03-28-2002, 05:32 PM
Once again I stoped playing Final Fantasy 8 for a while and I forgot a lot of stuff. I still have an idea of what is required to get Doomtrain but the rest is still a blurr.Could anyone tell me all the items required to get Doomtrain.

03-28-2002, 05:53 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">You will need:

~ 1 Solomon's Ring
~ 6 Steel Pipes
~ 6 Malboro Tentacles
~ 6 Remedy+'s

The Solomon's Ring is found at Tears' Point near Esthar.

Steel Pipes can be refined from Elastoid cards or stolen from Wendigos found in the forest near Dollet.

Malboro Tentacles can be refined from Malboro Cards (4 cards per tentacle) or you can go to fight the Malboros yourself. If you do this, I would suggest junctioning 100 Pains, Confuses, Berserks and Breaks to status defence, and having Aura magic in stock. Cast Aura on Quistis as quickly as possible and Degenerate the Malboro. You may get up to 8 tentacles at once. :)

Remedy+s can be made from Remedies. You will need to learn GF Alexander's ability Med Lvl Up, which you can only learn if you learn Med Data first. With Med Lvl Up, you can refine 1 Remedy+ from 10 Remedies.

Once you have all these items, use the Solomon's Ring in the menu and Doomtrain will join you. :)

Dark Messenger
03-28-2002, 06:21 PM
Yeah basically what Meltigemmi said, but I would just like to remind you that in order to get 6 remedy+ you will need to transform (Using the Alexander command) 60 remedys so make sure you have at least 60,000 when trying to get Doomtrain.

03-28-2002, 07:14 PM
Is their a easier way to get Malboro Tentencles.Besides just fighting Malboro.

03-29-2002, 12:50 AM
I have heard rumors that you just need 60 remedies instead of 6 remedy+ in order to get Doomtrain. can anyone prove this right or wrong?
Second....I accidentily erased Alexanders Med LVL Up ability and I was wondering if there was any item I can use too regain that ability.
I need HELP!!!

03-29-2002, 01:16 AM
There are two ways to get 6 marlboro tentacles and their both difficult.
Way 1 : fight marlboros if you find one you could steal one then escape. You could hope odin appears (this happened to me). Or you could have quistis in your party whilst low on hp and use degenarator.
Way 2 : Get your self lots of marlboro cards then refine them (this way takes ages)

03-29-2002, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by Bahamut86
I have heard rumors that you just need 60 remedies instead of 6 remedy+ in order to get Doomtrain. can anyone prove this right or wrong?
Second....I accidentily erased Alexanders Med LVL Up ability and I was wondering if there was any item I can use too regain that ability.
I need HELP!!!

1. You need 60 remedies to get 6 remedy+ I guess you heard that. You can't get Doomtrain w/o the required items or else why would they do it with items then?
2. I doubt it, You could always try to refine GF abilities and see what it does. or get a FAQ and see what Doc's code and such do and maybe there is an ability to learn Med lvl Up
Other way... no.

03-29-2002, 04:59 PM
I thought the Doc Code teachs the ability Med Level-Up.