05-12-2007, 11:47 PM

A group of first class staff has come together to surpass all boundaries in creating a next generation RPG. Hironobu Sakaguchi is the producer of this game and he is joined by character designer, Kazu Inoue, Script Writer Kiyoshi Shigematsu and Music Director Nobuo. Apart from Mistwalker, this group also collaborated in the development of Feel-Plus and MGS.

The main character of the game is a man named Kaim who has been burdened with the destiny of living for 1000 years. His heart has been withered by greed and betrayal. However, humans will always cry because of the tenderness that rest deep inside their hearts.

Kaim lives in a tumultuous world after an Industrial Revolution carried out by demons. The demons have made it possible for human beings to obtain evil and the greed of the humans has turned this world upside-down. It is in this world that Kiam meets with his friends, fights with them and separates with them.

A dramatic storyline and overwhelming feelings are brought forth visually with the power of next generation equipment.

This is an extra-large, totally new game that is full of new challenges and one that is worthy of the classification of next generation.

Mist Walker:

The creative company of Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of Final Fantasy, is made up of an elite few whose style comes from the essence of their collective experience, and who plan new games based on the best parts of previous whilst also improving on them. For details on Mist Walker go to http://www.mistwalker.info/ .

Feel Plus:

We are a development company producing large-scale RPG. We have a well-experienced staff and external network and development systems, strong game design, art work, programming as well as sound and pre-render movie capabilities.

We are now putting all our energy into the development of Lost Odyssey and we are developing visual images that enhance the normal wonder of next generation equipment and will be providing new experiences that will stimulate players� senses world wide.

For details on Mist Walker go to http://www.feelplus.jp/index.php

Quelle: www.xbox.com

Previews, Features and News: (http://xbox360.ign.com/objects/731/731773.html)

70% Complete:

Mistwalker's first Xbox 360 RPG hasn't even hit American shores yet, but interest for its second effort, Lost Odyssey, is starting to swell across the seas in Japan. A recent issue of Famitsu had an update on the status of Mistwalker's upcoming RPG provided by Hironobu Sakaguchi himself. A Microsoft representative confirmed to IGN that the game is now 70% complete and provided us with a translated transcription of the article.

According to the Famitsu article, Sakaguchi commented that the overarching theme in Lost Odyssey is "humanity" and the music is being composed to reflect inner emotions. The music director Nobuo Uematsu is nearly done with the music and it will be a big change in style from Mistwalker's first Xbox 360 RPG, Blue Dragon.
He also went on to say that the latest build of Lost Odyssey is far enough along that the team has gone into the balancing and tuning portion of development. The load times are being reduced so that they are becoming less noticeable as well.

Sakaguchi also confirmed in the article that Lost Odyssey will have a fixed camera system, though it will move to provide realism through "camera vibration and focus effects."

Perhaps the most interesting part of Sakaguchi's comments centered on the battle system. According to the article, Lost Odyssey will employ a wall system which will require players to ensure that the front guards protect the rear. Enemies will use these formations as well and Mistwalker plans to add an "analog trigger system for physical attacks" to breech the walls.
In an in-depth Q&A session at the end of the article, Sakaguchi explained that magical attacks in Lost Odyssey are much more powerful than physical attacks, so sorcerers will have to be protected with the front line while they do their thing. He went on to hint that acquired skills will be needed to equip accessories and that the obtainable skills will vary between mortals and immortals in the game. He then told readers that item synthesis will work through combining items infused with magical power along with a basic weapon.

Sakaguchi finished his comments by saying that the team is working "full-power" on Lost Odyssey, so expect new details to surface shortly.

Fellplus Interview:

LINK (http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20070507/sheffield_01.shtml)

Nakazato Talks Lost Odyssey, Western Success In Japan

In an extremely honest interview with Gamasutra, Feelplus president Ray Nakazato, himself a Capcom and Microsoft veteran, discusses everything from the state of the Japanese industry to work on Lost Odyssey, the Xbox 360 game his developer is making with Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi.

In this excerpt, Nakazato, who was also previously at Electronic Arts, talks about the publisher's reception in Japan and why Western companies have trouble breaking into the market:

"EA is the only Western company that's surviving in Japan, so you could maybe say that EA is successful in Japan. But it's very hard for Western companies to succeed in Japan. I think it's all about perception, really. In the early days of the games market, Japanese games were pretty interesting back then, while many games from overseas were seen as being bad. Now, you'll find a lot of interesting and fun games coming from North America and Europe, but because of that experience that we have from the early 1990s, people tend to stay away from Western games."

[State of Lost Odyssey]

On the state and structure of Feelplus' Sakaguchi co-developed exclusive Xbox 360 RPG, Lost Odyssey, Nakazato reveals the intricacies of the game's structure:

"Basically, it's turn-based, but we put some real-time flavor to it. It's more strategic than real-time action. The basic structure is turn-based - you walk around in the adventure portion, then you encounter monsters, and it comes to a battle scene. It�s not seamless � it�s adventure, then battle, then adventure, then battle. As you progress, there will be a lot of things you have to concentrate on in the battle scenes, and also you'll need to focus on timing. It's turn-based, strategic combat with some real-time features."

Nakazato also talks at length about recent trends with Japan turning more to Western middleware and engines, and the problems Japanese developers face in doing so, and mentions his own struggles with earlier versions of Unreal Engine 3:

"It was hard, because it was a new platform, and Unreal Engine 3 itself was in development, so we had to deal with incomplete middleware. We actually released a Lost Odyssey demo in Japan in November, though we finished it in June of last year. Back then, the Unreal Engine was still incomplete, so we had to release something on incomplete middleware. That was hard. I think that demo was actually the first thing that was released using Unreal Engine 3; it was before Gears of War! We had to do a lot of workaround for that. Now that they've done Gears of War, the engine itself is much more stable.

Music and Movies:

LINK 1 (http://lostodyssey.de/Download-Center.htm)



English Unofficial Homepage (http://www.lost-odyssey.net/)

German Unofficial Homepage (www.lostodyssey.de)

I hope you like this ^^