06-04-2007, 12:03 AM
Do any of you feel like FFVIII and even FFIX are underrated compared to FFVII and even in some ways to FFX its always bothered me. I think, personally, they are better than the others.. anyone else feel the same?

06-04-2007, 12:08 AM
It's not so much VIII and IX being underrated. It's mostly VII's gigantic fanbase which always keeps it in the spotlight. IX was still met with a lot of good reviews and VIII was welcomed with a lot of mixed reviews but the games are still usually regarded good by the majority of the fanbase.

Talking about underrated, look at II's fanbase...

06-04-2007, 12:16 AM
Yeah, I think that FF7 is VERY overrated, which is why the following PS games weren't as recognized because they weren't the first FF game to be on the PS. However, FFX really is better than VIII and IX because of how advanced it was in storyline, character development, etc., but I still think FFVIII is the second best. IX I didn't really care for because I don't think the plot was as deep as the other games, but it's still not horrible, and neither is VIII.

Basically, FFVII and FFX are highly regarded and seem to outshine the two games in-between them, so I guess they're underrated to some degree, but I pretty much think in accord with Vivi Fire that they are still positively reviewed and respected. :]

Pimp Daddy McSnake
06-04-2007, 12:17 AM
Best thread evar!

06-04-2007, 02:23 AM
Talking about underrated, look at II's fanbase...

II is underrated for a reason. It should be :p Easily my least favorite FF and that's saying something considering how much I loathe playing III and V.

We've got a guy talking to Beavers and a guy who insists on staying with a purple-haired idiot, who we only know remotely likes him because of two lines of dialogue.

Pick the Pirate Firion. I will never say these words again in my life, PICK THE PIRATE.

06-04-2007, 02:47 AM
Every FF is underrated compared to VII, that's because VII is terribly overrated.

06-04-2007, 03:47 AM
Other people have been wrong before, All i know is that i liked FF7 a lot more at the time of it's release than I do now.

Then I was a little dissapointed by ff8.

Same with 9 but it grew on me to become my favourite.

Then i played all the others from 1 to 6 (not completly though)
I like 6 the most out of the classics and finished it.

10 was great but i was left a little dissapointed by the lack of certain ff staples (world map, atb, controllable airship) But after the 2nd playthrough i loved it.

I was suprised by the graphics in ff12 and the game mechanics are really good but the storyline was rather weak in my opinion.
Strange because i'd always thought less cinematics would be a good thing.

06-04-2007, 04:05 AM
I loved VII when it was released and I still love it, I don't mind admitting that here. The thing is, while my circle of real-life friends love VII we are not rabbid, raving fanboys. I never knew the depths of idiocy capable until I started my online life in earnest. Hence why Shrine is such a beautiful breath of fresh air compared to other forums.

VII was never able to be the pinnacle of the series for me, because I started at the beginning, not at VII like so many did. Nothing could take away the crown away from VI, and nothing ever has. I personally prefer VIII to VI, but I am willing to admit that my preference allows me to overlook some glaring gameplay and story issues.

I have to agree with Reality.Fantasy that VIII and IX got bookended by the games that launched the series into their respective "next generations," VII on PSX and X on PS2, and that they are probably overshadowed because of it. If I may, it's like Insomniac, Nimrod, and Warning: getting lost between Dookie and American Idiot.

All of my friends (and even one's mom :p) skipped IX completely and I really feel like they are missing out, as to me it is the second best game in the series, behind VI.

06-04-2007, 07:16 AM
Yeah, I agree with you all have said. FFVII is overrated and holds the spotlight, I guess it's also likely that many people have played FFVII and skipped VIII and IX then went to FFX. Because when asking a lot of people why they don't like it they don't know or just say FFVII was better.

And true the stories in VIII and IX arn't very deep but VII's isn't all that deep either. Plus the card games in VIII and IX are cool, which VII lacks.. and some would say VII had the gold saucer but honestly Chocobo racing got boring trying to get the materia (i admit i can't remember what it is exactly something to do with attacking twice i believe).

And to add onto that IX's chocograph was probably the best side quest their is in my opinion. And VIII's GF's are far superior to VII's summons... except Knights of the Round... and I found junctioning and such was much more simple in VIII and IX.

So in all to me VIII and IX are all around better. I guess I should admit X deserves its rave because it really changed the series into a more dynamic game play. And I've only played The first 4 FF's in the classics.

Hopefully someday they will get the respect they deserve.

06-04-2007, 07:29 AM
IX I didn't really care for because I don't think the plot was as deep as the other games

I don't believe you have ever even played it.

You are a fool for saying that, and I will disregard any of your basic Final Fantasy knowledge for the rest of your existence on this website.

I am almost kidding, but I still think you as a fool for submitting that into writing.

06-04-2007, 08:25 AM
The first Final Fantasy I ever played was VII. At that time I had no money to buy games and I would always see the commercials on tv...the one with Cloud on the motorcycle...I would have stars in my eyes after seeing it.

For me it all comes down to characters...not just PCs, but NPCs also. FFVII had the best of both. Rufus, Turks, Biggs, Wedge, President Shinra and his lackies, Don Corneo, Zack, Hojo, hell even all the Weapons. And you already know all the PCs.

Lots of memorable moments. Topnotch music. Entertaining story. Memorable Locals (ie:MIDGAR/Gold Saucer).

That being said...I guess you can assume I am an FFVII fanboy, but that doesn't mean I won't bash certain things from plotholes.

Continuing on. I played all the other FFs after VII. While I enjoyed them all...they just didn't feel complete to me...or maybe it didn't appeal to me as much.

VII: "Overrated" 1st place
VIII & IX: Tied for 2nd place.
X: 3rd Place
VI: 4th place
XII: 5th place
X-2: 6th Place
V:7th place

BTW. I feel like the word overrated/underrated are being OVERused. In the end it's all a matter of collective opinions based on someones general likes and dislikes. It's a revolving door of discussion. It'll never end. I guess that's good...since this is a forum. I ain't complaining though. Just making an observation. I do enjoy discussing things, hence why we're all here...I assume.

06-04-2007, 12:07 PM
Underrated? Nah, I wouldn't say that exactly. FFVII was the first game for many FF gamers today, even though they hate to admit it today.

I can understand why FFVIII doesn't have the same kind of fanbase -- it's simply not interesting enough, IMO.

FFIX has come a long way, and it's gained a lot in popularity over the years.

06-05-2007, 01:40 AM
Well, with such a wide depth of discussion related to various Final Fantasy games, I do believe the appropriate location for this is the Genera Final Fantasy section. Thus, moving...

06-05-2007, 03:46 AM
Best thread evar!

06-05-2007, 04:26 AM
I started with ff7 which is probably why i don't want to burn every copy ever printed.

I still feel 8 is a little boring though, better than 7 but all the locations and the music is uninteresting to me.

9 fixed all that and gave us some of the best characters in the series.

06-07-2007, 04:41 PM
7 is deffinitely not as good as 9. (apart from the limit system is better than the trance system imo).
Best characters pc and npc:
Brahne, Kuja, Zorn, Thorn, Garland, and all the pc.

07-01-2007, 12:03 AM
7 was simple in a lot of ways thats why it ahd mroe fo the fan abse and the reosn its getitna all the remakes and everything now is becuase it ahd a lot of storys to tell afte rit was finsihed i relay liked 7 the only reosn i am a suqall is thats what all my friends think i would be as a ff charater 8 had a good story line but at the end it allc ame full cercial not much was left to wonder and i like the point systems in it plus i like the way 8 ahd the cards and the system for them to become usefull items to .... 9 ... i hated 9 ..... i realy did to me it just seemd final fantasy 9 wanted to become a dbz rip off but ye i think 8 was underrated

07-01-2007, 12:10 AM
Why do people claim FFIX is a DBZ wannabe? Because Zidane and Kuja have tails?

I don't recall Zidane screaming for 4 minutes before he attacked or his hair growing to ridiculous sizes and shapes.

07-01-2007, 12:13 AM
O.o FFIX reminded me of DBZ in absolutely no way. I never thought people would think to claim such a thing..

07-01-2007, 12:19 AM
it flet a lot like dbz to me the tails the limit brakes ( face it there ) the story line .... yea sounds a lot to me like dbz the enemy sis erching for etinal life ( story of the frist 2 parts of dbz ) the monky like race that when they egt mad they become new colors and are stronger ( eyt again super sayin ) just to me probly only me it seems it felt a lot mroe like dbz to me than a final fantasy game

07-01-2007, 12:31 AM
Neither Kuja, nor Brahne were in search of eternal life.

The Queen simply wanted it all - she wanted complete control of the continent. Kuja's aim was to wreak as much havoc on Gaia as possible in order to prove that he was not a failure as Garland thought. At the same time he wanted to find an eidolon with enough power to destroy Garland. Kuja wanted to build an eternal kingdom until Garland reveals that his lifespan is limited - and he would die soon. His goal then changes to destroying all of existence;

I won't let it happen.....I won't let this world exist without me...

Or something to that extent.
I can see where you are coming from with the 'search for eternal life' area, but this was not the case. Kuja was not in search of it, he already thought he had it.

07-01-2007, 12:36 AM
ok its ben a long time sicne i played 9 i played it beat it sold it and never played it again like i said it just felt a lot like dbz to me ... i am sorry if that is odd to everyone else sorry i didnt eman to start a fight here

07-01-2007, 12:53 AM

Sorry if that's what it came across as, just correcting a few of your points, that's all. I didn't mean to offend if that's what I did.

07-01-2007, 12:56 AM

Sorry if that's what it came across as, just correcting a few of your points, that's all. I didn't mean to offend if that's what I did.

you didnt sorry i just come form a lot of message broads were people and me dont get along so any little agument or correcting normaly ends up in a fight i come form pojo and asmr so yea ...

07-01-2007, 04:39 AM
Well, I've read the post, and since there's so much 7 bashing, I've decided to FINALLY throw in my 2 cents.

The last time this topic's been discussed was when I joined, and I'm and oldbie.

Well, I haven't played them all, but I have played the ones being discussed.
I've been a fan since the original FF. I never owned a SNES, so I missed the ones that came out for it, so I won't discuss them. Finally, when 7 came out, I got back into the FF series. Well here goes:


FF7: Overrated, I'll give you that. But like a couple of you mentioned, out of all of them, it's easy to pick-up and play. I loved this game because of the great storyline and the best plot twist ever! Save for FF9, no other FF game has had a better plot twist since. The simplicity of the game was great, even my friend loved it, and he hates RPGs with a passion. The materia system was easy, and the balance between the characters and villians was great compared to most (in others, once you reach a certain level you basically become invincible), and the mini-games gave you a great chance to break from the story.

FF8: First off, I hated the fact that the characters were changed to a realistic look (I prefer the super deformed manga look). It had so much potential, but the storyline died in the middle with it's so called plot twist, and the fact that a guy who's been trained to be a sniper, to do one job, and ONE job only, wimps out at the moment of truth. Then they kill off one of (if not THE) best summons off all time (I'll admit that part was good), and who the fuck do they replace him with... Gilgamesh, who looked cool (and that was the only thing that was good) with his 6 swords, but for some stupid reason uses only 1. What the hell is the point of carrying 6 swords if you're only gonna use 1.
Now the story was quite good, till you hit the So-Called Plot Twist. EVERYONE (including the boss) knew each other as kids... how the hell can you travel around the world for so long and not know anything about the people you're traveling with. didn't they ever talk to each other!? (at this point, all I wanted to do was just finish the game)
Now the main villian. what can I say... BORING there was no freakin point. "You didn't defeat me, THIS is actually my true power... Oh yeah, why don't you fight my pet dog... you may have defeated my dog, but you won't defeat me... So you thought you defeated me, wrong THIS is my true power... No, THIS is my true power... etc" She wasn't hard, just annoying. By the time I defeated her, I didn't care about the ending.
About the only thing I liked from the whole game aside from the death of Odin, was the card mini-game. I actually played the mini-game more than the actual game itself.

FF9: You want to talk about underrated, THIS game was underrated. This game had it all, Storyline, Plot Twist, Beautiful landscapes, a more improved card-game, great set of serious and comic relief characters, and a setting back to the medieval fantasy of the original 6 games. I especially liked the fact that they turned Gilgamesh into a bum. I ranked this game tied with FF7.

FF10: The first of the PS2 FFseries. Like 8, I hated the fact that from now on, the characters were gonna be "real" looking. oh well.
The game was okay, not as bad a 8. I liked the Blitzball mini-game, and the story was good till it began going the way of 8 did. basically what killed the story for me was the plot twist, Tidus's Dad was the Main villian. Better than 8, not nearly as good as 7 & 9

FF11: I refused to play this game for the fact that the only way to complete it, is to go online.

FF12: So far so good, It reminds me a lot of 9 with the airships and stuff. I like the story, and the characters. The Espers are okay, and the quickenings are abit hard to get used to. About the only thing I don't like so far is that it's concentrated on just one part of the world, the license board is too small and easy to complete, and the enemies are either too hard or too easy. I haven't finished the game, so I'm really hoping the ending won't disappoint me.

07-01-2007, 05:52 AM
FF11: I refused to play this game for the fact that the only way to complete play it, is to go online.


I don't know why people have such a problem with it being an MMO. You can rag on its gameplay, etc. but getting pissy because it's an MMO is just silly.

I'm not saying that you are necessarily saying that Vastalis.

07-01-2007, 05:59 AM
Well, I've read the post, and since there's so much 7 bashing, I've decided to FINALLY throw in my 2 cents.

The last time this topic's been discussed was when I joined, and I'm and oldbie.

Well, I haven't played them all, but I have played the ones being discussed.
I've been a fan since the original FF. I never owned a SNES, so I missed the ones that came out for it, so I won't discuss them. Finally, when 7 came out, I got back into the FF series. Well here goes:


FF8: First off, I hated the fact that the characters were changed to a realistic look (I prefer the super deformed manga look). It had so much potential, but the storyline died in the middle with it's so called plot twist, and the fact that a guy who's been trained to be a sniper, to do one job, and ONE job only, wimps out at the moment of truth. Then they kill off one of (if not THE) best summons off all time (I'll admit that part was good), and who the fuck do they replace him with... Gilgamesh, who looked cool (and that was the only thing that was good) with his 6 swords, but for some stupid reason uses only 1. What the hell is the point of carrying 6 swords if you're only gonna use 1.
Now the story was quite good, till you hit the So-Called Plot Twist. EVERYONE (including the boss) knew each other as kids... how the hell can you travel around the world for so long and not know anything about the people you're traveling with. didn't they ever talk to each other!? (at this point, all I wanted to do was just finish the game)
Now the main villian. what can I say... BORING there was no freakin point. "You didn't defeat me, THIS is actually my true power... Oh yeah, why don't you fight my pet dog... you may have defeated my dog, but you won't defeat me... So you thought you defeated me, wrong THIS is my true power... No, THIS is my true power... etc" She wasn't hard, just annoying. By the time I defeated her, I didn't care about the ending.
About the only thing I liked from the whole game aside from the death of Odin, was the card mini-game. I actually played the mini-game more than the actual game itself.


I don't know why people have such a problem with it being an MMO. You can rag on its gameplay, etc. but getting pissy because it's an MMO is just silly.

I'm not saying that you are necessarily saying that Vastalis.

Vastalis : they forgot everything ebcause of there summons/espers/gfs a side effect to sueing the gfs is memery loss ...

Knegative: can i pm you about ff11 ? i am asking becuase i ened some pc info about it andif you play it that might help ^_^

07-01-2007, 06:05 AM
You can PM me if you'd like. I played last summer, but I'll help as much as I can, which probably won't be much.

You'll want to be seeking out Reuce RedMage and Enkidoh. They're two of the people here who are currently playing, that I am aware of by name. They could help you out much more than I could.

07-01-2007, 07:02 PM

I don't know why people have such a problem with it being an MMO. You can rag on its gameplay, etc. but getting pissy because it's an MMO is just silly.

I'm not saying that you are necessarily saying that Vastalis.No, I don't have any gripes about it being an MMO, as a matter of fact I like that idea. What I hate about it, is if you don't have access to go online on a PS2 (which I don't), then you're pretty much screwed. I might try the PC version (I very much doubt it though since there's so many other MMOs that I'm more interested in).
they forgot everything because of there summons/espers/gfs a side effect to sueing the gfs is memery loss ...Yeah, but the way they went about it just irked me: "Oh, now I remember you!, yeah! and you were there too, and you, and you, and even Sifer and Ellone" I was like Oh God no!:notgood: :rolleyes:

07-01-2007, 07:21 PM
No, I don't have any gripes about it being an MMO, as a matter of fact I like that idea. What I hate about it, is if you don't have access to go online on a PS2 (which I don't), then you're pretty much screwed. I might try the PC version (I very much doubt it though since there's so many other MMOs that I'm more interested in).

As I said, you weren't ragging it solely on it being an MMO. I can't blame you for wanting to play other MMOs, there are indeed a number of more popular and better handled ones out there. I'm a FFanboy and I wanted to play XI and I did and I loved my short stint with it.

Playing it on PS2 takes a lot more than just the network adapter. I did shell out for the PS2 rig and payed out the ass, mainly because I don't use PCs (Macs, ftw) and I wasn't going to buy a 360 (see the last parenthetical comment :p). Well if nothing else I can say I've played all of the original pantheon of FF games.

jewess crabcake
07-01-2007, 07:27 PM
macs ftl, but I digress.
"You didn't defeat me, THIS is actually my true power... Oh yeah, why don't you fight my pet dog... you may have defeated my dog, but you won't defeat me junctioned with my pet dog... So you thought you defeated me, wrong THIS is my true power... No, THIS is my true power... etc"I seriously lol'd at that... griever is far from a pet dog.

07-01-2007, 08:18 PM
Playing it on PS2 takes a lot more than just the network adapter. I did shell out for the PS2 rig and payed out the assYou see, I mean most online games have an either or option where you can play by yourself, or online, but you'll get the most of it from online play. They could've done that for this game, made a small story to suck you in, then made into a bigger story online.
griever is far from a pet dog.Okay sorry... GLORIFIED pet dog! lol

See, I got so disinterested in the game I forgot those two parts: GFs causing memory loss and the the combination thing.

07-05-2007, 05:50 PM
The first of the PS2 FFseries. Like 8, I hated the fact that from now on, the characters were gonna be "real" looking. oh well
That's very interesting, because I think that's one of the reasons I liked FF8 and FF10 so much, and possibly a reason why I didn't like FF9 very much.

Now, i've also played FF6 and FF7.. and their characters do not exactly look real either. However, those were artifacts of not having enough graphics capability at the time, although much more of the PS1's graphics power was unlocked with FF8. FF9 certainly did have the power though, but as you said, they just decided to make the characters more cartoon looking than real.

and the fact that a guy who's been trained to be a sniper, to do one job, and ONE job only, wimps out at the moment of truth.
I really liked this actually.. it was a good bit of characterization added in. Although he'd been trained, he had never actually killed anyone. But remember, he did finally take the shot (and it was a perfect one..) after building up his courage.

Heheh.. we seem to be exact opposites. I liked FF7, loved FF8 and FF10, and totally disliked FF9 and FF12. Back to FF9 though. You mention a lot of great plot twists in that game. Can you describe some of them? I don't recall any memorable ones.

07-05-2007, 07:04 PM
I started with good old Final Fantasy

But I enjoyed Final Fantasy 9 that was a good one however it aim was more to the people who started playing the FF from the start since they had TONS of reference to the other final fantasy 6 and down

kuja he was a pretty cool bad guy however had nothing on kefka however no one can ever touch him kefka was such a GODLY bad guy I didn't like FF8 though or 10 but 8 was a lot better than 10 but By far FF6 is by far the best

But when Kuja summoned Bahamut or When Betrix desides to help you out in that castel or the destruction of Freyas town or what Vivi has to go though with the wizards him being torn about what he might be

07-05-2007, 10:15 PM
But when Kuja summoned Bahamut or When Betrix desides to help you out in that castel or the destruction of Freyas town or what Vivi has to go though with the wizards him being torn about what he might be
But what...?

07-05-2007, 10:47 PM
Heheh.. we seem to be exact opposites. I liked FF7, loved FF8 and FF10, and totally disliked FF9 and FF12. Back to FF9 though. You mention a lot of great plot twists in that game. Can you describe some of them? I don't recall any memorable ones.

Memorable plot twists:

Beatrix switching sides.
Zidane and Kuja's relationship.
Dagger growing up in Madain Sari.

Those are probably the most memorable to me.

07-06-2007, 07:11 AM
That's very interesting, because I think that's one of the reasons I liked FF8 and FF10 so much, and possibly a reason why I didn't like FF9 very much.

Now, i've also played FF6 and FF7.. and their characters do not exactly look real either. However, those were artifacts of not having enough graphics capability at the time, although much more of the PS1's graphics power was unlocked with FF8. FF9 certainly did have the power though, but as you said, they just decided to make the characters more cartoon looking than real.Well, your part of the majority. The reason why I hate then all real looking is the fact that all the guys tend to be really feminine looking, and generic. It's probably why I like 12 better since Vaan and Balthier actually look and act like a guys rather than a freakin shojo manga.

I really liked this actually.. it was a good bit of characterization added in. Although he'd been trained, he had never actually killed anyone. But remember, he did finally take the shot (and it was a perfect one..) after building up his courage.This is actually why it's unbelievable, Real snipers are picked as snipers not only because of their marksmanship, but because they act on instinct rather than thought.

Heheh.. we seem to be exact opposites. I liked FF7, loved FF8 and FF10, and totally disliked FF9 and FF12. Back to FF9 though. You mention a lot of great plot twists in that game. Can you describe some of them? I don't recall any memorable ones.yeah, you an everybody in the Shrine, which is why we hate this topic.

as for the plot twists, Vivi Fire pretty much mentioned them all.

Also, what Dabe said about Vivi's struggle with becoming a mindless, evil puppet to destroy his friends.
My favorite part (and mostly every one who liked 9) was when Vivi unleashes his power on Black Mage.