05-27-2007, 09:38 PM
1. Uncanny resemblance to 80's action Icon.
2. Hes the only character I can think of who got a gun grafted into his arm.
3. Hes a long range fighter.
4. 2nd highest attack and highest defense makes him a tank.
5. He has arguably some of the best limit breaks in the game. Satellite beam, Catastrophe, Ungarmax anyone?
6. He can defeat a weapon by himself, just browse youtube for the Barret Emerald weapon video.
7. Hes much smarter than people give him credit for, yeah he may have issues with grammar and vocabulary but when do terrorist need to be English majors. Besides, he was smart enough to get Tifa as a bartender.
8. In advent children he has a gamma ray atomic gun.
9. He was the leader for the first half of the game.
10. Hes not afraid to raise a child thats not his.

05-27-2007, 10:03 PM
1. Uncanny resemblance to 80's action Icon.


2. Hes the only character I can think of who got a gun grafted into his arm.


3. Hes a long range fighter.

How's that better?

4. 2nd highest attack and highest defense makes him a tank.

You can't tank on that game

5. He has arguably some of the best limit breaks in the game. Satellite beam, Catastrophe, Ungarmax anyone?

Not great limits when compared to cids highwind.

6. He can defeat a weapon by himself, just browse youtube for the Barret Emerald weapon video.

So can anyone

7. Hes much smarter than people give him credit for, yeah he may have issues with grammar and vocabulary but when do terrorist need to be English majors. Besides, he was smart enough to get Tifa as a bartender.

That's streetsmart :P.

8. In advent children he has a gamma ray atomic gun.

Gamma ray is a very poor radioactive substance as it's very weak. Atomic makes it no better.

9. He was the leader for the first half of the game.

Not a great one.

10. Hes not afraid to raise a child thats not his.

That's guilt not fear.

05-27-2007, 11:16 PM
Barret is underrated? Next to Cloud, Aeris and Sephy, he's probably one of the most popular characters in the whole game. ?_? He's far from the most useful in battle, though.

05-27-2007, 11:17 PM
You forgot Vincent

05-27-2007, 11:20 PM
Yeah, you're right. I just never got the feeling that any of the characters from the game is underrated. I mean, each and every single one of them have a large amount of fanboys/girls.

05-27-2007, 11:23 PM
I like Barret. but if he didn't get talk the way he did/curse then I think he would be easily forgotten. After Midgar he was put on the backseat for the most part. Atleast that's what I did.

Cid,Vincent,Cloud. Bai~ Barret (and everyone else for that matter.)

05-27-2007, 11:41 PM
As much as I adore Mr. T, and they were willing to play into it with the English dub of AC, I still can't bring myself to love Barret.

05-27-2007, 11:46 PM
1. Uncanny resemblance to 80's action Icon.

I agree:



05-27-2007, 11:48 PM
Look man, Barret does not look like Welsey Snipes. That shit's getting old ;)

05-27-2007, 11:50 PM
Go play with your Selphie. >:

05-27-2007, 11:52 PM
Yeah, Selphie's underrated. Why don't you rep her, Noob.

05-28-2007, 01:36 AM
No offense to vincent fans but hes overrated. He has his own game for christ sakes, looking back on it. I seldomly used Vincent because of his lack of stat specialization. Not saying that Vincent isn't cool but hes not a practical character when it comes to battles, his weaknesses outweighs his strengths. His strength, vitality and every other stat are either mediocre or below average. Theres nothing that Vincent has that really contributes to a team. His limits are cool but they aren't really strong. Each hit chaos delivers is pathetic in comparison with any character with X4 slash coupled with an ultimate weapon. Ontop of that, to maximize Vincent's "death penalty" is a time consuming and unnecessary task. All you need is experienced materia for Barret's missing score. Now Barret,Cloud, and Cid makes to be the most destructive force in the entire game. I defeated Emerald in 1/2 the time using their limits and attacks, I don't think I could have done the same with Vincent. I still don't understand the deepthroating love people have for Vincent, in my opinion people are too distracted by his "rogue" image to realize how ineffective he is. I think it's this same adoration that makes people hardcore sephiroth fans. His image is cool but as a final fantasy boss, he is easily one of the weakest.

05-28-2007, 01:45 AM
Btw, to whoever said that anyone can defeat a weapon. I seriously doubt that any character can defeat Emerald weapon. I'm certain that only Cid,Cloud,Tifa or Yuffie could do it with their limit breaks but with Barret's high HP and vitality, it only makes it much more easier. Of course theres KOTR but for any proudful gamer, KOTR makes the game too easy. I'd rather demolish an opponent by my own efforts than to have a modder summon like KOTR.

zell hell yeah!
06-04-2007, 12:01 AM
barret pity the fool who mocks his bling. You'll meet his friend pain!!! sorry, he's awesome

06-04-2007, 12:21 AM
1. Uncanny resemblance to 80's action Icon.
Not enough for me to like him. Give him a mohawk and a snickers bar and I might like him.

Also, if anyone is underrated its probably Cid. As far as I've heard, not that many people rave over him and he's pretty good. Vincent is good but yes, he's overrated. My personal favourite was yuffie, if anybody actually cares. God, I need to play this game again. I wish they'd remake this game, I don't care how many people complain, I'd definately buy it if it was exactly the same game but with modern graphics.

06-04-2007, 02:49 AM
He's terribly clich� and sterotypical, other than that he's ok though.

06-04-2007, 07:24 AM
Btw, to whoever said that anyone can defeat a weapon. I seriously doubt that any character can defeat Emerald weapon. I'm certain that only Cid,Cloud,Tifa or Yuffie could do it with their limit breaks

Well let's see, you mention that 5/7 can defeat Emerald with limit breaks. I have also seen it done with Vincent, so that goes up to 6/7. The odds are pretty much against you, plus I am sure Red XIII could easily do it as well.

Anyway, as far as party goes: Cloud, Cid, and Yuffie for the win!

06-04-2007, 09:01 AM
Cloud, Cid, Vincent.

I feel Cloud has the best chance of defeating any weapon because of his Omni Slash Limit Break. That doesn't mean nobody else can do it. Bling out your character in the right set of Materia, Best weapon, Best anything...anyone can do it...just might be more difficult.

06-04-2007, 07:21 PM
Go Cloud, Yuffie, Vincent!
Cloud=physical damage + enemy skill + 1 or 2 damage summons
Yuffie=healing + some damage materia + phoenix
Vincent= Back row damage + Damage materia + some damage summons
(I'm not saying the perfect use of the characters, just what i use- and it seems to work really well!)

zell hell yeah!
06-05-2007, 07:33 PM
I think Barrets ungarmax limit is his best, I saw a clip on youtube with him kill emerald weapon with just that limit break and mimic. How sad..i watched a video for ten minutes of someone i dnt know playing a comp game.

Lil' Sain
06-20-2007, 12:24 AM
Barret is underrated? Next to Cloud, Aeris and Sephy, he's probably one of the most popular characters in the whole game. ?_? He's far from the most useful in battle, though.

aeris aint populare cincent sethy cloud are tifa is mor ethen aeris

BitterSweet Fuck
06-20-2007, 12:41 AM
My personal opinion of Barret is low, personally I think he's a poor character and I never use him in my battles. he made the whole point of being a leader a poor one he wouldn't listen to other character obviously this improved as the game progressed but not enough for me.
On the subject of any character can beat a weapon, this is true all it is is careful planning and a good strategy also helps if yes of course your characters are a a pretty good point in there stats.

Dream team : Cloud, Tifa, Vincent

Paladin Cecil
06-26-2007, 07:59 PM
Yes you can tank you dumb fuck, Cover ftw?

BitterSweet Fuck
06-26-2007, 10:19 PM
Yes you can tank you dumb fuck, Cover ftw?
I hope sincerely that wasn't aimed at me? anyways everyone is entitled to their opinion I have spent the last ten years of my life playing and re completing this game and each time I play I see something new or realize something that was staring me in the face, all of you can argue your own views of why you don't like this or that character what you have to realize is that everyone is different and different things will rub people up the wrong way for some reason or another. but it's still interesting to see what other people think as this is how you grow as a gamer.

Faith or Fate
06-27-2007, 07:39 PM
Dream Team: Cloud Strife, Master Chief, Dante (Devil May Cry).

07-04-2007, 01:02 AM
barret is ok i mjena in the game he was a ok guy but it was normaly just a little odd to sue for me hiss tory was grate and i am glad he cold take care of his friends daughter so easly but ac relay kileld him for me they truend him in to a rapper wannay the corn rolls they mad ehim thinner they changed his gun the onlything misisng was a big gold and dimend cross and gold fillings in his teath i alwlays egt mad at games and charaters when they do that ....

07-04-2007, 01:38 AM
Barret looked cool in AC but yea your right they kinda screwed his character up
Overall Barrets a cool character but hes not a BAMF
Sephiroth or Cloud are probably the closest out of the FFVII cast

08-13-2007, 08:53 PM
No offense to vincent fans but hes overrated. He has his own game for christ sakes, looking back on it. I seldomly used Vincent because of his lack of stat specialization. Not saying that Vincent isn't cool but hes not a practical character when it comes to battles, his weaknesses outweighs his strengths. His strength, vitality and every other stat are either mediocre or below average. Theres nothing that Vincent has that really contributes to a team. His limits are cool but they aren't really strong. Each hit chaos delivers is pathetic in comparison with any character with X4 slash coupled with an ultimate weapon. Ontop of that, to maximize Vincent's "death penalty" is a time consuming and unnecessary task. All you need is experienced materia for Barret's missing score. Now Barret,Cloud, and Cid makes to be the most destructive force in the entire game. I defeated Emerald in 1/2 the time using their limits and attacks, I don't think I could have done the same with Vincent. I still don't understand the deepthroating love people have for Vincent, in my opinion people are too distracted by his "rogue" image to realize how ineffective he is. I think it's this same adoration that makes people hardcore sephiroth fans. His image is cool but as a final fantasy boss, he is easily one of the weakest.

Vincent is not weak. it seems like that bcause death penalty's damage is based on number of enemys killed. i have read that if you kill appx. 65,000 enimies as vincent the damage reader glitches and instead of #, it uses symbols and to fix that glitch, the game kills off the enemy( this glitch has been confirmed by people) . so it is possible to kill the emerald weapon as just Vincent you stupid fuck