05-17-2007, 06:50 AM
More Info on Little Big Planet
- The SIXAXIS controls are amazingly intuitive: the D-pad selects a variety of facial features, the analog sticks act as ways to wave your arms (L2 and R2, when pressed, allow independent arm movement with the two sticks), then tilting the controller actually moves the character's head. Combining these all in a variety of ways will cause the character to move differently (dejected shuffle, happy jaunt, etc).
- Your character is the game's star and designer, from the article: "A button press brings up a thought-bubble menu system, and a cursor that's tethered to your character by a luminous colour-coded kite string. With this you can place objects in the world, decide their physical properties, move them, reshape them, create new ones from scratch, apply stickers, paint pictures, add sound, import photos, design costumes ..."
- No word on a submission process for getting these levels out there for others to play, but the possibilities are huge and there's nothing like watching some friends come over and try to play your impossible level designs. A worry is cost -- copyrighted material (like a Mario Bros. stage remade), **bleep**o plastered everywhere, etc., will really add up the cost of red tape and moderating the program.

Lots more info here!. (