pagan pride
05-31-2007, 04:40 AM
i'm stuck on the 'two towers' mission, i have the other 2 'key pieces',.

i went to game faqs,and it was saying that it was for the japanese version it said there's 9 floors,.i got to the thrown room,i'm guessing on floor 8,cause it was 1 up from 7,beat the boss fight,and it still wasn't over,but there's nowhere else to go,but a couple unaccessable locations on the map,gaps i can't cross,and rooms i need to get to,but have concrete pillars blocking,they look like jail bars,.
it also said,that the bridge connecting the towers with the shop on it,was on the 4th floor,when it's on floor 3,.i was at a loss,so i went off to get the other 2 pieces,.
also,it said how to get the sacred chalice (like i should trust it) it's a hidden special item,does this,or the sacred book that i bought do any good for you,other than a higher completion on your total?or do they just look pretty in your menu?
also,is in vedan,after you get the 'key piece' on your way out,there's a kid near the exit,that tells you,he found the heart of something,near moriarty's body,after you killed him,.but got freaked,and threw it in a dumpster downtown,.i checked every dumpster i found,combed that place,room by room,.and only found a stupid dirty sock (lol),.does anyone have more precise
directions?or is there something i need to do 1st? by the way,i tried hunting the monster there,but didn't have the lipstick to lure him out,any suggestions on a good location? or beasts likely to drop it?,...after finally figuring out the factory system,i produced the elixer,that cures your parties hp & ap,.but it wouldn't lure out the beast on the 7th floor connecting bridge of the 2 towers,.any suggestions?it says i need a remedy,that fills 100% of whole crews hp & ap,.i've put in so much time in the game thus far,all my people are at lv 55 at least,.and i'm ranked # 7 on the hunter's list,.

~thank you for any advise i can get

pagan pride
06-12-2007, 07:25 PM
nobody,huh?,.bummer,..7 continents of scattered pangea,and nobody else has this game??,..super bummer,....