05-17-2007, 11:08 AM
What do you think of the new style of Snake, in MGS4 ?
What did you think, when you saw it for the first time ? Better, worse, too old ?
Me, I thank he has changed, too changed ... I prefer him young, and you ?

05-17-2007, 11:13 AM
Although I have yet to experience what he'll be like in MGS4 I do prefer him young and rough looking.
Can't say I like the moustache and costume much but my opinion may change.

05-17-2007, 11:22 AM
While like Enya I do prefer Snake young and rough looking like a super sexy beast hound, I feel that the era and feel of the game is fitting for what could and probably will be Snakes last outing, with Kojima at the helm at least.

Then again, pre-release trailers for MGS games always trick us in one way or another. I wouldn't be surprised if the futuristic setting we currently see is a story device that could have been a "bad future" if Snake didn't stop Ocelot after the incident at the Big Shell with the 'real" games being set straight after MGS2.

05-17-2007, 03:37 PM
I prefer him young too, I voted "he was better on the first two MGS". I also saw that 5 other people have already voted, glad to see that my thread interest you ! =)
Well, in this trailer of August 2006, at the end of the video, we can see that Snake removes a mask, and behind this mask, hides young Snake, of which we are in the habit since the first Metal Gear. It would be then a practical joke ? Or Snake wears a mask to disguise ?

05-17-2007, 06:35 PM
Then again, pre-release trailers for MGS games always trick us in one way or another. I wouldn't be surprised if the futuristic setting we currently see is a story device that could have been a "bad future" if Snake didn't stop Ocelot after the incident at the Big Shell with the 'real" games being set straight after MGS2.

Gotta love Kojima for that reason.

Always *something* up his sleeve.

I preffered him younger [even though in MGS1 he was 'getting old' ("Age hasn't slowed you down a bit")]-- but I'm sure Kojima will make us all love the old him by the time the game is done.

What I'd really like is a remake of Metal Gear. From the time between Snake Eater and MGS1. When Big Boss really loses it-- you can start seein that near the end of Snake Eater.


05-20-2007, 08:02 AM
The majority of people think he's too old for now.
It's true, but he's not too old to fight in MGS4 I think, right ? It's already a good thing, if he's still the strong Snake of the first two MGS.

05-20-2007, 12:23 PM
he was much better in the other mgs games, but he probably isnt really old like he looks