05-19-2007, 01:56 PM
Hi all.

Here's a rare album for you all; the Image Album for the Appleseed manga comics/Databooks (as far as I know). The music on it is largely taken from the Appleseed OVA from 1988; the animated (not CG) one that everyone seems to have forgotten! Sadly not all of the OVA's soundtrack is on it; there's a handful of tracks missing such as Fleia's Theme, the Main Title theme (how could they miss this one off :(?!), a couple of the other incidental music cues and so on, plus a couple of the tracks are now (incomplete) drama tracks with talking over ("Prologue" and "Appleseed"). Despite that, it's still a joy to have, and there's some extra tracks composed especially (not heard in the OVA).

It's a miracle I even managed to find it in the first place. I had to hit up the one single potentially lucrative result google yielded and contact someone directly to get it. It was a very long shot indeed. I've tried spreading it around over the last two years, but even now google still yields very few results or information about it. For this reason I'm putting it here for anyone's enjoyment. I really hope this appears on Galbadia; it'd make it a lot easier to find.

Download Link: Appleseed - Kinmiraiteki Ongaku Gakushuu Senka (Image Album) (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PK53J642)

192Kbps CBR Rip
Good quality covers.
Complete OST info txt file.
Fully tagged with track-specific vocalist, narrator, lyricist and composer credits. Tagging and whatnot was done by SonRyu (www.sonryudesigns.com) after I sent it to him. Thanks to him the soundtrack is less scarce than previously, looks like he shared it around some places online... maybe he has even put it here before? Only I didn't see anything appear on this site yet, so I presume not.

Enough blabbering. Enjoy!

05-20-2007, 01:13 AM
Brilliant! Appleseed was the first anime DVD I ever bought, I'd been wondering if there was an album of it floating around anywhere - and here it is plus full tags! Ta very much!

Nice to see a fellow South Gloucestershirian too!

05-20-2007, 04:25 AM
Nice :)

05-20-2007, 12:57 PM
Brilliant! Appleseed was the first anime DVD I ever bought, I'd been wondering if there was an album of it floating around anywhere - and here it is plus full tags! Ta very much!

Nice to see a fellow South Gloucestershirian too!

Aside from Appleseed 2004, it's the ONLY anime DVD I've ever bought! There's plenty of other stuff I'd buy if I had the cash to spare though...mostly cyberpunk 8).

I think the soundtrack must be incredibly scarce. I'm wondering if there was only ever one promo copy sold, or otherwise had a very limited pressing. It's strange that it'd be so rare. I mean, Appleseed was quite popular at the time I thought.

Also, that's strange, you're the second Gloucestershirian I've seen on these boards so far, and strangely both within the confines of Appleseed discussion: Thread 33025

Strange world indeed! Just when I thought I was all alone in the world with these eccentric pursuits.

byblo: glad you appreciate it :).

Kawaii Sasami Jurai
05-22-2007, 08:39 AM
*reads post* The soundtrack from the *original* (1988) "Appleseed" movie?

*goes into hyper fangirl mode, complete with glittery star-eyes* ZOMG!!!!!!

:love: :angel: DOMO ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU, Goniochromism-sama!!!!! :angel: :love:

*throws confetti and flowers*

Dude, where did you score this awesome CD? I've been trying to find the track, "Crystal Celebration" for-bloody-ever!!!

*proceeds to bow before your awesomeness*

How did you do it?!?!?!

:angel: Until next time, ja mata ne! Bai bai! :angel:

05-22-2007, 09:57 AM
Hahaha wow, that's the most colourful display I've seen from anyone in a while.

Back in 2005, and having not seen it for years, I dusted off an old VHS tape and watched it again. I never remembered the music being so good when I was younger; maybe my tastes changed. I did some searching for information and rips for ages, but I couldn't find anything except one match at motorballer.org. I contacted Phil (the guy that runs the site), and he was happy enough to send me a rip of it. Very lucky indeed. He's sold the CD now - for uh, $200 or so on eBay. Crazy money, especially considering he snagged it from eBay himself for mere pocket change

... then earlier this year I sent it to SonRyu (since I searched for it on google again and found that he was looking for it on his CD list thing-me-do) and he sent it back to me with spiffed up tags.

That's more or less the whole story :P. I'm happy that people have received this well! I'm just disappointed that there is no title theme anywhere on it. Even if it were on another compilation somewhere it'd be something.

10-13-2007, 05:20 PM
*double-post bump from the darkest depths of ffshrine*

Just want to try and raise attention to this. The link still works, but it hasn't appeared on the main site yet (it's been nearly 5 months :D) is there anything else I need to do to get it on the main site? It's still quite obscure, and I'd rather it wasn't!

I have another fairly obscure soundtrack to upload too (Legend of the Dragon Kings OST), but I don't want to upload it unless I know it'll appear on the site :)

10-13-2007, 05:23 PM
i borrowed appleseed from my brother's friend. love the movie, hate the blood

10-13-2007, 06:16 PM
Interesting to find someone else who's traded with SonRyu. I've been sharing a lot of what I got from him here.

01-19-2008, 06:44 PM
As this upload still works, and I too positively love "Appleseed", it won't hurt to bump it. Thank you for the contribution.

02-17-2008, 03:37 PM
Did i hear right!? First appleseed now legend of the 4 kings, NO WAY!!! Ive been searching for LOTFK for absolutely ages, where exactly are you thinking of posting that you have doubts of it not appearing?

02-17-2008, 03:55 PM
WOW! I had no idea there even was a soundtrack... I am also an old school anime fan, this along with Dirty Pair, Real Ghostbusters, Mysterious Cities of Gold, Miyazaki, Golgo 13 and few others were my gateway introduction to anime. Thanks so much for this incredibly rare find! :)

02-19-2008, 07:35 AM
Thank you, I've been looking for this since my old cassette copy I got from an anime club went missing in the 90's.

04-27-2008, 04:24 PM
Bumpasaurus! The link still works, amazingly, but for how much longer? What do I have to do to get it on galbadia? :( anyway....

Did i hear right!? First appleseed now legend of the 4 kings, NO WAY!!! Ive been searching for LOTFK for absolutely ages, where exactly are you thinking of posting that you have doubts of it not appearing?

Agh, apologies for not seeing this earlier. I'll upload it to sendspace if you're still around and would like it. Just would be nice to see stuff this hard to obtain appear on the site.

04-27-2008, 05:04 PM
You may have to get in contact with the owner and uploader of Galbadia, and offer them up a copy of it. It won't just magically appear there, if they don't even know you want it to. xD
Oh, and if you can read Japanese, there seems to be an actual copy of this CD for sale/auction at http://page9.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/k50555882 actually two!! http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h41219987

06-22-2008, 09:57 PM
Wow, thank you so much! I've been looking for the Appleseed soundtrack for ages!

Goniochromism, I'm wondering if the guy you got the soundtrack from was actually the owner of 'Artistic Genius', a Shirow fansite. He has a little story about selling the CD for a couple hundred dollars!

06-22-2008, 10:01 PM
Yeah, that's who I contacted, and he generously provided me with a rip. I'm very thankful to him.

06-23-2008, 01:41 AM
Already got it at frst time I looked at it! XD
I really want a TRUE soundtrack.
The song, which i thinks its the main title, is one good song.....why the hell was it not on the image album?

There is already a thread of the ost of The Legend Of The Four Kings.
Th eoriginal name is Sohryuden

06-23-2008, 01:43 AM
The Legend of the four kings is here

Thread 41731

06-23-2008, 02:26 AM
Cool, Goniochromism. I once got the track "Olympus" from him a long time ago. Very nice!

The only two things I'm really bummed out about are that the soundtrack is missing the title screen music and the track "Prologue" has dialogue over the second half of it. Ah well, at least most of the music is intact :P

12-14-2008, 10:07 AM
Well, it seems this album is no longer obscure - I guess because the link still works :D lots of torrent info on the net now, plus two people have put up tracks on youtube. This makes me happy. Norimasa Yamanaka's music is very hard to find. He's done quite a handful of good soundtracks, but he's still barely known. :(

I really want a TRUE soundtrack.
The song, which i thinks its the main title, is one good song.....why the hell was it not on the image album?

Signed, I really want a proper soundtrack too (it even says in the credits "Soundtrack on King Record" - you call an image album a soundtrack now?!) One that has Fleia's Theme, a full version of Prologue with the extra sections (and no voices!), obviously the main theme (that track is awesome, I cannot believe it's not on this disc), plus all the other tracks that are either missing or have vocals plastered over them. I didn't care too much for Kenji Yamamoto's contributions on this CD... would have much rather had the tracks from the original score.

Cool, Goniochromism. I once got the track "Olympus" from him a long time ago. Very nice!

Hah, that's funny! When I e-mailed him around February 2005, he said he still had "Olympus" uploaded for someone else, and linked me to it. Maybe it was you!

The only two things I'm really bummed out about are that the soundtrack is missing the title screen music and the track "Prologue" has dialogue over the second half of it.

Yeah, it's a real shame, the main theme is such a killer track. Prologue is also missing some sections. I'm hoping at least the main theme is out there in full somewhere, maybe on an ultra obscure "anime main themes" album or something. Might be wishful thinking though :(

05-10-2009, 02:15 PM
THANK YOU VERY MUCH .. I can now ex that off my list ! and move on to finding Project AKO OST 3!

05-11-2009, 04:42 AM
Wow... what a find! Thanks a mil!

05-11-2009, 02:41 PM
Norimasa Yamanaka has one problem... very difficult to have a ost release of something by him. He almost needs to get kicked in the ass to release it. A lot of anime producers complains about this.
And we still dont have a real ost for this OVA. a lot of songs are missing. unless a good soul could rip it form the dvd version.

09-08-2013, 09:03 AM

05-31-2015, 11:32 PM
The link isn't working.

06-01-2015, 09:08 AM
Here's my copy. I've put it on Dropbox for now ~ I recommend uploading it somewhere else, though, since I will remove it soon. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jjorq50taeta6jm/appleseedimagealbum.rar?dl=0

06-01-2015, 11:47 AM
Thanks for this.

08-09-2015, 04:06 AM
The link is no longer working. Is there any other way to obtain a download for this album?

08-09-2015, 09:05 AM
Here's my copy. I've put it on Dropbox for now ~ I recommend uploading it somewhere else, though, since I will remove it soon. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jjorq50taeta6jm/appleseedimagealbum.rar?dl=0

May you re-upload this ost, please!

07-09-2016, 04:33 PM
Looking to download a copy of this I had it orginally and I love Civvy Street now and I cant listen to it cause i lost it :(

10-08-2016, 09:35 AM
anyone have this?

10-08-2016, 06:12 PM
Here's a new link guys.
Thanks goes to the original uploader