05-31-2007, 05:10 AM
Okay, so I started playing Final Fantasy 7 for the first time in a while, and I noticed a few things that make no sense plot wise. .... or whatever.

1) During the huge materia quests, a train leaves the corel reactor and, if you don't stop the train, it crashes into the town. Now, I have followed the tracks back and there is NO WAY a runaway train can make it to Corel. In several places the track is broken. How the hell did the train make it over the broken tracks? And even if it DID, there is NO WAY IN HELL that a train can make it across that rope bridge just outside of Corel. There is a chasm that is crossed by a rope bridge that appears to sag. Now I'm not a scientist or a mathematician, but from looking at the ropes, there is NO WAY that bridge can support a train. The weight of the train would break that rope bridge instantly.

2) Barret and Dyne are the only 2 people that had the operation on their arms to make them into gun arms. This is almost a direct quote from Barret (can't remember exactly what he said). Now, what I wanna know, is why is it that every weapon shop sells gun arms as merchandise? I mean, the only person buying them would be Barret and Dyne. Who else would require these items to be in stock? Which brings me to...

3) How can a remote frozen icy resort have far better weapons than Midgar? I mean the weapons are so weak in the large industrial city, but in an out of the way resort, this old man ruunning the weapon shop has a microlaser as a weapon.

4) Barret's limit break "Satalite Beam"...... I wanna know who the hell launched, maintains, powers, and directs that satalite? Now Cid was supposed to be the first person in space, and Shinra totally nixed the space program when they found out how profitable Mako is. If Shinra didn't launch that satalite, who the hell did?

5) (and no they're not all about Barret) To get into Midgar, you need a key. WHY? Midgar is by far the biggest city in the game. This, of course, would bring a lot of people into the city. Does EVERY potential visitor to Midgar have to go to Bone Village to dig up a key? Why does Midgar need a key anyway?

6) Anyone notice that Sephiroth can destroy the planets in the solar system more than once? The very same planets from Earth's solar system.

7) At the beginning of the game, Tifa leaves a 4 year old (Marlene) to run the bar. Now suppose the mission was a success and the plate didn't fall. How is a 4 year old girl expected to run a bar? To mix drinks, to check ID's, etc.

8) Aeris said flowers only grow in the church, but there's a whole bunch of them in her own backyard.

I'll add to this later.

05-31-2007, 05:21 AM
lol. I'll just tell you what everyone tells me when I nitpick a game. "Dude, it's a game." can someone dive into someone's conscience in the first place and look at the main character's memories? Tifa played Mario Paint with Cloud's mind. That's messed up.

05-31-2007, 05:23 AM
Yeah, you want some really whacked out shit? Play VIII, my friend.

05-31-2007, 06:01 AM
2) Barret and Dyne are the only 2 people that had the operation on their arms to make them into gun arms. This is almost a direct quote from Barret (can't remember exactly what he said). Now, what I wanna know, is why is it that every weapon shop sells gun arms as merchandise? I mean, the only person buying them would be Barret and Dyne. Who else would require these items to be in stock?

Good point. xD

05-31-2007, 06:15 AM
Ill tell you how it makes sense.

Its a game.

There are SOO many things that dont make sense. Like how the hell could Tifa ever pick up and power bomb a WEAPON?

05-31-2007, 11:31 AM
You could do this with any game. Just get over it, you might as well enjoy the game if you're gonna play it.

05-31-2007, 01:07 PM
I understand this guy is having a laugh...

*How come when aeris gets stabbed by sephiroth, cloud doesn't use a pheonix down on her? its more than possible to bring someone back to life if the are shot to bits by a machine gun, or burnt alive by Fire3. But a small (ok large) stabwound to the stomach should be an easy fix...

05-31-2007, 02:46 PM
C'mon y'all. I know it's just a game. I know in a real fight you don't wait your turn to attack, you can't carry 99 of every weapon with you, etc. I'm just pointing some things that make me think

05-31-2007, 02:58 PM
I got one. How come nearly every monster in every FF (bar XII) carries gil on its person? How the hell does a wolf carry gil, or a bird? Do they have little pockets or something? Oh wait, I know, it's so the game is actually playable. Right, thats it.

How do hyena's in XII carry little cotton caps, or birds carry guns? How the hell did the XII crew get out of the pharos so quick and onto their airship when they'd only just left the room with the sun cryst when reddas blew it up? How come the airship in X can find co-ords on passwords? How does the monster arena hold so many fuck-off monsters when its tiny? And how can it hold shinryu when there isn't any water nearby?

Seriously, you could do it with anything. Truth is, they do these things to make it playable, whether to make it more challenging, easier, or just more interesting.

05-31-2007, 03:24 PM
"Mmyes, I have no idea why these monsters are carrying 149 gil and a magic fire ring. It will forever be a mystery."

I agree with Doggoneus though, you can nitpick any game. Just try understanding Chrono Cross' story without reading a guide of some sort.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
05-31-2007, 03:59 PM
1) During the huge materia quests, a train leaves the corel reactor and, if you don't stop the train, it crashes into the town. Now, I have followed the tracks back and there is NO WAY a runaway train can make it to Corel. In several places the track is broken. How the hell did the train make it over the broken tracks? And even if it DID, there is NO WAY IN HELL that a train can make it across that rope bridge just outside of Corel. There is a chasm that is crossed by a rope bridge that appears to sag. Now I'm not a scientist or a mathematician, but from looking at the ropes, there is NO WAY that bridge can support a train. The weight of the train would break that rope bridge instantly.
It's a magic train.

2) Barret and Dyne are the only 2 people that had the operation on their arms to make them into gun arms. This is almost a direct quote from Barret (can't remember exactly what he said). Now, what I wanna know, is why is it that every weapon shop sells gun arms as merchandise? I mean, the only person buying them would be Barret and Dyne. Who else would require these items to be in stock? Which brings me to...
The PS3 costs a fortune, still, every store sells them.

3) How can a remote frozen icy resort have far better weapons than Midgar? I mean the weapons are so weak in the large industrial city, but in an out of the way resort, this old man ruunning the weapon shop has a microlaser as a weapon.
Because people who are cold tend to be more paranoid.

4) Barret's limit break "Satalite Beam"...... I wanna know who the hell launched, maintains, powers, and directs that satalite? Now Cid was supposed to be the first person in space, and Shinra totally nixed the space program when they found out how profitable Mako is. If Shinra didn't launch that satalite, who the hell did?
The guys at Satalite Beam Co.

5) (and no they're not all about Barret) To get into Midgar, you need a key. WHY? Midgar is by far the biggest city in the game. This, of course, would bring a lot of people into the city. Does EVERY potential visitor to Midgar have to go to Bone Village to dig up a key? Why does Midgar need a key anyway?
Yes, everyone needs that key, true story.

6) Anyone notice that Sephiroth can destroy the planets in the solar system more than once? The very same planets from Earth's solar system.
That was a prop set. Sephiroth made it for the final battle.

7) At the beginning of the game, Tifa leaves a 4 year old (Marlene) to run the bar. Now suppose the mission was a success and the plate didn't fall. How is a 4 year old girl expected to run a bar? To mix drinks, to check ID's, etc.
Girls lie about there age all the time, how do you know she's really 4?

8) Aeris said flowers only grow in the church, but there's a whole bunch of them in her own backyard.
Who's to say her backyard isn't a church?

I'll add to this later.
Please don't.

05-31-2007, 04:04 PM
The PS3 costs a fortune, still, every store sells them.

Thats because there's high demand, and loads of people want one.

Girls lie about there age all the time, how do you know she's really 4?
:D nice one.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
05-31-2007, 04:06 PM
Thats because there's high demand, and loads of people want one.

That's a lie. In actuality only 2 units where sold. sexpot

05-31-2007, 04:09 PM
The rest were mugged from the sellers while they were transporting the ps3's to the store.

Argus Zephyrus
05-31-2007, 05:01 PM
2, 3 and 5 are the most pointless points.

Actually, about the satellite thing, Cid had a rocket with which to fly to the moon so he could play among the stars. Thus the satellite is not surprising. I'll bet the wealthier Midgarians living on the top plate had Direct TV.

05-31-2007, 05:52 PM
Aeris is actually a cyborg sent from the heavens that weighs 2 tons.

How else does someone fall to the bottom of a lake that fast?

05-31-2007, 07:28 PM
Because she was holding 99 of every weapon/item.

Desert Wolf
05-31-2007, 08:38 PM
Okay, so I started playing Final Fantasy 7 for the first time in a while, and I noticed a few things that make no sense plot wise. .... or whatever.

1) During the huge materia quests, a train leaves the corel reactor and, if you don't stop the train, it crashes into the town. Now, I have followed the tracks back and there is NO WAY a runaway train can make it to Corel. In several places the track is broken. How the hell did the train make it over the broken tracks? And even if it DID, there is NO WAY IN HELL that a train can make it across that rope bridge just outside of Corel. There is a chasm that is crossed by a rope bridge that appears to sag. Now I'm not a scientist or a mathematician, but from looking at the ropes, there is NO WAY that bridge can support a train. The weight of the train would break that rope bridge instantly.

Thats just bullshit.

2) Barret and Dyne are the only 2 people that had the operation on their arms to make them into gun arms. This is almost a direct quote from Barret (can't remember exactly what he said). Now, what I wanna know, is why is it that every weapon shop sells gun arms as merchandise? I mean, the only person buying them would be Barret and Dyne. Who else would require these items to be in stock? Which brings me to...

Why do shops sell moogles in FFX? Because you need to use them.

3) How can a remote frozen icy resort have far better weapons than Midgar? I mean the weapons are so weak in the large industrial city, but in an out of the way resort, this old man ruunning the weapon shop has a microlaser as a weapon.

Because you dont want to be using the Buster Sword on disc 2.

4) Barret's limit break "Satalite Beam"...... I wanna know who the hell launched, maintains, powers, and directs that satalite? Now Cid was supposed to be the first person in space, and Shinra totally nixed the space program when they found out how profitable Mako is. If Shinra didn't launch that satalite, who the hell did?

Fuck you.

5) (and no they're not all about Barret) To get into Midgar, you need a key. WHY? Midgar is by far the biggest city in the game. This, of course, would bring a lot of people into the city. Does EVERY potential visitor to Midgar have to go to Bone Village to dig up a key? Why does Midgar need a key anyway?

Theres only a handful of people in the world and no method of transport. So no they dont need the key.

6) Anyone notice that Sephiroth can destroy the planets in the solar system more than once? The very same planets from Earth's solar system.

No really!?!

7) At the beginning of the game, Tifa leaves a 4 year old (Marlene) to run the bar. Now suppose the mission was a success and the plate didn't fall. How is a 4 year old girl expected to run a bar? To mix drinks, to check ID's, etc.

Shes Japanese.

8) Aeris said flowers only grow in the church, but there's a whole bunch of them in her own backyard.

See above.

I'll add to this later.

05-31-2007, 09:17 PM
Because she was holding 99 of every weapon/item.

Lol. I guess she was holding out on the party.

06-01-2007, 03:54 AM
I was thinking about number 3, and I think there's actually a valid explanation. Every shop you visit in Midgar is in the slums. Why would they be selling powerful weapons there? Nobody would be able to afford them. My guess is, if you were ever in a shop above the plate, you could get really good weapons.

Besides, you find Barret's ultimate weapon discarded in the streets of Midgar, don't you?

06-01-2007, 08:56 PM
I think the more important question is: How the hell can Super Nova destroy Jupiter, yet not manage to kill a single party member!

06-02-2007, 12:16 AM
Or how can Sephiroth summons multiple SuperNovas and still get to destroy all the same planets over and over again... even though they're supposed to be already gone?

Argus Zephyrus
06-02-2007, 12:50 AM
I think the more important question is: How the hell can Super Nova destroy Jupiter, yet not manage to kill a single party member!

Isn't it obvious? It loses much power due to the friction from entering the atmosphere at high velocity. XD

Honestly, I can't remember that final battle very well. I remember Bizarro Sephiroth but not the One-winged Angel battle or whatever. I think I just blitzkrieged his sorry ass to hell. *lolz

06-02-2007, 12:57 AM
Things that don't make sense, people with enough time to point out inaccuracies of a 10 year old VIDEO GAME. I shudder to think of what kind of social life you have.

06-02-2007, 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by Animal
Okay, so I started playing Final Fantasy 7 for the first time in a while, and I noticed a few things that make no sense plot wise. .... or whatever.

1) During the huge materia quests, a train leaves the corel reactor and, if you don't stop the train, it crashes into the town. Now, I have followed the tracks back and there is NO WAY a runaway train can make it to Corel. In several places the track is broken. How the hell did the train make it over the broken tracks? And even if it DID, there is NO WAY IN HELL that a train can make it across that rope bridge just outside of Corel. There is a chasm that is crossed by a rope bridge that appears to sag. Now I'm not a scientist or a mathematician, but from looking at the ropes, there is NO WAY that bridge can support a train. The weight of the train would break that rope bridge instantly.
It's a video game and hell, who knows if there was an alternative railroad.

2) Barret and Dyne are the only 2 people that had the operation on their arms to make them into gun arms. This is almost a direct quote from Barret (can't remember exactly what he said). Now, what I wanna know, is why is it that every weapon shop sells gun arms as merchandise? I mean, the only person buying them would be Barret and Dyne. Who else would require these items to be in stock? Which brings me to...

Maybe the shops themselves don't sell gun arms but materials that would suffice as one, I don't see why barret can't install a high powered calibur barrel onto his arm.

3) How can a remote frozen icy resort have far better weapons than Midgar? I mean the weapons are so weak in the large industrial city, but in an out of the way resort, this old man ruunning the weapon shop has a microlaser as a weapon.

Maybe the frozen ice resort is known for it's exquisite blacksmiths. Maybe Midgar has a high powered weapons bans or the ice resort just could have better resources for metal refinement.

4) Barret's limit break "Satalite Beam"...... I wanna know who the hell launched, maintains, powers, and directs that satalite? Now Cid was supposed to be the first person in space, and Shinra totally nixed the space program when they found out how profitable Mako is. If Shinra didn't launch that satalite, who the hell did?

It doesn't say that Shinra doesn't have an active space program, it just said that Cid's mission was a failure, there are other rocket scientist other than Cid, I'm sure of that.

5) (and no they're not all about Barret) To get into Midgar, you need a key. WHY? Midgar is by far the biggest city in the game. This, of course, would bring a lot of people into the city. Does EVERY potential visitor to Midgar have to go to Bone Village to dig up a key? Why does Midgar need a key anyway?

Use your imagination. Theres more than one way to get inside of midgar, remember?
6) Anyone notice that Sephiroth can destroy the planets in the solar system more than once? The very same planets from Earth's solar system.


7) At the beginning of the game, Tifa leaves a 4 year old (Marlene) to run the bar. Now suppose the mission was a success and the plate didn't fall. How is a 4 year old girl expected to run a bar? To mix drinks, to check ID's, etc.

I'm sure that Marlene is smart enough to hold the bar down when everyones away. She's "schoolin'" remember?

8) Aeris said flowers only grow in the church, but there's a whole bunch of them in her own backyard.

Maybe the flowers are symbolic of Aeris's purity or some bullshit. If she can cast holy, why she can't plant flowers in the slums

I'll add to this later.
Please don't

06-02-2007, 05:26 AM
Geez, people. I KNOW it's just a game. I bought it and played it myself. I know Cloud wouldn't move an inch if I didnt' touch the controller. C'mon, you folks think I'm taking this seriously. As if I am seriously making a list of things that are wrong and giving them to Square or something like that. IT'S A JOKE. And btw, FFVII was one of my favorite games ever. I played it more than any other game ever probably. FFVII was a great game, one of the best ever. What the hell is wrong with pointing out a few things that don't make sense? Can't a man have a little fun with a game that he purchased 10 years ago?

I was thinking about number 3, and I think there's actually a valid explanation. Every shop you visit in Midgar is in the slums. Why would they be selling powerful weapons there? Nobody would be able to afford them. My guess is, if you were ever in a shop above the plate, you could get really good weapons.

Besides, you find Barret's ultimate weapon discarded in the streets of Midgar, don't you?

And that is a good point. Never thought about that. In the upper plate, they probably have a blade that'll rip the ragnarok to pieces (yes I know the ragnarok isn't the strongest weapon)

06-02-2007, 06:18 AM
If you really think it's one of the best games ever, you probably haven't played many decent games.

06-02-2007, 07:09 AM
Or maybe he just have different criteria then yours, Prak.

06-03-2007, 02:05 AM
If you really think it's one of the best games ever, you probably haven't played many decent games.

Well, let me rephrase. For it's time it's one of the best ever. Now, it seems a bit dated. It does make my all time list, when I get around to making a list. Right now, I think Oblivion is the best game ever. Anyways, most of teh best games ever are on Atari and NES.

06-03-2007, 03:17 AM
Or maybe he just have different criteria then yours, Prak.

There's a big difference between "best" and "my favorite." People should observe that distinction more often.

Also, even for its time, it wasn't particularly great. I've already covered the reasons for its popularity, so I'm not repeating it. If anyone wants to know about it, they can search through old threads.

06-03-2007, 05:24 AM
Prak, it's good that you have your views on all these things. But please, don't pretend to hold the truth. We got through that already. And your view on FF7 is still just an opinion. Not an absolute truth.

But, I respect your opinion.

06-03-2007, 09:01 AM
Things that don't make sense, people with enough time to point out inaccuracies of a 10 year old VIDEO GAME. I shudder to think of what kind of social life you have.

It's called having fun. Nostalgia even. Haven't you ever heard of something that was ten years old from your childhood and been like "Oh F*ck yea! I remember that shit!"

That's all it is. Social life? Everyone has one. Just some are different from each others.

Besides..this is a forum. People point out shit out like this all the time. Why is this any different from any other time? Why? Because it is specifically meant for it? Nah man. Stop trying to act so cool cuz in the end you end up coming back and reading the crap that we post.

06-04-2007, 09:34 PM
Most pointless points ever.

06-04-2007, 09:54 PM
Here's another. If Supernova destroys all the planets in the solar system including Earth, what planet are they on at the time?

06-04-2007, 09:57 PM
Also why is Neptune and Uranus missed?

Also Enya, Earth is not destroyed, it is simply seen as the supernova gets closer, you then see a view of your party on earth before they get hit, which raises another question:

If supernova could destroy Jupiter which zits are bigger than earth, then why was earth not destroyed?

06-04-2007, 10:18 PM
You've got a point. Seems like they dropped a bollock because I can't think of a logical answer to that. It just a game after all I suppose.
Oh, and I always assumed Earth was destroyed even though you don't see it but I don't remember the animation clearly.

06-04-2007, 10:29 PM
If I recall, Earth (or whatever) doesn't get destroyed. The sun just approaches it and when it gets too close, the screen fades white and cuts to Safer Sephiroth.

They should have just stuck with the original animation instead of making it stuidly long and annoying.

06-04-2007, 10:54 PM
Seriously I watched it on youtube, it's 2 fucking minutes long, I have had sessions on the toilet longer than that.