06-02-2007, 05:31 PM
Thats right its offical now SquareEnix is going to be Releasing a Final Fantasy Fighting Game this Year as part of there 20 year Ann. called Dissidia. It will Be on the PSP(to bad its not on the PS2 or PS3 but SquareEnix didnt want Split Screen, oh well time to start Saving:) Its so weird cause if you followed my Posts i have been trying to do this for like two years now. I posted my ideas not to long ago and Finally just started making it myself as a Tribute to Fans and SquareEnix themself's cause i figured SquareEnix would never make it but being wrong never felt so Great! Ill post some of my work so if you care to see you can. As for Dissidia it will be a 3D Fighter with 3D characters and Backgrounds much like KH. Only 5 Characters have been released so far being:
-Light Warrior(FF1)

SquareEnix said that they would try to put in as many Characters as possiable but im worried cause i guess the plot is this:
there are 2 Super Beings; Chaos(Disorder) and Cosmos(Balance) and Chaos has the upper hand and so Cosmos has assembled 10 Brave warriors to battle against Choas and thats right Chaos has 10 of this own.
I hope there will be more then 20 Characters please cause if you do the math thats not many from each game...really only enough for like the main Char and Villain of each installment which is better then say Ergeius(probley butchered the name) but i for 1 would love to see Characters like my Fav Beatrix and others: Seifer, Zell, Vivi, Cyan, Vincent, Auron, Fran, Weiss etc....
The Settings will be all the Memorable Places in Past Games.

As for the battling every character will have Specials and Super Attacks as well as a Gauge for Unique Abilities, i.e Zidane has Trance.

As for my ideas well where do i start, in my head my end product was looking just like this game(Only with 2D sprites which i spent 1000+ Hours on making) and using the MUGEN fighting game engine. I wanted it to be somewhat like SSBM and KH . I wanted it to be a(up to) 4 Player game using all the character from FF6-FF12 and FF13 when there released plus Many others from FF1,2,4,5, Tactics, Core Crisis, Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus, I even planned on adding in KH characters as well. Stages from all the games and Items such as other weapons, potions, Accessories, Summon Materia, etc. I also though of a Boss like mode where as depending on which character you picked you would have to play through a series of battles for that game the char is from starting off with basic enemies all the way to the Villian at the end of the game. I had planed on making that coop as well.
The way i have it in my game is much like SSBM every Character has basic attacks and throws along with 4 Specials,1 Super and 1 Unique Ability
Specials- Braver, Meteorain, Finishing Touch, BeamBlade
Super- Omnislash
Unique- (Summon) Arthur from KoTR
There is double jumping and Shields as well and some characters up+Specials act as there tripple jump like clouds Meteorain. in fact in stead of trying to write out all my ideas ill just post what ive already written next.

here are some Scans of Dissidia:

06-02-2007, 05:33 PM
wait i messed the links to Dissidia wrong ill fix them:

jewess crabcake
06-02-2007, 05:37 PM
Wow, this... this is not good.

06-02-2007, 05:42 PM
what why? are you mad

jewess crabcake
06-02-2007, 05:44 PM
S-E should not release fighting games. Just my opinion.

06-02-2007, 09:01 PM
It's going to suck an immense amount of ass. Smarties is right.

06-02-2007, 10:35 PM
your lame and need to learn how to accept new things. your probley one of those only like ff7 and nothin else boys

06-02-2007, 10:40 PM
anyways heres some more of my ideas now i know there not complete but i havnt had time to get around to it but you'll get the idea..oh this is also very long:)

Directions: (((((D-Pad and Analog))))
Moves Characters in Different Directions; UP jumps, DOWN ducks/Crouches, LEFT/RIGHT move.
Pressing Left, Left or Right, Right Quickly will Cause Character to Dash in that Direction for either a Brief Moment or until Released.
Some Characters can Air Dash by Executing the Dash Command in Air ( Will not work with Double Jump).
UP Makes Character Jump up into Air, Diagonals make them Jump Forward and Backwards.
Pressing “Up” A Second Time In Air will Cause Character to Double Jump.
Pressing Down and then Quickly pushing Up causes Character to Super Jump Up (Cannot Double Jump With A Super Jump).
Some Characters “Up+ Special” will Cause them to Jump acting as a Triple Jump if used after Double Jump in Air.

Square Button:
Square Button Executes a Normal Attack from Character.
Square Button Plus Directions will Cause Character to Attack in that Direction.
Square Button Can Be Charged to Add more Power to its Attacks.
Triangle Button:
Triangle Button Executes a Heavy Attack
Triangle Button Plus Directions will Cause Character to Attack in that Direction.
They Cannot Be Charged
Characters can Combo Between the Two Buttons
Charged Square Attacks Can be used in Combos
Cannot Combo off A Heavy Attack.

Circle Button:
Circle Button Alone Uses Characters Normal “Special”.
Pressing “Up” and ”Special” At the Same Time will Make Character use their 2nd Special.
Pressing “Down” + “Special” At the Same Time Will make Character use their 3rd Special.
Pressing “Left or Right + Special” At the Same Time Will Make Character use their 4th Special.
Some May Be Charged, Depends on Characters Move.

X Button:
X Button Guards/Blocks against Attacks.
X Button + Left/Right will Make Character Roll or Side Step Forwards or Backwards (Cannot be hurt during This).
Pressing X Button in Air will Air Block.
Pressing X Button + Left/Right In Air will make Character Maneuver Forwards or Backwards(Cannot be hurt during This).
Pressing X Button Right Before Attack May Counter The Attack or Knock Back Magic Depending on Character.

L1 Button:
Grab’s Foe, Pressing Square or Triangle will attacks Foe, Pressing L1 Again will Throw Foe.

L2 Button:
Pressing L2 Makes Character Unleash Their Unique Attack/Ability.

R1 Button:
Auto Dashes Character Forward, Can Be Used in Air.

R2 Button:
Pressing R2 Makes Character Unleash Their Super Attack.

Unique and Super Attack’s Can only be Used when Characters Limit Gauge is Filled.
EP Gauge (Energy Points) Fills up whenever you Attack Foe’s, Get Items that fill it up or Taunt Foe.
Specials Consume Custom amounts of EP to use, Character Cannot perform Specials without EP.
Select Button Taunts Foe.
Start Button Pauses Game and Opens up Game Menu.

Healing type Items:
Potion - restores 1/16 HP
Hi-Potion - Restores 1/8 HP
Mega-Potion - Restore 1/4 HP
X-Poion - Restores 1/2 HP
Ether - Restores 1/4 EP
Hi-Ether -Restores 1/2 EP
Elixir - Restores 1/4 HP and 1/4 EP
Mega Elixir - Restores 1/2 HP and 1/2 EP
Final Elixir - Restores ALL HP and EP
Remedy - Restores any Status Effect
Hero Drink - Fully restores Super/Unique Meter
Holy War- Character is Invincable for timed period.

Attack Items:
Fire Ball - Thrown, hits foe and burns foe foe 3 more seconds.
Ice Ball - Thrown, hits foe and freezes them.
Lightning Ball - Thrown, hits foe and may paralyze.
Gravity Ball - Thrown, if hit rips off 1/16 HP.
Grenade - Thrown, causes an explosion with small radius.
Shrapnel Bomb - Thrown, Causes an explosion with medium Radus and small peices of Shrapnel go flying outwards
Meteor Stone - Thrown, causes a Meteor to then slam into foe.
Ultima Stone - Thrown, causes the forbidden magic Ultima to be casted.
Flare Stone - Thrown, causes the magic Flare to be casted.
Holy Stone - thrown, causes the magic Holy to be casted.

Accessories:-these stay with character for rest of His/Her/Its Life
Speed Shoes - Increases Movement Speed
Feather Boots - Increases Jumping Height
Power Belt - Increases Characters Attack
Bracer - Increases Characters Defence
Magic Bracer - Increases Characters Magic Defense
Genji Gloves - Increases Character Attack Speed
Magic Armlet - Increase Characters Magic Power
Reflect Mail - May Reflect Magic randomly
Rebirth Ring - Character is revived with 1 HP when KOed
Elemental gear - Halfs all Elemental Attacks
Ribbon - Protects Against all Status effects

-1). Items-Summon Materia: Random summon appears and attacks with Special then leaves
-2). Characters Special/Super: Yuna's Up+Special is Shiva, she appears and uses special then leaves
-3). Characters Unique: Summon Appears and fights along side Character till death using array of attacks.

Items -Materia/Magicite(Summons)
Materia Ball - When Thrown Summons a Random Summon to do Special then leave.
Setzer and Cait sith both have random summon supers so this is where there picked from.

Name Version(what game) Attack
Tritoch 6 Tri-Dazer
Terrato 6 Earth Aura
Choco/Mog 7 Deathblow!!
Shiva 7 Diamond Dust
Titan 7 Anger of the Land
Kjata 7 Tetra Disaster
Typoon 7 Disintegraion
Leivathan 7 Tidal Wave
Bahamut 7 MegaFlare
Neo Bahamut 7 GigaFlare
Bahamut ZERO 7 TerraFlare
Pheonix 8 Phoenix Flame
Quezacotl 8 Thunder Storm
Tonberry 8 Chef's Knife
Siren 8 Silent Voice
Diablos 8 Dark Messenger
Pandamonia 8 Tornado Zone
Cerberus 8 Counter Rockets
Brothers 8 Brotherly Love
GilgaMesh 8 Excaluber
Atomas 9 G-Force 199
Odin 9 Gunge Lance
Fenrir 9 Terrestial Rage
Ramuh 9 Judgement Bolt
Valfor 10 Energy Ray
Ifrit 10 Hellfire
Ixion 10 Thors Hammer
Belias 12 Pain Flare
Mateus 12 Frostwave
Adrammelech 12 Flash Arc
Zalera 12 Shock
Cuchulainn 12 Blight
Hashmal 12 Gaia's wrath
Famfrit 12 Briny Cannonade
Ultima 12 Eschaton
Salamander T Raging Inferno
Lich T Hells Darkness
Cyclops T Catastrophic Sunder

Character Summons and Abilities:
Name Summon Attacks
Cloud Aurthur(7) Sword Slash, Heavy Strike, Knight Sword, Ultimate End
Barret Titan(7) Titan punch, Earth Rush, Ground Stomp, Anger of the Land
Squall Bahamut(8) Wing Smack, Claw Swipe, Wing Blades, MegaFlare
Ultimecia Griever(8) Swipe, Primal Rage, Pain, Shockwave Pulsar
Seifer Odin(8) Sword Rush, Trample, Steel Bladed sword, Zentetsuken
Edea Shive(8) Roundhouse Kick, Ice Spikes, Frost Bite, Diamond Dust
Zell Ifrit(8) Fire Blast, Heat wave, Flip Swipe, Hellfire
Quistis Leviathan(8) Water Blast, Aqua Breath, Tail swipe, Tsunami
Irvine Diablos(8) Demi Spire, Demi, Claw Frenzy, Dark Messenger
Laguna Jumbo Cactuar(8) Drop, Cactuar Stomp, 1000 Neddles, 10000 Neddles
Raijin Quezacotl(8) Thunder Wing, Thunder, Jolt, Thunder Storm
Fujin Pandamonia(8) Wind Punch, Aero, Twister, Tornado Zone
Garnet Atomas(9) G-Force 199 - Attack Only(When Garnet Trances Atomas Appears)
Shiva(9) Diamond Dust - Attack Only(When Garnet Trances Shiva Appears)
Ifrit(9) Flames of Hell - Attack Only(When Garnet Trances Ifrit Appears)
Ramuh(9) Judgement Bolt - Attack Only(When Garnet Trances Ramuh Appears)
Ark(9) Whirlwind, Boomerang, Energy Beam, Eternal Darkness
Eiko Carbuncle(9) Ruby Ray
Fenrir(9) Mellennial Decay
Phoenix(9) Rebirth Flame
Madeen(9) Beast Claw, Holy, Matra Magic, Terra Homing
Seymour Anima(10) Eye Blast, Pain, Darkra, Oblivion
Yuna Valfor(10) Talon Claw, Sonic Wings, Energy Ray, Energy Blast
Shiva(10) Ice Blast, Roundhouse kick, Heavenly Strike, Diamond Dust
Ixion(10) Hide Kick, Thunder, Aerospark, Thors Hammer
Bahamut(10) Claw Swipe, Mega Rush, Impulse, Mega Flare.
Yojimbo(10) Daigoro, Kozuka, Wakizashi, Zanmato
Magus Sisters(10) Sandy - Blade Gash, Haste, Nul-All, Razzia. Cindy - Drain, Collision, Flare and Camisade. Mindy- Bio, Doublecast(ether fire, Blizzard, Thunder or Water), Lancet, Passado
Vaan Zodiarc(12) Gravity, Dark, Scathe, Final Eclipse
Ashe Ultima(12) Sleep, Holy, Flare, Eschaton.
Penelo Chaos(12)
Basch Shenhazai(12)
Balthier Exodus(12)
Fran Mateus(12)
Dr. Cidolfus Famfrit(12)

Character Moves
Character’s Name
Special(Just pressing)
Up + Special
Down + Special
Special + Left/Right
Super Attack
Unique Ability

Final Fantasy VI:

Riot Blade - Small Energy Creasant Blades shoot out from her Sword as she slashes Toward Foe Ahead.
Pearl - Holy Energy Circle’s form Above Terra and descends straight down In Front of Her and Blast Foe with Light Energy.
Merton - A Meteor Shower Rains from the sky at an Angle Down on Foe(s) Mid and Long Range.
Fire Blast - A blast of fire erupts in air in front of Terra Damaging and Burning Foe(s), Mid Distance
Ultima - Terra calls forth Nuclear energy from within, creates A Big radius Explosion around Terra greatly damaging opponent(s)
Morph(Form) - Terra Becomes a Esper. Increasing Her STR, SPD, DEF And Jump For 1 Minute.

Valiant Strike - Locke unleashes a 3 hit combo with a hard knockback.
Ragnarok - Locke Does a 5 hit combo followed by a Finishing Upward Slash with the Ragnarok.
Sleep Stab - A Stab Attack That cause’s Foe to fall Asleep.
Boomerang - Throws a Boomerang that Circles back to Locke Horizontally Damaging any foe it Touches.
Mirager- Locke Pounces at foe and unleashes a Powerful Critical Strike causing Big damgae and Status “Confuse”.
Haste - Time Magic that Greatly Increases Locke’s Speed for Remainder of Life.

Havoc Wing - Kefka attacks with a forceful slash of his angel wing’s causing Knockback.
Angel of Death - Kefka combo's foe with 3 Magic swipes sending foe Fying Upwards, Close Range.
Hyper Drive - Kefka Glows With Divine Energy, if Any Foe attacks with A Physical or Magical Attack Kefka Will Counter with A Energy Wave that Fly’s Forward hitting foe and causing an Explosion
Fallen One - Kefka Summons Holy Energy to Rain down on Foes causing Damage and Status “Sap” on Foe(s), Mid Range.
Goner - Kefka Powers Up and Creates a Horizontal Ray of Light above Him that collects into a Ball and Causes a Chain of Explosions to occur on both side of Him, This Chain keeps Going both ways.
Ultima - Kefka calls forth Nuclear energy from within, creates a Big radius Explosion around Kefka greatly damaging oppenent(s)

Spin Edge - Celes tosses her Sword Forward like a Boomerang At Foe which then returns to her.
Ragnarok - Celes Does a 4 Hit Combo followed by a Finishing Upward Slash with the Ragnarok.
Flare - Celes Causes the Air around Foe to Super heat and Explode in a fiery explosion damaging all that it hits, Mid Range.
Ice Blast - Celes Summon’s a block of Ice Above foe which then Crushes foe, Mid Distance
Meteor - Celes calls forth a big Meteor chunk that comes crashing down from above Mid Range in front of her.
Runic - Celes glows White, any magic attack that hits celes afterwards is absorbed, Restoring a little Life.

Auto Crossbow - Edgar Shots a crossbow straight ahead at Foe.
Bio Blaster - A Blaster that hits foe ahead with A Big Cloud of Poison Gas, Causing the status effect “ Poison” to any caught in it.
Chain Saw - a brutal 6 Hit swinging combo with a chainsaw that may “Stun” .
Drill - Edgar Lunges forward with a Drill Gun and stabs Foe Ahead.
Royal Shock - Edgar summons A Huge Light Ray That Falls from the Sky mid Range, Damaging and “Paralyzing” Foe(s).
Noise Blaster - A Blaster that shoots out Sonic Waves Straight ahead “Confusing” Foe.

Tiger Break - A mega swipe of his Tiger fang claws causing Knockback.
Air Blade - Sabin Spins around and around sending out gust’s of wind Blades in Both Directions.
Fire Dance - Sabin uses his sprit energy to send out a Spirit form of himself, it Dashes Forward and Engulfs Foe(s) In Flames.
Aura Bolt - a Holy Blast of inner energy from Sabin’s hands.
Bum Rush - A powerful Melee Combo that hits foe 9 times, May “Stun” .
Quick - Time magic that makes Sabin’s Attacks faster and prevents him from knock back, Remains till Death.

Tempest - A slash of wind From his Sword that Damages and knocks back foe, Mid Range.
Dispatch - Cyan Charges up for a Powerful jumping downward slash That May “Slow”
Quadra Slice - A Powerful 4 Hit combo.
Cleave - A Powerful Strike attack that if landed causes foe to become “paralyzed “
BackBlade - A Powerful 8 Hit Sword combo.
Retort - Whenever Cyan is hit with a physical attack that doesn't knock him back he counters quickly with a Powerful knock back blow, Lasts for 3 Attacks.

Fixed Dice - Setzer throws a pair of magical dice at foe ahead, May “Stun“.
H-Bomb - A Hydrogen Bomb is dropped from the Falcon above, causing a explosive blast, Long Range.
Flash - Beams of light from the ground in front of Setzer raise up and Damage foe(s).
Chocobop - A herd of Chocobo’s appear next to Setzer and Ram Foe(s) Ahead, May “Confuse”.
Red Card - Setzer Throws Red Glowing Cards at Foe(s) Ahead that Explode and Burn Foe(s) for Big Damage.
Magicite - Setzer pulls out a piece of Magicite And a Random Summon Appears and Attacks

Sword Breaker - A powerful ninja Sword attack with knockback.
Bolt Edge - Shadow throws a ninja ball that hits foe and then Shocks them a few Times, May “Paralyze”.
Interceptor - His Dog Appears and Leap attacks Foe Ahead with A wild fang attack that “Poisons”.
Tack Star - Shadow throws a Powerful ninja star at foe ahead.
Shadow Fang - A Quick and deadly 5 hit Claw Combo with knockback, adds Status “Poison”.
Shadow Edge - Shadow becomes invisible for 1 Minute and whenever he is hit he creates 2 other images of himself next to him.

Sonic Boom - Gao shoots a circling air Vacuum of Winds forward , Mid range sucking in any foe(s) to close and Damaging them.
Life Shaver - A 3 Hit combo that drains a small amount of life and gives it to Gao
Blaster - Gao Unleashes a blast of energy mid range that May “Confuse” Foe Ahead.
Tek Laser - A ray is shot from Gao and it shots across screen, does not Stop after it hits Foe.
Flarestar - Ultra heated Air Rings Explodes all around in front of Gao for Big Damage
Surge - Make’s Gao Stronger, faster and increase’s his jumping ability, His “Life Shaver” Attack now Combos for 6 Hits and Blaster will Confuse Foe if it hits them.

Sabre Soul - Strago attacks with a Magic blow that may “Stop” Foe
Quasar - Strago shots forth a single energy beam blast ahead that also goes through opponent(s).
Aqua Rake - Attacks enemies with Windy Water magic attack, Mid Range with a Wide Radius.
Blow Fish - Hundred’s of tiny needles shot forth out of Strago, May “Stun”.
Grand Train - Powerful Train Like Wave of Energy travel out of Strago and causes Big Damgae on any in its path ahead, May “Stop”.
Sour Mouth - a magic breath that Poisons, Slows and Mini’s Foe.

Final Fantasy VII/Dirge of Cerberus:

Braver - Cloud leaps straight up in the air and comes flying down with a powerful blow, with knockback.
Meteorain - Cloud jumps up and slices with his sword causing a Mid size Meteor to come crashing down on foe on a angle.
Finishing Touch - Cloud powers up and twirl’s his Sword causing a Tornado of wind’s to form and Lanch foe(s) ahead in air.
Beamblade - Cloud slashes with his sword and a energy beam shoots forward at foe.
Omnislash - Cloud Powers up and unleashes A Powerful 14 Hit Combo on foe Ahead Finishing them with a powerful Braver for Big Damage.
Arthur - Cloud Summons Arthur to Fight Along side him till Death, Arthur Attacks with Sword Combos.

Xenoslash - A Powerful and quick 5 Hit sword combo that knock’s back foe
Final Horizon - Rapid 6 Hit combo that lifts foe off ground and into an air combo ending with the foe flying up straight up in the air.
Heaven’s Descent - Sephiroth teleports in the air above an comes flying down with a ground piercing attack.
Masamune - Sephiroth attacks with a powerful dashing Sword Draw attack
One-Winged Angel - Sephiroth attacks with a powerful 10 Hit Teleporting Combo that send’s foe all over.
Heartless Angel - Sephiroth’s Angel wing appears, he floats, Attack and Jump increase and he now uses “Fire Pillars” instead of “ Heavens Descent”. (Fire Pillars- Fire waves erupt from ground around Sephiroth)

Zig Zag Rush - Weiss Zig Zags forward 3 times and slices with his Swords each Dash.
Streaking Swords - A Powerful rushing 6 Hit combo with Knockback.
Down Burst - Weiss Jumps up in the air and comes crashing down with his swords at the ground below.
Energy Blast - Weiss shots a big energy blast forward from his body.
Omega Meteor - Weiss Raises in the air and calls forth a Huge Meteor to come crashing down at an angle Slaming into Foe(s) Below.
Immaculate - Weiss becomes Stronger and even Faster, his “Streaking Swords” now combo 8 Hits and his “Energy Blast” is Bigger.

Double Impact - A extremely quick Hard attack with his Sword with Knockback.
Rising Hazard - Kadaj Jumps high in the Air and arcs Downward with a Powerfull Attack.
Shadow Creeper - Kadaj Summons forth A Shadow Creeper that rushes Forward and Attacks foe, will continue to fight afterwards.
Souba unleashed - A Quick Combo that hit’s foe 5 Times with Knockback and “Slow’s” Foe.
Midgar Disaster - A huge Blast from Bahamut Sin comes flying Down from Sky, Long Distance.
Homing Blasts - Kadaj Shots 5 arcing Blast’s that all fly forward and hit same area with a explosion, Mid Distance.

Duel Hound - Loz rushes forward and Punches with his Duel Hound, if Landed Cause Lighting to surge through foe, Paralyzing and Knocking back Foe ahead.
Hyper Beating - Loz Knocks foe in air Above and Air combo’s them for 4 Hits followed by a crashing Slam to the ground, May Stun.
Ground Driver - Loz Punches the ground and a Big Earth wave is created that travels forward.
Flash Speed - Loz Dashes Forward at Extreme speed’s cannot be Hurt during this.
Instant Carnage - A Powerful 6 Hit Combo at Lightning Speed.
Materia Explosion - Loz Powers up and cause’s a Big Explosion around him, very Powerful but hurts Loz too.

Pointblank - A super charged Gun shot forward with Knockback.
Speeding Bullet - Yazzo does a 4 Hit Combo that sends foe and Yazoo above where he finishes it with rapid gun shot’s.
Lodus Palm - Yazoo uses a powerful Fist attack that may “Paralyze” Foe.
Havic Play - A Dashing 4 Hit kick combo that knocks foe down.
Velvet Nightmare - A 7 Hit Combo with his gun followed by a Pointblank shot to Foe sending them flying backwards.
Materia Explosion - Yazoo Powers up and cause’s a Big Explosion around him, very Powerful but hurts Yazoo too.

Beat Rush - A rushing Quick 3 Hit combo that knocks foe backwards, May cause Status “Slow”.
Somersault kick - A jumping Somersault kick that also sends foe flying in the air Stunned with Tifa.
WaterKick - A Hard Roundhouse Attack that knocks foe down.
Meteodrive - Tifa Grabs Foe and leaps in the air, then slams them back down into the Ground.
Final Heaven - A Grand Melee combo, Tifa unleashes a powerful 9 Hit combo that send foe to the heavens.
God Hand - A very powerful punch that crushes foe with light sending them flying back Stunned.

Splatter Combo - Vincent becomes the HellMasker an Brutal attacks with his chainsaw.
PowerCross - Vicent Slashes at foe 4 times and kicks them in the air, then wraps around them and slams them in the ground.
Livewire - Vincent becomes the Deathgiga’s and shocks foe ahead with lots of Lightning Bolts, May “Paralyze”.
Cerberus Shot - Vincent Charges his gun and Fire’s a Triple Blast-Shot at the foe ahead, May Stun.
Chaos Saber - Vincent becomes Chaos and creates a beam blade and does a Huge Slash at foe Ahead.
Galian Beast - Vincent becomes Galian Beast for a timed period, fight’s with Claws and can jump really high. Has special “Beast Flare”(send’s out Five orbs ahead that all explode)

Gauntlet - Yuffie throws her Giant Shrunken forward at foe, if it hits foe Blue circle’s on light beams close in on foe.
Bloodfest - A savage 7 Hit Combo that sends foe boucing off Ground and into the air.
Landscaper - Yuffie punches the ground and a Earth Wave is created and travels Forward.
Greased Lightning - Yuffie Leaps forward and Slices with her weapon then jumps back, then a energy blade slices target again, May “Stun”.
All Creation - Yuffie creates a massive beam that slams itself violently into the foe ahead and sends them flying back.
Doom of the Living - Yuffie combo’s foe with 10 Hits.

Bigshot - Barret Charges his Arm-Cannon and fires it at foe ahead, will knockback foe.
Satellite Beam - Barret calls forth a big beam of energy form space to smash down on foe ahead, Mid Range.
Ungarmax - Barret Unloads many round’s of ammo to foe ahead.
Hammerblow - Barret Dashes forward and smacks foe with a overhead smash attack with Arm-Cannon May “Confuse”.
Catastrophe - Barret Leaps in the Air and releases a huge beam of energy from his Arm-Cannon at an angle downwards.
Titan - Barret Summons Titan who’s fights along side Barret till death.

Dynamite - Cid lights a stick of Dynamite and throws it at foe ahead which then explodes after brief moment, causing Knockback.
Boost Jump - Cid Jumps high in the air and comes crashing down on foe with Spear Head.
Big Brawl - Cid Preforms a 4 Hit Combo on foe ahead ending with a spinning Lance Stab that knocks back foe.
Dragon - Cid calls forth a dragon from the ground below and the dragon rushes forward and sap a little life, giving it to Cid.
Dragon Dive - Cid jumps high in the air and repeatedly Pounces on Foe 6 Times, Mid Distance may Cause the “Slow” Status.
Highwind - Cid Calls for the Highwind to fire Many missiles at foe ahead from above, Long Range.

Red 13
Sleg Fang - Red 13 Rushes forward engulfed in fire and Rams foe ahead.
Lunatic High - Red 13 Jumps high in the Air and does a front-flip Claw attack on foe below, Mid Distance, Causes “Slow”.
Stardust Ray - Red 13 howls and Star’s rain down on foe from the sky, Close Range, May “Confuse” Foe.
Earth Rave - Red 13 hits foe with 5 Magical attacks, Mid Distance
Cosmo Memory - Red 13 Blasts foe with huge ray of Fire
Howling Moon - Red 13 Increases his Speed and Attack power by taking in the power of the moon.

Heavy Cannon - Azul Fire’s a huge Shot from his Cannon at foe ahead, Cause’s Knockback.
Artillery Shell - Azul angles his Cannon diagonal up and fires a arcing cannon Grenade round causing Knockback.
Cannon Drop - Azul Lifts his Cannon above his head and slams it into the ground causing a 360 degree shockwave.
Cerulean Charge - Azul Dashes forward and Rams foe with Shoulder, causes knockback.
Cannon Raid - Azul Dashes forward and Rams Foe then does a 3 Hit kick combo followed by a brutal smash with his Cannon.
Arch Azul - Azul transform into Arch Azul, he attacks with claws, Tail and Horns and has the special “Electric Charge”(Charges Lightning in his horns and fires a Electric blast at foe(s) ahead, may Paralyze.

Black Cloud - Nero Sends out a Black Cloud that hit foe and sticks to them so they cannot attack for 5 Seconds.
Wing Slasher - Nero fly’s up in the Air Spinning his Steel Wings around and damage any foe he touches.
Mutli-Fire - Nero Shoots his guns in 4 different direction’s, to the sides of him and diagonally Up-Left and Up-Right.
Laser Beam - Nero Shoots a Laser beam at foe ahead.
Soul Orbs - Nero raises up and 4 Purple Dark orbs form around him, they then fly diagonally downwards at foe(s), poison‘s.
Gorgonero - Nero Glows Purple and becomes faster also there are three other images of him around him, two on both sides and one above him which can hurt foe until destroyed, His “Laser Beam” is bigger and “Black Cloud” lasts for 10 Seconds, He also floats off the ground.

Blade Scythe’s - Rosso Lunges forward and does a Double slice with her weapon Knocking foe up in Air.
Blood Burst - Rosso Jumps in the air and Starts Spinning downwards in a Pink vortex, she becomes a pink beam that slams onto foe.
Ground Blades - Rosso shoots Scythe like beams that travel along the ground.
Reaper - Rosso Teleport-Dashes Mid Range Forward and reaper like slices foe and knocks them back.
Crimson Pain - Rosso unleashes a brutal 7 Hit combo followed by a few round’s of bullets from her weapon to foe ahead.
Dark - Rosso creates a Spire of Dark magic that raise from the ground, Mid Distance, Defense of Foe Drops for 20 Seconds.

Quickstep - Shelke Dashes forward at extreme speed, cannot be hit during this.
Overhead Cyclone - Shelke leaps up and does a spinning attack with her saber's that blow enemies back with high winds.
EM Break - A very quick 5 hit combo that stuns foe with final hit.
Dashing Lunge - a Dashing stab with her EM Sabers that Knockback Foe.
Transparent Sabre - Shelke unleashes a 7 Hit combo and finishes it with a Double front-flip saber smash that confuse foe.
Shield Materia - Shelke use’s the Materia “Shield”, for 30 seconds she is invincible to attacks and magic.

Electro-Mag Rod - Reno shock’s foe with a 4 Hit Rod combo finishing with a flying Kick that Knocks back Foe.
Stun Slap - A smash with his rod that damages and causes foe to become Stunned.
Trine - Reno calls forth a Lightning Triangle that surrounds foe at Mid Distance and Shock’s enemy several times Damaging and Paralyzing them.
Turk Light - Reno gathers energy at the tip of his rod and shoots it at foe ahead.
Neo Turk light - Reno Focuses his energy to the tip of his rod, then combos foe ahead for 6 hits, ending with a huge Turk Light blast.
Pyramid - Reno traps foe in a Lightning Triangle that prevents foe from moving, If foe touches edge they will get shocked, cannot excape, lasts for 15 seconds.

Flame Punch - Rude Launches a Flaming Punch to the foe in front of him setting foe on fire when hit, May Knockback.
Big Suplex - Rude Does a 4 Hit Punch combo and then grabs foe leaps in air for a driving Suplex.
Trine - Rude calls forth a Lightning Triangle that surrounds foe at Mid Distance and Shock’s enemy several times Damaging and Paralyzing Them.
Beta - Rude calls forth a swirling Fiery mushroom like explosion mid range, burns all foes for short period.
Grand Spark - Rude Unleashes a 6 hit Punch rush ending with a Lightning uppercut that shocks foe several times as foe falls.
Freeze - Rude shoots out Frost snowflakes at foe, if hit causes foe to become frozen in a block of Ice for a timed period

Cait Sith
ToyBox - A Toy Chest appears in Air and falls down on foe, when it hits the ground fireworks shoot out of it an can damage foe(s).
Moggle Bounce - Moogle’s appear and fly at Foe ahead with mini Spears.
Toy Soldiers - 4 Toy Soldiers appear on the ground in front of Cait Sith and walk forward slightly, raising their guns and fire at foe, May cause the Status “Sap”.
Dice Throw - Cait Sith throws a Pair of Dice which become Huge in mid air and hit foe ahead, may cause a “Random Status effect“.
Random Summon - Cait Sith Summons a random summon on stage and that summon uses there Special Attack on foes.
Big Cait Sith - Cait Sith grows Huge and remains in this Form for 1 Minute, Attack and Defense increase, Plus chances increase for Cait Sith to Randomly Summon a Stronger Summon.




Final Fantasy VIII:

Renzokoken - Squall will unleash a 5 Hit Combo ending with a 6th Explosive Slash, with Knockback.
Rough Divide - Squall rushes forward and Slices at the Heavens with a Powerful Raising attack.
Fated Circle - Squall leaps into the Air and performs a spinning motion with his Gunblade that creates a shockwave that hits the ground diagonally and causes a fiery wave to erupt on foe.
Blasting Zone - Squall powers his Gunblade upward’s and creates a long energy beam through his sword, then drops it on foe.
LionHeart - Squall Powers up Gunblade and Hits Foe Into Air Following it with A 13 Hit Combo on foe for Big Damage.
Bahamut - Squall Summons forth Bahamut who fights along side Squall until Death.

MealStorm - Ultimecia calls forth a huge Black energy Ball above foe ahead that if close enough, pulls foe(s) into it Damaging them.
Dark holy - Ultimecia Makes A Dark Beam of light Fall upon foe ahead from the sky above.
Hells Judgment - Ultimecia creates a Glyph Under Foe, Colorful spires of Burning energy raise causing the Status “Sap”.
Meltdown - Ultimecia unleashes a Charged Energy wave-Blast at foe ahead with damages and lowers there Defense for 30 Seconds.
Apcoalypse - Ultimecia summons a Glyph Under Foe, 5 Energy rays raise high in the Air above Foe and Fuse then a huge blast strike’s foe Below and Explodes.
Griever- Ultimecia Summons Griever to Fight along Side Her till Death.

Gunblade - Seifer Leaps forward doing a Powerful Spinning Back swipe at Foe Ahead may Confuse.
Fire Swipe - Seifer Lunges forward and executes a flaming Jump Slash that burns Foe with Fire.
Demon Slice - Seifer Shoots a Fire Blast at foe and then Rushes Foe spinning round and a round slicing foe, Lifting Foe and himself off ground in a Cyclone Vortex and finishes it with a powerful Air Blow sending Opponent flying Back.
No Mercy - Seifer shoots a Fire Blast at Foe, Charges energy to Gunblade and Slashes a arcing Creasant energy blade at stunned foe.
Fire Cross - Seifer Charges his Gunblade and rushes foe ahead doing a 7 Hit combo and Finishing it with a huge Fire Blast.
Odin - Seifer Summons Odin to Fight along side him till death.

Shooting Star - Rinoa Fires Her Blaster Edge at Foe Ahead which then Returns by a upward spin.
Holy - Rinoa Makes Circles of Holy Light descend in front of her mid Range they Circle around and then combine causing A Big Light Ray to Strike Foe(s).
Angelo Strike - Rinoa calls for Angelo, He then Leaps Forward at Foe becoming energy and smacks foe lifting them in the air and slamming them back down into the Ground.
Angelo Rush - Rinoa calls for Angelo, He Rushes forward becoming A Blast-ball of Energy and hitting foe ahead causing Knockback
Wishing Star - Rinoa Calls Angelo, They Both Ruch Forward and become Energy Stars and hit foe up into Air appearing again and colliding into foe 8 More Times.
Angel Wings - Rinoa Raises up and Spouts Angel Wings, For the rest of Her Life she Will Cast Random Black Magic in Front, Mid and Long Distances while Fighting Almost Instantly.

Blizzard - Edea Summons forth a Huge Block of Ice over foe mid range that drops on foe(s) and causing mini ice spikes to raise up.
Thunder - Edea Calls for Many Lighting Bolts to Strike Foe mid distance form above, May Paralyze.
Fire Blast - Edea Strikes with a Big Blast of Fire hitting Foe(s) at Long Distance
MealStorm - Edea calls forth a huge Black energy above foe ahead that if close enough, pulls foe(s) into it Damaging them.
Ice Strike - Edea Strikes and Three Huge Spiked Icicles fall form Above crushing any in its path downwards Mid Range, May Freeze.
Shiva - Edea summons Shiva to fight with her till death.

Booya Rush - Zell Dashes forward and executes a 4 Hit punch combo ending with a Mech Kick, with Knockback.
Different Beat - Zell Dashes forward and back-flip kicks foe in Air followed by 8 more back-flip Kicks and then drive kicks foe to the ground.
Burning Rave - Zell powers up and Punches Ground causing ground to crack open, Flames erupt and travel ground ahead
Meteor Barret - Zell Jumps vertically up-forward and charges a Energy ball in palms, then at lightning speed shoots diagonally downwards at foe ahead, if hit ball of electrically is left on foe which then explodes.
My Final Heaven - Zell Charges up His Arm and then Runs forward at high speeds Punching Foe and causing an huge explosion.
Ifrit- Zell Summons Ifrit who fights along side Zell till death.

Tornado Swing - Selphie Jumps up a little and Spins her Nunchuku very fast causing winds around Selphie to slice foe(s) around her.
Overdose - Selphie attacks foe ahead with Her Nunchuku for a 5 Hit Combo, smacking foe up in the air above.
Twin creasent - Selphie attacks foe ahead with a powerful 2 Hit blow form her Nunchuku causing foe to Fly backwards.
Rapture - Selphie spins her Nunchuku and causes wings to appear which move forward if touched foe is lifted up in the Air and attacked 3 Times and then dropped to the Ground.
Strange Vision - Selphie unleashes a 6 Hit combo with Her Nunchuku that Poisons and Confuses Foe.
Slot - Selphie will Spin Her Nunchuku and Cast a Random Black Magic Spell a Random Amount of Times at Mid Range.

Whip Tail - Quistis Jumps Forward Whipping Her Whip and Skriking Foe Hard with Knockback, “May Stun“.
Ultra Waves - Quistis Releases 3 Pink waves, On Both Sides and Above her( Below Her in Air) that Damage and May ”Confuse”.
Electrocute - Quistis Shoots out Many Lightning Bolts ahead of Her that Electrocute Foe, May “Paralyze“.
Laser Eye - Quistis Shoots a Solar Laser Beam form her Eyes at Foe ahead.
Shockwave Pulsar - Quistis Summons Three Holy Balls down form the Sky Ahead Mid range, If Foe is touched by one it gets Trapped inside and raised to the Sky where a Ball of energy Grows inside it and then Explodes with Darkness, Big Damage.
Leviathan - Quisis Summons Leviathan who fights along side Her till Death.

Canister Shot - Irvine Arc’s His Gun Upwards and Fires a Demolition Round at foe that has a Small Explosion will Knockback.
Flame Round - Irvine shoots a Flame Round at Foe ahead that Damages and Burns foe for a Short Period.
Scatter Shot - Irvine Fires a Round That Scatters in a Cone Like Shape ahead with a wide Range of Attack.
Trigger Happy - Irvine Fires his Gun with Fast Ammo Many Times.
Hyper Shot - Irvine Fires a Huge Energy Round From his Gun at foe(s) ahead, Knocks Back and Stuns Foe(s).
Diablo's - Irvine Summons Diablo's to fight with him till death.

Machine Gun - Laguna Fires a 3 Shot Burst at Foe Ahead.
Grenade Launcher - Laguna Arc’s his Gun at Foe ahead and Fires A Grenade Shell that Explodes on Contact, with Knockback.
Cover Fire- Laguna Shoots Ground under Him with Grenade Shell causing Him to Fly Straight up as he continues to fire downwards.
Piercing Round - Laguna shoots Foe with a Shot that Causes the Status “Sap”.
Desperado - Laguna Throws a Grenade on Ground Ahead and Jumps up swinging on his whip-cord Firing Many rounds down below at an Angle, Grenade Soon Explodes and Laguna Descends.
Jumbo Cactuar - Laguna Summons Jumbo Cactaur to fight along side him till death.

Katal Fury - Kiros Dashes Forward and does a powerful 2 Hit Combo that Knocks foe into the Air.
Deep Rising - Kiros Jumps Up Slashing all Around Many Times as he Raises.
Wolverine - Kiros Unleases a 5 Hit Combo That Knocks Back Foe.
Shredder - Kiros Spins around Many Times Moving Forward, High and Low.
Blood Pain - Kiros Insanely Unleashes a Powerful 7 Hit Combo on Foe Ahead.
Pain - Kiros Inflicts the Status “Slow” and “Poison” on Foe Ahead, Close Range Spell.

Anchor Hook - Ward Hooks his Anchor Upwards Spearing foe and Slamming Them into the Ground Behind Him, May “Confuse“.
Anchor Drop - Ward Jumps Up and Throws his Spear Straight down to the Ground Under Him causing 360 Degree Shockwave.
Harpoon - Ward Lunges Forward and does a 3 Hit Combo ending with a Huge Smack that send foe flying backwards.
Anchor Throw - Ward Throws his Anchor Forward at Amazing Speeds Knocking Back any foe it Hits, May “Stun“.
Massive Anchor - Ward Throws His Anchor to the Sky and Jumps to the Sky as well, then comes crashing down with Anchor causing Damage and a Big Shockwave.
Stop - Ward Casts the Time Magic “Stop” on foe Mid Range, Lasts for 10 Seconds.

Beat Down - Raijin Pummels Foe ahead with a 4 Hit Combo that knock’s them into the Ground.
Thunder - Raijin Calls forth Several Lightning Bolts for the Sky to strike down on Foe, May “Paralyze”.
Pole Rush - Raijin Rushes Forward and Attacks with a 4 Hit Combo ending with Lunge attack that sends Foe flying backwards.
Lightning Strike - Lightning Bolts Strike Down on Raijins Pole and then he Dashes Forward and Unleashes a Powerfull Swing that hits foe with Many Lightning Strikes, Damages and “Paralyzes” Foe.
Aura - Increases Raijins Attack and Defense Power and adds more Lightning Bolts to His Attacks Making them Bigger and Stronger.
Quezacotl - Raijin Summons Quezacotl to fight along side him till death.

Chakram - Fujin Unleashes a 5 Hit Combo with her Chakram knocking Foe Backwards.
Pinwheel - Fujin Throws Her Charkram in A wide 360 Degree Motion around Her Damaging all foe(s) it Hits.
Dart Roll - Fujin Throws her Charkram on the ground and it spin’s across the ground to Mid Distance and then Fly’s back to her Damaging any foe(s) it Touches.
Tornado - Fujin Causes a Big Tornado of winds to Form in Front of her and Move across the Ground sucking any who get to close and shooting them up in the air after Damaging them.
Meteor - Fujin Summons a Meteor to come Crashing down form the sky at an angle damaging all in range, Mid Distance.
Pandemonia - Fujin Summons Pandemonia to fight with her till death.

Final Fantasy IX:

Soul Blade - Zidane Lunges Forward and Jump Slashes Foe Ahead, May Cause Random Status Effect.
Scoop Art - A Pink Energy Wave Comes Arcing Downwards at Foe from Above followed by 2 More on Each side, Mid Distance.
Shift Break - Zidane Cause a Giant Vortex of Water Energy to rise up Mid Distance and Splash outwards at foe(s).
Tidal Flame - Zidane makes the Ground Break Open, A Fire Wave Arc’s Out from it Damaging and Burning Foe(s), Long Range.
Grand Lethal - Zidane Releases Many Pink Rays of Energy in front of Him that Explode in Fire on Contact for Big Damage.
Trance - Zidane Trances and Increases His STR, SPD, Jump and DEF as well as Give Him his Double Bladed-Sword for 1 Minute.

Demi - Kuja Creates a Dark Ball of Energy Mid Range that Sucks Foe(s) Close enough into it Damaging them.
Holy - Kuja Creates a Ball of Holy Energy Mid Range that Goes upwards and Expands then Explodes with Rays of Light.
Flare - Kuja Makes the Air in Front of him Super Heat and Explode in Flames Damaging all in Range, Close Distance.
Thunder - Kuja Calls forth Lightning Bolts from the skies to Strike down on Foe Below, Mid Range, May “Paralyze“.
Ultima - Kuja Raises up and Powers up, Many Pink Blasts Spiral High in the Sky, collect and then rain down below causing Huge Damage to any foe(s) Hit.
Trance - Kuja Trances increasing his STR, SPD, And DEF, He now Floats of ground and instead of “Thunder” he uses “Flarestar”(8 Purple Balls from around Foe Mid Range, they meet together in center and create bigger Flare Effect with Fiery Shockwaves that Damage and Burn foe). Stay’s Tranced for rest of Life.

G-Force 199 - Garnet calls for Atomas, A Large Demi Sphere appears Mid Distance sucking any to close in for Damage.
Diamond Dust - Garnet calls for Shiva, Large Ice Spikes form and Fly Straight out from Garnet Hitting and Knocking back any in Path, Once they hit foe cause a Big Ice Blast on Foe Again.
Hell Fire - Garnet calls for Ifrit, A Fiery Wave Comes smashing down in the ground in front of Her causing a Big Explosion around Garnet Damaging and knocking back any who are Hit by it.
Judgment Bolt - Garnet Calls for Ramuh, Ramuh’s Staff fly’s down from the sky mid Distance and then is Struck by Lightning, A Sphere’s of Lightning energy shock any foe(s) in Range.
Ark - Garnet Calls for Ark to fight along side Her till death, Ark Fights with Flying Blades, Energy Beams and its Special ” Eternal Darkness”.
Trance - Garnet Trances increasing Her Attack, Jump, DEF, and SPD, Her Summons now appear and do there attacks instead of just there attacks, they cause more Damage, Garnets Trance lasts for 1 Minute.

Fire Blast - Vivi Blasts Foe ahead with a Mid size Fiery explosion that damages and Burns foe for a timed period, Close Range.
Comet - Vivi Summons a Comet to come flying down at an angle and smack foe Mid Range ahead at fast speeds, May Confuse foe.
Water - Vivi Creates A Big Sphere-Bubble of water Mid Distance that traps foe inside and lifts them up and slams them back down causing a Big Splash of Water that Knock’s back any other Foe(s) it hit‘s.
Sleep - Vivi casts a Spell in Front of him that makes any foe in Range fall to Sleep for a Timed Period.
Doomsday - Vivi Summons a Huge Space Rock High Above him, It collects many more chunks of Earth and then comes Slowly Crashing down in a Blaze of Fire in front of Vivi Mid Distance, it collides with ground and causes a Huge explosion Damaging any hit by it even Vivi.
Trance - Vivi Trances increasing his ATT, SPD, DEF And Jump, also Vivi will Double Cast “Fire Blast” & “Water”( With Water after foe is Slammed into ground another Wave of water come down landing on foe), Doomsday will not hurt Vivi, lasts of 1 Minute.

Darkside - Steiner Attacks Foe with a Very powerful Dashing Blow with Knockback, takes a little life from Steiner.
Flaresword - Steiner Lunges forward and Sword Attacks foe, If landed causes a Flare effect damaging foe further.
Shock Break - Steiner Leaps Forward and Slashes causing Rays of Light Energy to Emit outwards hurting Foe and Damaging any hit by the Rays of Energy, Attack increases as Steiner Losses Health.
Iai Strike - Steiner Dashes at Foe and Attacks with a Blow that causes the Status “ Slow”.
Shock - Steiner Swings his Sword causing a Mid side Blast of Light to Damage any foe it comes in contact with, Will “Stun” any it hits, Mid Range, Increases as Steiner’s Health Drops.
Trance -Steiner Trances and his STR, SPD, DEF, and Jump increase, Iai Strike Now casts “Stop” on Foe instead of “Slow”, Lats for 1 Minute.

Save the Queen - Beatrix Unleashes a Powerful 4 Hit Combo on Foe, May Confuse Foe.
Chimhazzard - Beatrix Lunges Forward and Slashes Foe(s) Ahead causing Huge Magical Fiery Spheres.
Stock Break - Beatrix Leaps Forward and Slashes causing Rays of Light Energy to Emit outwards hurting Foe and Damaging any hit by the Rays of Energy, Attack increases as Beatrix Losses Health.
Thunder Slash - Beatrix Dashes Forward and Strikes her Sword causing Lightning Energy to Zap foe from Above, May “paralyze“.
Shock - Beatrix Swings her Sword causing a Mid side Blast of Light to Damage any foe it comes in contact with, Will “Stun” any it hits, Mid Range, Increases as Beatrix’s Health Drops.
Holy - Beatrix Creates a Ball of Holy Energy Mid Range that Goes upwards and Expands then Explodes with Rays of Light.

Lancet - Freya Rushes Forward and Spears Foe with a Magical 2 Hit Combo, Restores a little Life to Freya.
Dragoon Jump - Freya Jumps high in the Air and comes Straight down Spearing enemy from Above, Close Range.
Luna - Freya Strike’s foe ahead with blow that causes “berserk”, foe cannot use specials, Super or unique Abilities for 20 Seconds.
Dragons Breath - Freya makes a Giant Dragon’s Head rise from ground under her and breath out Magical Energy on Foe Ahead.
Dragons Crest - A Crest Forms Mid Range under Foe and a Giant Dragon Rises up and Attacks Foe for big Damage.
Trance - Freya Trances increasing her STR, SPD, DEF And Jump, also instead of “Dragoon Jump” She uses “Lance Shower”(She Jumps up high in the Air and Rains down a Volley of Lances on Foe(s) Below), and “Lancet” Becomes “Cherry Blossom”(Freya

Ruby Ray - Eiko Summons Carbuncle, Carbuncle Appears in Front of Eiko and jumps in the air damaging any it touches and casts Reflect on Eiko, any Magic Attack that hits Eiko during this is bounced Back, Carbunckle stays out for 5 sec.
Rebirth Flame - Eiko Summons Phoenix who Flys up from Under the Ground in a blazing Fire and Burns Area around with Flames.
Holy - Eiko Creates a Ball of Holy Energy Mid Range that Goes upwards and Expands then Explodes with Rays of Light.
Millennial Decay- Eiko Summons Fenrir Who appears and Howls jumps up and turns into Several Green-Wind like Energy Blasts and arcs into Ground causing Twisters.
Madeen - Eiko Summons Madeen to fight along side Her till Death, Madeen attacks with Claws, Holy and Special “Terra Homing”.
Trance - Eiko Trances, Increases ATT, DEF, SPD And Jump, also Uses “Double Holy”, One Mid Range and the Other Long Range.

Rune Claws - Amarant Unleashes a 5 Hit Combo on foe With His Claws Sending Foe in Air.
Salamander - Amarant Executes a Rising Claw Upper Cut.
Demi Shock - Amarant Casts A Demi Ball that Moves Forward sucking any in and Damaging them, Hits all in its path.
No Mercy - Amarant Charges up a Energy Blast in his Hands and Shoots it at Foe Ahead, With Knockback.
Wing Edge - Amarant throws the Very powerful Wing Edge at Foe Ahead for Big Damage, will “Paralyze”.
Trance - Amarant Trances, Increases His STR, SPD, DEF, And Jump, Also Increases his “No Mercy” ATT power .

Limit Glove - Quina Unleashes a Powerful Punch at Foe Ahead, Becomes Stronger the lower Qunia’s Life, May cause Status “Mini”.
Matra Magic - Quina Shoots out Many Arcing Blasts ahead that all hit Same Area, Damages Foe(s) They Hit and where they meet
Gravity Rift is Created sucking any Foe to close in and Damaging them Further.
Frog Drop - Quina Summons a Giant Frog Above Foe Mid Range which Drops on Foe Damaging Them, May cause Status “Toad”.
1000 Needles - Quina Shoots out Many Tiny Needles at foe ahead, May “Stun”.
Bad Breath - Quina Releases a Breath Attack Ahead that Slows, Confuses and Mini’s any Foe it Hits.
Trance - Qunia Trances, Increasing his STR, SPD, DEF, And Jump for 1 Minute.

Terra Vice - Garland uses his mind to Hold Foe in Place, Then Foe is Crushed by his Mind, Close Range.
Invincible Ray - Garland calls for the Invincible’s Eye, which Fires a Red Beam of Energy from the Sky Straight down on Foe.
Flare - Garland Makes the Air in Front of him Super Heat and Explode in Flames Damaging all in Range, Close Distance.
Force wave - Garland shoots out a wave of Energy Forwards at foe with Knockback.
Psychokinesis - Garland uses His Mind to Grab foe and Pick them up Slamming them Many times into the Ground.
Stop - Garland uses the Time Magic “Stop” On all foes in Radius around Him.

Black Waltz 3
Bio - Black Waltz 3 Attacks with a Blast of Poison Mid Range that Damages and “Poisons” Foe.
Thunder Staff - Black Waltz 3 Raises in Air with his staff held up while Lightning Shoots out in all Direction’s of him.
Fire Wave - Black Waltz 3 Creates a Fiery Wave That travels Forward, Damaging and Burning all foe(s) it Hits.
Blizzard - Black Waltz 3 Summons forth a Huge Block of Ice over foe mid range that drops on foe(s) and causing mini ice spikes to raise up.
Mega Shock - Black Waltz 3 Calls for a Giant Lightning Bolt, Striking Mid Range, The Lightning Bolt then Splits into 2, Then 4.
Freeze - Black Waltz 3 shoots out Frost snowflakes at foe, if hit causes foe to become frozen in a block of Ice for a timed period.

Final Fantasy X/Final Fantasy X-2:

Quick Hit - Tidus Dashes Forward Very Fast and Strikes Foe with a overhead Slash Mid Distance, May “Slow”.
Energy Rain - Tidus leaps up in the Air and Charges his Sword, he swings it and 6 Energy orbs shoot out and Hit Ground Below and Pillars of Energy shoot up and Damage Foe(s).
Slice and Dice - Tidus Runs Forward at foe and Dash-slashes him Back and forth for a Total of 6 Hits.
Spiral Cut - Tidus Runs forward, Jumps up and does a spinning Flip downward Strike.
Blitz Ace - Tidus Powers up and Runs at foe Ahead Slashing them with a 8 Hit combo follow by A Jumping Jeckt Kick using A Blitzball for Big Damage, May “Slow”.
Caladbolg - Tidus Unleashes a 6 Hit Combo on Foe ahead With the Caladbolg may ” Petrify”.

Break - Seymour Creates A Giant Earth Spike appear Mid Range Over Ground hitting Foe causing them to become “Petrified”.
Multi-Thunder - Seymour Causes A Lightning Bolt to Strike Long Distance, Then Mid Distance, followed by Close Range.
Multi-Ice - Seymour Causes Three Ice Chunks to Drop on Foe(s) From Above Short, Mid and Long Range.
Multi-Fire - Seymour Causes A Fire Blast at Close Range followed by Mid and then Long, Damaging and Burning any Foe it Hits.
Requiem - Seymour Unleashes A Ball of Energy in Front of him Which Disperses Everywhere into Energy and Leaving a Demi like Ball That Explodes in a Flare for Big Damage, Sucks Foe(s) in that get to Close.
Anima - Seymoure Summons Anima to fight along side Seymour till Death., Anima fights with Demi Magic, pain and Special “Oblivion”.

Valfor - Yuna Summons Valfor to fight along side her for short period, attacks with Talon Claw, Sonic Wings(May Stun), Energy Ray and Energy Blast, cannot summon others while Valfor is out.
Shiva - Yuna Summons Shiva, Attacks with Ice Blast, Roundhouse kick, Heavenly Strike(May Slow) and Diamond Dust
Ixion - Yuna Summons Ixion, Attacks with Hide Kick, Thunder, Aerospark and Thors Hammer
Yojimbo - Yuna Summons Yojimno, Attacks with Daigoro(May Poison), Kozuka, Wakizashi(May Slow), and Zanmato(Stuns Foe)
Bahamut - Yuna Summons Bahamut, Attacks with Claw Swipe, Mega Rush, Impulse and Mega Flare.
Magus Sisters - Yuna Summons one of the Magus Sisters to Fight along side Her Till death, Sandy Attacks with Blade Gash, Haste, Nul-All and Razzia. Cindy Attacks with Drain, Collision, Flare and Camisade. Mindy Attacks with Bio, Doublecast(ether fire, Blizzard, Thunder or Water) Lancet and Passado. Can Use “Special” Summons during this.

Power Break - Auron Charges Up and Unleashes a Blow that lowers Foe’s STR 10 Seconds, Close Range
Dragon Fang - Auron Jumps Straight up and Smashes The Ground with His Sword causing a Ground Explosion Mid Distance.
Banishing Blade - Auron Charges up his Sword Overhead and Swings it causing 4 Energy balls to Fly Forward and Hit Foe Ahead, May “Slow “ or “Stop” Foe.
Shooting Star - Auron Dashes Forward and Baseball Swings his Sword at Foe for big Damage, Knockbacks and “Stuns” Foe
Tornado Flame - Auron Powers up and Spin Slashes his Sword creating a Moving Tornado, He then throws his Sake at it which causes it to Engulf in Flames Damaging and Burn all Hit by it..
Masamune - Auron Unleashes a powerful 4 Hit Combo followed by A “Shooting Star” attack with the Masamune.

Stone Breath - Kimahri Breathes out a Wide Radius Breath attack in front of him that “Petrifies” any Foe it Hits.
Jump - Kimahri Leaps up High with his Spirit Lance and Descends Down Driving His Weapon into Foe Below.
Aqua Breath - Kimahri Breathes out a Wide Radius Water Attack At Foe(s) In Front of Him Damaging all Foes it Hits.
Thrust Kick - Kimahri Lunges Forward using His Spear to Super Kick Foe Mid Range, Causes “Stun”.
Nova - Kimahri Creates a Blue Energy Ball that Charges Mid Range, it Sucks inwards then Explodes in A Sphere of Flare-Fire, Then a Light Beam Blast through it causing a Huge explosion for Big Damage.
Mighty Guard - Kimahri Cast A Spell that Increases His DEF and Reflects or Nullify Magic Back for 1 Minutes.

Blitz Kick Wakka Drops his Blitzball down and Kicks it Very Hard At Foe Straight Ahead and then returns to Wakka, May “Confuse”.
Elemental Throw - Wakka Throws His Blitzball At Foe, If Hit causes a Random Elemental Attack on that Foe.(F, I, L, W)
Power Play - Wakka Rushes forward and Rams Foe, Followed by 4 Hit Blitzball Combo knocking back Foe.
World Champion - Wakka Throws His World Champion Blitzball at Foe ahead, May Stun, Becomes Stronger as Wakka loses life.
Attack Reels - Wakka Spins around Very fast and shoots out a Volley of Blitzballs at Foe(s) Ahead for Big Damage.
Triple Foul - Wakka Throws His Blitzball Forward at Foe, if Landed cause Status “Poison“, “Slow” and “Sleep”.

Drain - Lulu Casts A Spell at Mid Distance, If it connects with Foe(s), Drains A little Life and gives it to Lulu.
Water - Lulu Creates a Big Ball of Water Mid Range, It then Splashes down Hard with Lots of Water on Foe(s).
Bio - Lulu Attacks with a Blast of Poison Mid Range that Damages and “Poisons” Foe.
Flare - Lulu Makes the Air in Front of her Super Heat and Explode in Flames Damaging all in Range, Close Distance.
Ultima - Lulu calls forth Nuclear energy from within, creates A Big radius Explosion around Lulu greatly damaging opponent(s
Fury - Lulu Enters a State, Rotating Analog Clockwise as Many times as can within Time Limit will cause Lulu To Cast Random Elemental and “Flare” Magics At Foe Close, Mid and Long Range for as Many Full Rotations Imputed.

Nega Burst - Rikku Throws an Item Creating a Demi-like Burst mid Range that Pulls Foe(s) Close enough into it and then Implodes.
Snow Flurry - Rikku Throws an Item Causing 6 Bursts of Ice under foe ahead damaging and May “Freeze”, Mid Distance.
Abandon Flame - Rikku Throws an Item Causing 3 Powerful Bursts of Fire To Erupt from Same Place, Damaging and “Burning” all Foe(s) hit by it, Mid Range.
Calamity Bomb - An Explosion Damaging and adding the Status “Slow” and “Poison” on Foe(s) it hits, Long Distance.
Dark Matter -Rikku Throws some Dark Matter Forward at Foe which causes a Huge Dark Explosion on Foe Ahead for Big Damage.
Machina Maw - Rikku Summons Her Unique Dressphere, While In Machina Maw She Rams and Stomps foes as well as
“Shock storm“(Special), Homing Ray(Up + Special) , Shockwave(Down + Special), and ‘Break Missiles”(Over + Special), Lasts Till Machina maw is Destroyed.

Demi Sword - Paine Lunges Forward and Back Swipes Foe causing Damage and A Demi Ball to Suck Foe(s) In and Damage them.
Darkness - Takes a little life to use, Paine Jumps Up Slightly and Executes a Spinning Attack that causes a Big Radius of Dark Energy to travel out of her Damaging all it Hits.
Sentinel -Paine Dashes Forward and attacks with a Powerful Attack that Damages Foe and Lowers there STR for 10 Seconds.
Sparkler - Paine Powers her sword and Swings Sparkling Energy at foe Ahead, arcs like a Circle Forward, on Contact causes a Minor Explosion.
Black Sky - Paine Powers up and Summons a Dark Meteor engulfed in energy to come Crashing Down on Foes Below and Exploding in Darkness for Big Damage , Mid Range.
Full Throttle - Paine Summons Her Unique Dressphere, While In Full Throttle attacks with Blade Wings as well as
“Lazy Wing”(Special), Assoil(Up + Special), Buckle feather(Down + Special) and Sword Dance(Over + Special), Lasts Till Full Throttle is Destroyed.

Gun Shot - Nooj Fires his Gun at Foe ahead.
Flash flood - Nooj Throws and Item creating A Ball of Water Ahead which Explodes into a Powerful Wave of Water That rushes forward Smashing into Foe(s) Ahead, May “Stun”.
Floor Shot - Nooj Puts his gun to the ground and Fires several rounds which go through a Ground Portal, another portal opens Long Range and the gunshots come flying up hitting foe(s).
Step Mine - Nooj Smacks His Cane into the Ground Causing a Ground Blast that Hits Foe at Close Range sending them into the Air.
Light Fall - Nooj raises in the Air and charges up a big energy ball which he then shoots down at Foe(s) causing an Big Explosion.
Greedy Aura - Nooj puts his gun to the Ground and fires Several powered up rounds which go through a Ground Portal, three Portals at Close, Mid and Long Range open and powerful explosions occur Damaging any Foe(s) they hit.

Glint - Baralai Twirls His Staff Above His Head in Circles causing it to extend and hit foe(s) with a Powerful attack
Looming Glacier - Baralai Fires His Gun Ahead at Foe, If Hit causes Foe to be Incased in Ice which soon Shatters for Damage.
Deep Shallow - Baralai Unleashes a 3 Hit Combo Followed by a Jumping Downward Slash that Knocks back Foe.
Demi - Baralai Creates a Dark Ball of Energy Mid Range that Sucks Foe(s) Close enough into it Damaging them.
Drill Shot - Baralai Charges His Gun and Fires a Powerful Round that Slams into Foe Ahead Drilling Into Them for 5 Hits and Causing them to be Shot back in an Explosive Finish.
Silver Bullet - Baralai Fire His Gun Ahead turning any Foe it hits Into “Stone“.

Grinder - Gippals weapons Glows Orange and he leaps forward with a Powerful Swipe followed by a piercing Stab that grinds foe for 5 Hits.
Bullseye - Gippal unleashes a 3 Hit Combo then finishes it with a power Blast from his Weapon causing Knockback.
Deadlock - Gippal aims his weapon upwards and fire 3 Shots which shot up and arc back downwards damaging any foe(s) they hit.
Flash Bomb - Gippal Throws a Bomb which Immediately Explodes causing a Bright Blast, Stuns any that are hit by it.
Mortar - Gippal Charges His Cannon and Aims it up Firing a Huge Blast That Shoots up into the Sky, It then comes Arcing Downwards Mid Range and Explodes into the Ground for Big Damage, causes Status “Stun”.
Haste - Time Magic that Greatly Increases Gippal’s Speed for Remainder of Life.

Sorrow Swipe - Shuyin Dashes Forward Very Fast and Strikes Foe with a overhead Slash Mid Distance, May “Stop”.
Force Rain - Shuyin leaps up in the Air and Charges his Sword, he swings it and 6 Energy orbs shoot out and Hit Ground Below and Pillars of Energy shoot up and Damage Foe(s).
Dash & Slash - Shuyin Runs Forward at foe and Dash-slashes him Back and forth for a Total of 6 Hits.
Spinning Cut - Shuyin Runs forward, Jumps up and does a spinning Flip downward Strike.
Terror In Zanerkand - Shuyin Powers up and Runs at foe Ahead Slashing them with a 8 Hit combo follow by A Jumping Jeckt Kick using A Blitzball for Big Damage, May “Stop”.
Haste - Time Magic that Greatly Increases Shuyin’s Speed for Remainder of Life.

Fan Slap - Lablanc Up-ward Slashes Foe with Her Fan Shooting them up in the Air.
Thunder - Lablanc Calls for A Lightning Bolt to Strike From the Sky at Foe Below, May “Paralyze” Mid Range.
Sonic Fan - Lablanc Does a Swooping Motion Forward with Her Fan causing Sonic Blades of Air to Fly Forward along the Ground.

Ecstasy - Lablanc Cast Regen on Herself which slowly heals a Little of her life and increases her DEF for 1 Minute.

Pirouette Pitch
Concussive Shock
Shield throw
Super Collider
Regen - Ormi Casts this on Himself which Slowly Heals a little of His Life for 1 Minute.

Double Shot - Logos Executes a Double Pop Shot Forward with His Guns Damaging Foe, May “Stun”.
Hail of Bullets -
Stone Grenade - Logos Throws a Grenade Ahead, If Hits Foe it causes them to Turn to Stone.
Flash Bomb - Logos Throws a Bomb which Immediately Explodes causing a Bright Blast, Stuns any that are hit by it.
Russian Roulette -
Regen - Logos Casts this on Himself which Slowly Heals a little of His Life for 1 Minute.

Dying Star
Thundering Wave
Falling Leaf
Waning Moon
Beguling Mire
Meteor - Trema calls forth a big Meteor chunk that comes crashing down from above Mid Range in front of Him Slamming into Foe(s) for Big Damage,

Final Fantasy XII:

Red Spiral - Vaan Executes a Uppercut which Causes Red Energies to Spiral up from the ground and Fuse above Foe then Shooting Down a Blast of Energy with explodes on Foe Below.
White Whorl - Vaan Charges up and Jumps Straight up Spinning Around Very Fast Forming a Huge Twister Around Him that Hits any Foe(s) it Touches.
Tournesol - Vaan Unleashes a 4 Hit Combo with The Tournesol that knocks Foe ahead Back at High Speeds.
Pyroclasm - Vaan Charges up 2 Big Fire Balls in his Hands, He Tosses Forward the First one and Throws the Second Firball Hard Right into the other causing a Big Explosion of Fire to Occur Damaging All in Range.
-Zodiarc - Vaan Summons Zodiarc to Fight along side Him till Death, Zodiarc Attacks with Gravity, Dark, Scathe, and Special “Final Eclipse”.

Pummel - Vayne Unleashes a Powerful 4 Hit Combo on Foe Ahead that causes Knock back.
Crimson Vortice - Vayne Rises up a little and creates a Ball of Energy which Shoots Forward Many Close Range Lightning Bolts.
Force of Will - Vayne Unleashes a Powerful Hit Combo that is Finished with a Powerful Punch that Creates a Demi-Like Explosion.
Mach Wave - Vayne Punches the Ground causing A Erupting Wave Blast to Travel Forward along the Ground at Foe(s) Ahead.
Tree of Sephira - Vayne Raises High in the Air creating a Ball of Energy above him with Sprouts out up Like a Tree, He Then Grabs the “Trunk” of the Energy Tree-Sword and Plunder's it into the Ground.
Vayne Novus - Vayne Powers up into Vayne Noyus, Increasing His STR and DEF, He Floats, His “Mach Wave” Becomes “ Sephira” (Vayne Shoots one of His Sephira Swords Forward Hitting Foe and Causing Knock back) and His “Crimson Vortice” Becomes “Inviolable Wall”( Vayne Raises high in the Air and His Swords Shoot Down Spirals of Energy which all hit the same area causing an Explosion).

Treaty Blade - Ashe Attacks foe Ahead with a powerful overhead strike, may “Stun”.
Heaven’s wrath - Ashe raises up with divine energy creating holy orbs around her, they then appear above mid range and Hail down from many angles on foe below for 10 hits and causing a big explosion.
Northswain’s Glow - Ashe Creates 7 holy orbs along the ground ahead and then causes them to explode one after the other into holy energy pillars upwards damaging all foe(s) they hits.
Thunder - Ashe calls forth a Lightning bolt to Strike foe below Long Range, May “Paralyze”.
Mealstorm Bolt - Ashe powers up and creates a big Electric Storm of Energy Behind her which shoots out many Electric Bolts at Foe ahead causing an Explosion for big damage.
Ultima - Ashe summons Ultima to fight along side her till death, Ultima attacks with a Magical Strike that may cause “Sleep”, Holy, Flare and Special “Eschaton”.

Aero - Penelo Shoots A Blast of Wind at high speeds Forward at Foe, if Hit knocks foe into the Air.
Intercession - Penelo Unleashes a raising Ball of Energy above Foe Mid Range which Causes many Small Energy rays to fly into it and then Shoot out in all Directions Down Below at Foe(s).
Evanescence - Penelo Spins Around Causing Many Energy Rays to Shoot out of Her and hit Same Area Ahead causing a Explosion.

Ruin Inpendant
Fulminating Darkness
Flame Purge

Volcano bomb
Fires of War
Tides of Fate
Stone Shot
Element of Treachery

Feral strike
Whip Kick
Poison Arrow
Shatter Heart

Circle of Judgement
Flame Sword

S-Gun Shot
Gattling Gun
Four Rooks
S-27 Tokamak
S-85 Cyclotrone








Final Fantasy XIII:


Final Fantasy Tactics:

Repeating Fist
Secret Fist
Wave Fist

Stasis Sword
Arc Blade
Magic Break
Counter Magic
Holy Explosion

Twin Dagger
Bloody Angel
Nightmare Blade
Grand Cross(Status Magic)

Crush Sword
Chaos Blade
Stasis Sword
Earth Slash

Lightning Stab
Magic Break
Blaster Punch
Holy Explosion
Night Sword(Attack)

Stasis Sword
Split Punch
Crush Punch
Lightning Stab
Holy Explosion

Blind Sword
Sleep Sword
Break Sword
Don’t Act
Chicken Sword(Attack)

Shellburst Stab
Icewolf Bite
Hellcry Punch
Blaster Punch
Divine Might
Hell Ivy(Attack)

Fire Bracelet
Ice Bracelet
Thunder Bracelet
Whale Whisker
Holy Bracelet
Dragon PowerUP(Booster)

Asura Cut
Blood Suck
Dark Flare

Split Punch
Bolt 3
Ice 3
Fire 3
Stasis Sword

Power Ruin
Mind Ruin
Speed Ruin
Magic Ruin
Don’t Act(Status Magic)

Slow Cut
Dark Sword
Life Drain
Night Sword
Don’t Move(Status Magic)

Kingdom Hearts/Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories/Kingdom Hearts II:
Sonic Blade
Aerial Finish
Brave Beat
Strike Raid
Anti Sora(Form)



Dark Keyblade
Dark Ball
Dark Bursts
Dark Laser
Dark Barrier
Shadow Guardian(Summon)

Dark Sabers
Laser Sphere
Darkness Clone
Homing Lasers
Heartless End
Laser Shower(Attack)

Death Scythe
Crashing Scythe
Petal Dance
Blossom Scythe
Natures Wraith
Flower Lasers(Attack)


Charkam Assault
Charkam Throw
Burning Wave
Dash Burn
Wild Fire
Ring of Fire(Attack)

Claymore Crush
Moon Crash
Lunar Waves
Energy Rings
Full Moon

Sitar Bash
Water Spout
Aqua Barrier
Water Jet
Water Blast
Water Forms(Summon)

Five Lances
Wind Lances
Lance Fury
Lance thrust
Glowing Winds
Spiraling lances(Attack)

Dual Snipers
Sniper Arc
Gravity Shot
Warp Snipers
Teleport Snipe
Energy Arrows(Booster)

Shield Spike
Icy Stalagmites
Ice Needles
Ice Ball
Diamond Dust


Wiegraf- ((Velius))- Has Four Different Specials:
Colossal Punch Lich Cyclops Loss
Lasts till Death.
Elmdor- ((Zelera))-
Dycedarg- ((Adrammelech))-
Sora- ((Anti-Sora))-

Boss Mode:

Final Fantasy 7 Quest:
1. Shinra Soldier*4
2. Shinra Soldier*2 + Deep Ground Soldier*2
3. Shinra Soldier + Deep Ground Soldier*2 + Guard Scorpion
4. Shinra Soldier + Deep Ground Soldier*2 + Crimson Hound
5. Deep Ground Soldier*3 + Heavy Armored Soldier
6. Heavy Armored Soldier*2 + Pegasus Rider + Deep Ground Commander
7. Crimson Hound*2 + Pegasus Rider*2
8. Reno + Rude
9. Dragon Fly GL
10. Deep Ground Soldier + Crimson Hound + Heavy Armored Soldier + Deep Ground Commander
11. Yazoo + Loz
12. Shrikes*2
13. Heavy Armored Soldiers*2 + Deep Ground Commander + Shrikes
14. Azul
15. Midgar Zolom
16. Materia Keeper
17. Reno + Rude
18. Ancient Dragon
19. Proud Clod
20. Black Widow
21. Rosso
22. Dragon Fly PT + Shrikes*2
23. Reno + rude + Elena
24. LifeForm Hojo
25. Kadaj
27. JENOVA Synthesis
28. Nero
29. Rosso + Azul + Nero
30. Weiss
31. Yazoo + Loz + Kadaj
32. Omega Weiss
33. Bizarro Sephiroth
34. Safer Sephiroth
35. Sephiroth

Final Fantasy VIII Quest:
1. Esthar Soldier*4
2. Ifrit
3. Esthar Soldier + Elite Soldier*2 + G-Soldier
4. X-ATM092(Robot Crab)
5. Biggs & Wedge + Elnoyle
6. Raijin + Fujin
7. Bomb + Coeurl + Glacial Eye + Grand Mantis
8. Iron Gaint*2
9. Behemoth + Imp*2
10. Sacred & Minotaur
11. Malboro + Grand Mantis + Creeps*2
12. Diablos
13. Forsaken*4
14. Cerberus
15. Seifer + Edea
16. T-Rexaur
17. Blue Dragon + Ruby Dragon
18. Hexadragon
19. Biggs & Wedge
20. Raijin & Fujin & Seifer
21. Moble Type 8
22. Adel
23. Time Sorceress*2 + Final Sorceress
24. Tri Point
25. Red Gaint + Iron Gaint*2
26. Catoblepas + Behemoth*2
27. Krysta
28. Tonberry King + Tonberry*2
29. Jumbo Cactuar + Cactuar*2
30. Bahamut
31. Ultima Weapon
32. Ultimecia + Griever
33. Ultimecia-Griever
34. True Ultimecia
35. Omega Weapon

Final Fantasy IX Quest:

1. Goblin*2 + Fang*2
2. Goblin*2 + Goblin Mage*2
3. Black Mage*4
4.Black Waltz.1 + Sealion
5. Black Waltz.2 + Black Mage*3
6. Gizamaluke
7. Black Waltz.3
8. Antlion
9. Beatrix + Soldier*2
10. Zorn & Thorn
11. Lani
12. Armstrong
13. Hilgigars
14. Soulcage
13. Evil Eye + Gargoyle*2 +
15. Ark
16. Red Dragon*3
17. Meltigemeni
17. Abaddon*2
18. Silver Dragon
19. Garland
20. Kuja
21.Grand Dragon
22. Zombie Dragon
23. Nova Dragon
24. Iron Man + Chimera
25. Behemoth
26. Mereith
27. Tiamat
28. Kraken
29. Lich King
30. Yans*4
31. Quale
32. Deathguise
33. Trance Kuja
34. Necron
35. Ozma

Final Fantasy X Quest:
1.Sinspawn Echuilles
2. Sinspawn Geneaux
3. Oblitzerator
4. Chocobo Eater
5. Sinspawn Gui
6. Iron Gaint
7. Wasp + Bander Snatch + Floating Death + Ramshell
8. Spherimorph
9. Negator
10. Chimera Brain*2 + Drake
11.Seymour + Guado Guardians*2
12. Wendigo
13. Abyss Worm
14. Evrae
15. Zombie Evrae
16. Seymour Notus
17. Defender X
18.Biren & Yanke
19. Seymour Flux
20. Mega Elemental + Jumbo Flan
21. Sanctuary Keeper
22. Spectral Keeper
23. Yunalesca
24. Geosgaeno
25. Varuna + Gemeni
26. Sinspawn Genais
27. Sin
28. Juggarnaut + Tanket + Hell Hound + Hornet
29. Ultima Buster
30. Shinaryuu
31. Nemesis
32. Seymour Omnis
33. Braska’s Final Aeon
34. Penence
35. Yu Yevon

Final Fantasy X-2 Quest:
1. Giant Crab(Boris)
2.Lablanc + Ormi + Logos
3. Flame Dragon
4. Elma + League Warrior*2
5. Ormi + Logos + Fem-Goon*2
6. Lablanc + Ormi + Logos
7. Barahai
9. Malboro
10. Garik + Ronso Youth*2
11. Zalamander
12. Lucil
13. Barahai
14. Gippal
15. Nooj
16. Experiment
17. Humbaba
18. Anything Eater
19. Dark Valfor
20. Dark Ifrit
21. Dark Ixion
22. Dark Shiva
23. Dark Yojimbo
24. Dark Bahamut
25. Dark Anima
26. Black Elemental
27. Concherer
28. Chac
29. Paragon
30. Angra Mainyu + Tawrich + Zarich
31. Barahai + Gippal + Nooj
32. Vegnagun Head
33. Shuyin
34. Trema
35. Major Numerus

Final Fantasy 12 Quest:
1. Imperial Swordmen*4
2. Firemane
3. Mimic Queen
4. Judge Ghis + Judge + Imperial Magus + Imperial Swordmen
5. Belius
6. Vossler + Imperial Swordmen*3
7. Elder Wyrm
8. Meteus
9. Judge Bergen
10. Doctor Cidolfus
11. Daedalus
12. Tyrant
13. Shemhazai
14. Hydro
15. Fenrir
16. Hashmal
17. Judge Gabranth
18. Adrammelech
19. Zelara
20. Cuchulainn
21. Exodus
22. Zeromus
23. Chaos
24. Behemoth King
25. Gilgamesh
26. Ultima
27. Zodiarc
28. Doctor Cidolfus + Famfrit
29. Judge Gabranth
30. Vayne
31. Vayne Novus
32. The Undying
33. Hell Wyrm
34. Omega MK. XII
35. Yaizmat

Final Fantasy Tactics:
1. Black Chocobo + Chocobo*2
2. Knight + Black Mage + Archer
3. Ghoul + Skeleton + Black Goblin + Goblin
4. Death Corps Knight + Death Corps Monk + Death Corps Archer + Death Corps Black Mage
5. Wiegraf + Death Corps Monk*2 + Death Corps Knight
6. Granade + Bone Snatch + Cuar + Ahrimans
7. Red Chocobo + Black Chocobo + Chocobo*2
8.Gafgarion + Knight*3
9. Black Mage + Monk + Archer + Summoner
10. Malboro + Plague + Steel Hawk*2
11. Gafgarion + Knight + Time Mage + Archor
12. Revnant + Living Bone + Explosive +Vampire
13. Gafgarion + Knight + Archer + Summoner
14. Queklain- The Impure King
15. Lancer + Knight + Time Mage + Monk
16. Islude + Knight + Archer + Summoner
17. Malak + Ninja*2 + Summoner
18. Revnant + Gust + Undead Black Mage + Undead Time Mage
19. Sacred + Minitaurs + Bull Demon*2
20. Malak + Knight*2 + Archer
21. Velius + Archaic Demon*3
22. Elmdor + Celia + Lede
23. Dragon + Sacred + Red Chocobo + Black Chocobo
24. Behemoth + Red Dragon + Blue Dragon
25. Meliadoul + Ninja + Samurai + Summoner
26. Balk + Knight + Black Mage +Archer
27. King Behemoth + Behemoth*2
28. Worker 7 + Hyruda + Cocatoris*2
29. Celia + Lede + Apana*2
30. Elmdor + Celia + Lede
31. Zalera + Undead Knight + Living Bone + Bone Snatch
32. Adrammelech + Undead Knight*3
33. Zalbag + Ultima Demon + Archiac Demon*2
34. Vormav + Rofel + Kletian
35. Rofel + Summoner + Time Mage + Lancer
36. Kletian + Samurai + Ninja + Geomancer
37. Balk + Hyruda + Hydra + Taimat
38. Hashmalum
39. Altima + Ultima Demon*3
40. Elidibs + Apanda*3

Battle Grounds/Stages:
Final Fantasy 7:
Atop Shinra Building (Where Cloud and Sephiroth Fight in Advent Children)
Highwind Airship (On Bridge of Highwind While ship is Flying Around)
Main Room of Shinra Manor
Midgar Center (Where Cloud and co. Fought Bahamut Sin in Advent Children)
Orphan/Aerith’s Church
Golden saucer ( Battle Arena)
Temple of the Ancients ( Where the Maze of Stairs are)
Inner Northern Cave (Platforms where you Battle JENOVA)
Forgotten City
Cosmo Canyon
Zolom Marsh Lands
Atop of Phoenix Canyon (Where Phoenix is Resting)
Atop Midgar Research Building (Where Cloud and Co Fought Hojo)
On Sister Ray Cannon
On Freight Elevator (Where Vincent Battles Azul)
Deep Grounds Underground Head Quarters (Where Vincent Battles Weiss)

Final Fantasy 8:
In Front of Balamb Garden Entrance
Training Center of Balamb Garden
Atop Galbidia Train (While Moving, After Timed period Crashes at .......)
Fire Cave (Where Squall and Co. Fight Ifrit)
Top Level of Radio Tower
Field of Flowers
Atop Ragnorok Airship
Lutanic Pandora
Esthar City
Ultimecia’s Castle (Where you fight Omega Weapon)
Ultimecia’s Castle Main Room (Where you Fight Ultimecia)

Cloud Sephiroth Zack Genesis Kadaj Loz Yazoo
Vincent Tifa Aerith Barret Yuffie Cid Red 13 Cait Sith Reno Rude
Weiss Nero Rosso Azul Shelke

Squall Rinoa Laguna Edea Zell Quistis Selphie Irvine Kiros Ward
Ultimecia Seifer Fujin Raijin

Zidane Garnet Vivi Beatrix Steiner Freya Eiko Amarant Quina
Kuja Garland Black Waltz 3

Tidus Yuna Auron Rikku Wakka Lulu Kimarhi Paine Nooj Baralai Gippal
Seymour Shuyin Lablanc Logos Ormi

Vaan Ashe Penelo Basch Baltier Fran Larsa Reddas Reks
Vayne Gabranth Dr. Cidolfus Bergan Ghis Vossler


Ramza Delita Agrius Orlandu Beowulf Meliadoul Reis Zalbag
Altima Wiegraf Dycedarg Elmdor

Sora Riku Roxas
Ansem Xemnas Marluxia Axel Saix Lexaeus Demyx Xaldin Zexion Xigbar Vexen Loxord Larxena

06-02-2007, 11:47 PM
I can see there are some good ideas there but do you really expect anybody to read all that? As for the game, the idea is new I'll grant that but this is probably just another money making scheme. Although, the screens look okay, and I love the artwork on the few characters seen.

06-03-2007, 12:06 AM
A quick way to cash-in on older games, and Square knows that people are willing to pay for the games. It doesn't look too bad to be honest, but I have very little interest in Final Fantasy these days.

06-03-2007, 12:14 AM
A quick way to cash-in on older games, and Square knows that people are willing to pay for the games. It doesn't look too bad to be honest, but I have very little interest in Final Fantasy these days.

QFT. Someone tell me how to say old in Latin so I can say I love Fabula ____Crystalis :p

Wait, did you write all that TZ? Sephiroth w/o Sin Heartless Angel? For shame. Wait, does that mean I actually read some of that post? o_O

Argus Zephyrus
06-04-2007, 09:13 PM
I hope it turns out to be decent.

Desert Wolf
06-04-2007, 09:57 PM much as I think square should stick to rpgs I have to say this game doesnt look too bad. Might be worth a look once its out. Any idea when its out?

06-05-2007, 05:18 PM
your lame and need to learn how to accept new things. your probley one of those only like ff7 and nothin else boys

thats a FF7 fanboy and I dont think they are.

I dont really care if they realease a ff fighting game ill probably buy it anyway cause im dumb and waste money on games i dont play, aka ff9,6,10,10-2 i havent even touched them

06-07-2007, 03:53 AM
No i dont really think anyone will take the time to read it but just wanted to get my ideas out plus when i transfered the document here everything got messed up and there are no spaces and tabs where i had them and im certainly not going back through to fix all that you said it yourself "all that"). As far as to when its going to be released i dont really know, Some time this year is all i know as its going to be part of SquareEnix's 20 year Ann. oh yeah bout that Heartless Angel Attack, yeah forgot bout that one well really i was gonna have two Sephiroths at first, one from FF and the other the KH version but i just decided to Mix the Two and forgot that one.

06-07-2007, 06:24 AM
I've been doing a little looking around and from what i see MANY people do not want this game to come out, WHY?! i have no clue. well actually many say its because SE doesnt make fighting games or Erguiez/Tobal No.1 what they've only produced like 20 super wonderful games that have sold millions each i think this will be not only fresh but a new step for SE(or third but whos counting). Sorry but whats with everyone complaining about how its just to rack in money well for one it is but i for one can say they deserve my 40-50 dollars for the 50+ hours that i spent mesmerized by the most detailed and beautfull games around. Im a Junior at Debry(video game design and animation collage) and totally respect SE for all there hard work its no easy thing making games. go ahead and just try making a basic game using Flash i bet it will take you months the first time and now compare your work to the godly work of SE! plus im 22 and have been playing FF since i was like 8 years old Infact FF is the reason i decided on becoming a Animator in the First place damn those FMV were so great when you first layed eyes on them were'nt they(it was then i said yes this is what im going to do with my life). I for one cant wait to re-inact my most memorable battles in FF just hearing the sounds of One Winged Angel while i beat the shit out of my friend(if it has a VS Mode)...GREAT(and as stated before im NOT a FF7 fanboy its not even in my top 5 but yes it is still a great game with a Great Villain...and Movie) so yes they are doing this to make money(what business is'nt) but hey youre the one choosing to buy the game right:) This game looks Promising from what little that has been reveiled and people like me that have been waiting for a game like this for a LONG time can finally get what theyve been waiting for even if its not like my ideas on how this game should be but hey give it another year and you may see my game on the internet(but remember mines a 2d sprite fighter not a fantastic 3D fighter like this one but i will still try my best to put everything FF i can into it thats why i posted my ideas so other FF fans can add there ideas as well and again sorry bout how my document transfered on the post. oh yeah ill post some of my sprites next to show you all how its pretty much gonna look im working on Beatrix right now so ill post Her Sprites ive done so far( Plus shes my Favorite Character so thats also why:)

06-07-2007, 01:10 PM
your lame and need to learn how to accept new things. your probley one of those only like ff7 and nothin else boys

Thanks and no, Im not a fanboy. I'm always open to new things. If you ever played The Bodyguard you'd know why I didn't like the idea of this. That was a SE fighting game too. It was meh, good graphics, but SE always has been. If they've improved a lot on that, it might be half decent.

If it was all new chars it would be ok. But reviving old chars to see who would win in an arcade-y sort of way just isn't going to do any justice to these old FF's.

If I was a ff7 fanboy I would be worshipping this game because it has sephiroth in it. As you can see I'm clearly not.

06-07-2007, 04:33 PM
really im surprised ive never heard of the bodyguard, i know SE made Bouncer, Tobal No.1 and Erguiez thats weird did they even advertise this game at all? Sry bout me lashing out like that just think that FF characters were very strong and unique and SE wouldnt have to create new characters since players never really had a chance to play as many of the characters they liked seeing as they are RGP's, like I see many requests for more FF characters on MUGEN cause everyone loves them they only have like Cloud and Sephiroth-go figure right.

06-07-2007, 04:38 PM
Bouncer thats the one. I knew it was something like that.

06-07-2007, 07:16 PM
looks cool

06-07-2007, 11:52 PM
I wouldn't be surprised at all if Dissidia not only received much critical acclaim & relatively high sales, but many of the people saying "lulz, that sucks" now will most likely purchase a copy of their own later on, provided they own a PSP.

New concepts will always have its fair share of critics when first introduced to the public, anyway. Back in 2000-'01 when Kingdom Hearts was first unveiled... as they say: "same shit; different toilet." Square & Disney joint venture? For shame! Now look at it. All-around, KH is doing pretty well for itself.

From the little I can go by, the game looks good, but I don't see myself buying it because I'm only interested in the main titles of the series, even then, I'm nowhere near as enthusiastic about video games as I used be in general. Same goes for Kingdom Hearts. Spiffy concept, but if you were to ask me who's the key-wielding guy or main villain, chances are I wouldn't know.

I'm not saying it's wrong to have an opinion. It's just silly to brush-off a video game as a disappointment without grasping more than an iota of the gameplay, or seeing a proper trailer for it, which is currently just a logo w/ theme music, if memory serves. There's only some screenshots here-and-there and a small amount of info. That's not really much to go by, imo.

It'd be different if the game or idea had a reputation for being mostly nothing but fail (video games' adaptation of various movies & television shows), or a series you simply can't bring yourself to like.

Anywho, nice stuff, Trance Zidane.

06-08-2007, 12:04 AM
S-E should not release fighting games. Just my opinion.
And mine as well. Although I'll still probably play it...but I don't feel too confident about SE's ability to make a fighting game.

06-08-2007, 03:46 AM
I'm not saying it's wrong to have an opinion. It's just silly to brush-off a video game as a disappointment without grasping more than an iota of the gameplay, or seeing a proper trailer for it, which is currently just a logo w/ theme music, if memory serves. There's only some screenshots here-and-there and a small amount of info. That's not really much to go by, imo.

My thoughts exactly.

And then, I'm rather confident about this game. I really enjoyed Tobal no.1 and Tobal 2 even more. Those 2 fighters were to me a lot better than the Tekken series on the PSone. The Bouncers was ok, but not really a fighting game.

Now if they can do a game as enjoyable as Tobal 2 and let me control my favorite characters, then I'm in.

06-08-2007, 05:09 AM
Wow! It's amazing I forgot all about the Tobal series. I knew Squaresoft ventured into the fighting genre, yet I didn't bother to check up on the company's history to refresh my memory. Considering I've never played the game in it's complete form (I may've played a demo, though), it's understandable.

As a ten-year-old kid, Tekken 2 was a blast at first. Then, I soon grew tired of it, and I either gave it away, exchanged it for a Pokemon trading card or something; I didn't really care. Anyway, yeah, I'll give Tobal the benefit of the doubt that it's loads more enjoyable than Tekken because it's almost as lackluster as Mortal Kombat, which I lost interest in since MKII.

Dissidia looks promising, though I doubt I'd buy it, due to lack of a PSP and being largely uninterested in most video games at the moment. Regardless, I will stay tuned. Wishful thinking tells me Selphie will be a playable character, but she'll probably just make a cameo appearance. For one thing, I don't see a large cast of playable characters occurring, meaning only the popular characters from each different Final Fantasy will be in the player's control. Unfortunately, Selphie's an underrated, spunky tart, but I've learnt to accept that fact.

06-08-2007, 05:17 AM
Unfortunately, Selphie's an underrated, spunky tart, but I've learnt to accept that fact.

QFMFT. I've always liked having you around ;)

06-09-2007, 02:45 AM

You're swell yourself, Knegative.

06-09-2007, 06:35 AM
of course i'll play it

if it's great, then i'll play it again and again

if it's suck, then i'll never play it for the second time

06-10-2007, 02:02 PM
I see Dissidia as fanservice, plain and simple. I mean, how many times do we ever see "if you put all the main characters in a room, who would win in a fight" type stuff being talked about in FF circles? Well, now's the chance to actually PUT the leads against each other and have them fight.

I'm gettin' it. The day it comes out. And I'm totally excited that one of the first characters they announced to be in it was Zidane. I've long adored him and with all of the other regurgitations of characters from the other FF's around him (FF7, FF8, FF10), it's about time he's in there somewhere. Hell, if they're going to insist on bringing characters back, this is a fun way to do it.

06-10-2007, 02:32 PM
Well if it is for PSP then it is worth picking up. Because we all know that just finding a decent enough game on that brick is more than difficult. Otherwise, I would not be interested.

06-11-2007, 10:37 AM
Back in 2000-'01 when Kingdom Hearts was first unveiled... as they say: "same shit; different toilet." Square & Disney joint venture? For shame! Now look at it. All-around, KH is doing pretty well for itself.

Only thing is KH isnt any good. I bought a copy because everybody was saying it was really good, I thought it'd be a proper rpg like most ff's but it turned out to be some lame hack n' slash, more like hit, hit, hit... extremely boring imo really but I can understand how younger kids would like it.

06-11-2007, 11:57 AM thought Kingdom Hearts would be an RPG like Final Fantasy?


06-11-2007, 05:30 PM
From the screenshots on the back it looks like it is. and the only thing I'd heard of the game was that it had disney and ff chars and that it was really good. Which it isnt.

I never realised how wrong I could be.

06-11-2007, 09:12 PM
This may be blasphemy, but in some ways, I like Kingdom Hearts more than FF.


Safer Roco
06-26-2007, 10:42 PM
I think its a good Idea but Im worried square will just make it fanservice like what they did with advent children

06-27-2007, 09:39 AM
This is towards KH. If they want my money they need to drop the whole Cloud/Tifa/Sephiroth sub plot they are building because it pissed me off.

06-27-2007, 07:25 PM
Yeah, that was less than Stellar. Though, the fanboy in me can't get enough of the semifinal match in the Hades Paradox cup. And any residual VII annoyance is kept to a minimum by the simple fact that I lurve Rachael Leigh Cook.

06-27-2007, 07:29 PM
STFU Kneg. I love Rachel Leigh Cook too. :D

08-08-2007, 10:22 PM
your lame and need to learn how to accept new things. your probley one of those only like ff7 and nothin else boysPlease give me some time to stop my eyes from bleeding, having read such an atrocious attack upon the English language.

08-08-2007, 10:58 PM
STFU Kneg. I love Rachel Leigh Cook too. :D

I would have taken that as seriously hostile if I didn't know you as well as I do. How did I not see this til now?

08-12-2007, 02:31 AM
WOW, such a long message!!!! it look ok, but i wont get it...only maybe if it comes out on ps2, which it probably won't, right?

Duke Fleed
08-19-2007, 03:29 PM
Why the fuck are people saying this game's gonna suck. Ehrgeiz and bushido blade were Squaresoft publications and they rocked. The bouncer was kind of...mediocre, but this game looks phenomenal!

02-28-2008, 05:54 AM
SWEEEEET~~ i always imagined square enix would continue with rpg but this...this here might be classic!

02-28-2008, 09:15 PM
Dude what the fuck?

02-28-2008, 10:36 PM
You know it's weird, but it always seems to be the newbies that revive old threads...for no apparent reason

02-28-2008, 11:03 PM
I wouldn't mind it, if they had actually contributed something other than their own personal opinion on what they think of a game that hasn't been released yet...if they had contributed some information I wouldn't be irritated by it...

02-29-2008, 02:56 PM
SWEEEEET~~ i always imagined square enix would continue with rpg but this...this here might be classic!

:rolleyes: Cheers for this.

Marshall Lee
02-29-2008, 03:00 PM
More than half of the characters Trance_Zidane mentioned won't even grace the game with an appearance. As far as I know the roster is going from FFI-X, which is unfortunate since we have XI & XII, not to mentione Tactics, TA, etc. I also highly doubt the appearance of any Kingdom Hearts characters, unless there was a "Dissidia Kingdom Hearts", again though it would be fun to see if it were true. Garland looks impressive by his artwork, as well as everyone else does :D

02-29-2008, 08:37 PM
:rolleyes: Cheers for this.

Whats wrong with being optimistic for a game that MIGHT be good. I know it might cause a controversy but whenever S-E plans on making something new there is a 50% chance it could succeed; take kingdom hearts and the bouncer for example they were new ideas, to make a beat-em up,rpg game one has failed and the other is a big hit now.

02-29-2008, 09:58 PM
Whats wrong with being optimistic for a game that MIGHT be good. I know it might cause a controversy but whenever S-E plans on making something new there is a 50% chance it could succeed; take kingdom hearts and the bouncer for example they were new ideas, to make a beat-em up,rpg game one has failed and the other is a big hit now.

Agreed. The Bouncer was a very good game, if not a little on the short side. Still waiting for The Bouncer 2...

I think the incoming Final Fantasy games for the PSP look ever so promising.

03-06-2008, 01:49 PM
this wouldnt be good

for 1 reason
Zidane is a monkey

03-09-2008, 01:34 AM
I can`t wait till this game is out, I`ll get it no matter what.

01-24-2010, 09:57 PM
this is and old post but w/e....the game a success!