05-27-2007, 12:43 AM
Now, here's something that's been bugging me about the game. Due to the game's rampant plotholes, at least in part, the whole Laguna being Squall's daddy thing is a little sketchy. The biggest detail that was left out was what exactly Laguna knew about Squall, if anything.

The theories I've managed to concoct so far are these:

1) He didn't know about Squall. Perhaps he had gotten in contact with Winhill, or went there/sent someone there to find out about Raine, and they told him that she was dead; leaving out the detail that she gave birth to a kid. This one is probable, given how much the town hated him, but not likely. This would assume that Laguna didn't know Raine was pregnant.
2) He didn't know Squall was alive. A different take on the first theory, instead of them leaving out Squall's existence at all, the town of Winhill instead tells Laguna that Squall died in childbirth along with Raine. This one is just as probable as first theory, but goes under the assumption Laguna did know Raine was pregnant. Or, if nothing else, that the townspeople really fucking hated him.
3) He knew of Squall, but couldn't find him. The most unlikely of the theories, Laguna knew Squall was alive and well, but knew nothing beyond that. It could be possible that he searched for Squall for some time, but was unable to find any information on him. This one is unlikely, but possible all the same. It would take a bit of fanwanking to do it, though; IE, Esthar was still feared/hated, so anyone coming from Esthar would be hard-pressed to get information out of anyone without resorting to violence.
4) He knew where Squall was, but... This seems to be the running theory. He knew Squall was at the orphanage, but for some reason, never went to claim either him or Ellone. It seems like something of an asshole move at first glance, but there are definite, understandable reasons, if this were the case.
--First, he was running a country that had just overthrown a violent dictatorship. It was dangerous, hectic, and riddled with uncertainty. Meaning, it was no place to raise two small children in; especially when they were nestled safe with other kids and a nice woman who he had previously met while searching for Ellone.
--Second, Odine. The man had done God knows what to her while she was there. Bear in mind that Laguna went halfway across the world, took on a country by himself, and stormed a few buildings (and probably killed a fair amount of people in the process) to free her; he'd do anything and everything he could to keep her (and by extension, his son) out of Hojo-lite's hands, along with anyone who would want to do either of them harm. This might also explain why Ellone was so closely guarded by SeeDs; an order/request by Laguna, perhaps?
--Third, a very human reaction, he was scared. Raising small children by yourself is daunting and terrifying. Raising them when you work a fulltime job is near impossible, and if you're working on rebuilding a country? There's no shame in admitting that you can't care for your children in a way that's deserving of them. That's life and circumstance; it happens.

Still, the whole Laguna/Squall thinger was so left up in the air that really anything could be said. What's everyone's idea on it?

05-27-2007, 12:54 AM
Me thinks that Laguna was too consumed by not making a move on Julia.

Also, your post hurts my brain. I know that this is a Final Fantasy forum, but I don't see any reason why anyone would want to contemplate about something no one has the right answer to.

05-27-2007, 01:01 AM
Because it's one of those little details that is going to trip me up until I come up with something that makes a modicum of sense.

Oh wait. This is FFVIII. Well, nevermind then. ><;

jewess crabcake
05-27-2007, 03:09 AM
Actually, He was in the militar so at any chance he imprgnated a woman he couldn't possibly know. The moombas calling Squall laguna is a hint though.

07-02-2007, 04:51 AM
i am still unforsure o f any of this but i think he think squall is dead my sefl see i think if he new he was going to find squall but who knows i still dont think he is squalls dad my self

07-02-2007, 06:09 AM
Ellone probably told him about Squall when she got back to Esthar.


07-02-2007, 06:13 AM
Ellone is the reosn i dont think Laguna is squalls dad all based on her age but you know age dont eman anything in japain .... ages dates and tiems change all the time so yea .... but i thought she was about 4 or 5 when you frist meet her ( in the dream world ) so i might be off on my ages to ...

07-02-2007, 06:19 AM
Laguna being Squall's father isn't the sketchy. I can't remember word-for-word what he said, but on the third disc in the Ragnar�k, Laguna pretty much says that he is Squall's father. It's been a while since I've played the game, but I guess I'll go ahead and find a save point close to that part.

07-02-2007, 06:26 AM
i am re palying though it so i will egt there my brother is on the zell love quest i just got done dealing with the missles so yea i will ened to figure it out i just dont remebr it ebign a big deal when if rist played not as big as it is now ... but then again its ben about 4 years sicne i played it so yea i dont remebr a few thigns about it ...