03-28-2002, 02:43 PM
i like to use drain as my status attack junction!!!
it keeps your characters at full health!!
but you kinda get bored of it coz you miss out on limit breaks unless you gotta lot of aura!!!

03-28-2002, 02:47 PM

If Squall's strength is high enough that I can get it to 255 without Ultima, I'll put 100 Ultima in elemental defense along with Life and I'll get healed whenever an elemental spell is cast. :)

03-28-2002, 02:50 PM
<font color="4422BB"> 100 death to everyones status attack. nuff sed. </font>

03-28-2002, 05:17 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">For HP, Curaga should be good enough along with HP+40%, and once you have HP+80% you could probably replace it with something like Firaga at level 100.

Meteor on strength is usually good enough, assuming you have 100 of them and the Str+60% ability, you should be able to get the stat up to 255.

For Vitality, Meltdown is very useful; I usually put it there. Protect is good but not as good.

Demi and Quake are good on your Magic stat, although there are a couple of slightly better options, such as Pain or Holy, but I put those somewhere else usually.

For Spirit, Dispel, Regen or Curaga are effective, though I can't remember which is the best. Shell may also go there, although I don't put it there usually.

Stop is good for Speed, although Triple is by far the best, I often put Triple on there.

Tornado is great on Evade. Remember that a good speed junction will automatically raise your Evade anyway, but that makes it even better. ;)

Triple is also the best for Hit, if I'm using a character that doesn't have a weapon with 255% accuracy I may decide to put Triple on there instead.

Death and Pain are good on Luck, although I usually use those elsewhere. I just put anything on luck that raises it, really. ;)

I never junction anything to elemental attack, there will always be something that absorbs the element. For elemental defence I use Ultima, Shell, Life and Full-Life. This means that you will absorb 90% of every elemental attack.

For status attack, I usually give each character a different status to attack with. One with Death, one with Pain, and the other with either Sleep or Drain. If Death is on status attack, I always give them 100 Confuses on defense; and the other two characters automatically get 100 Deaths on status defence. Holy, Reflect, Pain and Esuna are great for protecting against several statuses, although sometimes I prefer to junction 100 of certain magics directly to ensure I am well-protected against the negative statuses. :)

03-30-2002, 03:19 PM
when on island closed to hell i use death in my attack most of the monsters die in 1 if you have 100

but other wise drain in my attack
until the omega weapon and the ultima weapon coz drain and death dont work even after meltdown so i use nothing in either attacks status or element

03-30-2002, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by Fujin

If Squall's strength is high enough that I can get it to 255 without Ultima, I'll put 100 Ultima in elemental defense along with Life and I'll get healed whenever an elemental spell is cast. :)

I use the same strategy :cool:

03-31-2002, 02:23 AM

03-31-2002, 05:02 AM
Ultima to HP with Quistis. It always worked and I used her a lot. Plus...many defeats!

$quall Leonhart
03-31-2002, 06:43 PM