Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-22-2007, 03:56 PM
So we all know the sequel to Batman Begins is coming out next year and will feature Heath Ledger as The Joker. Recently Warner Bros. has begun issuing teasers online.

First, there was this page merely showing a bat symbol in front of an explosion of sorts:

Soon after, this page appeared, found by clicking on the image of the first site:

Then a page called "I Believe in Harvey Dent too" appeared. It featured the same picture of "Harvey Dent" but with a Joker face scribbled over it. You could enter your e-mail and get a code to reveal one pixel from an image underneath that one. Eventually when viewing the page it begun to slowly dissolve, showing a picture of The Joker underneath.

For those that care to see, you can view an approximation of what that looked like here (, though the dissolve is removed so the strong effect it once had is no longer existent.

The page is now apparently down. However, highlight the screen and you see it's just a further continuation of the teaser.

Also, hidden in the hidden text is "See You In December" - apparently when the first trailer will be released.

Very cool, creative way of issuing teasers imo.

Yes, I am a giant nerd.

05-23-2007, 03:22 AM
woah, zat Heath Ledger? He looks better than I expected as The Joker.

I really have gotta see Batman Begins. SOON.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-24-2007, 02:04 AM

Atom Narmor
05-24-2007, 04:09 AM
I love the batman character to Ktulu. The man is the greatest detective ever invented and deserved better than the guy who played Beatlejuice to jumpstart his story in the movies. I only hope this next installment is as nice and believable as the last one, but with a better cowl for the dark knight.

here (

The Joker looks like he has herpes in the mouth.

05-24-2007, 07:14 AM
I only just realised the other day, I was thinking about the Superman vs Batman debate (I think a Dinosaur Comic may have inspired this) and I came to the conclusion that Batman is way cooler than Superman.

And it is only since this conclusion that I want to see the Batman movies (more the newer one, cos it's darker and less cheesy hollywood, yes?) and verify it for certain and revel in the awesomeness that is Batman.

But Spider-Man is still the coolest, I reckon.


(will report back soon when I see Batman Begins)

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-24-2007, 10:37 AM
If you're really interested, check out some of the comic stories. The Long Halloween, Year One, The Killing Joke, The Dark Knight Returns, Hush, Black & White, Arkham Asylum, Dark Victory, etc, lots of great ones. These can all be found in graphic novel form. Also don't forget to check out the 90s Batman animated series, and the Mask of the Phantasm film.

05-29-2007, 05:51 AM

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-29-2007, 06:16 AM
Pretty interesting stuff. Any info behind the pictures exactly Ndlin?

05-29-2007, 06:20 AM
I really liked Begins. Can't wait for the next one. Just hope they do justice to the Joker character.

I wouldn't mind Mark Hamill dubbing the Joker's voice in the movie. Although it'd be weird...Hamill is the voice of the Joker.

Argus Zephyrus
05-29-2007, 03:50 PM

Dang, that may be a tad bit wierd.

Yeah, Begins was awesome. Some of my friends told me that the old Batman movies from the '90s were a little too cartoony in a few ways. I'm pretty sure that was the intention, and they did notsuck. Batman Begins however, is just a very different style, and it too roxs0rds.

06-01-2007, 10:15 PM
I love the batman character to Ktulu. The man is the greatest detective ever invented and deserved better than the guy who played Beatlejuice to jumpstart his story in the movies. I only hope this next installment is as nice and believable as the last one, but with a better cowl for the dark knight.

Micheal Keaton was the BEST Batman ever!
Christian Bale is great don't get me wrong, he's way better than his previous predecessors. But then again, I would blame Schumacher for turning the franchise into a goth version of the T.V Batman!

Heath Ledger has some really big shoes to fill from Nicholson's portrail.
I hope they don't turn Joker into some random Homicidal Maniac, 'cause that's what I got from looking at the picture.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
06-01-2007, 10:50 PM
man, wtf, I haven't even seen Batman Begins yet :D

06-01-2007, 11:07 PM
If you liked the first cartoon series, you'll like the movie. The origin is pretty similar.

06-05-2007, 10:31 PM

Micheal Keaton was the BEST Batman ever!
Christian Bale is great don't get me wrong, he's way better than his previous predecessors. But then again, I would blame Schumacher for turning the franchise into a goth version of the T.V Batman!

Heath Ledger has some really big shoes to fill from Nicholson's portrail.
I hope they don't turn Joker into some random Homicidal Maniac, 'cause that's what I got from looking at the picture.

I enjoy the original Batman and all, but Nicholson's Joker isn't really like the actual Joker at all. ; ;

Heath Ledger's said they made him read The Killing Joke in this movie, and that gives me warm gushy feelings. <3

06-05-2007, 11:24 PM
I've seen all of them, but the only one I remember is the the one with the fat penguin guy and Michelle Pfeiffer. I love that one.

Oh, yeah, I faintly remember something about Katie Holmes and Jim Carrey, but that was hardly in the same movie, right?

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
06-05-2007, 11:49 PM
Jim Carrey was in Batman Forever, the 3rd film. Katie Holmes was in the latest, Batman Begins, which has nothing to do with the first four movies.

06-06-2007, 04:04 AM
I enjoy the original Batman and all, but Nicholson's Joker isn't really like the actual Joker at all. ; ;

Heath Ledger's said they made him read The Killing Joke in this movie, and that gives me warm gushy feelings. <3True, but I like the fact that Nicholson's Joker is a former mobster, that goes insane, and has a great personal connection to Batman, also he's actually funny in a dark way, rather than doing things he thinks are funny, but are actually only funny to himself. (uhh... if that makes any sense)

Well, I'm glad they gave him that book to read, 'cause that's the best Joker origin, and portrail out of all of them. IMO

06-06-2007, 04:40 AM
I enjoy the original Batman and all, but Nicholson's Joker isn't really like the actual Joker at all. ; ;

Heath Ledger's said they made him read The Killing Joke in this movie, and that gives me warm gushy feelings. <3True, but I like the fact that Nicholson's Joker is a former mobster, that goes insane, and has a great personal connection to Batman, also he's actually funny in a dark way, rather than doing things he thinks are funny, but are actually only funny to himself. (uhh... if that makes any sense)

Well, I'm glad they gave him that book to read, 'cause that's the best Joker origin, and portrail out of all of them. IMO

ALSO: It's rumored that Anthony Michael Hall's (The Dead Zone) "secret" character is actually the Riddler, but again it's a rumor without any pics (or at least I haven't seen any).

06-06-2007, 04:57 AM
ALSO: It's rumored that Anthony Michael Hall's (The Dead Zone) "secret" character is actually the Riddler, but again it's a rumor without any pics (or at least I haven't seen any).

If there's The Riddler in the movie, I want his portrayal to be more like Alex in The Clockwork Orange.

06-06-2007, 05:06 AM
Actually, the Riddler isn't a Psychopathic Killer. He's a criminal mastermind, but like a serial killer, likes to leave elaborate clues.

I could see the Joker portrayed as an Alex type character though. That would be very interesting.

06-06-2007, 05:53 AM
I know, I meant the style and the looks for The Riddler. I forgot to give details, my bad :p

06-06-2007, 06:10 AM
I know, I meant the style and the looks for The Riddler. I forgot to give details, my bad :pThat's cool

Although the Riddler with tights is the most popular version since the T.V Riddler, I like the cool Suit & Tie version from: "Batman The Animated Series". I don't know, It seemed to suit him more as an intellectual mastermind, rather than the goofy trickster the late Frank Gorshin portrayed in the 60's.

06-06-2007, 07:06 AM
I could see the Joker portrayed as an Alex type character though. That would be very interesting.

That idea never occurred to me before now. Have to say I agree.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
06-06-2007, 06:36 PM
I would definitely prefer a nice suit and tie for the Riddler if they do put him in this series. Seeing Jim Carrey prance around in goofy spandex was more of that than I'll ever need.

06-06-2007, 10:38 PM
I would definitely prefer a nice suit and tie for the Riddler if they do put him in this series. Seeing Jim Carrey prance around in goofy spandex was more of that than I'll ever need.
Yeah, leave the goofiness to Joker.

I've always liked the Riddler, but never got the correlation between Goofiness and Riddles.
Goofy+Riddles= ??? :confused:

Ever since the animated series, when he became an intellectual villain, then it made a whole lot of sense.
Intellect+Riddles= Aha!!! :smrt:

06-07-2007, 03:10 AM
I kinda the metrosexual Riddler where he doesn't wear his hat and tattoo on his neck. Kinda cool except for the goth lipstick :(

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
06-07-2007, 12:26 PM

Micheal Keaton was the BEST Batman ever!
Christian Bale is great don't get me wrong, he's way better than his previous predecessors. But then again, I would blame Schumacher for turning the franchise into a goth version of the T.V Batman!

Tim Burton took a huge shit all over the Batman character.

I mean, Batman doesn't kill anybody, but Burton had him blithely dropping hand grenades on people (Penguin's henchmen) and going on like it was normal.

06-07-2007, 10:15 PM
Yeah, 'cause he turned him into a badass!
Also, if I'm not mistaken, the first version of Batman used to use a gun!

You have to at least admit that he's way better than the piece of shit Batman Forever, and Batman & Robin versions!

06-15-2007, 08:24 AM

First pix of Batsy ;)

06-27-2007, 07:06 AM

Micheal Keaton was the BEST Batman ever!
Christian Bale is great don't get me wrong, he's way better than his previous predecessors. But then again, I would blame Schumacher for turning the franchise into a goth version of the T.V Batman!

Heath Ledger has some really big shoes to fill from Nicholson's portrail.
I hope they don't turn Joker into some random Homicidal Maniac, 'cause that's what I got from looking at the picture.

Keaton was a really good Batman and up until Bale, he was THE best. He put forth the right level of sophistication, physical brutality, and the right amount of "crazy guy in a bat suit".

Bale beats Keaton because he fits the physical image of Batman- and that's physically imposing and incredible fitness. Bale also plays rich crazy man very well (American Psycho, anyone?) and has the right level of sophistication to him as well.

Schumacher was an embarrassment to the franchise. He almost did to Batman what Uwe Boll has done to just about any franchise he's touched, and that's turn them to utter crap. Period.

Atom Narmor
07-20-2007, 12:18 AM
(belated) I wasn't trying to totaly trash Keaton's performance or anything, it's just that he wasn't the Batman presented in the comics; atleast not all the way. The man wasn't even 6 feet tall. He was the best one to play him though, WAS.


07-20-2007, 04:35 AM
If they would have stopped at Batman returns, and not made the other two after that, then maybe the Batman movies would have stood the test of time till now, I personally enjoyed Batman Begins, where I thought they showed him to be more human, and Christian Bale did a terrific job reviving it. Keaton did a good job on the first one, though I felt he was lacking in Returns. Kilmer and Clooney did nothing for the role, they only got the roles so that a big name for that time would fill the seats.

Nicholson did a good job as the Joker, but I disagree with the way they had him tied into Batmans past. I pray Ledger does a better job though.

After this movie hits, and hope it does good. I would personally like to see the Knight fall adaptation, where Bane is not a peabrain!


Sharon Agathon
07-22-2007, 07:10 PM

WINS! :p

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
07-28-2007, 08:59 AM

First official teaser, mostly just dialogue

08-01-2007, 09:30 AM
Bumping this in the hopes that more people will watch the teaser. IT GIVES ME GOOSEBUMPS GUYS!

If you don't want to go to the site, you can watch it on youtube here (

Well, I'm glad they gave him that book to read, 'cause that's the best Joker origin, and portrail out of all of them. IMO

I know this is an old post, but still!

I would pee my pants with happiness if they stuck with the Joker having countless different orgins in his head. I am pretty sure DC is retconning that though and giving him an official orgin. :(

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
08-17-2007, 03:52 PM

Some pictures from the filming

08-17-2007, 05:46 PM
I think the Joker looks pretty cool. Quite different from the previous neat one. and i think i have fallen in love with his SOCKS.

08-18-2007, 06:28 PM
Here's a link to the pics that were taken down in Ktulus post..

Looks pretty darn awesome imo.

08-18-2007, 10:41 PM
I think the Joker looks pretty cool. Quite different from the previous neat one. and i think i have fallen in love with his SOCKS.

haha yes! The socks were my favorite part too.

08-19-2007, 02:30 AM
haha, wtf at all the bums sitting around dressed like Batman.

But this is shaping up to be quite the classy movie, by the looks of it.

08-19-2007, 02:51 AM
(belated) I wasn't trying to totaly trash Keaton's performance or anything, it's just that he wasn't the Batman presented in the comics; atleast not all the way. The man wasn't even 6 feet tall. He was the best one to play him though, WAS.



I think I'm gonna go plug in my NES and play my original Batman movie game.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
12-03-2007, 04:49 AM

12-03-2007, 06:52 AM
I don't know if I like that Bat Suit but Joker is looking pretty snazzy.

matt damon
12-03-2007, 07:09 AM

he looks like johnny depp in the right one. also, i agree with hogan.

12-03-2007, 09:57 AM
This movie is going to rock my socks. The Joker looks fantabulous.

Batman's new suit is orgasmic. And I looove Maggie Gyllenhall or however you spell her last name. This going to rock...serious hard core.

matt damon
12-03-2007, 04:10 PM
i am really annoyed that they are recasting the character that was played by whatever her name is (the girl from dawson's creek). i hate when tv shows/movie series do that. it's so irritating! it's like, "LIES! THAT'S NOT HER/HIM!!"

(that last i heard was she was being recast. if that's not true, then this post is all for naught)

12-03-2007, 10:45 PM
looks awesome

12-04-2007, 01:28 AM
i am really annoyed that they are recasting the character that was played by whatever her name is (the girl from dawson's creek). i hate when tv shows/movie series do that. it's so irritating! it's like, "LIES! THAT'S NOT HER/HIM!!"

(that last i heard was she was being recast. if that's not true, then this post is all for naught)

Katie Holmes. I beleive they are recasting Rachel Dawes, which I do find a little irratating, not the fact that Katie Holmes won't be around, but the fact that they are still going to use the character. Unless it was some kind of last minute decision I would have rather seen a rewrite to use a different character.

Also I had heard that Rachel Weisz or however you spell her name (the one married to Darren Arnofsky) is going to be playing Talia in the film can anyone confirm/deny this? If so I think it would could be pretty neat Talia is a cool character (although Weisz doesn't really seem to have the hard edge that would be required to portray her, but whatever).

I just like talking about Batman.

12-04-2007, 01:40 AM
Can't wait to see 2 face on the big screen. I always wondered what he'd look like.

12-04-2007, 04:50 AM
I was in the assassination scene where the joker shoots at the mayor.

12-04-2007, 06:52 AM
I doubt Dent will turn into Two Face in this movie, or if he does it wouldn't happen until the very end to set up the next movie.

matt damon
12-04-2007, 06:54 AM
are they really gonna make a whole series out of these movies? how will they tie it all into the universe that the other movies have set up?

(btw, my fav batman movie was the one with uma thurman. batsuit with nipples ftw!!)

12-04-2007, 06:56 AM
It's extremely franchise-able as a Hollywood movie series so I could see them at least making three.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
12-04-2007, 08:29 AM
They won't tie it into the universe of the other movies. That universe was fucked by Schumacher. This is a totally fresh start.

I too am disappointed in the recast of Rachel. Wayne is pretty fucking pimp, if they couldn't get Holmes back, why not just make the new female lead a new character? I would've, but whatever. Recasting characters in sequels makes it harder to get into the fantasy of it as there's already a level of disbelief right in your face, but I guess it'll be fine.

Hogan, haven't read/heard anything about Rachel Weisz at all.

matt damon
12-04-2007, 08:44 AM
They won't tie it into the universe of the other movies. That universe was fucked by Schumacher. This is a totally fresh start.

I too am disappointed in the recast of Rachel. Wayne is pretty fucking pimp, if they couldn't get Holmes back, why not just make the new female lead a new character? I would've, but whatever. Recasting characters in sequels makes it harder to get into the fantasy of it as there's already a level of disbelief right in your face, but I guess it'll be fine.

Hogan, haven't read/heard anything about Rachel Weisz at all.

i know exactly what you mean. but i also hate the random dissappearing of characters, like in the james bond movies.

speaking of rachel wiesz, iirc, she was the lady in the mummy and, ironically enough, she's not returning to the next film and so they recast her character as well.

12-04-2007, 05:19 PM
Hogan, haven't read/heard anything about Rachel Weisz at all.
It's possible I'm just all crazy like.

Figure Fan
12-04-2007, 07:57 PM
I'm not too bothered by Rachel's recasting, actually. The two actresses look similar enough to where it won't be a hugely glaring difference. Plus, Maggie is a better actress, so whatever. Just as long as she plays rachel in the third movie, I'll be fine.

This movie is looking awesome. I can't wait for the trailer on the 14th.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
12-05-2007, 12:51 AM
They look nothing alike to me :o They're both human and female, but that's about it

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
12-07-2007, 07:27 AM

Man the teasers for this movie have been so cool

12-07-2007, 08:04 PM
They seem to have one hell of a marketing team.

12-10-2007, 10:24 PM
I am sure that the upcoming BATMAN movie will be great.
But I wish the would use another composer to write the
soundtrack music - Hans Zimmer and his Media Venture pool IMO is not
the right choise. They should use John Ottman (SUPERMAN RETURNS) or
a newcomer like Colin O'Malley (who scored the awsome SUPERMAN RETURNS game soundtrack). But I know chances for this to happen are very slim.

01-24-2008, 04:44 PM
unexpectedly, the new Joker Heath Ledger passed away.

Wei Yan
02-05-2008, 06:13 PM
unexpectedly, the new Joker Heath Ledger passed away.

Which also unexpectedly promoted The Dark Knight Returns to an instant boxoffice-hit. Hooray for commerce and RIP Heath Ledger.

02-27-2008, 07:33 PM
The Dark Knight should be the best Batman movie thus far. Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker should no doubt be Oscar worthy (God rest his soul).

To answer an earlier question about Two-Face's appearance, Aaron Eckhart told MTV that Two-Face, not just Harvey Dent, would make an appearance and that he was looking forward to doing a few of the upcoming scenes.

02-27-2008, 09:32 PM
The Dark Knight should be the best Batman movie thus far. Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker should no doubt be Oscar worthy (God rest his soul).

Heath Ledger's Joker should be stellar... but as far as the Oscar goes... I don't see the academy giving him an oscar for a comic book movie. No offense to the genre but the Academy thinks they're too high-brow for that genre.

Example: Ratatouille did not get a best picture nomination when it was easily better than Michael Clayton and There Will Be Blood...

Ratatouille isn't a comic book movie but it is an animated movie: a genre which is equally discriminated against by the Academy.

I also predict that the Dark Knight will smash every box office record... ever.

02-27-2008, 09:40 PM
Ratatouille wasn't very good either, though. Maybe the Academy does discriminate against animation, I'm not interested in disputing that, but bar top notch animation, it had about 2 jokes. There's no way it should have been considered for best picture.

02-27-2008, 10:00 PM
I also do not think this movie will smash every box office record. It looks pretty good. Yes, just pretty good. However, it will definitely get more people in the seats than it normally would, if not just for the fact that the infinitely talented Heath Ledger has graced the picture with his brilliant and aw-inspiring performance, but I highly doubt all records will be broken.

Apologies for overdoing it a bit on the sarcasm front.

02-28-2008, 02:32 AM
Ratatouille wasn't very good either, though. Maybe the Academy does discriminate against animation, I'm not interested in disputing that, but bar top notch animation, it had about 2 jokes. There's no way it should have been considered for best picture.

Not very good you say? I thought it was one of the best pictures of the year. I absolutely love it. And according to it has 95% postive reviews and a 100% positive on the top critic's section. It was also the best reviewed movie of the year.

Ratatouille was a brilliant piece of animation, story, and character.

The film that won best picture had more negative reviews than Ratatouille according to critics.

Now, back on topic:

There's an incredible amount of hype behind the Dark Knight. People already know that the movie is in the capable hands of Christopher Nolan (director), Christian Bale (by far the best Bruce Wayne), and one of best actors of our time Heath Ledger as the Joker.

There's even a huge amount of unintentional hype due to Ledger's untimely death.

So I believe that it will break opening day box office records... and it will certainly be a fantastic film.

02-28-2008, 03:18 AM
Well, I did say Oscar worthy.

On a number of websites I've visited, The Dark Knight is the most looked forward to movie of the year. Loyal Ledger fans will no doubt watch his final movie. Dr. Crane (Scarecrow) will be returning. Does anyone know who Anthony Michael Hall's character Mike Engel is? I read somewhere that Christopher Nolan has left that character a mystery on purpose. Other websites say that it's supposed to be the Riddler, but I don't know.

02-28-2008, 03:31 AM
Wikipedia says Hall's role is a "reporter"

matt damon
02-28-2008, 05:38 AM
Not very good you say? I thought it was one of the best pictures of the year. I absolutely love it. And according to it has 95% postive reviews and a 100% positive on the top critic's section. It was also the best reviewed movie of the year.
yes, it was good, but i really doubt it was the best reviewed movie of the year. Hairspray, Juno, Enchanted, and I Am Legend are just a few examples of movies that were reviewed just as well as, if not better than, Ratatouille.

Ratatouille was a brilliant piece of animation, story, and character.
Ratatouille wasn't that great. I mean, it was good, but the jokes were few and far between (my favorite one was at the beginning when the girl is pointing the gun at the guy) and the plot was a unbelievable and a bit predictable. i know it was disney and you need to suspend belief for the hour and a half that it plays, but it was a little TOO unbelievable. plus, there have been better pixar films and animated films in general, monsters, inc. and finding nemo are just two examples. (i just stated pixar movies since it would be easier to compare them to ratatouille)

02-28-2008, 02:39 PM
yes, it was good, but i really doubt it was the best reviewed movie of the year. Hairspray, Juno, Enchanted, and I Am Legend are just a few examples of movies that were reviewed just as well as, if not better than, Ratatouille.

You really don't pay much attention to reviews, do you? Here's the stats for each of those from Rotten Tomatoes.

Ratatouille - 95% (8.4/10 average)
Juno - 93% (8/10 average)
Hairspray - 92% (7.8/10 average)
Enchanted - 93% (7.3/10 average)
I Am Legend - 69% (6.4/10 average)

So Ratatouille did in fact have better reviews than all of those you listed. Please, for the sake of not making me dig up numbers like this, make sure you have your facts straight when you post and don't make wild claims you can't support.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
02-28-2008, 02:48 PM
Review stats aside, why is animation supposed to be believable? And how come Ratatouille is TOO unbelievable? You then mention how much you like Monsters Inc and Finding Nemo, which are just as out there if not more.

"I don't like the Hulk, he's too fuckin green! I do however like the Martian Manhunter!"

matt damon
02-28-2008, 10:02 PM
You really don't pay much attention to reviews, do you? Here's the stats for each of those from Rotten Tomatoes.

Ratatouille - 95% (8.4/10 average)
Juno - 93% (8/10 average)
Hairspray - 92% (7.8/10 average)
Enchanted - 93% (7.3/10 average)
I Am Legend - 69% (6.4/10 average)

So Ratatouille did in fact have better reviews than all of those you listed. Please, for the sake of not making me dig up numbers like this, make sure you have your facts straight when you post and don't make wild claims you can't support.
not counting i am legend, all the rest are rated about the same as ratatouille, which is what i was trying to say. but you're right prak, i don't really read reviews.

Review stats aside, why is animation supposed to be believable? And how come Ratatouille is TOO unbelievable? You then mention how much you like Monsters Inc and Finding Nemo, which are just as out there if not more.

"I don't like the Hulk, he's too fuckin green! I do however like the Martian Manhunter!"

there's a difference. ratatouille had the rats interacting with the humans and stuff and they understood each other (to an extent). in finding nemo or monster's inc, they were each in their own world and didn't "cross over" (finding nemo had humans, but the fish and the humans didn't understand each other. in monsters, inc. the monsters were in essence, humans (living very human-esque livestyle, etc.) and so it was only natural that they would understand each other).

02-28-2008, 10:18 PM

What do you do for an encore? Bitch about Mickey Mouse being able to talk to Donald Duck?

execrable gumwrapper
02-28-2008, 10:26 PM
I actually bitch about why Mickey Mouse has a dog for a pet.


And wtf is Goofy?

matt damon
02-28-2008, 10:35 PM


Lunchbox McGillicuddy
02-28-2008, 10:47 PM
In Monsters Inc they interact with a human girl incase you forgot

02-28-2008, 10:55 PM
You really don't pay much attention to reviews, do you? Here's the stats for each of those from Rotten Tomatoes.

Ratatouille - 95% (8.4/10 average)
Juno - 93% (8/10 average)
Hairspray - 92% (7.8/10 average)
Enchanted - 93% (7.3/10 average)
I Am Legend - 69% (6.4/10 average)

So Ratatouille did in fact have better reviews than all of those you listed. Please, for the sake of not making me dig up numbers like this, make sure you have your facts straight when you post and don't make wild claims you can't support.

Thanks Prak! Ratatouille is also rated higher than the Best Picture Oscar winner No Country For Old Men.

matt damon
02-28-2008, 11:01 PM
ktulu, yes, i know, that's why i said that the monsters acted human themselves so that's why it was only natural for the two to interact.

02-28-2008, 11:23 PM
Carton movie's aren't made to be perfectly believable (thank god...) that why having a fantastic imagination is an asset nowadays.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
02-28-2008, 11:35 PM
ktulu, yes, i know, that's why i said that the monsters acted human themselves so that's why it was only natural for the two to interact.

Remy in Ratatouille acts pretty human - he reads, cooks, etc. Just because he can't communicate with a human verbally doesn't change that.

03-01-2008, 09:43 PM
Heath Ledger's Joker should be stellar... but as far as the Oscar goes... I don't see the academy giving him an oscar for a comic book movie. No offense to the genre but the Academy thinks they're too high-brow for that genre.

Do you pay any attention to the acting nominees?

Johnny Depp got a (deserved) nomination for Pirates of the Caribbean, for goodness sake. Nothing says highbrow like a movie based off a Disney ride~

Ratatouille won an oscar too, jftr.

03-01-2008, 11:11 PM
Hmmm, well you have a point.

Ratatouille won "Best Animated Feature"

03-04-2008, 10:43 AM
Johnny Depp got a (deserved) nomination for Pirates of the Caribbean, for goodness sake. Nothing says highbrow like a movie based off a Disney ride~

I was so wanting him to win for his role as Sweeney Todd.

03-04-2008, 02:12 PM
I was so wanting him to win for his role as Sweeney Todd.
Overrated beyond belief that guy is.

03-04-2008, 02:45 PM
I was so wanting him to win for his role as Sweeney Todd.

I still haven't seen Sweeney Todd, but I'm definitely interested.

I will say that there is no shame in being beaten by someone as awesome as Daniel Day Lewis, though. ;)

Since things are getting off topic: is there interest in a general Oscars thread? I'd be happy to make one.

03-04-2008, 03:26 PM
There is interest.

03-04-2008, 03:56 PM
Because I am impatient and am about to hop in the shower anyways, that is good enough for me! ;)

Have fun guys. :)

03-04-2008, 05:45 PM
I was so wanting him to win for his role as Sweeney Todd.

Yeah, he did a fantastic job... but Daniel Day-Lewis blew my mind in There Will Be Blood... he deserved it.

03-09-2008, 10:48 AM
I loved the Batman begins. I hope this one lives up to the previous one... on a side note, I am a huge superman fan but superman returns could have been much much better and the story sucked too... they are really screwing it up...

03-10-2008, 09:48 AM
God I cannot wait for this film. Sucks that the second big trailer has been delayed apparently.

03-10-2008, 02:47 PM
I loved the Batman begins. I hope this one lives up to the previous one... on a side note, I am a huge superman fan but superman returns could have been much much better and the story sucked too... they are really screwing it up...

Indeed, Superman Returns could have been MUCH better.

does anyone know when the Dark Knight comes out?

03-10-2008, 05:38 PM
July 18th. :)

03-10-2008, 10:19 PM
Double posting because I just saw this and figured it was worth posting:

It's a couple days old, so it's probably not new for everyone, but it is pretty neat all the same.

03-11-2008, 12:16 AM
Thanks very much for that, Ndi. :)

I won�t tell you exactly what we�re going for, but I think that I can say that it will use all of today�s technology to create this character.


Makeup with some cg effects over it to make it look extra disturbing?

Also, new pics

mr. patterson
03-15-2008, 08:24 PM
i'm really looking forward to this film, but does anyone else think that the joker looks a bit like brando in apocalypse now in this poster?

03-29-2008, 02:09 PM
cant wait

05-06-2008, 12:43 AM
Leaked Two-Face pic!

05-06-2008, 09:05 AM
i cnt wait to see the film, it looks alot darker than the other batman film, the joker looks a lil freaky

Master Nabeshin
05-08-2008, 07:54 AM
Leaked Two-Face pic!

Thank you. I saw it the other day, but didn't save it. When I went back to get it, Warner Bros had already had the image taken down.

But yeah, looking forward very much to the Dark Knight. Not so sure about the Joker. I love the way he sounds and acts (I love the way he says "Let's put a smile on that face." in the trailers), but his appearance is a bit underwhelming, frankly. I understand that Nolan wants to be a bit more realistic, but a Joker without bleached-white skin is like Batman without the mask. I think the whiteness of his face could have at least resulted from a chemical burn. He added the makeup later....I just doesn't seem like the Joker. Just some brilliant lunatic with a sick sense of humor who likes clowns. It just doesn't seem like a part of him. Now, if he had the makeup all over his body, rather than just the face, I think I could have gone with that.
Of course, none of this matters because I've already planned out July 18 with a day-long outing including but not limited to seeing The Dark knight on an IMAX screen.

05-08-2008, 09:47 PM
I only just realised the other day, I was thinking about the Superman vs Batman debate (I think a Dinosaur Comic may have inspired this) and I came to the conclusion that Batman is way cooler than Superman.

And it is only since this conclusion that I want to see the Batman movies (more the newer one, cos it's darker and less cheesy hollywood, yes?) and verify it for certain and revel in the awesomeness that is Batman.

But Spider-Man is still the coolest, I reckon.


(will report back soon when I see Batman Begins)

Speaking of Batman and Superman.......did anyone see I am Legend....well in the background, for a second at a old theatear, there is a Batman-Superman poster. just sayan' ............

matt damon
05-09-2008, 04:16 AM
no, we don't have eyes and we don't go on the internet and we don't talk to people, so of course we didn't see it

05-09-2008, 12:41 PM
Someone actually watched that crap??

Master Nabeshin
05-10-2008, 07:06 AM
It wasn't a horrible movie. Nowhere near great, but not a terrible movie.
But yes, right before the title they have a Batman/Superman billboard in Times Square. I screamed obscenities and gave the execs at Warner Bros. a few names they'd probably rather not have.

06-02-2008, 08:30 AM
Its one thing that I don't like Carlos Mencia, but now I just out-right hate him. I'm cleaning up right now before I get to bed for work tomorrow, there is absolutly nothing on tv so I just leave it on Comedy Central while Mind of Mencia is on. I can hear him in the background saying something to the effect of, "Some people like doing drugs. Then thare are those who love drugs, sometimes too much to where they O.D., next thing you know someone's missing the Batman premier". I thought that was fucked up.

06-02-2008, 04:01 PM
I share your hatred. However, I don't believe the joke was in bad taste, it just wasn't funny. Persaonlly, I hate him because he's a talentless hack who takes other comedian's jokes and passes them off as his own.

matt damon
06-02-2008, 10:06 PM
................Dane Cook?

06-05-2008, 07:11 PM
Dane Cook is an ass.