05-30-2007, 11:21 PM
Alright, I've been a junky for awhile, and while you can get soundtracks of the web or for purchase, it isn't quite the same as doing it yourself.

To that end, I pulled the sheet music for the Ending Theme to FFVI (SNES III for those keeping track) and had some fun with it in a music program. What I'm really looking for is opinions, feedback, etc. on it. It's my first shot at something of this magnitude, and I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out.

So to that end: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4LEI5DBO

PLEASE give it a listen and let me know what you think if you like this sort of thing. A word of warning though, this is the ending theme during the big escape. It's a LARGE file (18 MB) and is almost 20 minutes long. The original sheet music is just piano, so I had some fun with it rebuilding it into an orchestra.

If this works, please let me know what you think.



Duke Fleed
05-31-2007, 03:22 AM
Fair enough. I'll tell you what I think after d/ling and listening to this.

It's just an edited midi file right? You altered instruments and tempo??

Midis are GREAT, don't get me wrong...

musicians should use midis to 'brainstorm' their actual releases.

Take up the guitar and use drum and brass samples to really jazz it up.

Shakespeare, on VGMIX.com made a REALLY badass rock and roll remix of the ending on guitar.

Make a live version using a guitar, saxophone or trumpet.

Or don't take my advice at all.

around 11:30, you used brass samples in the background as well as the EXACT same brass sample as the main melody. THIS IS A HORRIBLE IDEA BECAUSE WHEN THEY HIT ON SIMILAR NOTES, IT HURTS THE EARS!!!

05-31-2007, 05:27 AM
No, this isn't a remix of an existing midi file.

This is a midi creation from piano sheet music expanded into an orchestra sense. 1 Treble and 1 bass clef total of notes on paper transposed into a music program. I liked the piano version, but it didn't quite cut it, so i played with it to turn it into an orchestra.

Thanks for giving it a listen, it took me quite awhile, and I'd really like an opinion or 20.