Lunchbox McGillicuddy
03-28-2002, 03:54 AM
I was supposed to draw the battle between my robot character and a marauder by Black Dragon. I had the whole thing planned out, drew my own design for Black Dragon's character, and had the original design of my robot to boot. Today I sit down to finish up, and I can't find ANY of the stuff.... I don't even know where I've put my sketches for other pictures I planned to do.... this really sucks!

To make this thread hold it's own, tell about times you've had great sketches you did and somehow they were misplaced before you could do something formal with them!

03-28-2002, 05:36 AM
sorry to hear that man but hey ill keep black dragon busy with my demon while you draw up some more drawins so its all good

Black Dragon
03-28-2002, 09:41 AM
Ktulu, if it helps I've got your scetches at my Web site.
I know it's not the same, but it's better than naught.
I was wondering what happened to you.
I didn't wanna push it.
I figured you'd sort it out.
I knew you were keen for a biff, so I just let you do what you gotta.

Stop talking and start drawing.
I've posted up everything so far, and you've done nothing but advertise. Let's make sure we've got a product to sell first.

Oh, and I lose my drawings all the time, and then come across ones I did ages ago.

03-29-2002, 01:02 AM
Yeah, I wanna see some action. I know I can't say much, but you've actually formally organised a fight Azazel. I don't see much work coming from you. Don't get me wrong, it is often hard to draw quickly, but geez!!! Even a preliminary sketch would be good.