06-04-2007, 02:01 PM
Back in the day when I was a little nipper nobody done it better than the Brits. Mind you, nobody has done it better since then!. Yes, I'm talking about the golden era of Tv shows that were about a growing entertainment called "COMPUTER GAMES".

In this thread we talk about the shows from yesteryear and reminisce while new technology whizzes by.

Now, the grand daddy of them all for me has to be Bad Influence!

Now don't get me wrong, Bad Influence and Games Master were both excellent but in terms of memories and whatnot Bad Influence sticks with me more so.

Ah man, that was the time when computer games and software was interesting!. Nam Rood would be locked up in his crypt with what always seemed to be a treasure trove of games and systems. He show us how to unlock the level select cheat in Sonic 2 and how to unlock a secret area in SoR 3. Then, Violet and Andy would be out in the studio showing us "the first screens of Chaotix!. Maybe it's just because I've grown up but back then games were awesome, interesting and plain fun to watch.

Educate yourself, sir.

However, apart from the brilliance that was Bad Influence you also had GamesMaster that ran for an impressive 7 seasons.

What other show offers Sir Patrick Moore's giant head!

"GamesMaster, I'm having trouble beating Sonic on the Sega Megadrive. Can you help me?"

"You know, you really should beat it yourself but here you go- At the main screen quickly press up, down, left, right, A+start. That will unlock every level"

Another fantastic show that not only had "celebrity" chalenges but also the smug pug of Domonic Diamond. Lovely!

Another honorable mention from me goes to Bits. At that age any women interested in games I fell in love with them and with a nice blend of games and saucy antics the bits girls are a nice part of my gaming memories even if the only totty was Emily Newton Dunn!.

You saucy trollop, you~

What about you guys?. And the first person to mention Gamesville gets a knee in the nuts. This thread is about Classic British games shows.

Over and out, sir.

06-06-2007, 12:24 AM
Was there ever any games shows back then? Apart from the ones you mentioned. I never saw any and they're pretty rare to find, even now. I did find a whole channel devoted to games the other day, channel 291 on sky, xleague, its a bit crap though. Other than that I know nothing.

06-06-2007, 12:34 AM
I recall one of them shows used to have a 'datablast' or some other such thing at the end.

Where they would quickly flash tons of images on screen, and you were supposed to record it and play it back in slow motion to see it all. I never did though so i can't recall what the info actually was.

06-06-2007, 01:12 PM
I recall one of them shows used to have a 'datablast' or some other such thing at the end.

Where they would quickly flash tons of images on screen, and you were supposed to record it and play it back in slow motion to see it all. I never did though so i can't recall what the info actually was.

It was Bad Influence. :)

In that link I posted in the first post you can download every episode!. Make sure your the first person to check out "those wicked first screens of Sonic 2".