06-04-2007, 04:55 AM
I did a search and only found scattershot threads about it, so I figured I'd please myself and make a dedicated thread ;)

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link will be the 100th Virtual Console release, and it will be available tomorrow. Story here (

How do you feel about the progress made so far with the VC?
What games have you purchased?
What would you like to see make it to the VC (in a timely fashion)?

I've purchased:
Legend of Zelda
LoZ: Ocarina of Time
Super Mario Bros.

Tomorrow I will purchase:
LoZ: Link to the Past
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

I've only been interested in the "big name" titles that have been released so far, but they've been spreading those out, unsurprisingly. I'm dying to get my hands on Super Metroid, Simon's Quest, and I hope to all that is holy that Equinox gets a release date soon. I highly doubt it, though :(

06-04-2007, 07:16 AM
Even though I do not own a Wii my feelings are nothing but positive for the Virtual Console. When I looked through the available games via my friend's Wii I saw a lot of titles that I would be interested in.
If only Nintendo were to release such a variety of games for the Wii itself, I would actually be interested in buying one.

06-04-2007, 03:33 PM
I would like to see some Final Fantasy titles, but I dont think this will happen as they never stopped re-releasing them.

06-04-2007, 05:19 PM
True. (i.e. FFII on PSP. lol)

06-04-2007, 10:24 PM
Has the original Paper Mario been released yet?

I've always wanted to play it ever since I completed the Thousand Year Door but the game is very hard to find. I suppose that's the only game I can think of.

06-04-2007, 10:44 PM
Has the original Paper Mario been released yet?

I've always wanted to play it ever since I completed the Thousand Year Door but the game is very hard to find. I suppose that's the only game I can think of.

Nope, not yet.

06-04-2007, 10:58 PM
I have no wishlist for the Wii, I don't think I will get one, I suspect it's very addicting, most nintendo games are like that, I have super mario bros 3 on my PSP and I play that more than my actual PSP games, I have played th DS and found it hard to put down, so overall I imagine the Wii is a great gaming system.

06-05-2007, 10:47 AM
The 2 main games that I would love to see go up on the Virtual Console list is Duke Nukem 64 and Duke Nukem: Zero Hour. Those are the main games that i would love to see go up there. Those 2 games bring back so many memories seeing as those were among my first batch of games for the N64 back in the day. I myself don't have a Wii yet but I do plan to get one and several memory cards because of all the games I'd be buying and downloading from the Virtual Console.

06-05-2007, 03:56 PM
Oh god, why did nintendo think it was "cool" to put 64 after every fucking N64 game title?

06-05-2007, 04:38 PM
Why did they think it was cool to put "Super" in front of ever SNES game title?

06-05-2007, 07:18 PM
Maybe now they will put "Wii" at the end of every Wii game lol.

06-06-2007, 01:50 AM
I'm still waiting for Pilotwiings. See what I did there?

06-06-2007, 01:56 AM

06-10-2007, 04:18 AM
I've bought only two games so far and that's Super Mario World and Donkey Kong Country 2. I'm waiting for them to put Earthbound and Chrono Trigger on there

06-10-2007, 05:59 AM
I would have bought a GBA port of Chrono Trigger. I'll certainly download it on the VC.