05-22-2007, 08:24 AM
Warning: This is a long read. But after reading this I have a lot of mixed feelings. But I would like to see what you think first. I got this from the Populist A. Scott Piraino.

Resistance: Fall of Microsoft

Let�s be clear about what is really at stake in this �console war� between Sony and Microsoft. People don�t realize that they do not own their Xbox 360 any more than they own the set top box from their cable company. They rent it.

You have an internet connection on Microsoft�s console, but the only place you can go is Xbox live. The hard drive installed in the Xbox 360 has a proprietary connection to the rest of the system, so it cannot be accessed without using computer code owned by Microsoft. Microsoft has total control over what you see and what you download, as well as what games you can purchase.

Microsoft released the first Xbox after the PS2, then rolled out the Xbox 360 before the Playstation 3. There are still high quality games being made for the PS2 like God of War II and Final Fantasy XII, while the Xbox is basically a dead system. Microsoft ripped off their own customers who bought their original console, then dissed Xbox 360 buyers by selling them a poorly designed system.

To make the Xbox 360 so powerful, Microsoft designed a triple core PowerPC chip and a massive graphics processor for their console. These chips require a lot of power and generate immense heat, so much heat that the Xbox 360 sounds like a hair dryer because of the fans inside the case. When the first Xbox 360s came out, many of them overheated and crashed.

There were reports of failure rates as high as 20% on the first consoles, although Microsoft insists the rate was no more than 5%. This despite the fact that a Google search containing the words �xbox red ring� reveals a cottage industry of websites catering to customers whose consoles have failed. One man in Chicago had the temerity to sue the Software Giant, that case was settled out of court, allegedly for an undisclosed sum�

All the photos of the Xbox 360 that you see in advertisements do not include the huge power brick that steps up voltage from a wall socket to the console. Of course, they could have avoided the problem of overheating and requiring an external power brick by simply making the case bigger. This would haves allowed for more air around the circuitry and provided room for an internal power supply.

Notice how the case of the Xbox 360 slopes inward allowing as little space as possible between the hardware and the case. This makes it nearly impossible to install a "mod chip" in the Xbox 360, but it also makes the console nearly impossible to cool properly. Again, people don't own their Xbox 360s, they rent them, and no modifications to the console will be tolerated.

On October 31st, 2006, Microsoft installed a "Fall Update" through Xbox Live that contained faulty code that disabled an unknown number of Xbox 360s. Thousands of consoles were �bricked� by the Fall update, and internet rumor has it that this was a deliberate tactic to disable modified consoles. Microsoft is again being sued by an Xbox 360 owner whose machine was disabled, that case is still pending.

All the bad press about Sony's launch of the PS3 is nothing in comparison to Microsoft's sleazy tactics. Microsoft ripped off their own customers when the withdrew support for the original Xbox. Then they marketed and sold the over-powered, poorly ventilated Xbox 360 without proper testing, just to ensure that they got the drop on Sony.

Now contrast Microsoft�s console launch with the debut of the Playstation 3. The biggest initial complaint against the PS3 was its unprecedented cost, $600 for the premium model. Of course press reports seldom mention that the console costs Sony over $800 to manufacture. That's because the CELL processor is expensive and the Blu-Ray disc drive is even more expensive.

There was an initial shortages of PS3s because the blue diode that powers the blue laser in the disc player is very sophisticated and hard to produce. Sony invested in more manufacturing capacity and airlifted PS3s to market in order to meet demand, and those shortages were soon overcome. Sony could do this because they actually make their own product.

Anyone who takes an unbiased look at the PS3 must admit that the console is an excellent machine. There were reports that Sony was using low quality components to reduce costs. But repeated analyses of disassembled PS3s have shown that the design and parts, including the Blu-Ray disc player, are of very high quality.

The Playstation 3 has more computing and graphics power than the Xbox 360, but customers who buy the PS3 are getting much more than a superior game console. A Wi-Fi internet connection is included on the deluxe version, and all models have a standard hard drive. This means that customers who buy a PS3 actually own their consoles.

In addition to accessing the internet and downloading files in any format, the PS3 even allows customers to choose their operating system. Linux is an open source OS with a growing fan base and increasing developer support. Several versions of Linux are now available on the PS3, some of which are free.

Sony is a world class electronics manufacturing company. They have given us the Walkman, the floppy disc, the CD and DVD, as well as the PlayStation game consoles. And to get where they are Sony had to compete against world class Corporations like Sega, Nintendo, and Toshiba.

Microsoft is a bunch of evil nerds who lucked into owning the instruction set for the PC, then hired a bunch of lawyers to enforce that monopoly. Microsoft is worth more than Ford Motor Company, Boeing, or Sony. And they�ve done this without manufacturing anything, or competing fairly against any other company.

Apple Computer created the Graphical User Interface for the Mac, yet it took Microsoft years just to copy Apple's innovation and deliver Windows with a GUI. Then came the web browser wars. And remember, Microsoft didn�t create a web browser until Netscape's Navigator was already installed on millions of computers.

Now its the console wars, and once again, Microsoft did not invent the game console.

Microsoft owns Windows and the new Vista Operating System, proprietary code that runs 90% of the world's Personal Computers. They own Direct X, the API that controls graphics on those PCs. Direct X is also the exclusive graphics software for the Xbox 360.

That means all PC games coded in Direct X can easily be ported to the Xbox 360, but not other platforms. In PC gaming, there was an open graphics standard called Open GL, that was championed by Apple, and numerous other Non Microsoft computer companies. Every time Microsoft updated Windows or Direct X, they attempted to stifle Open GL.

The Open GL standard is now represented by the Khronos Group, of which Sony is a member. Software written in Open GL will run on all platforms, whereas Direct X games only run on Windows and the Xbox 360. Since Microsoft controls the Windows monopoly, they can spend billions to subsidize the Xbox 360, and extend the Direct X API.

That's really what this console war is all about. If Sony's PlayStation 3 wins, or at least remains a viable competitor to the Xbox 360, then open standards and open systems will gain market share. If Microsoft wins, they will extend their computing monopoly to the console industry.

A. Scott Piraino

J. Peterman
05-22-2007, 08:32 AM
Nintendo > whatever that article says is going to win whatever war

mainly b/c of pokemon 4 me but whatever

article like whatever unless like they conceded the fact that nintendo is no. 1 and that sony and microsoft are battling for no. 2

i don't really care whatever goes no.2/3 but it seems like nintendo has won b/c like hype gots people to buy and like good games soon and like pokemon

but i only play ds now so like whatever marvin go buy ds and pokemon me and u we can have some epic battle i will even give you my specsmence maybe it is like awesome 27/0/28/30/30/31 spd last or something like that modest took me forever to breed man so maybe not may have some rejects though so maybe but like killer ivs could be 1 or 2 off but pretty sure atk is 0 and spd is 31

05-22-2007, 08:49 AM
I'm not going to lie, I'll admit that the other day I was very close to buying a Wii after walking around Best Buy and seeing about 20+ sitting in the cage and thinking about Super Paper Mario, Zelda and Metroid 3 later this year (I hear August now). I'm still a Nintendo fan at heart since growing up with it and defending it during the Nintendo/Sega wars. So Nintendo will always have a place in my heart which is why I still look for old Nintendo and Super Nintendo games.

I've looked passed the fact that Nintendo screwed over Sony and I can understand why since Sony was asking for a little too much, but regardless of all the PlayStation bashing, there's a reason why the PS2 sold so well. I love what Sony and Nintendo has had to offer me over the years. which is why I own all the systems except the Wii - yet.

But I haven't been a fan of Microsoft for many reasons and this artical touched on a lot, but not all, of those points. Microsoft didn't have to enter the console war, but they did because they were scared of Sony being a threat in replacing the PC which is silly and stupid. Sony was doing something that originally started as a Nintendo/Sony thing and Microsoft coming into the war makes me think that deep down Microsoft really wants to take both Nintendo and Sony out. Why? Monopoly. I think Microsoft is over rated, Monopoly hungry and a douche bag in the corporate game. In one word - Cunt.

And on a side note, Garamond, I will be buying another DS soon. I needs to play me some FFIII, Metroid, New Super Mario Bros and the FFIV remake.

J. Peterman
05-22-2007, 08:59 AM
marvin i like don't care about the console war only thing i know is 250 < 600 so i have wii

though i dunno ebay prices i should've bought a few more a few months ago when i saw them b/c i know the shipment dates store receives whatever could've got lots of wiis man money money w/e anways

get pokemanz i will hook u up with manaphy egg no doubt

05-22-2007, 09:00 AM
get pokemanz


J. Peterman
05-22-2007, 09:03 AM
u suck

05-22-2007, 09:05 AM

J. Peterman
05-22-2007, 09:12 AM
i am pokemon trainer
i battle against those who are not and hate the pokemon
that is why

05-22-2007, 09:14 AM
But if I am not a trainer, that would make me not much of a challenge and undermine your strength. Wouldn't I just be a waist of time to fight?

J. Peterman
05-22-2007, 09:18 AM
by battle i mean not pokemon battle but political battle
against trainers i battle pokemon
and win

05-22-2007, 10:40 PM
this article is shit and shouldn't even be called an article.

i read the first 4 paragrahs and then stopped when i realized this "article" is really just a rant by some noob who's not happy with microsoft. words like "dissed" don't belong in articles. And none of the first 4 paragraphs even gets anywhere near having a point besides going back and forth from one area to another.

"xbox was released after ps2, and 360 before ps3, and propietary, and games are good still for ps2, and hardware is crap" wtf?

this guys' an idiot.

05-23-2007, 01:18 PM
I typed up a fairly long reply yesterday, but it failed to post and I lost it. Now I can't be bothered to do it all again, so I'll just say that Tact is spot-on.

MarvinStraight, you have a bit of a distorted view of the way corporations work. Of course Microsoft wants a monopoly. So does Sony. And Nintendo. That's why they try as hard as they do to release quality products and services. It's practically impossible for one to dominate the market, but the effort keeps the market progressing. However, you seem to think that Microsoft had no business making a gaming console in the first place. That's just not how a free market works.

05-24-2007, 03:34 AM
Well, all things considered, I feel that Sony has had too much power go to it's head. Forcing Lik Sang to bankruptcy and shut down and then scaring the other online resellers into not shipping the PS3 overseas wasn't exactly a very smart move.

And they wonder why the PS3 isn't selling.

Argus Zephyrus
05-24-2007, 04:15 AM
Piraino is gay, and I seriously doubt Microsoft will monopolize the gaming console.
Some of this person's comments are simply lame and probably unmitigated. This person needs to get whacked.