3 yet.

At the moment - and I stress that, the moment - the Xbox 360 is a superior games console to the PlayStation 3. The reason? It has a better range of games now. Of course, this is because it has been out for a lot longer, but that doesn't change the fact that there are far more A-class games for the 360 than any other console.

All other arguments are just fluff, really; take for instance the 'power' argument. Due to various bottlenecks in system architecture, the 360 and PS3 consistently end up the same from a graphical standpoint. The two best looking games on each console at the moment - Resistance for the PS3, and Gears of War for the 360, show no advantage over the other in screenshots, and in movement, Gears of War is slightly better - even the developers of Resistance acknowledged this (and vowed to do better in their next game, Ratchet and Clank).

Using arguments like free online play vs. Live are really nothing, because you don't notice the money for the Live subscription. Sure, it would be nice if it was free, but someone has to pay for the centralized infrastructure; personally, I prefer it to the 'open' system that PCs and PS3s use. But I don't play online very often, so I guess it's really a nothing area for me.

That said, price is really an issue - especially in Australia. $1000 is a LOT of money to drop on a console, especially one without games. I payed $700 for my X360 at launch for just one game - Oblivion - and even that was stretching my wallet a bit. The thing is, the only PS3 game which I would seriously buy would have been Oblivion; which I already have for my 360.

It's going to take two factors for me to buy a PS3; a must-play exclusive (Metal Gear Solid 4, i'm looking at you) and a price drop.

06-08-2007, 06:27 AM
The problem from the breaking of the 360s comes from total faggots who leave it on when they leave the house. Seriously, I have sat down and played my 360 for 6-8 hours at a time (boring night) and have not experienced any of the shit that most users have complained about. I really think it comes from cheap assholes who like to talk shit.
But I trust Microsoft more than I trust Sony. That is the real bottom line of it.

06-09-2007, 05:24 PM
i disagree
reason: the xbox 360 ruins your disks and you have to buy all of the stuff like a Hdd wifi antenna etc separate and with the ps3 & Wii its all there

06-10-2007, 10:40 AM
Why do you think the PS3 is so damn expenisve? Because it comes with a bunch of shit packed into it. With the 360 you can choose what accessories and devices you want to buy seperately and it would probably cost as much as a PS3.

06-11-2007, 10:43 AM
But then you're left with tons of add-ons which take up all your desk space and the ps3 has it all to start with in one console.

I will concede that xbox is currently better than ps3 ONLY due to the lack of decent games on ps3, but thats going to change this autumn.

And when was halo 2 on pc? Im going out to buy a copy right now.

06-19-2007, 07:45 PM
No, the XBOX360 isn't the best console. The games are just okay right now, but the console itself is garbage. I got mine and I've had to get it repaired/replaced 3 times. I don't mistreat it, it sits on a stand about 2 feet off the ground, and because of work, it doesn't a lot of use.

My younger brother's 360 has had disc read problems since he got it on release day. He took it back to the Best Buy he got it from and traded disc read problems for random errors.

It could be a great console, but that's when MS pulls their heads out of their butts and makes a console that works.

jewess crabcake
06-19-2007, 09:21 PM
Xbox360 is just glorified Xbox painted white. Aside from the marketplace and graphics it provides nothing new and or worthwhile. I don't mean to say it sucks but if you don't care about spending big bucks, the PS3 is much better.... well not yet do to good game production delay, but when the PS3 catches up it will be a force.

06-19-2007, 09:24 PM
There is still NOTHING substantial to indicate that will be the case.

Valerie Valens
06-20-2007, 11:02 AM
Xbox360 is just glorified Xbox painted white. Aside from the marketplace and graphics it provides nothing new and or worthwhile. I don't mean to say it sucks but if you don't care about spending big bucks, the PS3 is much better.... well not yet do to good game production delay, but when the PS3 catches up it will be a force.

the PS3 is much better

the PS3 is much better

the PS3 is much better

the PS3 is much better

I stopped reading after this. The PS3 will never be better than the 360, why? The PS3 has an inferior online feature, technology that no current business model can sensibly take advantage of and an inferior lineup of games. And considering that the standard of games to even be released on the PS3 is purely on the question of the graphical aspect and not the quality of the game play, you're more likely to see shit games wrapped up with eye candy released for it in the future. The astronomical price of the PS3 devkit would also contribute to the lack of games for the PS3.

06-20-2007, 11:36 AM
No console is better than another console.

Fanboys can go to hell.

Valerie Valens
06-20-2007, 11:39 AM
Hey dude. There's still a bit of eggshell on your hair.

06-20-2007, 11:47 AM
You're saying I'm a n00b, correct? Well, maybe you're right.

But I have played all three "next-gen" consoles, whether owned myself or a friend's. I have to say I get roughly equal enjoyment out of all of them. It's just my personal opinion, but I think people should stop bitching about what system is better and just play their games. Arguing about things makes gaming lose its luster IMO.

Valerie Valens
06-20-2007, 11:52 AM
Enjoyment is subjective, if you get enjoyment out of all three consoles, then the more power to you. What I am trying to convey here is that there's a clear-cut difference between using preferences to bitch and debating objectively on the worth, quality of the system.

06-20-2007, 12:36 PM
DS is the best console.

Wii will be the best when SSBB comes out.

06-20-2007, 12:54 PM
Joan-Michelle, what you stated about the PS3 above is a complete pile of bullshit. You don't know yet what lies ahead as far as online play and how developers will handle the system in the long run. So saying it will never be better than the 360 is totally subjective there and lacks the facts to back such pompous claims.

And just for the record, the devkits for the PS3 and the 360 are about the same price.

jewess crabcake
06-20-2007, 01:45 PM
I stopped reading after this. The PS3 will never be better than the 360, why? The PS3 has an inferior online feature, technology that no current business model can sensibly take advantage of and an inferior lineup of games. And considering that the standard of games to even be released on the PS3 is purely on the question of the graphical aspect and not the quality of the game play, you're more likely to see shit games wrapped up with eye candy released for it in the future. The astronomical price of the PS3 devkit would also contribute to the lack of games for the PS3.

Like Prak said, "here is still NOTHING substantial to indicate that will be the case." The PS3 has still not pulled it's weight, nobody knows whether it will flop or not. Aha and you've picked my brain of Xbox360's biggest embelishment, they cover-up their lack of gameplay with online content. "It's good to play together" Because playing by yourself is seldom worth your time. Xbox uses on-line as a shield, like PS3 uses graphics as a shield. I know people who say "yeah I bought Rainbow 6 Las Vegas but I never played the story, I just go on-line". Also whats wrong with PS3's online? you mean the fact that it can support dial-up play, I mean it's pretty fool-hearty to think everyone has broadband, SONY's just trying to spread the field and get some Narrowband players online. Also Xbox360 is only 100-200 dollars less, you've still spent a lot of money, you've already pissed away 400, might aswell go for 600.

Valerie Valens
06-20-2007, 02:20 PM
Joan-Michelle, what you stated about the PS3 above is a complete pile of bullshit. You don't know yet what lies ahead as far as online play and how developers will handle the system in the long run. So saying it will never be better than the 360 is totally subjective there and lacks the facts to back such pompous claims.

And just for the record, the devkits for the PS3 and the 360 are about the same price.

Suit yourself then. You may call it bullshit, I would call it a some what accurate prediction. If I do happen to be wrong a couple of years down the line I will draw you a free picture, I am not kidding either.

Like Prak said, "here is still NOTHING substantial to indicate that will be the case." The PS3 has still not pulled it's weight, nobody knows whether it will flop or not. Aha and you've picked my brain of Xbox360's biggest embelishment, they cover-up their lack of gameplay with online content. "It's good to play together" Because playing by yourself is seldom worth your time. Xbox uses on-line as a shield, like PS3 uses graphics as a shield. I know people who say "yeah I bought Rainbow 6 Las Vegas but I never played the story, I just go on-line". Also whats wrong with PS3's online? you mean the fact that it can support dial-up play, I mean it's pretty fool-hearty to think everyone has broadband, SONY's just trying to spread the field and get some Narrowband players online. Also Xbox360 is only 100-200 dollars less, you've still spent a lot of money, you've already pissed away 400, might aswell go for 600.

The thing is games like Halo, Gears of War, Morrowind : Oblivion and KoToR are FUN, the 360 already has a big library of games that a shitload of gamers enjoy while the PS3, for it's terribly inaccessible price tag, isn't likely to gain as big a fanbase as the 360, no matter how good those games are.

jewess crabcake
06-20-2007, 02:29 PM
Well of course that's true... when you get a one year headstart. No matter how many epic games are released, Xbox will still have a one year head above them. Just like the Xbpx and PS2, the Xbox was arguably better in terms of graphics and some games, but the Ps2 launch date kept them ahead.

06-20-2007, 04:09 PM
Suit yourself then. You may call it bullshit, I would call it a some what accurate prediction. If I do happen to be wrong a couple of years down the line I will draw you a free picture, I am not kidding either.

Draw me a picture?

Sorry... but am I supposed to be like "WHAO!!! a picture from Joan-Michelle? GOOD LORD!!!" I've seen what kind of pic you draw, and let me tell you, I don't want that. If I want a pic, I think of it and draw it myself. Although I acknowledge that you are quite better than the average people, your drawing skill doesn't impress me one bit.

In any case, your somewhat accurate prediction is completely devoid of sense, and lack anything to back it up. So far, I will use Prak's favorite expression in these kind of case, and point at your blind fanboyism.

06-20-2007, 08:51 PM
like i said before there is no reason to own a PS3 right now in the same sense of owning a time machine with nowhere to go. on the flip side owning a 360 is like time traveling only to have it break down in the year somethin like that...

i don't have either or a wii. i just want great games on a solid console at an affordable price. next year maybe...

Valerie Valens
06-21-2007, 11:16 AM
Draw me a picture?

Sorry... but am I supposed to be like "WHAO!!! a picture from Joan-Michelle? GOOD LORD!!!" I've seen what kind of pic you draw, and let me tell you, I don't want that. If I want a pic, I think of it and draw it myself. Although I acknowledge that you are quite better than the average people, your drawing skill doesn't impress me one bit.

In any case, your somewhat accurate prediction is completely devoid of sense, and lack anything to back it up. So far, I will use Prak's favorite expression in these kind of case, and point at your blind fanboyism.

Fair enough, but I'm not even a fan of the 360.

Valerie Valens
06-21-2007, 11:18 AM
Well of course that's true... when you get a one year headstart. No matter how many epic games are released, Xbox will still have a one year head above them. Just like the Xbpx and PS2, the Xbox was arguably better in terms of graphics and some games, but the Ps2 launch date kept them ahead.

That and the PS2 had arguably the best library of games in that generation, which is the primary reason it was sucessful.

06-24-2007, 02:56 AM
if a person only wants a 360 just for rpgs then i feel sorry for you. i really do there are games. For example on gamespot they gave forza 2 a 9.2 which is a pretty good score. And there games like The Darkness which is supper awsome its got horry and gore with gun shooting of course. And then there's Tom Clacy's Rainbow Six Vegas which base on his book called Rainbow Six which is gret too since you can terriorist with commands. And of course Halo 3. Its Microsoft Nuke Bomb. Suppose to blow away other things that judges it. If a person has never touch a 360 or any other type of console and never get a chance and haven't play other types of games, then you sir are a sterotype.

06-24-2007, 03:06 AM
Ok... I'll stop you right there. Please, for the sake of every sane persons around here, go take some written English classes before considering posting anything else.

jewess crabcake
06-24-2007, 04:20 AM
wtf did any of that mean? I don't know what you're defending, or if you are just talking for the sake of being heard but please stop.

J. Peterman
06-24-2007, 04:39 AM
DS is the best console.

Wii will be the best when SSBB comes out.

Floyd _the_Barber
06-24-2007, 04:41 AM
I'd say that the 360 is the best at the moment, but only time will tell what system get more exclusives. I mean FF13 and MGS4 might give the 360 a run for it's money! Just give the PS3 time to get good games

06-24-2007, 05:40 AM
What grabs me is that when we say "Best console"

I think what has best power, games, and so on/forth.

360 has the games. That's a given for a year headstart.

But why hasn't it done Folding@Home like the PS3 has? Trying to help mankind is always better than playing games, which is something the PS3 is doing (Can do), but the 360 isn't.

But if we're tying to avoid the "Outside of gaming world" then yeah, 360 has it in every area so far. lol.

06-24-2007, 06:54 AM
I think according to polls pretty in a shitload of game sites that I've passed through (even mentioned on X-Play once) that the PS2 is still considered the best console just for the massive library of games. It was the best selling console last year. Not sure about this year yet though.

06-24-2007, 07:07 AM
lol yeah, Folding@Home ... so noble...

with the lack of games right now they are finding all sortsa cute ways to give worth to owning a PS3 such as using 3 of them to perform real time ray tracing. also i'm hearing they even turned a PS3 into a National Security Device, a real life SkyNet??

well, whatever keeps PS3 owners busy through this game drought...


oh and i found this post from to be rather interesting:

"I would like to make a comment in response to what TheGuy said when he responded to my initial comment.

TheGuy, there is actually one excellent method of measuring the 3D performance of a GPU; it's called Polygon Performance; the larger amount of polygons that can be displayed per second, the better.

Polygons are often referred to as triangles, because a triangle is the form of polygons that requires the smallest amount of dedicated vertices. It would take at least three vertices to create one true triangular polygon. There are times when it actually takes more than three vertices to create a polygon, in order to show the true effect of a 3D image.

According to the specifications of the ATI Xenos GPU, it gives the Xbox 360 the ability to display 500,000,000 polygons per second.

According to the specifications of the Nvidia RSX GPU, it gives the PS3 the ability to display only 275,000,000 polygons per second.

If you want proof that is quite easy to find, just look on the boxes of the videogame systems.

Proof that the Xbox 360 has far superior polygon performance can be seen in quite a few games in particular.

One of the best examples really can be seen when you look at the way F.E.A.R. on the Xbox 360 and PC won awards for graphics and gameplay. But the PS3 version of F.E.A.R. almost looks like you are playing it on a system from last generation because it has such a choppy framerate and lacks so many features.

MLB 2K7 is another game. In a recent Gamespot comparison, the editors specifically pointed out how important it is to consider a framerate in addition, not just a still screenshot. When you look at the screenshots, the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of MLB 2K7 look virtually identical. If you look carefully you will see the Xbox 360 version does have “little things” that look better and take up polygons. For example, fans sitting down in the background are more detailed in the Xbox 360 version of the game. When you play the game, and see it in motion, you quickly see that the Playstation 3 can't keep up with the action; that's why the framerate starts to get really choppy and move into slow-motion.

The best-looking exclusive games on the Xbox 360, such as Gears of War, Lost Planet, and Crackdown are quite a bit more impressive than PS3 exclusive games.

For example, when Motorstorm was reviewed it was said that, "Graphics are not the strength of the game." Motorstorm also suffers from framerate problems quite often, and it was around that time when the PS3 started to get an "Official Reputation for Having Framerate Problems."

Resistance: FOM is a game that has received mixed reviews where the reviewers very often say things like, "The game is good, but it's not a killer-app, and the graphics aren't especially impressive."

So, there is obviously quite a difference in polygon performance between the Xbox 360 and the PS3.

One other really good example people talk about can be found when you compare Ridge Racer 6 on the Xbox 360 to Ridge Racer 7 on the PS3. Many of the tracks are the same in both versions, so it is easy to do a comparison.

First, Ridge Racer 6 on the Xbox 360 has a perfectly smooth framerate at all times, while the PS3's Ridge Racer 7 gets choppy at times in the same spots.

Second, is the way there are missing sailboats in the PS3 version. That is a lack of detail that you might not notice at first, but after a few laps you notice something is missing. Then you realize what it is and you think to yourself, "Hey, those sailboats aren't there anymore."

Third, is the way water under the bridges moves with nice looking waves on the Xbox 360 version. Each of those little waves is made up of polygons, and each of those polygons is displayed 60 times each second. But with the PS3 version, the waves don't move at all. The water in the PS3 version is just one textured polygon that shows the image of water, but doesn't have enough polygons for waves to move.

In addition to polygon performance, the GPU handles lighting. The lighting and shading on the Xbox 360 GPU is so much greater than the PS3 GPU that I'm sure virtually everyone has seen it for themselves. One look at big differences in games like Ridge Racer, even bigger differences in games like Fight Night Round 3, or the HUGE differences in games like Tony Hawk Skating Project 8, and you will INSTANTLY see the superiority of the Xbox 360 GPU when it comes to lighting and shading. If you want proof of that lighting situation, though, Gamespot has a nice comparison that shows how much better the Xbox 360 lighting and shading is.

I hope I was able to do a good job of helping you out. But the fact is the information about the Xbox 360 GPU superiority has been known for a very long time.

The Xbox 360 GPU really was WAY ahead of its time. The Xenos GPU was released inside the Xbox 360 in November of 2005. The Xenos GPU is based on the same Unified Shader design that Windows Vista is, and Windows Vista wasn't released until January 30, 2007!

But the PS3 GPU is based on four-year old, non-customized GPU technology. The PS3 wasn't even supposed to have a GPU in its original design. Originally the PS3 was supposed to have two Cell processors, but no GPU. Then Sony saw the awesome performance of the Xbox 360, and they were forced to quickly redesign the PS3. This is almost exactly the same thing that happened to the Sega Saturn. Both the PS3 and the Sega Saturn ended up redesigned, overpriced, and underperforming.

As far as what you said about the way Floating Point math calculations relate to Physics, you would be 100% correct if the PS3 CPU didn't have to worry about Graphics, Sound, and Artificial Intelligence. Generally speaking, Graphics are the most important, followed by Sound and Artificial Intelligence. Real-time physics are often considered the least important part of a videogame.

There is one main reason why the Physics aspect of the PS3 is rarely used in videogames: The design architecture of the Playstation 3 does NOT give the developers the ability to use the Physics ability of the PS3 while playing games in the same way that it does when games are not being played. There is a very simple reason for this.

The Cell CPU of the PS3 has one main CPU, and seven sub-processors that are referred to as SPEs. Originally Sony planned on using two Cell processors, each with eight SPEs, but for cost cutting reasons the PS3 ended up with only one Cell CPU and it was a lower-quality model with only 7 SPEs. Here's where it gets interesting:

The Playstation 3 CPU has only two threads to send signals to the SPE sub-processors. Each SPE receives signals from the CPU through a Thread. This means the PS3 has seven SPEs, each of which tends to be devoted to something special, but only two of those SPEs can receive signals at a time. It's a very inefficient process that is difficult for developers to take advantage of; it's literally like trying to juggle seven balls (SPEs) with only two arms (CPU threads).

This means when a videogame ISN’T being played, and Physics calculations need to be made, the PS3 could constantly use the SPE dedicated to Physics at all times, because there would be virtually no need for graphics or sound technology.

But when a videogame is being played, there are always needs for graphic related signals, and commands from the CPU to SPE chips related to Artificial Intelligence. PS3 Physics during a videogame represent only a very small fraction of what PS3 Physics performance represents when a videogame isn't being used in the PS3 system.

The Xbox 360 has three CPUs, each with two threads, for a total of six threads dedicated for use in any way the developers want; they are able to use this form of General Purpose CPU power to do exactly what they want at any time; the Xbox 360 developers are not dependent on whether or not an SPE happens to be available. This means the Xbox 360 developers can do things like devote an entire CPU with two whole Threads to nothing but Artificial Intelligence. That is something Tecmo has said they will be doing with Ninja Gaiden 2 for the Xbox 360.

Virtua Fighter 5 is another example of how the Xbox 360 design architecture is far superior to the PS3. The Artificial Intelligence in the Xbox 360 version is much better than the PS3 version. It's like that with a lot of games--even Ubisoft has said for quite a while now that Assassins Creed will have noticeably better Artificial Intelligence on the Xbox 360.

Well, I hope I was able to help you out and provide useful technical information. I need to get going, but if you have other questions, please feel free to ask.

Posted at 4:35PM on Jun 23rd 2007 by Lion"

06-24-2007, 08:40 AM
whoa... didn't seem so huge on the other thread lol.

srry in advance guys.

06-24-2007, 09:02 AM
I'm not really into the 360 based on Red Ring of Death and too many Unreal Engine shooter games, but hey, if you think it's "the best" then more power to you, it's always going to be opinion and all about the games. Everything else is already on PS3 and many on Wii.

I'll stick with the games I'm interested in: Resistance: Fall of Man, Motor Storm, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4, Home, Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, Heavenly Sword, God of War 3, LittleBigPlanet, Wipeout, Killzone, Gran Turismo HD concept, Gran Turismo 5, Lair, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, Time Crisis 4, Warhawk, the Agency, Hot Shots Golf 5, Super Stardust HD, flOw, Blast Factor, Calling All Cars!, etc...

I'll be getting a Wii soon, I'm just waiting on Metroid. That's when I'll also be picking up Zelda Twilight Princess and Super Mario Bros. Brawl.

06-24-2007, 04:07 PM
oh yeah, i remember twilight was kinda dissapointing, but that's me. metroid 3 looks awesome tho.

the 360 is horrible with making a stable system. that's why i'm waiting for it to get the kinks out before i buy one. but the games are easier to program for, games come out on time and developers are happy. the PS3 is a labyrinth that doesn't give developers much choice so they work with what they have, and eventually release...a shotty port of game X (just check out gamespot's comparisons).

the PS3 is underdeveloped and overpriced with a fancy blu-ray player only hi-def televisions can reap from. because of it's overprice there's been talk from sony to eventually charge for online play.

but man, that 360 and it's overheating...has to be fixed...

06-24-2007, 08:19 PM
Sony blew it with their development software code. I still wanna get the next Metal Gear, Gran Turismo, and Killzone, but right now, the PS3 is losing ground. They'll have to learn that hardware power doesn't do squat without the right software.

Nintendo learned that with the N64. They implemented that with the GameCube (though the controller and disc size was another problem to tackle) and they really showed their knowledge with the Wii and DS.

Microsoft learned this when they released the Xbox. It was a really powerful console, but the game lineup didn't cut it as well as the PS2.

You'd think Sony would know this since the PS2 was great because of the games. It was the weakest hardware console in the last generation but it beat them all with a great library.

06-24-2007, 09:01 PM
Putting hardware issues aside, I'm thinking that the PS3 just kinda did what the 360 did when it was first released. Not many good games were out for it in the beginning, but it started to pick up pace after some time. I'm thinking that's what might happen with the PS3 right now. I care less about graphics or shit like that, I'm all into whether or not I have fun with the game I'm playing on any system. But maybe Sony will pick up pace when Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII are released. I can't remember which game came out on the 360 that got the ball rolling (I think it was Gears of War?), but maybe it's one of those that will get Sony's ball rolling (that sounded kinda wrong didn't it?).

Valerie Valens
06-25-2007, 06:56 PM
There is one simple way of improving the temperature of your 360, modify it so it has liquid cooling.

06-25-2007, 08:40 PM
There is one simple way of improving the temperature of your 360, modify it so it has liquid cooling.

Or Microsoft can make a system the RIGHT way so the end user doesn't have to do this. I read about the system sometimes overheating when you run it at higher resolution mode, and really,that's just stupid to have to modify something so it works.

You should NEVER have to modify something you buy so it works properly. Modification to increase performance is one thing, but modification to basic performance...No.

Valerie Valens
06-25-2007, 10:00 PM
Maybe you've been hearing too much nightmare stories from early adopters. AFAIK, they have fixed it, no? ?_?

06-25-2007, 10:04 PM
I hope it's fixed. I've had to repair/replace mine like 3 times. Overheating, disc read errors, etc. My brother's had similar problems with his. You'd say it was from mistreatment, but I treat mine like a baby and so does my brother...neither one of us use ours much these days.

I'm about to go sell mine (since I've got one or two games anyways) and get it out of the way. The one I have now has barely any use on it so I'll get a good ebay price on it. I'm actually still playing PS2 games more for some reason.

I'll take the money and get a Wii...or maybe more high-end airsoft guns.

Valerie Valens
06-26-2007, 12:51 AM
I treat mine like a baby and so does my brother...neither one of us use ours much these days

...or so you say. But since you're getting a Wii, that would be a good move.

06-26-2007, 01:19 AM
They have fixed that little overheating problem. They wanted to get it out into the market as fast as possible and also see what kinds of bugs there are that still need fixing.

One of the reasons why I never buy a system at launch.

06-26-2007, 01:25 AM
...or so you say. But since you're getting a Wii, that would be a good move.

Hahaha, :P

It's been on a TV stand, about 1 foot off the ground, on the 2nd shelf from the bottom. It's not near any speakers (but the TV speakers) and away from other things like microwaves and such. I also keep the exhaust vent where it can get plenty of air, I removed that useless back panel of my TV stand so there's nothing behind my 360.

06-26-2007, 01:56 AM
I'll say it right now:
If I were to buy another console (besides my Wii), it would be the 360. Hands down.

Of course, I'm probably gonna upgrade my PC to good standards before I drop money on a 360, but even then there are some seriously good sounding 360 games that aren't coming to PC. Like Eternal Sonata, which I would love to own. . .

PS3 is just looking weaker and weaker these days.

J. Peterman
06-26-2007, 02:49 AM

(if it gets suikoden otherwise screw you sony)

06-26-2007, 05:00 PM
yes i love the Suikoden games!

but i wouldn't be surprised if the series went to the DS tho like Dragon Quest 9. handheld games (cellphone, DS, PSP) are all very popular in japan, more so than console games.

still, if it looks and plays like the first two Suikoden's i'll be happy if this happens.

12-11-2007, 03:52 AM
I'll say it right now:
If I were to buy another console (besides my Wii), it would be the 360. Hands down.

Of course, I'm probably gonna upgrade my PC to good standards before I drop money on a 360, but even then there are some seriously good sounding 360 games that aren't coming to PC. Like Eternal Sonata, which I would love to own. . .

PS3 is just looking weaker and weaker these days.

This CAN'T be a recent's not.:p

12-11-2007, 04:04 AM
This CAN'T be a recent's not.:p

Why did you revive this thread?

12-11-2007, 04:06 AM

I thought it was still active since I saw it while searching for something. Didn't quite read the post date above me.

12-11-2007, 04:34 AM
I have no opinion because of a) I've never owned nor played a 360 and b) I have not experienced a Wii enough to compare. I can say I have not one negative thing to say about my PS3 and I'm very interested in also owning a Wii.

So in conclusion, KFC BBQ Snacker is better then the KFC Buffalo Snacker.

J. Peterman
12-11-2007, 06:24 AM
marvin u r idiot

Abacus King
12-11-2007, 01:03 PM

12-11-2007, 02:55 PM
i have a 360 and i've gotta say that it has probaly already won against the PS3. Why? HD and Blue-Ray are competing against each other and atm it looks like HD will win, simply because people associate HD tv with HD discs.

Its the classic VHS and betamax thing. Betamax was better but Vhs was cheaper and more availiable.

The PS3 has inbuilt Blue-Ray which could be a big mistake as Blue-Ray may lose the war. The 360 however has a HD drive that is seperate to the console and so even on the off chance that Blue-Ray did win against HD, Xbox can make a Blue-Ray drive accessory. Instead of a useless Blue-Ray (that upped the PS3's price) just sat there doing nothing if Blue-Ray loses

12-11-2007, 03:09 PM
To be perfectly fair, even if Blu-Ray bombs in the home video area - which I fully expect to happen, based on the parallels between this format war and the VHS/Beta war - it may still find uses elsewhere, just like Betamax became the standard for broadcasting applications even after VHS had supplanted it completely in the home market.

12-11-2007, 03:26 PM
Fair Point and that is what will probaly happen with Blue-Ray. It will find another use.

However that was just one of the deciding factors for me when chosing, because i didnt want pay extra for something that in the the long term would not profit me.

So i went with the 360, mainly for the games but also because Xbox have been sensible by not incorporating it in to the console and therefore when whichever one comes out on top, Xbox will either be able to make the Blue-Ray drive for their console or just keep selling the HD one.

12-11-2007, 07:53 PM
omg can somebody say Resurrection!

i went with the 360 for the games out right now. but next year I promise you it will be all about the PS3.

I for one, could care less about blu-ray for movies. but blu-ray, despite popular belief, is a great idea for games. Scratch resistant and plenty of space to fit content on it is just more ideal for making games on than DVD.

the PS3 having it's standard hard drive is also a boon for game makers. it gives them more freedom to develop with.

it's been one year since the PS3 came out. developers are just now getting used to what it can really do, and next year we all will see what it can really do too.

the PS3 gets a bad rap only because it's competitor has been out 2 years already with a cheaper console with great games to play on. but THAT's gonna change real quick.

12-11-2007, 08:00 PM
Storage capacity has always been the driving force for medium advancement. The marketing for new mediums have become much more aggressive lately too... i wouldn't be suprised if they just forced blu-ray onto the public due to its larger storage capacity, HD quality, all that jazz, edibility...

I expect CDs to drop out before blu-ray drops out.

Trance Moogle
12-11-2007, 08:47 PM
The 360 just looks like it has to many war and first person shooter games. I never see much else. But if I wanted to get a console I didn't already own it would be the 360.

12-11-2007, 11:17 PM
This CAN'T be a recent's not.:p

My opinion hasn't changed at all since then.

J. Peterman
12-11-2007, 11:26 PM
blue colors

12-12-2007, 01:44 AM
i dont get why our opinions should have changed, either. it wasnt even all that long ago!


Nazi Cinnamon Spider
12-12-2007, 02:39 AM
To be perfectly fair, even if Blu-Ray bombs in the home video area - which I fully expect to happen, based on the parallels between this format war and the VHS/Beta war - it may still find uses elsewhere, just like Betamax became the standard for broadcasting applications even after VHS had supplanted it completely in the home market.
Except - dun dun dun! - Blu Ray is winning the format war. It's become the far more ubiquitous format, really. The HD Consortium are lashing out with lots of big cash bribes, but they're all for less than one year of exclusivity. Betamax's fate was decided by the porn industry. This time though, the home porn industry is 95% online distribution, and actual disc media sales are minuscule. Blu Ray is how we'll be watching our Hi Def movies for many years to come <3

12-12-2007, 02:57 AM
My opinion hasn't changed at all since then.

If the PS3 IS looking weaker every day to you, then you just lost credit for any console owner to take your opinion seriously.:p

Last I checked, the PS3 was actually doing MUCH better compared to a few months back. >.>

12-12-2007, 03:30 AM
I somewhat agree Halo 3 is the shiz...but i morely always liked nintendo so the Wii

12-12-2007, 10:29 AM
agree xbox360 is a well balance system that i perfer, while the ps3 is failing terribly. Im not looking forward for the ps3 ethier and too me its worthless if they should stop worrying about the blue ray, not everybody has in HD tv.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
12-12-2007, 01:14 PM
Also, Xbox fans are no more obnoxious than PS3 fans.

PS3 fans are way more obnoxious. Probably cause they're in denial bout how bad it's going with there precious console.

12-12-2007, 01:15 PM
PS3 fans are way more obnoxious. Probably cause they're in denial bout how bad it's going with there precious console.

See, that's a perfect example of an obnoxious 360 fan.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
12-12-2007, 01:55 PM
See, that's a perfect example of an obnoxious 360 fan.

I don't own a 360 :/

12-12-2007, 01:57 PM
Anyone would know that you don't need to own something to like it, and prefer it over something else.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
12-12-2007, 03:24 PM
I don't like it either

12-12-2007, 03:56 PM
Couldn't be bothered reading the whole thread (i'm gonna get called lazy, aren't I?), but, I wouldn't say it's defenitely the best, as it obviously depends on what games you like, but I reckon it would share the top spot with the Wii.
I'm not the biggest tech guy, but, I don't care how powerful people say the PS3 is, because until they release a game that actually works, and is coded well, the 360 is still better in my mind.
Oh, and who takes out rumble?

12-12-2007, 04:18 PM
Except - dun dun dun! - Blu Ray is winning the format war. It's become the far more ubiquitous format, really. The HD Consortium are lashing out with lots of big cash bribes, but they're all for less than one year of exclusivity. Betamax's fate was decided by the porn industry. This time though, the home porn industry is 95% online distribution, and actual disc media sales are minuscule. Blu Ray is how we'll be watching our Hi Def movies for many years to come <3

and i am sure all seven hi def movie viewers will enjoy the experience immensely

12-12-2007, 04:39 PM
Except - dun dun dun! - Blu Ray is winning the format war. It's become the far more ubiquitous format, really. The HD Consortium are lashing out with lots of big cash bribes, but they're all for less than one year of exclusivity. Betamax's fate was decided by the porn industry. This time though, the home porn industry is 95% online distribution, and actual disc media sales are minuscule. Blu Ray is how we'll be watching our Hi Def movies for many years to come <3

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. The format war has come to an absolute stalemate right now. Everyone who isn't an obvious mouthpiece for one side or the other is saying that there won't be a clear winner for at least the next couple years, if ever.

12-12-2007, 07:47 PM
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. The format war has come to an absolute stalemate right now. Everyone who isn't an obvious mouthpiece for one side or the other is saying that there won't be a clear winner for at least the next couple years, if ever.

No, the spidey is actually not that far off. I'll add my points to her post.

Except - dun dun dun! - Blu Ray is winning the format war - besides parts of Europe, Blu-ray is outselling 2:1 and in some monthes 3:1, in some major contries its 9:1. Blu-ray players also have a higher install base a large difference (I don't have actual numbers right now) and this includes both PS3s and 360 ad-ons. BD still outsold HD after and through out black friday, even with the $99 Toshiba HD-DVD players. It's become the far more ubiquitous format, really. The HD Consortium are lashing out with lots of big cash bribes, but they're all for less than one year of exclusivity - When you're paying off a major motion picture company $150M to jump ship, and yet a majority of the directors don't agree with it, kinda shows you how desperate things are getting. Right now the talk of the town is Warner Bros. going Blu-ray exclusive, especially since there BD sales numbers are way higher then HD and its believed the holiday sales are going to decide that. We'll no the result by the first quarter of the year. Betamax's fate was decided by the porn industry - Very true. This time though, the home porn industry is 95% online distribution, and actual disc media sales are minuscule - and unlike the VHS/Betamax time, porn is available on both HD formats. Even the Girls Gone Wild series is available on BD. Blu Ray is how we'll be watching our Hi Def movies for many years to come <3

This is

hb smokey
12-12-2007, 08:08 PM
If the PS3 IS looking weaker every day to you, then you just lost credit for any console owner to take your opinion seriously.:p

Last I checked, the PS3 was actually doing MUCH better compared to a few months back. >.>
The only direction the PS3 could go was up, because it's been doing bad since it's release. So when it finally has a respectable month of sales, sure it looks like it's a big improvement but that doesn't mean that things have turned around for it.

J. Peterman
12-12-2007, 09:27 PM
i think bluray is going to win but i think the ps3 is still junk


12-12-2007, 09:38 PM
Marvin, you apparently didn't look at the sales from the Black Friday week. Stand-alone HDDVD players outsold stand-alone Blu-Ray players 2:1. And on top of that, regular DVD players still sold 10x more than both HD formats combined in that period. HD media has not reached the mainstream yet, and until it does, no one can claim any sort of long-term advantage without looking foolish.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
12-12-2007, 09:40 PM
Oh no, VHS out sold DVD for the first four years that DVD was available on the market. DVD is such a failure medium D:

12-12-2007, 09:42 PM
Oh no, VHS out sold DVD for the first four years that DVD was available on the market. DVD is such a failure medium D:

Quoted in case of edit once you actually try to comprehend what you read and realize what a fucking retard you are.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
12-12-2007, 09:44 PM
Quoted in case of edit once you actually try to comprehend what you read and realize what a fucking retard you are.

Quoted in case you try to edit once you realise how many levels you fail to recognise sarcasm.
Oooh, pwnzed!

12-12-2007, 09:47 PM
I recognize the sarcasm, you fool. It's your underlying implication that I'm lambasting.

12-12-2007, 09:50 PM
Nazi Cinnamon Spider: Even for a sarcasm, that one was pretty weak.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
12-12-2007, 09:52 PM
No, I actually think you just failed to recognise the sarcasm.
But then, you also fail to recognise the fact that this is pretty much a landslide in the favour of Blu Ray. The little piecemeal efforts by the HD Consortium, paying out hundreds of millions of dollars to buy 12 month exclusivity agreements with movie studios isn't going to help. $99 HD-DVD Players with a massive failure rate, isn't going to help. Stick a fork in HD-DVD, it's done.
BluRay wins.

12-12-2007, 10:01 PM
The sarcasm was pretty obvious. You just missed what Prak said when you tried to put that sarcasm in his mouth.

12-12-2007, 10:17 PM
Spider-cunt, you are a ridiculous fool. I proved fairly well just a few posts back that neither HD format has achieved mainstream market penetration yet. That was what my point about DVD player sales was pointing to. However, stand-alone player sales are solidly in favor of HD-DVD, which implies that it will carry significant weight once the formats break out of their niche. The war hasn't even started yet, much less ended.

I, for one, don't give a shit which way it goes, but I simply cannot abide idiots like you who don't even bother finding out the facts before you mindlessly spout off your fankid drivel.

Fuck off and die in a fire before you can contaminate the gene pool further by breeding.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
12-12-2007, 10:19 PM
Hahaha, I lulz.
Way to get angry on the internet, tough guy. Ruffle your feathers a bit? What a shame <3

12-12-2007, 10:21 PM
OMG you beat me in an argument, so I'm going to shift to purely personal attacks out of spite instead of admitting defeat like any reasonable person would do.

12-12-2007, 10:21 PM
Hahaha, I lulz.
Way to get angry on the internet, tough guy. Ruffle your feathers a bit? What a shame <3

So in short, you have absolutely nothing to contribute in this debate.

The door is this way. I hope you'll take it. Right there, with the "X" handle.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
12-12-2007, 10:24 PM
Wait what.
I think you're a little turned around, it's actually you who resorts to personal attacks lulz.

Spider-cunt, you are a ridiculous fool.

I simply cannot abide idiots like you

Fuck off and die in a fire before you can contaminate the gene pool further by breeding.

You'll notice, I don't have to edit when I quote you - you put yourself in a shit light enough without me having to try :D

12-12-2007, 10:26 PM
I mixed it with an actual argument, you illiterate troll.

Edit for clarification: I mean troll as in the mythical creature, not a forum troll.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
12-12-2007, 10:27 PM
I mixed it with an actual argument, you illiterate troll.
Lulz. If your argument had any validity in the first place, you wouldn't need to insult.
Silly, silly little pretentious boy.

12-12-2007, 10:27 PM
LMAO, the fun starts!!!

100.000.000/1 for Nazi Cinnamon Spider (AKA Spider-Cunt).

Who's taking bets?

12-12-2007, 10:30 PM
I insult you because I have no respect for you, not to somehow attempt to strengthen an argument. When you act like a cunt, that's the treatment you get.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
12-12-2007, 10:30 PM
LMAO, the fun starts!!!

100.000.000/1 for Nazi Cinnamon Spider (AKA Spider-Cunt).

Who's taking bets?

One Hundred Point Zero Zero Zero Point Zero Zero Zero. Huh? One Hundred quoted to six decimal places?

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
12-12-2007, 10:31 PM
I insult you because beat me in an argument, so I'm going to shift to purely personal attacks out of spite instead of admitting defeat like any reasonable person would do.

12-12-2007, 10:33 PM
Oups, ya got me here (to quote a good friend of mine).

I'll re-phrase.

100,000,000/1 for Spider-Cuntard.

Who's taking bets?

:smrt: There you go. Life is a beautiful thing, isn't it?

EDIT: It is quite clear who's the one losing the argument... In such a fight, the definite loser is always the one with the weaker arguments at all. Which in this particular case, you lack even that. So I suggest you go back to formula, and improve your argumentation skill. Because with this total lack of points made in this debate, you really don't have much to brag about.

Or if you prefer, you should definitely get some such skills before even attempting to call someone off.

12-12-2007, 10:33 PM
@ Spider-fool:

Pardon me while I laugh hysterically at your sheer stupidity and stupefying unoriginality, as well as marvel at your magnificent talent for combining the two in the perfect context to prove your incompetence at life.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
12-12-2007, 10:36 PM
Pardon me while I laugh hysterically at my own sheer stupidity and stupefying unoriginality, as well as marvel at my magnificent talent for combining the two in the perfect context to prove my incompetence at life. Oh, and I like to use big words too so I can prove I'm a pseudo-intellectual while maintaining my own virginity.

12-12-2007, 10:40 PM
Ah, the ever-present refuge of the ignorant and unjustifiable jab at someone's sex life. People never fail to resort to that, and never fail to look like fools for it.

Anyway, this is becoming tiresome. Don't continue it.

12-12-2007, 10:40 PM
Round 2


(oh, sorry... last round's winner was Prak by early ring out.

12-12-2007, 10:43 PM
when will kids learn not to mess with the prak? :-P

this is just too hilarious...

edit: and here's my two cents

the verdict isn't out yet still

i also guess the two just can't co-exist, just like the ps3 and xbox 360

12-12-2007, 10:52 PM
Spider-Cunt you are a huge, and I mean HUGE fucktard, and you can't put together a valid point to save your worthless life.

Oh and your quote edits are a huge fail.

12-13-2007, 02:29 AM
I don`t know about you guys, but I've had a lot of sex.

12-13-2007, 03:06 AM
lol fgt

12-13-2007, 03:08 AM
why people always try to "defend" their console, it's not really a big deal, Xbox fans will never change PS3(playstation) or Wii(Nintendo) fans. I'm getting a PS3 just because I'm accustomed to the playstations and because of the variety of RPG's. Xbox 360 is really good but I can play that with my friends and my TV is too small to play Wii without problems, and also that I can play with my friends.

12-13-2007, 10:22 AM
Xbox fans will never change PS3(playstation) or Wii(Nintendo) fans. I'm getting a PS3 just because I'm accustomed to the playstations

I was a MASSIVE P.S. fan, n thought i would never get an Xbox 360. But when i picked up that 360 controller, it was magic. :D But i suppose if your mates have one then get what they have. Everyone can have a party lol. I myself don't care what other people have. Everyone has personal opinions on which is better and get the one they want to get. *hugs Xbox 360 and says "I Love you"* lol

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
12-13-2007, 11:03 AM
Ah, the ever-present refuge of the ignorant and unjustifiable jab at someone's sex life. People never fail to resort to that, and never fail to look like fools for it.

Anyway, this is becoming tiresome. Don't continue it.

Lol. Golly gee, I wish *I* had renown on a virtual plane of existance.
So tell me, kiddo, which one of your parents was it that molested you? Obviously it's one of them, or you'd actually be able to deal with the real world instead of hiding away on some silly forum 24/7.

12-13-2007, 11:11 AM
shut the hell up spider-cunt! you lost the argument way back on Prak's first post, and the fact that he isn't always on the forum just proves, to an even greater extent, that you don't have a clue what your talking about.

Long live Prak! Slayer of all Spider-Cunts!

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
12-13-2007, 11:14 AM
Lol, Oh, I get it! Spider-Cunt, like Spider-Man, right? Hoshi, what an awesome level of creativity and originality.
Problem is, all the flaming means nothing when I'm right in the first place.
Blu Ray won <3
And you fuckers are so goddamn easy to troll, lulz

jewess crabcake
12-13-2007, 12:19 PM

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
12-13-2007, 12:25 PM
Rodimus Prime > Ultra Magnus.

12-13-2007, 02:11 PM
Spider-Cunt loses quite shamefully.

Now for the banning...

12-13-2007, 02:24 PM
Lol, Oh, I get it! Spider-Cunt, like Spider-Man, right? Hoshi, what an awesome level of creativity and originality.
Problem is, all the flaming means nothing when I'm right in the first place.
Blu Ray won <3
And you fuckers are so goddamn easy to troll, lulz

you didn't start out so bad and I was almost on your side (in fact, I lul'd at the 1st fake-prak quote), til you tried the "LOL UR VIRGIN" or "LOL U WERE MOLESTED KING OF INTERENTS". please :\ How can you even talk about creativity or originality?


prak's dicksuckers can gtfo too though tbh. your "support" only reflects badly on you and does little to actually help. No offense to prak of course, but surely even he must hear the ever-present "SLURRRRP"s trailing behind him whenever he insults/argues/debates with someone on the fourms.

12-13-2007, 02:30 PM
Cassie, that part about Prak's dicksuckers is ridiculous. There's no need to be on Prak's side to realise that this Spider-Cunt is a complete fucktard and a failure at life.

If I have to speak for my side here, one that "supported" Prak in this rumble, I did it as a comic relief at first, but then she just wouldn't even try to keep her dignity... Add that to the fact that I was already participating in this debate (the one about the 360, and the HD formats), and you'll see that some people here who supported Prak weren't here primarily for that.

But you can always stir even more shit if that's your thing. Not that it will make you look any better than anyone else you're condemning.

On the contrary.

12-13-2007, 02:45 PM
prak's dicksuckers can gtfo too though tbh. your "support" only reflects badly on you and does little to actually help. No offense to prak of course, but surely even he must hear the ever-present "SLURRRRP"s trailing behind him whenever he insults/argues/debates with someone on the fourms.


Megaman Zero
12-13-2007, 03:09 PM
I think all of the consoles have their strengths and weaknesses. In the general the next gen lineup of games does not impress me, though. I'm still increasing my collection for my gamecube, Xbox and PS2.

12-13-2007, 04:58 PM
Cassie, that part about Prak's dicksuckers is ridiculous. There's no need to be on Prak's side to realise that this Spider-Cunt is a complete fucktard and a failure at life.

12-13-2007, 06:06 PM
Cassie, that part about Prak's dicksuckers is ridiculous. There's no need to be on Prak's side to realise that this Spider-Cunt is a complete fucktard and a failure at life.

I wasnt referring to anyone who ever agreed with him. Take a look at some threads though and you'll see a trail of people blindly following him with no opinions for themselves besides LOL PRAK KIKS UR NOOBASS

Edit: In case I'm not being clear, what do you call this:

shut the hell up spider-cunt! you lost the argument way back on Prak's first post, and the fact that he isn't always on the forum just proves, to an even greater extent, that you don't have a clue what your talking about.

Long live Prak! Slayer of all Spider-Cunts!

12-13-2007, 07:00 PM
Suckng Prak's dick of course, it just looked like you were attacking most of those on Prak's side, and now we've gotten that sorten out, there's no problem :cool:

12-13-2007, 07:04 PM
Wow this is the dumbest shit I've ever read

12-13-2007, 07:43 PM
hey. i like that song.

how's it go? oh. spider cunt... spider cunt, radioactive spider cunt... da da da. yeah. something like that.

it's pretty good.

12-13-2007, 08:09 PM
Spider cunt, Spider cunt
Cries alot like a big hurt butt
Shit the forums, with a grudge
gonna shoot out some anal fudge
Watch out!
here comes a shitty debate!

Shitty insults are his power source
Takes the piss like a drunken horse
Starts a flamewar, then he fails
This forum sucks his spidey balls.


jewess crabcake
12-13-2007, 08:41 PM
Rodimus Prime > Ultra Magnus.

You are now my enemy, may you be flamed to a crisp and burned asunder.

12-13-2007, 09:27 PM
As great as I think Ultra Magnus is, he is no match for Uptimus Prime.

But you're still great, Ultra Magnus. And way cooler than this Rodimus Prime dope.


jewess crabcake
12-13-2007, 09:57 PM
Thank You. Granted he's no match for Optimus (lol Uptimus :p), he's way better than Rodimus. The only reason they made Rod the wielder was because he was "young" and "in-your-face". They gave him a reckless teen persona to attract... reckless teens. My two cents.


12-13-2007, 10:16 PM
LOL, did I really write Uptimus!! LOL


Anyways, I went to my local comic book store this afternoon, and I stumbled on this HUGE TransFormers book. Called TransFormers Premiere Edition Volume 1.
I just too a quick glimpse at it, but I was like OMFG that book PWNS some serious ass!!! So yeah, I ordered it. It's been a while since I've been into Transformers. I don't like the shit they are doing with TF: Animated. Didn't really like Beast Wars back when I was in high school...
Now this book is all about G1, the art is great, and from some of the pages I read, it looks like the story will be good as well.

Now, if only January would come faster so I can finally read it.

jewess crabcake
12-13-2007, 10:21 PM
Sounds nice, I have no comic book stores around my way. Yeah I don't really like the spin-off so much either. That is except for Robots in disguise series, (I think that was the name of the series) all the other ones were ok not a favorite of mines though.

12-14-2007, 02:00 AM the spider guy OBCVIOSLY scuffed any chance he had at an argument...perhaps I should pick up where he left off...clean. It was Blu-Ray/HD-DVD, right?

J. Peterman
12-14-2007, 02:13 AM

We were talking about why Sony sucks;.

12-14-2007, 02:16 AM
No, actually, we are supposed to talk about why the 360 is supposedly the best console.

12-14-2007, 02:20 AM
If the PS3 IS looking weaker every day to you, then you just lost credit for any console owner to take your opinion seriously.:p

Last I checked, the PS3 was actually doing MUCH better compared to a few months back. >.>

Sorry, I didn't realize that was the point of my post you thought was outrageous. My opinion has changed slightly in that it's looking weaker and weaker nowadays, not because of its OWN faults like before but because the other two consoles outshine it by far.

12-14-2007, 02:20 AM
The PSWii720DSP is clearly the best console.

12-14-2007, 02:38 AM
And the idiocy comes full circle.....

12-14-2007, 02:42 AM
I apologize. It's contagious.

Anyways, I went to my local comic book store this afternoon, and I stumbled on this HUGE TransFormers book. Called TransFormers Premiere Edition Volume 1.

That sounds highly collectible.

12-14-2007, 11:04 AM
I wasnt referring to anyone who ever agreed with him. Take a look at some threads though and you'll see a trail of people blindly following him with no opinions for themselves besides LOL PRAK KIKS UR NOOBASS

Edit: In case I'm not being clear, what do you call this:

Originally Posted by manzi05
shut the hell up spider-cunt! you lost the argument way back on Prak's first post, and the fact that he isn't always on the forum just proves, to an even greater extent, that you don't have a clue what your talking about.

Long live Prak! Slayer of all Spider-Cunts!
__________________________________________________ _______________
Cassie I think you need to learn to read posts and see that I was contributing to this thread, im not just a follower. The fact that Spider-Cunt was being an arse and everyone could see that, doesn't mean that we're "Prak's Dicksucker Fanclub"

And just to clear this up "Long live Prak! Slayer of all Spider-Cunts!" which I think that your post was reffering to. Thats called just having a laugh and saying what actually happened :D Spider-Cunt got owned.

12-14-2007, 11:06 AM

12-14-2007, 03:26 PM
i read posts just fine. you are contributing nothing but shit to this thread. I did not say, as most of you seem to have been inferring, that anyone who AGREES with Prak is his dicksucker, but rather the people that blindly follow and hang on his every word, or suddenly agree with him on nearly every topic in a sorry attempt to join a non existant posse of "noob owners"

12-14-2007, 04:46 PM
Dunno y im even replyin to this but 1) all you've done in this thread is insult people and cba to check but probaly most of your posts are like that cos you seem to be so far up your own arse that it'll take more than a little lube to get it out. 2) i hate the word noob it the worst word there is because its used out of context so much that it has no meaning. 3)yes prak has followers but i am not one of them. i dont have enough posts lol. but following someone that i dont know, insults people, and is a complete arse like you, isn't my thing.

12-14-2007, 04:56 PM
What have you done in this thread that wasn't insulting someone? jc

12-14-2007, 05:06 PM
I hope you're all quite happy with yourselves. At this point, I wouldn't touch this thread with a ten foot pole, except of course to say that I wouldn't touch this thread with a ten foot pole.

Now I'm going to scamper off and probably never read this thread again, which is an absolute lie because I read nearly every thread in nearly every forum, but I want the post to have some meaning, so I'm exaggerating a bit. But it is true that I probably couldn't be convinced to post in this thread again.

12-14-2007, 05:06 PM
i think you need to put your reading glasses back on

12-15-2007, 03:09 AM
it is pretty amusing to me that you guys are arguing that no one can tell who is going to be the long term winner in terms of blu-ray/hd-dvd because it hasn't become mainstream enough to outsell plain dvd's, yet you're asserting the ps3 will always be an utter failure because of it's performance thus far when previous gen games outsell current gen games by a buttload

also pee

J. Peterman
12-15-2007, 03:48 AM
ps3 sucks

12-15-2007, 03:52 AM
Agree or disagree?
Besides fanboys, who gives a fuck?

And no, I didn't read the thread, and don't intend to.

12-15-2007, 06:14 AM
it is pretty amusing to me that you guys are arguing that no one can tell who is going to be the long term winner in terms of blu-ray/hd-dvd because it hasn't become mainstream enough to outsell plain dvd's, yet you're asserting the ps3 will always be an utter failure because of it's performance thus far when previous gen games outsell current gen games by a buttload

also pee


I don't know what to go by but the NPD group top game reports

but I'm pretty sure this isn't the case anymore?

As far as I know the only top selling last gen game right now is Guitar Hero III.

12-15-2007, 06:19 AM

Why IS the 360 the best console?

I certainly disagree. -_-

12-15-2007, 06:24 AM
The best system is the DS.

~thread closed

12-15-2007, 06:30 AM
The best system is the DS.

~thread closed

The DS gets some of the best games and some (nearly all) of the worst ports.

I am replaying Phoenix Wright right now.

J. Peterman
12-15-2007, 06:32 AM

12-15-2007, 08:45 AM
Everyone is wrong.

I am right.

NES ftw

12-15-2007, 08:49 AM

12-15-2007, 08:57 AM


12-15-2007, 09:10 AM

<blink>FO' SHIZZLE</blink>

12-15-2007, 06:27 PM
i think the 360 is a great system at the moment for the hardcore gamer.
the NDS is a great overall handheld for anyone and the casual gamer.
the NWii is a great conversation piece.
the PS3 is a great potential system if it'd only get it's butt in gear.
the PS2 is cheap and great for kids to bite their chops on video games.
the PSP is a paper weight.

so from this whole PS3 vs 360 debacle I can only say that I like to play great next-gen games at the most affordable price with friends that share the same interest....360

but, PS3 offers tons of potentials for games moreso than a 360. Next year I think my opinion will change greatly about which console is the best.

for movies tho, i will always chose DVD. there isn't a great incentive to go HD for movies yet. that $30 price tag doesn't help either. HD format for games tho...*drools just thinking about the worlds that could be created*

12-16-2007, 12:14 AM
it is pretty amusing to me that you guys are arguing that no one can tell who is going to be the long term winner in terms of blu-ray/hd-dvd because it hasn't become mainstream enough to outsell plain dvd's, yet you're asserting the ps3 will always be an utter failure because of it's performance thus far when previous gen games outsell current gen games by a buttload

also pee

the only previous gen stuff i see in games stores is ps2 and its shelf space is shrinking pretty quickly, most places here dont even have blu ray discs. wiis sold is like a tenth of ps2s shipped on what i know. so it is still up in the air a bit, but dvd is totally ubiquitous and blu ray/hd has nothing like that userbase as far as i can see (going mostly on anecdotal evidence), i mean, nothing like a tenth of the dvd players out there. since current game sales and consoles sold informs what developers are going to make games for, and it is at a later stage than the br/hd thing, i think it is easier to make predictions. but silly to dismiss consoles out of hand.

the ds really is the best though!

12-16-2007, 12:54 AM
In the US, the only last gen console that's outselling a next-gen is the PS2, which is barely outselling the PS3. And yeah, our game stores don't sell any gamecube games and have a small-ish PS2 and XBox section. I really don't believe last-gen games could possibly be outselling the newer stuff right now, let alone by a "buttload".

I don't even see blu-ray or hd dvds in most places here, and if a store does have it, it's just for one new release dvd. My stores don't even have blu-ray or hd sections yet.

12-16-2007, 01:37 AM
In the US, the only last gen console that's outselling a next-gen is the PS2, which is barely outselling the PS3. And yeah, our game stores don't sell any gamecube games and have a small-ish PS2 and XBox section. I really don't believe last-gen games could possibly be outselling the newer stuff right now, let alone by a "buttload".

I don't even see blu-ray or hd dvds in most places here, and if a store does have it, it's just for one new release dvd. My stores don't even have blu-ray or hd sections yet.

where do you live? HD-DVD and BluRay are in all the Targets CC, Bestbuy here in Southern CA. they have a pretty wide selection too.

12-16-2007, 09:24 PM
I'm on the other coast, in Massachusetts.

When a big new release comes out here, they'll have the blu-ray and HD versions up with the other new releases, and that's pretty much all we get.

12-17-2007, 03:14 PM
Well, that's just completely bizarre. Here in the middle of Mississippi, HD movies are easy to find. Wal-Mart keeps plenty of them in stock and Best Buy has pretty much every one that's been released. It's ironic considering how much less likely people down here are to buy something that can play them.

12-17-2007, 03:23 PM
I do not care. I would rather travel to another country than pay such an amount of money to purchase a console .

12-17-2007, 09:49 PM
Well, that's just completely bizarre. Here in the middle of Mississippi, HD movies are easy to find. Wal-Mart keeps plenty of them in stock and Best Buy has pretty much every one that's been released. It's ironic considering how much less likely people down here are to buy something that can play them.

Huh. That's weird, I had no idea that that wasn't normal.

I remember when DVDs first game out and they had their own separate section, and I've been watching to see if HD or Blu-Ray got a section first, but we're still only getting them in the new release section.

Maybe it's because my mall is tiny. Next time I go to the huge mall, I'll see what the set-up is like at the Target and Best Buy there.

J. Peterman
12-18-2007, 06:08 AM

12-18-2007, 08:20 AM
Garamond is right. You just never want to be on the dark side of the store, if you know what I mean.

12-18-2007, 05:53 PM
LOL, Marvin that's some funny shiz.

Dynasty VII
11-12-2008, 06:31 AM
Agree Agree Agree!

Xbox 360 so far has the best games out and the best online service which is Xbox Live

jewess crabcake
11-12-2008, 06:38 AM
Umm yes... but please don't revive ancient threads if that's all you have to say.

11-12-2008, 09:29 AM

11-12-2008, 02:18 PM
In before the... oshi-