05-13-2007, 10:04 PM
I like to draw fantasy. Monsters, Sci-Fi, Dragons, Demons, etc. I suck horribly at drawing people though. I'm also a bit of a...fickle...person with how I want something to look, but what artist isn't? :-P

I usually doodle, whenever I'm bored. I usually incorporate Video games and my strange sense of humor into my doodles, like the following:

You need to know of the notorious Doom comic before you get one of the jokes.

And a crazy, pyromaniac Mario...

Those were just silly simple doodles. I drew this in about 20 minutes or so, on a Bancorp pad :-P

Its Cthulu, from the Lovecraft series "Call of Cthulu". I don't know why, Squid people are easy for me I guess.

Now for a more serious one, that I spent about 7 or so hours on: A MUCH better and more detailed picture of Cthulu.

Now, this is just the tip of the Iceberg, as I have tons more pictures that I spent a long time on, like the one above. I never had an interest in joining an Art site just to post pics, but I did this just for fun. And most of the creatures I draw, I'm going to try to implement into my current RMXP project. I think I'm gonna color that Cthulu picture in Photoshop, and import it in as a battler. But thats another thing for another day.

Oh, and here was another picture I made. It was semi-inspired by Final Fantasy, with Addramalech from FFTA.

It looks a little faded in some spots since I put it in photoshop in an effort to remove those annoying blue lines (I need some good drawing paper...)

07-21-2007, 10:05 PM
Not bad, not bad at all. Cthulu is awesome btw, a good inking would be fantastic.

01-05-2008, 04:13 AM
I did some editing in Photoshop with the Cthulu. I changed it around a bit. I didn't want to Ink it because I was afraid I'd ruin the original.

And a colored version of the cartoony one.

And this one is a work in progress. Yeah, it looks like a 10 year old drew it, but I guess thats just my style. Or rather my style for this particular monster anyway.