05-20-2007, 07:50 AM
Okay, first of all i just saw this at the GameFAQS Message Board and it was initiated by TheaN. I just would like to bring it here.

For you, what are the criteria for a perfect game?

For me, much like TheaN, it would be a game with:
perfect SeeD rank
0 escape count
0 KO's for everyone, even GF's
all GF's at level 100
all characters at level 100 with perfect stats even if no magic or ability is junctioned
all weapons upgraded
all sidequests done
all items (aside from Chocobo World items i.e. Friendship and Ribbon) at 100 (yes, that includes Hungry Cookpot and Hero Trial)
all cards at 100 (except unique cards)

0 kills for Seifer and Edea
complete terms in the tutorial section

Anything else you might want to add?

05-20-2007, 07:59 AM
I have a save file with all the cards, all ultimate weapons, all the GF skills, all characters at 100, all GFs beside Bahamut and Eden at 100, and every sidequest I am aware of complete. Good enough for me, cause I'm not a stat max-er and there is no need for 100 of every item or cards.

I'm not THAT OCD. 88 hours. kthx :D

05-20-2007, 08:05 AM
Haha... I see.
I know not many people will take the challenge.
I used to be content with max stats before... but then again there's a higher level to take the game into.
Some call it madness.
Thus my name... �

05-20-2007, 08:10 AM
Surprisingly, I do have a life, but even if I didn't I still wouldn't stat-max. I COMPLETELY understand getting the most out of a game by completing side-quests and any and all collection systems. I derive much of my joy from those very things, but I've never had anyone explain to me the significance of getting 99/100 of every item in a game.

I'm open to hearing arguments, and welcome to the Shrine!

05-20-2007, 08:17 AM
Thank you for the warm welcome...
It has been a while since I laid my hands on my PS unit and FFVIII is really my all-time favorite game.
So before I do, I want to play it for the last time with everything it can do that I can do.
I am not really trying to impose this perfect criteria to anyone.
I know every gamer has his or her own perfect game.
And this is just to satisfy my personal OC-ness (you know what I mean)...

So feel free to add anything to the Ultimate Challenge. �

05-20-2007, 11:00 PM
I don't think you can get through the game with 0 escapes, you always have to escape from the X-ATM092 the first time don't you?

Anyway, I too have done most of the things on that list but drawn the line at stat-maxing and getting 100 of each item. I have tried to get at least one of every item possible in a game, but still had about a 1/2 pages empty before getting incredibly bored and just finishing the game. I have occaionally devoured enough for three characters to be able to have 255 strength with a good magic like Meteor junctioned, but that's the closest to stat-maxing I've come too.

Do you realise how long it would take to get 100 Holy Wars? :p I'm sure most people know of the refining process from Curse Spikes (I see it from your name even ;)) but just getting 100 of them to get a Dark Matter took more than long enough. Good luck in trying, but no matter how much you like FF8 (and it is my favourite in the series too) I don't think you'll ever even get close to refining a Holy War.

If you want to try a different kind of challenge, try completing the game without ever junctioning any GFs. I tried this many years ago and got stuck with the Propogators and eventually had to give up, but other people had got Odin (at the time I didn't consider it allowed as people originally referred to it as a no GF game, but the rules were flexed a bit to no junctioning :p). Or if you want to be ultra hardcore, combine that with what you're already doing. =o

Argus Zephyrus
05-22-2007, 02:29 AM
I don't think you can get through the game with 0 escapes, you always have to escape from the X-ATM092 the first time don't you?

Anyway, I too have done most of the things on that list but drawn the line at stat-maxing and getting 100 of each item. I have tried to get at least one of every item possible in a game, but still had about a 1/2 pages empty before getting incredibly bored and just finishing the game. I have occaionally devoured enough for three characters to be able to have 255 strength with a good magic like Meteor junctioned, but that's the closest to stat-maxing I've come too.

Do you realise how long it would take to get 100 Holy Wars? :p I'm sure most people know of the refining process from Curse Spikes (I see it from your name even ;)) but just getting 100 of them to get a Dark Matter took more than long enough. Good luck in trying, but no matter how much you like FF8 (and it is my favourite in the series too) I don't think you'll ever even get close to refining a Holy War.

If you want to try a different kind of challenge, try completing the game without ever junctioning any GFs. I tried this many years ago and got stuck with the Propogators and eventually had to give up, but other people had got Odin (at the time I didn't consider it allowed as people originally referred to it as a no GF game, but the rules were flexed a bit to no junctioning :p). Or if you want to be ultra hardcore, combine that with what you're already doing. =o
And you have to use the weapons you start with only o_O'
No upgrades!

05-22-2007, 04:14 AM
I echo Knegative --- something like this just isn't for me.

05-22-2007, 10:28 PM
Okay, first of all i just saw this at the GameFAQS Message Board and it was initiated by TheaN. I just would like to bring it here.

For you, what are the criteria for a perfect game?

For me, much like TheaN, it would be a game with:
perfect SeeD rank
0 escape count
0 KO's for everyone, even GF's
all GF's at level 100
all characters at level 100 with perfect stats even if no magic or ability is junctioned
all weapons upgraded
all sidequests done
all items (aside from Chocobo World items i.e. Friendship and Ribbon) at 100 (yes, that includes Hungry Cookpot and Hero Trial)
all cards at 100 (except unique cards)

0 kills for Seifer and Edea
complete terms in the tutorial section

Anything else you might want to add?

Holy hell that would take forever. I had an account were I had every GF maxed out, max stats with magic, I'm not sure if any of my characters were Ko'd, all sidequests done and weapons upgraded, and a majority of the cards but not every one. Thats good enough for me. About a solid 85 hours or so.

05-28-2007, 01:03 PM
First of all, I know not many will take or even think of taking this challenge.
Yes it might take "forever," but it is after all a PERFECT game.
It is an a sense, INSANE. :)

I don't think you can get through the game with 0 escapes, you always have to escape from the X-ATM092 the first time don't you?

I am also doubtful of the 0 escape thing, that is why I am trying to figure out if you can kill the X-ATM092 during the first battle.

Keep sending your ideas of the criteria for a perfect game.

05-29-2007, 04:19 AM
I am also doubtful of the 0 escape thing, that is why I am trying to figure out if you can kill the X-ATM092 during the first battle.
Everything I have ever read before has said that it simply isn't possible. You have to escape that very first time.

05-30-2007, 09:20 AM
Well, I can attest that it's not easy to trash X-ATM092 unless you already leveled up a lot (*cough* or risk using a game shark *cough*). That beast is very powerful at the level you encounter it, fully heals itself after a few, and with around 5000ish HP and you can do around a 200-700 damage to it at best (assuming only one can summon Quetzal and the other two are casting lightning magic), and you need to take it out by 25 minutes. It'll take 3 Quetzalcoatl casters or level 50 characters to be able to deal with it that swiftly.

For me, I tried with the following settings:

Squall: Junctioned to Quetzal, Attack, GF, Draw, Item
Selphie: Junctioned to Ifrit, Attack, Magic, Draw, Item
Zell: Junctioned to Shiva, Attack, Magic, Draw, Item

Managed to take the monster down to 2000HP before it fully heals. Quetzal was doing 700HP hits, but the others could only make 200HP hits max.

Edit: I have a plan
Well, I was thinking it over during the second half of my work day (not feeling too good. I'm recovering from the flu since catching it on Monday, but I have stuff to settle at the office so I did not take the days off), and I've decided to start yet another new game to see how far I can take it. The plan: Make sure Shiva also knows Elem-Atk-J, and then for the Selphie and Zell, I will equip them with Shiva and Ifrit respectively and junction lightning to their attack. For Squall, I will equip him with Quetzal (yes, I actually renamed my Quetzacoatl GF to Quetzal. I also have with me a plush talking Cassie with glowing dragon badge, but that's off topic). Currently Shiva's 30/160 through Elem-Atk-J with Str-J done. 200 lightning magic has been gathered by Squall and Quistis from the fire cave and the plains. I will be taking the next two days off work since I've successfully settled the pending tasks I have at work but still haven't recovered from my flu bout completely, so we'll see how far we could go from here. I'll say it's about to get interesting.

05-31-2007, 04:14 AM
For me, much like TheaN, it would be a game with:
perfect SeeD rank
0 escape count
0 KO's for everyone, even GF's
all GF's at level 100
all characters at level 100 with perfect stats even if no magic or ability is junctioned
all weapons upgraded
all sidequests done
all items (aside from Chocobo World items i.e. Friendship and Ribbon) at 100 (yes, that includes Hungry Cookpot and Hero Trial)
all cards at 100 (except unique cards)

0 kills for Seifer and Edea
complete terms in the tutorial section


100 of all magic, even APOCALYPSE.

05-31-2007, 07:55 PM
Everything I have ever read before has said that it simply isn't possible. You have to escape that very first time.

But if you have to, it wouldnt ruin the perfect game thing, as it is part of the story. I dont really remember how that part works though. You couldnt just level for hours and hours before hand and defeat it the first time?

06-01-2007, 01:43 AM
Not that I know of. As far as I know, it simply has the ability to regenerate on endless the very first time you face it. It has endless "lives" in that very first battle --- no matter how many times or how powerfully you strike it down, it just keeps getting back up. (And of course, eventually the clock would run out, no matter what.)

Per the SeeD Rank Guide at GameFAQs:

"You will receive a 100 point bonus on your SeeD rank report if you manage to defeat the X-ATM092. It is possible to defeat it, and you can accomplish this in any battle except the first."

Also from Zenalasca's FAQ/Walkthrough:

"The first time you fight the X-ATM092 you will never be able to defeat it--instead the party takes turns at expressing their exasperation. So, summon Quezacotl and after a short period of time you'll get the opportunity to run from the battle. This does not affect your SeeD record."

So it would seem it just isn't possible to defeat it that very first time, you have to escape from it. And therefore, obviously, it wouldn't ruin the Perfect Game, since I would assume the Perfect Game couldn't / wouldn't include anything that simply isn't possible without hacking the statistics with a GameShark or something.

06-01-2007, 04:21 AM
Oh, I see now. Its been a little while since I played FF VIII. Ive come to realize its really not that good.

06-01-2007, 08:27 AM
Ok, here's the scoop on my end. I achieved the following stats this early in the game through excessive mindless grinding.

Game version: PSOne version running on ePSXe

My stats:
Zell: L17, Junctioned to Ifrit, Atk junctioned to Thundara
Squall: L26, Junctioned to Shiva, Atk junctioned to Thundara
Selphie: L16, Junctioned to Quetzal.

Quetzal is at L30, Shiva at L34, Ifrit at L23, and Sylph at L3

I made a gamesave at the Dollet comm tower base.

I went out and took on the X-ATM092. I can tell you this: it cheats.

I started out doing one draw of Protect for posterity, then proceeded to summon Quetzal and Shiva. It was pretty much getting it's ass handed to it on a silver platter: Shiva was dishing out devastating diamond dust blows at around 1300HP and Quetzal was dealing Somewhere between 1700-1800HP with Thunder Storm.

On the second round, I quickly summoned Ifrit, Which did 1300HP using Hellfire, Shiva which did 1500HP this time, Quetzal didn't have a chance to pull off the attack. Before the blitz of attacks started, X-ATM092 announced that it's repairing at 40%. But as soon as the blitz hits, calculation tells you it has 5500HP, It's already been dealt some 3000HP, and 2500HP to go, right?
Wrong. After Ifrit and Shiva hit(a total of 2800HP), Logic tells you that it should die, or if you didn't do enough damage, it would continue counting down. It didn't.

It just stood up as if the repair was successful.

So, yeah. It cheats.

06-01-2007, 03:35 PM
i got a file with every1 level 100 includin gf's and all side quests done got all weapons and most items. 142 hours tho =D

06-03-2007, 03:55 AM
I am planning to level both Squall and Zell to 100 (Seifer included except he does not get any killing blow) and all the 3 GF's during the Dollet Mission (Str Bonus alternately junctioned to Squall and Zell depending on who is going to level up), draw 100 Thundagas for all, junction Water to Str.

Yes, I will level them up to 100 since this is not a No-Level Game.
I was wondering if the average Party Level is determined by your current party or by all characters available. Anyway, that would mean that X-ATM092 would be at least level 55 with 15332 HP to level 70 with 20770 HP (Final Fantasy 8 Hit Points Algorithm/Base Experience Guide Compilied By: Scott Clemmons). They will all be at critical to dish out massive damage while Selphie summons a level 100 Quezacotl, easily dealing 9999 damage (possible even without Boost).

Give me two weeks to confirm (I am still setting up the house I just moved in to) if this setup is possible to defeat X-ATM092 and therefore avoid escaping from it.

Thanks for all those who posted their ideas/contributions. Keep them coming! :)

06-03-2007, 04:25 AM
I can take of it. I have a savefile editor for the PC version that I can use to boost all the levels to 100, etc. etc. I will just max everything out and then give it a go. If that doesn't do it, then I think would prove that it simply isn't possible. I'll report back on that ASAP, possibly later this evening, possibly sometime tomorrow afternoon...

Edit --- well, I confirm what we already pretty much knew. I hit with round after round after round of damage that should have been more than enough to annihilate it, were it possible, and it still kep "repairing itself." You have to escape from it, plain and simple. There is no other way. No amount of leveling, no amount of damage will do it. The battle is rigged so that it's unbeatable.

06-03-2007, 11:02 AM
its imposable to beat fully but u still get 50ap for takin all its hp away instead of dieing it just repairs itself it does it everytime so it pointless tryin to wipe it out by doing all that training which would take months by fightin the creatures available because even at high levels the exp of them is low

06-04-2007, 03:31 AM
its imposable to beat fully but u still get 50ap for takin all its hp away instead of dieing it just repairs itself it does it everytime so it pointless tryin to wipe it out by doing all that training which would take months by fightin the creatures available because even at high levels the exp of them is low
Well, I agree with Agent. You cannot defeat it on first try - that battle is rigged. However, when you encounter it again on the second try on the way down the hill, it's completely beatable if you trained enough (you don't need too high levels to deal it off - my party did it with the earlier mentioned stats, which took only 2 days to reach (game time: around 8 hours before taking on Biggs/Wedge and the giant hornet monster)). However, there is one additional factor: timing. You must time your attacks accordingly so that the repair counter hasn't reach 100% when your second barrage of GF attacks hit. Also, in my case, it apparently will succeed in repairing itself the first time, but on the second it will definitely give in if your timing is right and your attacks are hard. For your troubles you get to access a draw point in the city square if you do take out X-ATM092. Also, I took it down on the third encounter. I ran from the first on in front of the comm tower, and from the second one after it succeeded in repairing itself twice.

06-04-2007, 10:34 AM
hmmm didnt know that only heard that u could befeat it on the bridge but no1 i kno has ever done it but since u aparrently have so nice 1

06-04-2007, 04:13 PM
Hmmm... so it is quite impossible to have a No Escape game.
So I guess the Perfect Game would have one Escaped Battle then...

I know you can take X-ATM092 down at lower levels (it is actually better that way). The reason I have level 100 Squall and Zell is that this is supposed to be a No Escape game (well One Escape game thanks to X-ATM092), No KO's, no kills for Seifer (optional) and in order to have the 75 monster kills for the 100 Attack for the SeeD score, the party must level up. This is after all NOT a No Level Up game.

Plus, doing so eliminated the problem of not being able to get good items (such as Adamantine) for weapon upgrading (I like using Minotaur in Triple Triad) and getting 100 of each possible item.

Thank you for clearing that necessary escape from X-ATM092.
Keep those messages coming. :)

06-05-2007, 01:35 AM
No prob. It was beginning to feel a bit like Captain Ahab and Moby Dick there. Glad we could set that one straight once and for all.


no kills for Seifer (optional)
Easy enoough to do and and probably preferable anyway, since there's really no point in getting any extra EXP for Seifer.

Oh and:

perfect SeeD rank
Without using the SeeD exam in the menu to cheat the rank, I assume?

06-05-2007, 01:47 AM
Easy enoough to do and and probably preferable anyway, since there's really no point in getting any extra EXP for Seifer.
Exactly my thought too. Giving him experience is worthless, especially since he's the enemy later on in the game.

Without using the SeeD exam in the menu to cheat the rank, I assume?
You can do that? Cool. Need to try it out sometime.

06-05-2007, 01:53 AM
You can do that? Cool. Need to try it out sometime.
You can totally do that. The best (easiest and cheapest) way to do it is to just visit someplace like GameFAQs and grab the answer key. Offhand, I believe the guide there called "SeeD Rank Guide" has it.

06-09-2007, 02:43 PM
No prob. It was beginning to feel a bit like Captain Ahab and Moby Dick there. Glad we could set that one straight once and for all.

Yup. So the Perfect game would have only 1 and only 1 Escaped Battle (made mandatory thanks to X-ATM092)

Without using the SeeD exam in the menu to cheat the rank, I assume?

Of course! :)

06-12-2007, 05:13 AM
Probably another thing to add to the list:

Being able to pull off the uncoupling of the trains during the first mission without being caught. I sucked and took some 9 - 10 tries before I finally made it.

06-12-2007, 05:16 AM
It's impossible to get all items at 100 without cheating. For example: there is only one Rosetta Stone in the entire game.

06-13-2007, 12:41 AM
Nah, you can get more (admiteddly rarely) from the card players in the prison or through refining.

06-13-2007, 04:58 AM
Really? I never did the whole card mod thing. I did have all the cards before but never really checked to see what I can get using the card mod.

06-15-2007, 08:06 AM
Really? I never did the whole card mod thing. I did have all the cards before but never really checked to see what I can get using the card mod.

You can get a lot of useful stuff by modding cards, and sometimes refining the items further.
For example, you can get quistis' most powerfull blue magic by modding cards and refining 100 of the items. ( I think it was curse spikes )

06-15-2007, 10:39 PM
try reaching lvl 100 1 member at first disc (training grounds) XD

06-17-2007, 01:45 AM
try reaching lvl 100 1 member at first disc (training grounds) XD
Shouldn't be too hard. Because of my experiment with X-ATM092, Squall is already in his 30s when I'm supposed to get to Galbadia garden (thanks to lots of mad training and drawing).

06-17-2007, 01:48 AM
Now, I don't know if what I'm about to say is accurate, since I don't stat-max, but wouldn't leveling up that high, that early prevent you from taking advantage of the level bonuses of later GFs, thus hurting your chances of having perfect stats w/o junctioning or equippable stat bonuses (as stated in the original post)?

06-17-2007, 02:10 AM
but wouldn't leveling up that high, that early prevent you from taking advantage of the level bonuses of later GFs, thus hurting your chances of having perfect stats w/o junctioning or equippable stat bonuses (as stated in the original post)?
Good point. But I guess if you want to defeat X-ATM092 and get mug early, what are the other choices?

(Btw, I already missed out on a chance to get a perfect game. I forgot to talk to Cid after the SeeD inauguration ceremony and missed out on the Battle Meter).