05-25-2007, 05:59 PM
how can i convert spc files(Super nintendo music) to mp3,wav,wave,etc?please help me

Argus Zephyrus
05-26-2007, 07:33 PM
This is the only way I know of.

1. Open your SPC player, (if you don't have one then download one off of or something) then load the track you want.

2. Then open a sound recorder program (preferably not the Windows one*) and make sure you are recording in PCM/WAVE (.wav) format.

3. Open a mixer, preferably the main one on your PC not afiliated with you regular music players. (If you have the little windows speaker on your taskbar, then double click it. If not, go to the Control Panel ==> Sounds and Audio Devices ==> click "Advanced")

4. Then go to File ==> "Properties" Then click recording and make sure whatever check boxes are there are checked, especially any that says "Mixed" or "What U Hear" Now make sure that the check box "Select" under the "Mixed" or "What U Hear" volume slide is checked and the slider is at halfway or less.

5. Now quickly click the record button on the recorder then the play button on the SPC player. To stop, click the stop button on your recorder first, then the SPC player. Preferably you want to stop after the piece has looped twice or somethin and a little after.

Now you just have to use a program to add a fade out effect to the end of your recording and use a program to convert it to whatever format you want.

I hope that was clear enough to understand. You'll get the hang of it anyway. After a few tries you will figure out what is the best volume (on Mixed/What-U-Hear) for you to record.

*The Windows recorder will only allow you to record sixty seconds of sound, so it will not do. On my old PC on which I used to do that, I used the recorder program that came with my SB Live! sound card. Perhaps others around here may know of a utility you can download.

05-27-2007, 10:40 AM

All you need. I used it, and it works perfectly.

05-30-2007, 05:57 AM
Im missing this on my "output" why??

Nullsoft Disk Writer

Where can I get it?

Argus Zephyrus
05-30-2007, 02:39 PM
That's strange, you should have it.

If it's not in the Plugins folder where you installed Winamp, then you may have to reinstall the program, I guess. I, however, am using a cracked Winamp Pro. I wonder if that is relevant.

06-05-2007, 01:20 PM
Im missing this on my "output" why??

Nullsoft Disk Writer

Where can I get it?

I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you that you should download that from some site. No worries, though. I have it uploaded for you:

It's a little different than the one they use in the guide, but it works. And that's what matters, right? ;)